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Thread: The Rapture Index

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  1. #1
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    Bro. That's why I get annoyed when these little atheists think they're so smart pick-pocketing little verses out of context. You need to actually study the bible as a whole. Again:

    When you study it properly, it all comes together
    I've studied the bible as a whole; I promise I've studied it better than you. There's no "context" missing here. Paul says faith-alone saves; James says "As you can see, a man is justified by his deeds, and not by faith alone." There's no possible "context" that can make James say the exact opposite of what he says here.

    I'm going to stop replying since you aren't engaging with anything I've said. No matter how much you cite Paul you can't make James say the opposite of what he says.

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    Default Light of the World

    Light of the World

    Shine BRIGHT

    Don't let Evil Grow ......Into something you can't handle.

    Cell: “You shouldn’t be throwing your life away like this. No one will know. Just let me leave.”

    Trunks:There is someone watching. And laughing. A friend of mine that you killed in the past. He’s someone I could never let down.

    Cell: “Don’t worry. You’ll be seeing your friend shortly.

    Trunks: “We’ll see about that.”

    Cell: “Yes we will. You won’t be alone. There’s a long list. Now you too will be a part of me. That’s right. I’m going to suck you up. Your energy will be refreshing. A nice treat to start off my journey in the time machine.”

    Trunks: “Enough, you freak!”

    Cell: “Don’t you shush me, you little punk!”

    Trunks: “You’re overconfident, Cell.”

    Cell: “There’s no reason not to be. I’ve come across thousands like you.”

    Trunks: “Yes you have. But count me as the last!

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-06-2022 at 06:33 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Get on da Lifeboat, Son

    Get on da Lifeboat, Son

    Even though there’s mass chaos around us and things seem to be falling apart; this is only true if we look at things from the world’s paradigm

    From a Christian paradigm, all this was to be expected, and things are actually coming together

    Even though the Titanic is supposedly sinking, there is a lifeboat, and that lifeboat is Jesus Christ.

    If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ into your life, it’s never too late. It also requires no effort or “being religious” on your part; simply realize you are a sinner and in need of a saviour - this is Jesus Christ. Accept Him into your life as your Lord and Savior, who died on the cross for the sins of the world, that’s it!!

    As it says in John 3:16,

    For God so Loved the World, that He gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.

    For those that are already saved, use this time to warn others and also try to get as many other people on the lifeboat as well!!

    Be the one to instill the Hope that people need.

    Here is Dr Kynan going through this simple process :

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-14-2022 at 01:39 PM.

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