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Thread: Why EIE will not fit me

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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Default Why EIE will not fit me

    I wrote it out all here:

    I am a result type.

    The EIE reserves a slot for process. They have to go through the whole motion and cannot embark where left off. They will need repeat and need go from beginning to end. I am contrary; I skip all around, I can take weeks or months off a project or book and resume right where started, and also another component of process is grasping details. I instead, grab the gist. Result type often are asserted as "vague", which Numerous time have been called. It is because a process type does not operate from a place of detail and instead, presents themes and the centralized point.

    As far as goes my starting and abandoning projects and being able resume, you can see how many books are on my "currently reading":

    Majority of them, I read no more than 5-10 pages and put them to side, and some I went halfway through and never plowed on through more, and a few of those books on my "read"/completed shelf, I had put off for a year in completion and resumed right where I had left off, unending to re-read entirety of plot. Some of the books, I even skipped around different chapters first, and did not read prior ones to them.

    The same pattern is seen in how I write things. I skip out of order, write different sections out, abandon for a few weeks, months or years, then resume right where I had left off.

    I am not Fi ignoring.

    I do indeed value relational intimacy. I hate not being close enough to others, but in due to being autistic, I am not always able anticipate the reactions others will have in regards to my actions and words. This results in me to look extremely bad in Fi; PolR or ignoring. Ignorers of Fi are Fe base, thus making me appear superficially of an Fe base.

    HA Se is lacking.

    I have no desire to presume control of others. I do not want to be forceful, and only will resort to aggression and violence when I am pushed past my own limits, or if people relentlessly wind me up, and I try my hardest to not let that happen, though, I do admire people who can be assertive and take control. (Being on spectrum makes me appear far more blunt and forceful than actually, I am).

    Fe base is lacking.

    Aside from emotionally expressing myself, every other component of an Fe base is in me, lacking. I do not read social hierarchies and my first course of action is to not read the emotional atmosphere and regulate it. Instead, my first action is to observe and reflect in my own mind. Notice themes and how things move.

    Ti is not 1D.

    I am too good with Ti for it to be only 1 dimensional. I am not extremely apt in it, however. And I always try display my ability to systemize things. Even Raptor had pointed out how I am good with utilizing systemic values. I make my own systems, and I can detect fallacies. However, it is not my first mode of operation, and I am not as on par int Ti as would be expected of a Ti ego. Instead, it is something I aspire to be, and I teach myself various mathematics. At thirteen, I had begun the teaching of myself, calculus. I got a bunch of math books I never read, because I aspired greatly in its proficiency.

    Te PolR is present.

    I have a very hard time quoting people when it will obfuscate my own perceptions and individuality. I only can utilize quotations when it will not jeopardize such thing, or when there is no other way to make explanation. Then I am forced to retort, or when people ask me I back up claims. I also am not very efficient and do not manage things very well. Because of this, I cannot even entrust to having a debit card.

    Si PolR is not present.

    I am by no means apt in Si, but I am not helpless on it. I do not immediately care for Si needs, but I can make do with them when prompted do so.

    It would be extremely contradictory to see someone professionally diagnosed with autism (numerous times), be an Fi or Fe base in Socionics, when Socionics bases on information metabolism, and Fe and Fi require the attaining of information in different mediums of reading others.

    Fi evaluates distance, Fe reads emotional atmosphere.

    Additional notes (not included in linked thread):

    I am a sexual 469 in some system. Archetypically-speaking, I am social when conflating to four, but in Riso Hudson's Enneagram methodology, I still am sexual, just as how am when not combining the archetypes. 4 and 6 are both reactive types, which can give an Se HA illusory as well. And Sx variant is most blunt and assertive of any variant.

    I am an Fe subtype, making me appear more Fe than actually, I am. I do not gain information or lead with Fe, but my Fe has emphasis added unto it.

    In addition, I am also a contact subtype.

    It would serve others well to know how autistic theory of mind deficit can obfuscate in one's presentation.

    What is Theory of Mind?

    Theory of mind is the ability to attribute mental states — beliefs, intents, desires, emotions, and knowledge — to ourselves and others.

    “As humans we assume that others want, think, believe and the like, and thereby infer states that are not directly observable, using these states anticipatorily, to predict the behaviour of others as well as our own. These inferences, which amount to a theory of mind, are to our knowledge, universal in human adults” (Premack & Woodruff, 1978).

    Having a theory of mind allows us to understand that others have unique beliefs and desires that are different from our own, enabling us to engage in daily social interaction as we interpret the mental states and infer the behaviors of those around us (Premack & Woodruff, 1978).
    In someone on the spectrum, this ability is deficit. This is why it at a fundamental level, is high unlikelihood one will see an autistic individual be based Fi or Fe.

    Then, people on spectrum have an innately hard time reading social atmospheres.

    With the base function being your passive, default mode of operation, it makes little sense to assume someone with autism as leading in a function that gains information from having read others.

    I have many times before, theorized that autism makes most sense in Ni base, not only because Jung and Gunleko asserted such, but because Se suggestive makes sensical with sensory seeking behavior, and Fe PolR (ILI) can make sense with constricted effect whereas in an IEI as myself, impaired executive functioning (which I have severely). The Te PolR.

    People with autism have trouble with organizational skills, regardless of their intelligence and/or age. Even a "straight A" student with autism who has a photographic memory can be incapable of remembering to bring a pencil to class or of remembering a deadline for an assignment. In such cases, aid should be provided in the least restrictive way possible. Strategies could include having the student put a picture of a pencil on the cover of his notebook or maintaining a list of assignments to be completed at home. Always praise the student when he remembers something he has previously forgotten. Never denigrate or "harp" at him when he fails. A lecture on the subject will not only NOT help, it will often make the problem worse. He may begin to believe he can not remember to do or bring these things.

    These students seem to have either the neatest or the messiest desks or lockers in the school. The one with the messiest desk will need your help in frequent cleanups of the desk or locker so that he can find things. Simply remember that he is probably not making a conscious choice to be messy. He is most likely incapable of this organizational task without specific training. Attempt to train him in organizational skills using small, specific steps.
    This sounds like Te ego or Te PolR (most organized versus least). And I only just literally found this. I did not read anything prior to reaching my conclusion.

    I have always had major issues in my ability to organize, which prompted me be special ed.
    Screen Shot 2021-06-25 at 19.42.42.png

    Screen Shot 2021-06-25 at 19.46.38.png
    It is my absolute weakest quality, as would expect in a Polr positioning. I did not used to be as expressive as I now am. If you read the paperwork, you will have seen I had to undergo an intensive program to work on not internalizing.

    With my particular childhood trauma and abuse, I do strive to be heard and seen, also congruent with image triad in the enneagram (my core is four). I think this may be what others see in me, that looks like I am this loquacious, talkative person. I am truly, not as expressive as seeming.

    I think people are conflating me being an image triad with extroversion. Introverted image types still will put themselves out there and express much of themselves.
    Last edited by Braingel; 06-26-2021 at 08:35 AM. Reason: excessive typo's
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    How old are you btw? I got a debit/credit card later than my peers too but I think you can be fine with one. It's not as hard or as intimidating as you think to manage it. A lot of it is just Ti common sense more than Te crap really, but I did get into it a bit later than most people did.

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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    How old are you btw? I got a debit/credit card later than my peers too but I think you can be fine with one. It's not as hard or as intimidating as you think to manage it. A lot of it is just Ti common sense more than Te crap really, but I did get into it a bit later than most people did.
    I am college age, yet have not yet started it (college).
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RevanLugia's Avatar
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    If you really need me to flesh out a detailed list of why I cannot be an EIE, I will do so.
    This should be interesting:

    I am a result type.

    The EIE reserves a slot for process. They have to go through the whole motion and cannot embark where left off. They will need repeat and need go from beginning to end. I am contrary; I skip all around, I can take weeks or months off a project or book and rescue right where started, and also another component of process is grasping details. I instead, grab the gist. Result type often are asserted as "vague", which Numerous time have been called. It is because a process type does not operate from a place of detail and instead, presents themes and the centralized point.

    Yes, You talked about how You "go with the flow" in a synchronized fashion with Your inner states, and I kind of relate to that too, entering the "creative field". So to hop around and flirt with various propositions and theories can be revolutionary.

    I am not Fi ignoring.

    I do indeed value relational intimacy. I hate not being close enough to others, but in due to being autistic, I am not always able anticipate the reactions others will have in regards to my actions and words. This results in me to look extremely bad in Fi; PolR or ignoring. Ignorers of Fi are Fe base, thus making me appear superficially of an Fe base.

    Aa, people are just crazy. You are very exalted at tapping the feeling axis of bonding and sweet vibration.

    HA Se is lacking.

    I have no desire to presume control of others. I do not want to be forceful, and only will resort to aggression and violence when I am pushed past my own limits, or if people relentlessly wind me up, and I try my hardest to not let that happen, though, I do admire people who can be assertive and take control.

    I don't have any desire for leadership either. I'm not sure if I like it in others though.

    Fe base is lacking.

    Aside from emotionally expressing myself, every other component of an Fe base is in me, lacking. I do not read social hierarchies and my first course of actin is to not read the emotional atmosphere and regulate it. Instead, my first action is to observe and reflect in my own mind. Notice themes and how things move.

    Yes, I agree with this completely. The mind is the nexus and the strings of new beginnings with ordering and computing the real integrity and authenticity of a prototype.

    Ti is not 1D.

    I am too good with Ti for it to be only 1 dimensional. I am not extremely apt in it, however. And I always try display my ability to systemize things. Even Raptor had pointed out how I am good with utilizing systemic values. I make my own systems, and I canticle fallacies. However, it is not my first mode of operation, and I am not as on par int Ti as would be expected of a Ti ego. Instead, it is something I aspire to be, and I teach myself various mathematics. At thirteen, I had begun the teaching go myself, calculus. I got a bunch of math books I never read, because I aspired greatly in its proficiency.

    Wow, this is really cool. You updated and configured Yourself into the holographic pool of super ingenious feats!!

    Te PolR is present.

    I have a very hard time quoting people when it will obfuscate my own perceptions and individuality. I only can utilize quotations when it will not jeopardize such thing, or when there is no other way to make explanation. Then I am forced to retort, or when people ask me I back up claims. I also am not very efficient and do not manage things very well. Because of this, I cannot even entrust to having a debit card.

    Aa, practical things can be stupid and annoying. We (our kind, Me and You) don't put stock in these life and spirituality/emotionally damaging monstrosities of the real world matrix.

    Si PolR is not present.

    I am by no means apt in Si, but I am not helpless on it. I do not immediately care for Si needs, but I can make do with hem when promoted do so.

    Okay. I guess We each made our own Systems in metaphysics.

    And as already explained, it would be extremely contradictory to see someone professionally diagnosed with autism (numerous times), be an Fi or Fe base in Socionics, when Socionics bases on information metabolism, and Fe and Fi require the attaining of information in different mediums of reading others.

    Fi evaluates distance, Fe reads emotional atmosphere.

    The problem is that people refuse to try to understand You, or to see how stellar and magnificent You are.

    By the way Kara, Your energy and fragrance is wonderful. Thanks for posting so much here!!
    TelvanniYoda GiordanoBruno BruceLee GeorgeLucas AnakinJirachi Regigigas DominatorLugiaWes TyphlosionMontalk
    It's a miracle, but BunnyRaptor did actually beat Lebron James ~ it was Rainbows the Octopus as Lugia, Walking Wake the Suicune/Celebi and Pikachu, heavenly waves of blessed arcanum jolts shivering auroras of blooming expansion and redirecting wires of uplifting terror strikes and siege engines obliterating!!
    Wesley Sneijder claimed UEFA 2010 was harder than FIFA. Mavs 2011 was harder than 2013.
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    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RevanLugia's Avatar
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    IEI is Your perfect fit. Your psychic worldview and grasp of elemental mysticism seems uber Ni and calibrated to an aurora of blaze and intensity. You descend into the contemplative arena to enrich Your mind. You also fly with magical workmanship. You are serene and sweet. Your redefinition of society's long term goals is groundbreaking. You look really far into the future.

    Ya, based on the IEI description, I'm seeing You as that.
    TelvanniYoda GiordanoBruno BruceLee GeorgeLucas AnakinJirachi Regigigas DominatorLugiaWes TyphlosionMontalk
    It's a miracle, but BunnyRaptor did actually beat Lebron James ~ it was Rainbows the Octopus as Lugia, Walking Wake the Suicune/Celebi and Pikachu, heavenly waves of blessed arcanum jolts shivering auroras of blooming expansion and redirecting wires of uplifting terror strikes and siege engines obliterating!!
    Wesley Sneijder claimed UEFA 2010 was harder than FIFA. Mavs 2011 was harder than 2013.
    A fair face may fade, but a beautiful soul lasts forever. Lucky Numbers - 53, 10, 29, 14, 1, 21.
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    The first one could be just extroversion. Not finishing because new activity is more gratifying and because there is no one to process it with. Result is more like the very specific end result and not really caring about the thought and actions behind the precise implementation.
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    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
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    Joinif you dare

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    Nice breakdown, miss EIE

  8. #8
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Nice breakdown, miss EIE
    EIE is impossibility for me if you abide to the actual system of ego and information elements. At least if you are going by model A. And again, it is nearly impossible for someone who is autistic tone an Fe or Fi base, but not necessarily their creative function, since the creative is not an unconscious mode of operation.

    I cannot speak on any Model G matter. But I highly doubt Fe and Fi will be possible for someone with autism still, because of inability to read relational distance well, or avert on social atmosphere and hierarchies. These two things are discrepancy. Being articulate and having a high IQ (which also incorporates verbal IQ into it by Wechsler variation of IQ) does not make me a Dialectical cognitive style. Any type can be articulate.. This is more a matter of innate capacity for intelligence.

    If you actually study what autism is, you will see that Fe and Fi base are fundamentally incompatible with autism. The two contradict one another. Being able read relational distance well and at default mode (Fi) and evaluating hierarchies and emotional mood and atmosphere and trying impact it (Fe), versus not being able to do either of such things well (autism, and thus not operating subconsciously in this way). It is as if saying 1+1+1=2, rather than 3. <-- that is my HA Ti, by the way.
    Last edited by Braingel; 06-26-2021 at 06:26 AM.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    @Karanime If I could be EIE then everyone can, it's the universal typing, the only free choice, the type that one determines themself to be. Nobody is just EIE, it's an concentrated effort.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    EIE is impossibility for me if you abide to the actual system of ego and information elements. At least if you are going by model A. And again, it is nearly impossible for someone who is autistic tone an Fe or Fi base, but not necessarily their creative function, since the creative is not an unconscious mode of operation.

    I cannot speak on any Model G matter. But I highly doubt Fe and Fi will be possible for someone with autism still, because of inability to read relational distance well, or avert on social atmosphere and hierarchies. These two things are discrepancy. Being articulate and having a high IQ (which also incorporates verbal IQ into it by Wechsler variation of IQ) does not make me a Dialectical cognitive style. Any type can be articulate.. This is more a matter of innate capacity for intelligence.

    If you actually study what autism is, you will see that Fe and Fi base are fundamentally incompatible with autism. The two contradict one another. Being able read relational distance well and at default mode (Fi) and evaluating hierarchies and emotional mood and atmosphere and trying impact it (Fe), versus not being able to do either of such things well (autism, and thus not operating subconsciously in this way). It is as if saying 1+1+1=2, rather than 3. <-- that is my HA Ti, by the way.
    If you are autistic then you are either ILI or LII. There's no other options available. Like if one is histronic, they ARE ESE or EIE, period. If one is high T levels, strong, full of vigor, with the light of universe within their soul, then they ARE SLI, no other option. This IS Socionics, ask Gulenko.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    If you are autistic then you are either ILI or LII. There's no other options available. Like if one is histronic, they ARE ESE or EIE, period. If one is high T levels, strong, full of vigor, with the light of universe within their soul, then they ARE SLI, no other option. This IS Socionics, ask Gulenko.
    That is not exactly how it works.. It is just the specific challenge with autism, the theory of mind issue, makes it impossible to operate at a default and gaining information in such way, with Fi and Fe. Autism is not like most disorders. It directly affects your cognition and how you attain information. It is a developmental disability, not a mental illness. It is a brain structure and variance, and never will go away, counter to most mental disorders which manifest temporarily and can reside with treatment.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    That is not exactly how it works.. It is just the specific challenge with autism, the theory of mind issue, makes it impossible to operate at a default and gaining information in such way, with Fi and Fe. Autism is not like most disorders. It directly affects your cognition and how you attain information. It is a developmental disability, not a mental illness.
    Okay, miss ILI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Okay, miss ILI.
    Well, if you do not believe what I have say, I would suggest looking into what a developmental disability is, and also what neuro-diversity is, and as well, theory of mind deficit. It is apparent you do not well know about such matter.

    Autism and ADD are both examples of developmental disability and that affect how one gains information.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    Well, if you do not believe what I have say, I would suggest looking into what a developmental disability is, and also what neuro-diversity is, and as well, theory of mind deficit. It is apparent you do not well know about such matter.
    Read Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and Science of Survival to really understand the human mind. All this other psychiatric stuff is nonsensical.

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    A developmental disability is present since birth, and it affects how one functions lifelong. Counter to mental illness, which can improve and outgrow with psychotherapy (even though most times end up lifelong because people do not have adequacy, inter treatment or have money to afford what needs full).
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Read Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and Science of Survival to really understand the human mind. All this other psychiatric stuff is nonsensical.
    I think the DSM is overrated in many ways, but autism specifically is real, but because of how society is structured, it results in excessive impairment. Autism is a matter of delayed development in contrast to those unaffected by autism, and differences in sensory impairment and emotional cognition. These are the three things fundamental to autism.

    The differences in emotional cognition are what make it incompatible to be based Fi or Fe. Because the base function is how you unconsciously delve into info and is your default mode. Someone with autism cannot be default in the days Fi and Fe encompass.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    <-- that is my HA Ti, by the way.
    Less HA Ti and more Creative Te. Ti is wack, Te is where it's at

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Less HA Ti and more Creative Te. Ti is wack, Te is where it's at
    You are entitled to think what you want, but it would be best if you would inform yourself on why it is fundamentally not possible. Of course, I can't force you and it appears your will is uninterested in trying learn.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    You are entitled to think what you want, but it would be best if you would inform yourself on why it is fundamentally not possible. Of course, I can't force you and it appears your will is uninterested in trying learn.
    I fully believe that I have the ability to make possible whatever I so desire. If I feel like being EIE, I'll be more EIE than anyone.

    Have a good night Karanime, be sure to use some magnesium oil spray and melatonin to help you sleep. Maybe some glycerin too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    I fully believe that I have the ability to make possible whatever I so desire. If I feel like being EIE, I'll be more EIE than anyone.

    Have a good night Karanime, be sure to use some magnesium oil spray and melatonin to help you sleep. Maybe some glycerin too.
    What you are describing seems like the placebo effect, with the ability of wanting make what one desires out of belief.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    But yes, I suppsose fundamentally, life is based on a matter of perception and people can live on lies and have said lies to them, be very real. A child who was told they were abandoned by their original parents, but never were actually, would live their life believing they were abandoned.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    What you are describing seems like the placebo effect, with the ability of wanting make what one desires out of belief.
    Yes, like when one is deadly ill but takes a pill to feel better and becomes totally cured! But the pill was fake, water pill, didn't do anything but you thought it did, because it was your mind that created that effect. Same with this. No different. Decide to create, and create!

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    Now I wished you a good night and you didn't wish me one back. Does this mean you wish me a terrible night, full of bed bugs and fleas under my sheets? Of horrible insomnia and terrible dreams? I think it may be so....

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Now I wished you a good night and you didn't wish me one back. Does this mean you wish me a terrible night, full of bed bugs and fleas under my sheets? Of horrible insomnia and terrible dreams? I think it may be so....
    E6 to its zenith (enneagram 6)
    I am in my head; not society.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BrightDemonSheep96 View Post
    The first one could be just extroversion. Not finishing because new activity is more gratifying and because there is no one to process it with. Result is more like the very specific end result and not really caring about the thought and actions behind the precise implementation.
    I do not like completing things with others, and would prefer do so on my own.. I burn out from other people. I always have hated group projects, presentations, having to share my work with others, book clubs, etc..

    Matter of fact, most childhood pictures show me reading to myself in the corner in favor of being with group and all my IEP documentations declared me as preferring work only own.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    E6 to its zenith (enneagram 6)
    Oh my God you didn't say no, the cruelty. After I give so much of my time engaging you in productive conversation, this is my reward?

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Oh my God you didn't say no, the cruelty. After I give so much of my time engaging you in productive conversation, this is my reward?
    Fine Mr. puppy begging for head pat, have a good night.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    Fine Mr. puppy begging for head pat, have a good night.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    I do not like completing things with others, and would prefer do so on my own.. I burn out from other people. I always have hated group projects, presentations, having to share my work with others, book clubs, etc..

    Matter of fact, most childhood pictures show me reading to myself in the corner in favor of being with group and all my IEP documentations declared me as preferring work only own.
    However: with my particular childhood trauma and abuse, I do strive to be heard and seen, also congruent with image triad in the enneagram (my core is four). I think this may be what others see in me, that looks like I am this loquacious, talkative person. I am truly, not as expressive as seeming.

    I think people are conflating me being an image triad with extroversion. Introverted image types still will put themselves out there and express much of themselves.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    I wrote it out all here:

    I am a result type.

    The EIE reserves a slot for process. They have to go through the whole motion and cannot embark where left off. They will need repeat and need go from beginning to end. I am contrary; I skip all around, I can take weeks or months off a project or book and resume right where started, and also another component of process is grasping details. I instead, grab the gist. Result type often are asserted as "vague", which Numerous time have been called. It is because a process type does not operate from a place of detail and instead, presents themes and the centralized point.

    As far as goes my starting and abandoning projects and being able resume, you can see how many books are on my "currently reading":

    Majority of them, I read no more than 5-10 pages and put them to side, and some I went halfway through and never plowed on through more, and a few of those books on my "read"/completed shelf, I had put off for a year in completion and resumed right where I had left off, unending to re-read entirety of plot. Some of the books, I even skipped around different chapters first, and did not read prior ones to them.

    The same pattern is seen in how I write things. I skip out of order, write different sections out, abandon for a few weeks, months or years, then resume right where I had left off.

    I am not Fi ignoring.

    I do indeed value relational intimacy. I hate not being close enough to others, but in due to being autistic, I am not always able anticipate the reactions others will have in regards to my actions and words. This results in me to look extremely bad in Fi; PolR or ignoring. Ignorers of Fi are Fe base, thus making me appear superficially of an Fe base.

    HA Se is lacking.

    I have no desire to presume control of others. I do not want to be forceful, and only will resort to aggression and violence when I am pushed past my own limits, or if people relentlessly wind me up, and I try my hardest to not let that happen, though, I do admire people who can be assertive and take control. (Being on spectrum makes me appear far more blunt and forceful than actually, I am).

    Fe base is lacking.

    Aside from emotionally expressing myself, every other component of an Fe base is in me, lacking. I do not read social hierarchies and my first course of action is to not read the emotional atmosphere and regulate it. Instead, my first action is to observe and reflect in my own mind. Notice themes and how things move.

    Ti is not 1D.

    I am too good with Ti for it to be only 1 dimensional. I am not extremely apt in it, however. And I always try display my ability to systemize things. Even Raptor had pointed out how I am good with utilizing systemic values. I make my own systems, and I can detect fallacies. However, it is not my first mode of operation, and I am not as on par int Ti as would be expected of a Ti ego. Instead, it is something I aspire to be, and I teach myself various mathematics. At thirteen, I had begun the teaching of myself, calculus. I got a bunch of math books I never read, because I aspired greatly in its proficiency.

    Te PolR is present.

    I have a very hard time quoting people when it will obfuscate my own perceptions and individuality. I only can utilize quotations when it will not jeopardize such thing, or when there is no other way to make explanation. Then I am forced to retort, or when people ask me I back up claims. I also am not very efficient and do not manage things very well. Because of this, I cannot even entrust to having a debit card.

    Si PolR is not present.

    I am by no means apt in Si, but I am not helpless on it. I do not immediately care for Si needs, but I can make do with them when prompted do so.

    It would be extremely contradictory to see someone professionally diagnosed with autism (numerous times), be an Fi or Fe base in Socionics, when Socionics bases on information metabolism, and Fe and Fi require the attaining of information in different mediums of reading others.

    Fi evaluates distance, Fe reads emotional atmosphere.

    Additional notes (not included in linked thread):

    I am a sexual 469 in some system. Archetypically-speaking, I am social when conflating to four, but in Riso Hudson's Enneagram methodology, I still am sexual, just as how am when not combining the archetypes. 4 and 6 are both reactive types, which can give an Se HA illusory as well. And Sx variant is most blunt and assertive of any variant.

    I am an Fe subtype, making me appear more Fe than actually, I am. I do not gain information or lead with Fe, but my Fe has emphasis added unto it.

    In addition, I am also a contact subtype.

    It would serve others well to know how autistic theory of mind deficit can obfuscate in one's presentation.

    In someone on the spectrum, this ability is deficit. This is why it at a fundamental level, is high unlikelihood one will see an autistic individual be based Fi or Fe.

    Then, people on spectrum have an innately hard time reading social atmospheres.

    With the base function being your passive, default mode of operation, it makes little sense to assume someone with autism as leading in a function that gains information from having read others.

    I have many times before, theorized that autism makes most sense in Ni base, not only because Jung and Gunleko asserted such, but because Se suggestive makes sensical with sensory seeking behavior, and Fe PolR (ILI) can make sense with constricted effect whereas in an IEI as myself, impaired executive functioning (which I have severely). The Te PolR.

    This sounds like Te ego or Te PolR (most organized versus least). And I only just literally found this. I did not read anything prior to reaching my conclusion.

    I have always had major issues in my ability to organize, which prompted me be special ed.
    Screen Shot 2021-06-25 at 19.42.42.png

    Screen Shot 2021-06-25 at 19.46.38.png
    It is my absolute weakest quality, as would expect in a Polr positioning. I did not used to be as expressive as I now am. If you read the paperwork, you will have seen I had to undergo an intensive program to work on not internalizing.

    With my particular childhood trauma and abuse, I do strive to be heard and seen, also congruent with image triad in the enneagram (my core is four). I think this may be what others see in me, that looks like I am this loquacious, talkative person. I am truly, not as expressive as seeming.

    I think people are conflating me being an image triad with extroversion. Introverted image types still will put themselves out there and express much of themselves.
    IEI isn't a bad alternative, probably the only one, but this evidence doesn't seem convincing, it's sketchy at best. Te-4 I can buy, but you actually do seem to attract quite a lot of attention to yourself (this thread being one of many examples where you talk about yourself in an extremely open and public manner), and you do take leadership positions (having started at least two discord servers to my knowledge). Se is not just about controlling people and aggression, it's about how "big" your presence is and how much of an impact you have.

    "The same pattern is seen in how I write things. I skip out of order, write different sections out, abandon for a few weeks, months or years, then resume right where I had left off. "

    Reinin dichotomies aside, this could be seen as evidence of lower Ti and higher Ne. IEIs are usually less active than EIEs but more methodical.

    I can buy that you used to be less emotional. What are some examples of you systematizing things?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    and you do take leadership positions (having started at least two discord servers to my knowledge).
    @FreelancePoliceman hey you started a Minecraft server, right? Are you EIE too?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    @FreelancePoliceman hey you started a Minecraft server, right? Are you EIE too?
    That wasn't my point. I've known many different types that have started their own servers, but Kara naturally takes a role "in the spotlight" so to speak. This is most obvious in her Quora following.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    That wasn't my point. I've known many different types that have started their own servers, but Kara naturally takes a role "in the spotlight" so to speak. This is most obvious in her Quora following.
    It was a joke.

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    Karanime also has lots of followers on Quora and that combined with her presence here, we can say that grabbing attention, making other people feel engaged and leading all these kind of process seems to come her easily and naturally.

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    This is how we settle this, everyone slam dunk Karanime with Si advice and criticisms for a few days and see if she loses it. If not, IEI, if so, EIE

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    Based on what I see on Quora and this forum, I'm actually leaning toward IEI over EIE. You seem to have a different vibe than an EIE I know, and you have some traits that is common from the IEI I encounter. I think that the subtypes could be confusing. Also, someone who have seen you before is more believable than those who doesn't know much of you.

    Some IEI post a lot online about their emotions, trauma, and bad experiences but when I was with an IEI, they seem quiet, introverted, aloof, and relaxed. They are internally intense with their sad eyes and telling their dramatic stories. The only way someone could be sure of your self-typing is that they sense who you are in public. When I write things online, I seem to be an LSI or something else (unless someone tries to insult me, then that's when I start going for throat). However, once someone get to hear me on a voice-chat in discord, people typed me as a clear SLE and even confused me for an EIE as I yell when I talk and is known to be the loudest of the mic.
    Last edited by Tim; 06-26-2021 at 11:29 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post

    Based on what I see on Quora and this forum, I'm actually leaning toward IEI over EIE. You seem to have a different vibe than an EIE I know, and you have some traits that is common from the IEI I encounter. I think that the subtypes could be confusing. Also, someone who have seen you before is more believable than those who doesn't know much of you.

    Some IEI post a lot online about their emotions, trauma, and bad experiences but when I was with an IEI, they seem quiet, introverted, aloof, and relaxed. They are internally intense with their sad eyes and telling their dramatic stories. The only way someone could be sure of your self-typing is that they sense who you are in public. When I write things online, I seem to be an LSI or something else (unless someone tries to insult me, then that's when I start going for throat). However, once someone get to hear me on a voice-chat in discord, people typed me as a clear SLE and even confused me for an EIE as I yell when I talk and is known to be the loudest of the mic.
    Yes.. About the sad eyes, this is me from a few years ago, and I find it interesting IEI is described as being sad, and also able to half smile about it.. There is a slight, slight trace of a smile that is hardly visible. I think a lot of it may also have do with many of us are the enneagram 4, and can find beauty in pain..
    Screen Shot 2021-06-26 at 15.57.00.png

    You are correct, people are not always how they seem from how they type.. On my sedecology, you will see 80gone and Choppy type me IEI, because I am not how I seem online..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    IEI isn't a bad alternative, probably the only one, but this evidence doesn't seem convincing, it's sketchy at best. Te-4 I can buy, but you actually do seem to attract quite a lot of attention to yourself (this thread being one of many examples where you talk about yourself in an extremely open and public manner), and you do take leadership positions (having started at least two discord servers to my knowledge). Se is not just about controlling people and aggression, it's about how "big" your presence is and how much of an impact you have.

    "The same pattern is seen in how I write things. I skip out of order, write different sections out, abandon for a few weeks, months or years, then resume right where I had left off. "

    Reinin dichotomies aside, this could be seen as evidence of lower Ti and higher Ne. IEIs are usually less active than EIEs but more methodical.

    I can buy that you used to be less emotional. What are some examples of you systematizing things?
    I made my own system about time, interconnectedness and movement, and made it into its own entire system combining all three basic principles I made and defined, and it is basis behind a trilogy of my books.. I also can define things well, like a potential better legal age than our current. I see how there being too many legal ages across the world, and also how the definition of an adult is someone full grown, contradict making people adults at 18 in most cases. I see how people can become adults slightly earlier, which is why emancipation has existed, government recognizing this. I think a better age range would be 16-24 or 17-23.. Something around there.. If someone is still developing, they cannot by definition be an adult, as most people are developing in their brains and hormones still, and some even still grow in their breasts, bones whatnot. It contradicts the basic definition an adult; a fully grown person. We still are growing. I think it is foolish to put one age where someone is just assumed adult, but I believe it probably results for financial resting and people not having time to just dole out maturity ascertaining. But nevertheless, they can give tests to assume readiness to drive and state exams in high school.

    I also a few years back started making my own astrological system and started making new symbolisms with it and changing how it is viewed and making various things with that.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    IEI isn't a bad alternative, probably the only one, but this evidence doesn't seem convincing, it's sketchy at best. Te-4 I can buy, but you actually do seem to attract quite a lot of attention to yourself (this thread being one of many examples where you talk about yourself in an extremely open and public manner), and you do take leadership positions (having started at least two discord servers to my knowledge). Se is not just about controlling people and aggression, it's about how "big" your presence is and how much of an impact you have.

    "The same pattern is seen in how I write things. I skip out of order, write different sections out, abandon for a few weeks, months or years, then resume right where I had left off. "

    Reinin dichotomies aside, this could be seen as evidence of lower Ti and higher Ne. IEIs are usually less active than EIEs but more methodical.

    I can buy that you used to be less emotional. What are some examples of you systematizing things?
    Adding to my legal age example, I also see how it changes. It has changed throughout time and will only continue to do so, so I think it just also makes more sense to denote an age range in which where adulthood can assume as a social expectation. Because legal age is a social expectation, not the biological activation of one becoming adult, is how I see it. If an age range makes for, it no longer will have need to change again, unless huamns evolve to a point genetically where adulthood biologically onsets later or earlier. If people elongate their life span, or perhaps if longevity sizes due to some plague or mutation in environment and body adapts.

    With the current way a human develops, 23-24 seems like the latest people can become grown adults, physiologically-speaking, and also in the speaking of a peak in maturation on a cognitive and emotional level. Though rare, it seems 17, maybe 16 can be soonest.. But that is minority. The reality is, most simply are unready to have adult obligations expected of them at 18.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    It was a joke.
    Too close to the truth

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