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Thread: Celebrities we know, seen in Heaven

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Celebrities we know, seen in Heaven

    They are not always who you expect, either. Because some of these she saw in Heaven we know have done very wrong things, or led sinful lives. But we are saved by faith, not works, and God would like to save ever single person, even the worst sinners, even those most hostile to Him. Another thing I thought, and then Kat mentioned, too, is that some of these sinners were that way because they had sins perpetrated them on from a very young age. I think some of the Hollywood people have led very difficult lives, in a slave-like way, particularly the child actors. God knows everything.

    So Kat Kerr (I call her pink hair lady) is one of those many prophets giving prophecies these days, in numbers like I have never seen my long Christian life. As Jesus warned us, there are many false prophets among the true ones, and so I discern carefully, and I believe Kat is one of the true ones. Her videos are on Elijah Streams, and I have not found a prophet featured on Elijah Streams* that I do believe yet (though, there is one whose delivery method I don't prefer). Anyway, something special about Kat is that she has seen Heaven many times, and what she says coincides with others who have been to Heaven whom I believe. [Then she also talks of at least one we know she saw in hell, one who is no surprise, for those of you interested in that. But they are not all notorious there...]

    So here is a short clip of her talking about celebrities she saw there, some are surprising and interesting.

    *One prophet, Timothy Dixon, often has prophetic dreams he tells us and that God explains to him. What really surprised me though it is quite rare for these prophets to say dates, Dixon is now saying that God will act in a big way (at least in America - other times He gives many prophecies about a huge work God will do all over the world but this time it might be just America for this particular prophecy, but he says everyone on the world will see). He says this upcoming thing in July people will not miss - on July 4, 5, 6th. Short clip of that here Not his usual delivery style though I have seen him get in this mode occasionally. Usually he has a more normal, simple, explanatory style. This is probably a short clip from a whole video of explaining.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    But we are saved by faith, not works
    And this sentiment right here encapsulates everything that's morally bankrupt about Christianity.

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    I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything, but it's incredibly gullible and naive to believe what televaginists and Charlatans are trying to sell you on the media. The woman is a crook. In the Bible it says a woman shouldn't teach so why is she teaching to me about God. It should be a man up there. If she gets to do that- then I get to enjoy sex with other men guilt free and without bullies getting into my head and making me think I'm going to be eternally punished just for loving the same sex.

    She didn't see jack shit and she's just trying to play you. lol anybody can pull something out of their ass and say they saw somebody in Heaven or Hell. It's called an imagination.

    Also I don't know your life, but if you're like one of those Republicans in small-town cornfield places where there is literally like NOTHING in them - you also are being played by Trump- because you are in an objectively vulnerable state and it's easy for him to fuck you over, and that's what the bad guys do- they exploit vulnerable people for their own advantage. Gaslighting them and making them think they are righteous and Godly or even just 'good people' when they are not. Because your life is so objectively shitty and empty you think that some mystical creator is going to fix everything for you in the very end - and I don't blame you or anything because when our external lives are so deprived like that, it's only natural for us to look for 'magical escapist solutions' like that - but God doesn't exist, and you need real practical help for your problems not Magically Stoopid ones.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    And this sentiment right here encapsulates everything that's morally bankrupt about Christianity.
    Sometimes when a strange mood overcomes me I start thinking about religion. Often Paul's statement that "even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" comes to me, and I wonder if he was speaking from experience -- that is, if the figure cloaked in light he met on the road to Damascus was, in fact, Satan.

    I'm going to interpret that "like" as daemonic confirmation of my suspicion, lol.

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything, but it's incredibly gullible and naive to believe what televaginists and Charlatans are trying to sell you on the media. The woman is a crook. In the Bible it says a woman shouldn't teach so why is she teaching to me about God. It should be a man up there. If she gets to do that- then I get to enjoy sex with other men guilt free and without bullies getting into my head and making me think I'm going to be eternally punished just for loving the same sex.

    She didn't see jack shit and she's just trying to play you. lol anybody can pull something out of their ass and say they saw somebody in Heaven or Hell. It's called an imagination.

    Also I don't know your life, but if you're like one of those Republicans in small-town cornfield places where there is literally like NOTHING in them - you also are being played by Trump- because you are in an objectively vulnerable state and it's easy for him to fuck you over, and that's what the bad guys do- they exploit vulnerable people for their own advantage. Gaslighting them and making them think they are righteous and Godly or even just 'good people' when they are not. Because your life is so objectively shitty and empty you think that some mystical creator is going to fix everything for you in the very end - and I don't blame you or anything because when our external lives are so deprived like that, it's only natural for us to look for 'magical escapist solutions' like that - but God doesn't exist, and you need real practical help for your problems not Magically Stoopid ones.
    Thanks for not wanting to hurt my feelings. I appreciate the sensitivity! I am not hurt because I am fully confident in what Kat said. I believe she has seen Heaven. I am delighted with what she had to say about Whitney Houston, whose priviledge and fame I believe masked a very tough life; I believe she was enslaved in many ways, but is now free in heaven. God's ways are mysterious because I remember Our Lady telling Lucia at Fatima, when Lucia asked her about a young girl in that little, very rural village who had just died - Mary told her that the young girl would be in Purgatory til the end of time. So the things of the spirit are very mysterious but God knows the heart and how culpable we are, and we can't judge that about anyone. What I imagine is the case of those two is that on earth we are supposed to learn love, and perhaps the village girl had every opportunity but chose to not learn, and Whitney had fewer opportnities and responded to the few she had. (Thats just purely my idea). Also Michael Jackson - I am humbled because I truly was digusted with the appearance of things (re: young boys), but again God knows all, and I think M.J.'s life was horribly tough from early childhood, and likely child abuse there. God said blessed are the poor in spirit (the downtrodden, the innocent enslaved) because theirs is the Kingdom of God. Also I think of how Mary Magdelene's life was horrifyingly sinful for many years and after only about 2 years of giving her life to Our Lord, Jesus tells her good sister Martha, who has always doen the right thing, that Mary M. has exceeded her in love. So surely, none of us are qualified to judge the heart of another.

    These people that have seen Heaven, these Chrsitians, and believeers are prophets of God, are like the rest of us, sinners, quirky, a certain personality type (with all its drawbacks), not intelligent in all things, they err, they do the wrong thing, they are jsut people. But they love God and they love Him so much tey want to do His will. They say, "Here I am, Lord. Use me."

    Yes, anybody can say anything and they do! The fact is there are people who are false AND true. There are many false prophets, but God gives us discernment, and tells us how to test the spirits. If you seek truth, you will find it. If you seek God's wisdom, He gives it to you. It seems like what you think is there are only false prophets. Well that doesn't make sense.

    Also I am really surprised by your cornfield comment. I think you are referring to America's bread basket, or the "Heartland of America". It's called that for a reason. Yes, we have narrowminded people everywhere, and all kinds of folks can be extremely narrowminded about all kinds of things (like you're being right now, about rural people). I grew up in a fairly sophisticated suberb of avery nice mid-size city, but I have spent time living rural, and there I saw far more salt-of-the earth types. Far more human sanity. There is a lot of wisdom in the simpler people. The best folk are those endaevoring to live right and do right and are not consumed with materialism or vice. They use the brains God gave them. The media likes to broadbrush lots of people as ignorant, and sow seeds of mockery, but look closer and you see that under all that polish they are mindless puppets with their brains turned off. People who spend more time actualy doing things just have loads more wisdom. Sophisticated is too often just terribly shallow. Or worse, completley uncivilized and un-evolved. Like what we saw in some of the celebrated west coast metropolises last spring.

    It's funny to hear you say that Kat, as a woman, "shouldn't be "preachng." I am Catholic, and you definitely won't see woman priests serving Mass, but different Protestant churches have their different rules for ministers or preachers, based on (usually) their sincere interpretation of scripture. However, Kat is not a preacher or minister; she is a speaker and author. In a set of prophetic volumes I read and reread that follow Jesus' life on earth, Jesus and the disciples went and listened to a prophecying woman*. She had a lot to say! And it was very bold. Among the crowd listening also were many simple-folk believers, who stopped in their tracks, because they recognized truth as soon as they heard it - because then, like now, if you seek truth you will find it. Also listening to the prophesying woman were sophisticated, scoffing pharisees. There is a lot to the spiritual realm. It is the realm that matters, BandD! But if you are disinterested, or adverse to the thing of God, I guess it just doesn't make sense. When you seek understanding from God, He gives it to you. I guarentee it!

    Re: "played by Trump" - No. I haven't listened to what he has said for months. It's the prophets I am listining to, who all sat he IS the legimate leader, chosen by God for that role leadership role, in this time, elected by the people, so he will be reinstated to what he truly is, and the sitting fraud thrown out and worse when it is all exposed. Soon. I believe it because I believe these prophets sayign this are men and womaen God. What a sad contrast are the polished ones in the media. I don't care what they have to say, and soon no one else will, either! The media is just partof the frauds andliars coming down soon.

    Timothy Dixon, an unsophisticated rural guy who has shared many prophetic dreams about these times in America, says this month of July will be big as to exposure of frauds and fraud, and everyone will see. (In other words, the exposure of fraud won't be missed by anyone). In this video, this plain simple man (Dixon) who is a truck driver, prophecies about this month, including an interesting note tha "they have turned on Kamala, and she now knows it, and she will turn on them." Interesting. Drama will unfold this month, he says, and I believe him!

    *[If anyone is interested I will post a link to the excerpt of this event]

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Sometimes when a strange mood overcomes me I start thinking about religion. Often Paul's statement that "even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" comes to me, and I wonder if he was speaking from experience -- that is, if the figure cloaked in light he met on the road to Damascus was, in fact, Satan.

    Oh, brother, what a perverterd idea. Very senseless. What are you doing with that good mind of yours?

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    And this sentiment right here encapsulates everything that's morally bankrupt about Christianity.
    Not sounding very profound, xerx. I'm not impressed. I'll take the rural truckdriver and the pink hair lady any day.

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    Benito Mussolini was revealed to be in heaven

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    I believe she has seen Heaven. I am delighted with what she had to say about Whitney Houston, whose priviledge and fame I believe masked a very tough life; I believe she was enslaved in many ways, but is now free in heaven.

    You can't really prove that though. You just want to believe that because it's pretty and nice and the ultimate pretty ribbon - and I feel like a jerk for picking on you here with this but idk it's just different. Your Fi just tells you it's true so you think it's true but Fi is deceptive that way. If you didn't like her or she did something that offended your Delta morality you'd instead picture she was being tortured in Hell for eternity and getting sadistic satisfaction from that. ((You probably wouldn't see what you were really doing though- Deltas rarely do lol.))

    I don't understand anything in this world can be so bad that we spend ETERNITY (think of how long that is with Ni and not stupid Ne) being punished for it - yes, even child molestation or child abuse, although that's gonna sound like I support or condone pedophila or think it should go unpunished trust me I don't- but even with that, eternity? I think even after 500,000 years- some lenience would be in order. But nah, you just get a boner ((yeah females can get boners too- I'm all about gender equality)) picturing Biden being tortured in Hell forever for being a pedophile.

    With truly evil people, you just kill them and end them permanently and then totally forget about them - you don't put them in a cage and treat them worse than how they treated others. If somebody acts Evil thinking they are Good - it's more Evil than Evil.

    There's no forgiveness or love with your religion, it's just guilt and fear designed to get you to behave for a false reward in the sky. I can't imagine somebody hurting my feelings enough where I'd wish them an ETERNITY of torment. After the 642034972438907234927348th year or so, I'd be like 'c'mon man I forgive you, let's get a beer together.' It's the most sadistic thing in the world, can Delta see how it's really the most sadistic quadra masquerading as the good guys?

    As a Evil Homosexual Demon, God has already give me up. I called myself a Half-Demon before but who was I kidding? I'm Pure baby. I won't be edgy and trolling- but it's just true. I can't ask for redemption in your religion. Some pansy liberals think that I can still be Gay as long as I repent- but gays are so evil and vile we're beyond repentance. I'm so evil and powerful I can't stand it! Housewives who feel sorry for us are like "but I love my gay friend he's so nice and kind and we make pumpkin crumbake together. I know what he does with other men is icky sinful and wrong and gross but can he at least like be saved if he becomes celibate and asks Jesus in his heart?"

    NO. GOD HAS GIVEN US UP. And thank Satan for that!

    And I realize I came out of Hell. Like I was born in Hell, forged in Hell- but now I'm actually on Earth. Even though I don't fit in- I did the impossible somehow. I broke free. You're not supposed to do that. It was supposed to be forever. But I broke out ... because I don't play by God's rules, I play by my own. When I die, God will probably send me back down there- but I'll probably just escape again like I always do with my Pure Demon powers.

    Okay now I'm just being edgy but it's fun.

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    God: "My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Oh, brother, what a perverterd idea. Very senseless. What are you doing with that good mind of yours?
    Nothing but paying attention to the teaching of Jesus.

    In 2 Timothy, Paul says of himself: "You are aware that all who are in Asia turned away from me, among whom are Phygelus and Hermogenes..."

    The term "Asia" referred to what's now called Asia Minor, or Anatolia; more or less the modern state of Turkey. One of the largest cities in Asia at the time of Paul's writing was the city of Ephesos (or Ephesus), to whom Paul had previously preached, hence his epistle to the Ephesians included in the Biblical canon.

    In Revelation, Jesus has something interesting to say to the church at Ephesos: “To the angel of the church in Ephesus write: ‘The words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands.
    “‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false. I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name's sake, and you have not grown weary. But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent..."

    Two points here. First, now that the Ephesians (and the rest of Asia, apparently) have rejected Paul, Jesus now commends them for rejecting "those who call themselves apostles, and are not." This particular descriptor is pretty hard not to identify with Paul; Paul never knew Jesus during his life, and his only claim to apostleship was his own. There are two other pieces of evidence against Paul: firstly, after Judas dies, the 11 remaining apostles elect a 12th, Matthias -- apparently because they're under an impression there are meant to be only 12 apostles. Why would they have that impression? Presumably it was Jesus himself who gave them this impression. Another piece of evidence against Paul here is that at the end of Revelation, John makes this statement:

    And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
    Again: John, as well as, apparently, the others who walked with Jesus, seem to think there are to be 12 apostles. Paul isn't one of them.

    It's also worth noting that what Jesus doesn't say is "Good job on rejecting all those false apostles -- but you that guy, Paul, whom you rejected -- yeah, that guy was legit; you screwed up by rejecting him."

    Another point worth noting is that Jesus is here explictly rejecting faith-based salvation. He acknowledges that they believe; his problem is that their works are insufficient, and he threatens them with the loss of their "lampstand" -- which I think is pretty safe to interpret as their place in the kingdom of heaven -- unless they shape up their works.

    This isn't the only time, incidentally, that Jesus rejects faith-based salvation. Matthew 7:21:

    Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
    Can you be any more explicit? It's not enough to believe in Jesus; hell, Jesus doesn't even say you have to believe in him to be saved! The person who is saved is, by Jesus' own words, "the one who does the will of my Father." And Paul, who preaches that believers are "dead to the Law," and that the law given by Jesus' father doesn't apply to Christians, is surely a "worker of lawlessness."

    I assume I don't need to prove to you that Pauline doctrine does preach the law doesn't apply to Christians, and that Christians are saved by faith-alone. So here's another passage from the supposed founder of your religion, in whom you don't believe:

    “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
    Again, Jesus explictly stating it's righteousness, not abstract "belief" in his existence or something, that gets you into the kingdom of heaven. But also he says something interesting in the first bolded section: "whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven." Of course, Paul did teach people to loosen these commandments; would you believe that his name -- "Paulus" in Latin -- literally means "least?" This seems to me a like pretty clear prophecy.

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    It seems that @Eliza Thomason is opposed to "Actions speak louder than words" simply because she does not think it sounds profound.

    And yet "we are saved by faith, not works" is the very epitome of rewarding stupidity.

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    God: "My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts."
    That's not God speaking to you, that's The Idea of Narcissism. A villain, not a Hero.

    Since I escaped out of a dimension that was supposed to be - forever - I'm technically more powerful than God. But it's not something to completely brag about, so are are a lot of beings. I'm powerful, but not that powerful. I had to fight my way out - I used up a lot of my energy to come to this dimension.... but obviously other beings did it before, too. And I am a Pure Demon, but I still have a set of ethics. Most "evil creatures" do- if they didn't they'd be easily Scapegoated. ((which many people have tried to do to before and always failed.))

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    Kat Kerr "prophesied" that Trump would win re-election in 2020. She is a bullshitter. A "false prophet".
    Last edited by Socionics Is A Cult; 06-26-2021 at 07:23 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

    I can call spirits from the vasty deep.


    Why, so can I, or so can any man;
    But will they come when you do call for them?
    “Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
    Matthew 4:7

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Signs and wonders would be positive evidence. This only hurts the faith because it proves she does not have a clue or is a fraud, or that "Jesus" does not a clue or is a fraud.
    Yes there is no doubt they can provide positive evidence, but signs and wonders were more for the Jews and Apostles when the word of God (the Bible) wasn't readily available.

    Again this is the doctrine of dispensation, which means certain parts of the Bible is to be applied to the proper context/time period/group of people.

    Since we have God's Word / Bible today (Church age), we don't depend on prophets/signs+wonders as heavily. (We live by FAITH, not by SIGHT)

    "You are referring to prophets, who were God's messengers. Again this is dispensationalism: Back in the day, the Jews did not have God's word/Jesus, therefore God sent prophets to communicate divine messages. These days, we rely less on prophets because we have the bible (God's word), although there are some. Teachers, pastors and ministers have mostly replaced the prophets role."
    Anything outside of that is not of God.

    I am not saying that some aren't legitimate, I'm saying prioritizing/depending on them over faith is a dangerous game to play.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Signs and wonders would be positive evidence. This only hurts the faith because it proves she does not have a clue or is a fraud, or that "Jesus" does not a clue or is a fraud.

    Old testament prophets.

    Observe how specific these prophecies were.

    If you study prophecy + ancient history, you'll be pretty blown away.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Kat Kerr "prophesied" that Trump would win re-election in 2020. She is a bullshitter. A "false prophet".
    Yup this is why depending on signs and wonders hurts the faith
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-10-2022 at 03:29 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    Yup this is why depending on signs and wonders hurts the faith
    Signs and wonders would be positive evidence. This only hurts the faith because it proves she does not have a clue or is a fraud, or that "Jesus" does not a clue or is a fraud.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Benito Mussolini was revealed to be in heaven
    Pretty unlikly IMO but God doesn't tell me these things (or anythign like it!). A plus is that a "venerable" said it, a minus is that that sketchy Francis guy in the Pope's seat had something to do with making her venerable. There have been people who seem extremely holy and saintly but who have turned out to be frauds used by the devil. At least one I know of. So a seemingly extrodianarily saintly life is not always what it appears. She said that he said "purgatory is terrible for me because I repented at the last minute". Well, okay. it is pretty hell-like on the bottom rungs of purgatory (not in all of purgatory is) and that is certail where you would expect him to be if not hell. After a like of depravity and hate if he made it top purgatory to be in Heav en now he would have to be all done leaving the lessons of love he obviosly failed to learn on earth. Even the repentance seems unlikely to me after a life lived of choosing depravity all the time, as you tend not to change yor stripes at the end. But only God knows. It's possible that the prayers of some saintly or extremely humble person loved by God brought about his unlikely repentance, and he got out of purgatory fast because a lot of Masses were said for him. With God all things are possible.
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 06-27-2021 at 04:18 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    Yup this is why depending on signs and wonders hurts the faith
    Actually it's just respecting God's prophets. I sure don't want to disrespect them! I believe her to be a true prophet, pink hair and all, and yes, yes, yes, she is one stubboen lady who declares God has chosen and annointed ONE for that office and he was elected by the people will take his rightful place soon when fraud gts exposed adn justice is done. God sends prophets and He does not act without telling us first what He is goign to do.

    Scripture gives us many tools for discernment, here are just some of them some:

    When a person is far superior to me in the practice of faith, I listen. If they say any untruth, I stop listening. But I have discerned no conflict with God's words or ways. God uses the simnple folk, like this southern drawl truckdriver who uses grammer that my English teacher mom have weeded out by collecting our money for "fines" every time we erred..

    I have never read about Kat Kerr personally, as I have been pretty focused on her prophecies, as this sudden outburst of porophcying is like nothing I have seen in all my many years as a Christian. And I have wanted to listen much, in order to discern if these prophets are true or false, because if you listen their true colors do come through. (I hav e come across many "maybes that I didn't want to give any more time to and one definte false one, a popular pastor of a mega-church) And Kat is true, pink hair and all. I had not heard her talk about her own life and I knew nothing about her life, but last night I listened to one of her long videos, and at the end, she tells us some very surprising facts about her life, Wow. No wonder. No comparison to my growing up, which was good, but strong faith like this was not a factor in or lives. But her huge family - she was one of 15 - With good holy parents they are proud of - was a family of powerful faith, and she thrived in this homelife of faith from babyhood. Not a witness most of us had growing up. Here is an excerpt from the video transcript where she mentions her own life [punctuation and paragraphs added by me]:

    I will tell you that I am one of 15. If you've seen Jen, my sister, who has blue hair (Why not have fun right in this world?), uhh, she's a children's author and she's the baby. My dad used to call her "the caboose on his train".

    And one thing my dad was very good at was he taught us to pray, from the time we could barely stand. And he taught us to love people, to help people - that's just in us. So when I see others, I see their needs, I care about what they need. I consider others more highly than myself - that's why I'm just like my earthly dad. I love to take my own stuff and give it away.

    We grew up in a time when my dad would take food off of our stove and take it to people who were in need and didn't have any food. And we would pray [for their own food, yet unseen]. He'd have us set the table - [ mom is a witness of all this... she is a living testimony of the power of God and the love of God and the miracles we had in our family.. ]. And we would set our table, and hold our hands, and my dad would bless the food that wasn't even there, and there'd be a knock at the door and people would bring food already cooked.

    It is too late to tell me that God doesn't care. It's too late to tell me those things aren't true. It's too late to tell me that it doesn't happen. He is no respecter of persons. So what are you saying - what is in the layers of your soul? Are they filled with the life of God and the love of God? What about your words? Do they carry life and hope?

    So there you go, that is the childhood of one who says God has taken her on many trips to Heaven, and whom God tells prophecies for our times.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Even the repentance seems unlikely to me after a life lived of choosing depravity all the time, as you tend not to change yor stripes at the end.
    Don't forget the examples of St. Paul and especially St. Augustine. The last days of Mussolini's life were certainly awful enough for him to meditate on his fate and inspire repentance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Don't forget the examples of St. Paul and especially St. Augustine. The last days of Mussolini's life were certainly awful enough for him to meditate on his fate and inspire repentance.
    Oh, okay, I don't know about this last days. Maybe so!

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    Default Dr. Kynan says...

    ... that God told him there is a WORSE virus out there, affectign millions, and it is called Contempt. I see it too! I believe Kynan.

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    Popes throughout history have endorsed and/or engaged in genocide, slavery, and rape, and many Christians have followed their example. If in Christianity you are saved by faith, not works, then no Christian can claim that someone is too depraved to be a Christian.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Oh, okay, I don't know about this last days. Maybe so!
    Don't forget to attend Saturday vigil if you haven't already.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Popes throughout history have endorsed and/or engaged in genocide, slavery, and rape, and many Christians have followed their example. If in Christianity you are saved by faith, not works, then no Christian can claim that someone is too depraved to be a Christian.
    When will the Subteigh-Eliza rivalry come to an end!! Also your profile colors gave me a seizure, absolutely awful color palette.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    When will the Subteigh-Eliza rivalry come to an end!! Also your profile colors gave me a seizure, absolutely awful color palette.
    What's your opinion of Battenberg cake?

    I don't consider @Eliza Thomason to be a rival. I consider her an enemy of truth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Don't forget to attend Saturday vigil if you haven't already.
    Hi Lemur, my husband and I are blessed to have a pretty-nearby most beautiful Latin Mass to attend at a gorgous old stone cathedral-like church. Such a Holy priest, with a sub-Deacon and lots of altar servers. Our priest does no Saturday Vigil Mass. The Saturday Vigil Mass is actual considered a replacement for Sunday Mass, did you know that? Our parish has 2 Sunday masses to choose from, both on Sunday, not Saturday. An earlier low Mass and the later High Mass with the beautiful Gregorian chant. On Saturday there is just the 8am Daily Mass.

    (On Saturday before Easter there is Easter Vigil, which marks the end of Lent and the beginning of the 50 day Easter season, and it can also replace Easter Mass. Though I like to go to both for Easter. Our priest does Easter Vigil early Saturday afternoon so it's more doable to go to both). (Only this year I did not, since I needed time to prepare unexpected Easter dinner for 10. But it was nice to be free to make that choice in a pinch).
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    Default July 4 Prophecy: The Shift Begins!

    So I am now seeing prophetic words multiplying like never before. Something big is about to happen! I am seeing a stream of reliable prophets - who rarely ever give dates, now giving dates - and they are all mentioning this JULY - that in this July, God will set His plan in motion for justice and truth and things will shake/fall apart, and begin to dismantle, and things will continue to be exposed and dismantled until exposure is complete. At least two prophets (Dixon, above, and Hank Kuneman) who are reliable respected prophets, name July 4th the beginning of the great dismantling, that God will have his OWN "fireworks" for this country on July 4th, and no one will miss it. No - it was at least three prophets who actualy said July 4th (when they almost NEVER give specific dates!), because looking at youtube transcripts I see also Robin Bullock, a very reliable prophet, also specifically said "July 4th" as the time that God will begin to unfold his plan that wont stop, that will expose and dismantle, in a way "bigger than our nation ever seen before."

    There will be shocking exposures of government corruption which will be worse and more extensive than we ever would have guessed, election revelations so jarring as to cause states to begin to clamour for investigation into what happened in their own states, election issues involving far more than just the obvious presidency one. Also the corrupt media will be exposed and by some time in 2022 dismantled. Also exposed will be the huge extent of child tgrafficing for which justice will be dealt and victims set free, thank God.

    Timothy Dixon, in another video this week, who often has prophetic dreams, just had another dream, that seemed to pertain to right now - that currently Someting will happen to Biden on Air Force One, that includes vomit on a carpet, and then Dixon said this prophecy very clearly:".. and then Biden will leave Air Force One, and will never get on it again.

    Also, this. Robin Bullock, a widely respected prophet that I, as well as many others, discern to be true an d real, just said that while he very recently was at an event where big name politians spoke, while they were speaking, God gave him revelations of the state of the souls of each of these speakers. He said, while God won't let him reveal their names, he could tell us this: in these currently reigning politians, there were three categories of what he saw of their souls:

    1) Some have resolved themselves to their finish - they know they are finished. They are now resolving themselves to the place of the relationship between them and their God. Robin says, "But finished they are, "for new ones are taking their place.
    2) Some are still in a decision mode, while some have made the decision to turn their backs on God.
    3) Some are good people who still ahve years left to come, but don't have a real clue of what's happening around them.

    [above is from this Robin Bullock link: ]

    I believe that just as Robin tells us the big politians now know it's "game over", so do LOTS of the key insiders. I just saw Trump interviewed on Fox News - and I listened to it because @BandD had said, "You listen to Trump, so he fooled you to think this" - and I haven't listened to Trump for months and months! So when I saw recent Fox news interview with Trump, I stopped and gave it a listen.

    I was surprised that the Fox interviewers introduced him as "Our 45th President" and kept referring to him as "Mr. President", in a way that made you believe that they believe he IS just that. I think those interviewers know the gig is up, too. And they want to be on the winning side and keep their jobs in media after the upcoming massive media turnover - the death of media as we know it. Trump looks totally collected, in control, and confident. Nothing like bumbling Biden, but a real person with something to say, who thinks and acts, and who exemplifies sanity. A person who carries authority with dignity. Who knows who he is. The prophets all say that God has spoken to him and he has known all this time what his office STILL is, and he knows that he will be back where he legitimately belongs, and I say he clearly knows that from watching him in this interview. It's in this link:

    The following is the script to the prophtic clip I just mentioned, of a Hank Kuneman event on June 21st, 2021. This is the link from that Below is the transcript from that youtube link, with capitals and paragraphs and punctuation (all missing from the youtube transcript):

    Transcript from Hanks, video, Hank speaks, then tells what God is telling him to tell us "right now":

    [Hank] "He's beginning to talk to me right here about 2022."

    [The rest of this is Hank revealing what God is saying to Him as he hears it] God:


    "You say, 'But what about this year and the year prior?' It's all being set up for what you're about to come into, " says the Living God.

    "2020, I declared that you would enter into the decade that would be known as "the decade of difference". And I declared ahead of time," says the Lord, "that it would be a harsh start of a decade, that would be different than what you have seen before in your time.

    "And I declared in 2020 it would be the year to believe the prophets, to trust in your God, that you may be established and prosper. Yet men doubted the voice that I spoke through the prophets at this time.

    "And so I spoke to you about 2021. And I still speak, and I say that this is the year 2021, the year of victory 2021, 2021 - w-o-n - where I have released the plan and an assault called 'the revolution of light upon the forces of darkness'.

    "And in this revolution, and that which I have released at this time," says the Lord, "is a purposeful overthrow where I am dealing with great, great feats of My hand against darkness to expose corruption and to bring it light, that the truth shall have a voice, and shall outweigh the lies.

    "You will see it. Look to the skies of your Fourth of July, for there shall be a great attempt to gather the clouds and the winds, the prince of the power of the air, who's defeated. So that you would not be able to see displays of fireworks, that are a sign of your freedom. But pray, pray across the states, that as you look up you will see the displays of fireworks, and as you see them in the natural," God says, "these are yet but signs of the freedom and the restored order that is coming to your nation, and it's coming fast," says the Lord.

    "And as you hear the cells as they begin to burst before you, listen to the sound of my voice that shall be heard within your fireworks, for it shall be My fist that is cracking down, for I have declared that this shall mark an hour and a day of a shift that shall come to you, America. You'll begin to see it, that as you enter in into the Fall, as you enter into the winter months, and you enter into 2022 - You will say in 2022, 'I. guess. it. was. true.'

    "And it shall be known in 2022 as the year for you. I will reward you," says the Lord, "and I will reward those who stood on the side, and voted for life, voted to protect the children, to stand with Israel. I will do it for you and you will see it in 2022.

    "And so let it be written now in the Heavens over you, United States, as I ride at this moment announcing your victory for this year, as things will now begin to heat up as summer heat comes. And there will be great heat upon this nation, and they will say and they will scream 'drought', they will scream and cry out 'rain'," but God says "the heat shall only be the heat that Hell will understand: that they are losing their power, and they are losing their grip"

    "But watch, things that will be heated up in Arizona. Watch the measure of truth that shall be shocking, that shall begin to spring forth. Other states shall rise up and say, 'We must do the same.'" And God says, "Look, look very closely; you will see states after states after states begin to say, 'We must have the truth, too'.

    "And as you hear the sound right now, it proceeds the year and the future, as things will get heated up in your nation, as many will come and blow the whistle on one another. *

    "Some will begin to expose others, and there will be a great unraveling of the tangled mess that they thought that they would get away with.

    "Things will get intense through the summer, and into your fall, but as you approach 2022," God says, "It is written as the shift comes [on] July 4th to bring this decade now into what I have declared it shall be, 2022, the year of for you. You will say it is true, but it will be the year of the new. It will begin to change, and you will begin to live out in the change, where they shoved the mask and put it upon your face, where the media has been the sound in the voice.

    God says, "There'll be something new that arises. New networks will arise as the other ones will be washed away. New voices, new faces, new political figures shall arise and it shall happen in your 2022," says the Lord.

    "I'm telling you this ahead of time, so that you will quit agreeing with the doom and the gloom and the false," says the Lord.

    [Break for sing and worship, and then Hank tells a vision he just had]:

    "I just literally saw China raise its voice and breathe fire towards the United States, but I just saw the fist of the Lord go right into the dragon's mouth. And expose their threats. Because China, you're going to be found out with what you did. And those in America that shook your hands will be brought to justice!~ Thank you, Lord!"

    *This is like what Timothy Dixon prophisied this week: "They have betrayed betray Kamala Harris - and she sees it. And she will turn on them, because they betrayed her.. A great storm of chaos is coming”
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 06-27-2021 at 06:39 AM. Reason: (edit blue transcript above)
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    So many of these prophetic words have never come to pass, like does that maybe tell you that just bc some random Christian identifying person wants to be a narcissist about their "prophesies" that maybe you could apply some critical thinking? Just a suggestion...

    Like I don't value Te either but I know that reality doesn't have my back in a lot of things...

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    So many of these prophetic words have never come to pass, like does that maybe tell you that just bc some random Christian identifying person wants to be a narcissist about their "prophesies" that maybe you could apply some critical thinking? Just a suggestion...

    Like I don't value Te either but I know that reality doesn't have my back in a lot of things...
    I just edited to add the transcript of the very specific prophecies (in blue) by Hank Kunneman. Actually, NONE of these prophets have said things that have not come to pass. Somethings not yet, maybe, but the"se true prophets don't back down. Pink-haired Kat was one of the first to say, in spite of all evidence to the contrary, "T. is our president, God said it, so it is so!" She said that wearing a party that and eating cake, and urging us to join her. That was sometiem around the first of January, and I went out and got a little Pepperidge Farm cake at the grocery store, whicvh I normally never eat, but and we ate a piece of cake every night for a week in union with Kat. That is a sweet memory, in more ways than one, because feasting for the Lords sake really is especially sweet. For us it was an act of believing in faith, before we saw.

    Yes, so some of their prophecies, like what Kat has been been saying since the big day in November, about the real president, are just not yet, and, not as soon as we'd imagined.

    But this is a first that I have seen a very specific day. July 4th. We are going to see God that day begin to make these thigns He has said come to pass. (Timothy Dixon says the big shift will begin July 4, 5, 6). God already told Hank well beforehand what 2020 and 2021 would be like, as he reminded Hank in the above blue transcript. Now he is telling Hank what to expect in 2022. God is telling us through Hank what to expect this summer, fall and winter, too. And Dixon was very specific ab out this current event:äfter the "thing that happens on Air force One involving vomit and the carpet", Biden will step off Air Force One, and he will never get back on it again.

    As Hank and other prophets have kept telling us: God does not act without first telling through his prophets what He will do. And He does chose to use the simple folk a lot of time. But also now it just seems to be a huge wide variety of prophets from every single walk of life, too.

    These are things that will be very clear whether they come true or not. Being skeptical is healthy. But the kind of skeptic in the manner of that haughty perverted old couple that run Snopes - there is a clar example of skepticism perverted. There is noting wise about hughty cynic. When people get sound uly, maybe it is jsut because their heart actually is ugly. I stand clear of that. Much better to just keep an open mind. Like, Ökay, sounds far out, but I will withhold my judgement and we'll see if it turns oüt to be true". That is much better, to welcome into your heart that demonic spirit of our times, that emonic spirit wich is a vicious virus doing so much damage to so many people: contempt.

    (I am not saying you are! But notice when people are - and it is legion around us - and take the higher ground yourself.)

    Psalm 1:1 - ". Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.

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    Wait, I'm sorry, have you forgotten how Trump would be president again months ago according to random prophesies? Pls just try to see ...

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    Eliza your 4D demonstrative Fe is too much lol- you are even giving Joss Whedon a run for his money there. It's like breaking dimensions to the 5th and 6th dimensions now...

    When a gay guy tells you to tone it down- you know you're being over the top!

    Also you always get down on people for being perverted.... sometimes people are just genetically born perverted though in their DNA though like scientifically. Nothing to do with good or evil.

    It's like being left-handed or having hazel eyes or brown hair. I call myself a Pure Demon as a joke but- real talk here, perverts were just born this way and it's not something Satan did to us. You don't want to really understand it because it's making your Delta Housewife-y morality all up into arms and shit. It's easier for you to just snobbily judge it, pretend you are better than other people- and keep ranting about God narcissistically. You said you don't even listen to other people if they go against 'the word' - that seems silly to me.

    I liked what my friend David Gerrold said (star trek writer) - often times when we are viewing something in the lens of Good and Evil we're not really understanding it, it's actually blinding us.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    Wait, I'm sorry, have you forgotten how Trump would be president again months ago according to random prophesies? Pls just try to see ...
    It seems like you are saying, since these people we saying it in januay, it should have happened in January? But I was watching them, and listenidn closely, and none of the may I listened to gave a date. Until now. The dates cleaarly given are that are about to see a shaking and a shift and a huge turnaround that begins on July 4th and just keeps going in many areanas to a degree that we have never seen before inour nation. And we have hank here with prophecies about 2022.

    (When things start coming out of the closet and keep on and keep on coming out, and what is hidden in the dark comes to light, it will be clear why it took so long).

    I don't blame you for beign skeptical that none of this will come to pass. But hey, I have done all this work listening adn discerning for months now so I am sharing what is out there. A point of information. Either it will come to pass or it won't. I say it will.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    I don't blame you for beign skeptical that none of this will come to pass. But hey, I have done all this work listening adn discerning for months now so I am sharing what is out there. A point of information. Either it will come to pass or it won't. I say it will.
    The way these charlatans work is they will often talk about enough Ne crap to fuel your need for it - They will on pure coincidence be right some of the time- and you will pay attention to the Hits and ignore the Misses because that's the way your illlogical faith works. Even if they were wrong 99% of the time but right on one thing- you'd probably milk that one thing for all it's worth cuz you love God that much. And because they're emotionally manipulating you enough to tell you what you wanna hear.

    I know it can be a terrifying concept to think that nothing happens at all after we die, that there is no heaven or hell- that's it, the end- it seems so sad, right. But I think, nothing ness is just nothingness - not good or evil, sad or wrong.... like that ANGEL episode where that possessed guy said 'nothing ness is the scariest thing there is.' I didn't think they were using their imaginations very well lol.

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    E.T- if nothing significant happens on July 4th, will you reconsider your belief in these prophets? Or will it be "well, something happened; we just don't know about it; we'll have to keep watching, and eventually we'll find that something important indeed happened on July 4th..." Or what if Trump dies before becoming President again?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Eliza your 4D demonstrative Fe is too much lol- you are even giving Joss Whedon a run for his money there. It's like breaking dimensions to the 5th and 6th dimensions now...
    LOL, it sounds amazing, but that turn of phrase is not clicking in my brain... probably has somethign to do with process/result?? Anyway, I would love you to explain to me what this is! When you get a chance. And is Whedon an IEE??

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    When a gay guy tells you to tone it down- you know you're being over the top!
    LOL. But hey, its the truth. I am sharign what these prophets are actally saying, and this is big and unusual, liked it is like nothing I have ever seen before. Please tell me in August (or maybe as early as after the 4th) if you think I was over the top!

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Also you always get down on people for being perverted.... sometimes people are just genetically born perverted though in their DNA though like scientifically. Nothing to do with good or evil. It's like being left-handed or having hazel eyes or brown hair. I call myself a Pure Demon as a joke but- real talk here, perverts were just born this way and it's not something Satan did to us. You don't want to really understand it because it's making your Delta Housewife-y morality all up into arms and shit. It's easier for you to just snobbily judge it, pretend you are better than other people- and keep ranting about God narcissistically. You said you don't even listen to other people if they go against 'the word' - that seems silly to me.
    Interestign your view of Delta. Yes, we are the old folk of the Socion but IEE gets the real loose woman rap here in some descriptions. I get it, and I see my personality as being easioly able to go that way with no brakes applied (and I actually had a supernatural experience once, a real angel inervention episode whenI was oung and niave and considered nto puttingon the brakes.) I feel that nurture can overcome nature and it my case it has in some respects. Like I remember saying when I was 19, Ï think I love beign in love." God has had to protect me from that! Also I am sx-first, which seems to me a normal fit for an IEE, but that sx-first can be channeled intp not just in the literal way. [I think that has something to do with the price of fish].

    I actually generally don't have my mind on sex at all when I say perversion. (Though I have a strong Ick reaction if a guy shows that kind of perversion towards me). I am just talking about the kind of perveted that we can all agree is just that. Definition from Merriam Webster, that really says it the way I use the word, (especially "1a"):

    Definition of pervert (Entry 1 of 2)
    transitive verb

    1a: to cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right : CORRUPT
    b: to cause to turn aside or away from what is generally done or accepted : MISDIRECT
    2a: to divert to a wrong end or purpose : MISUSE
    b: to twist the meaning or sense of : MISINTERPRE

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I liked what my friend David Gerrold said (star trek writer) - often times when we are viewing something in the lens of Good and Evil we're not really understanding it, it's actually blinding us.
    Yes. It can be a puzzle. So it helps to have a guidebook. (And a conscience not too battered to be any use.)
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    E.T- if nothing significant happens on July 4th, will you reconsider your belief in these prophets? Or will it be "well, something happened; we just don't know about it; we'll have to keep watching, and eventually we'll find that something important indeed happened on July 4th..." Or what if Trump dies before becoming President again?
    LOL, Aylen said that to me in December. It made me ask myself it, and I didn't have a clear answer for myself, which made me watch more prophets, which seemed a time-consuming task at first, but now I feel blessed I did. I treasure the "sweet" memory of cake with Kat in Januay. Sweet becaue I was acting out of faith; I had asked God, in faith, to protect our nation, to end the slaughter of innocent babies, to protect the precious freedoms we enjoy in our country, and to not let the socialist/communists power-hungry dictators ruin our country, and yes, that meant Trump and a Republican Senate and Congress (not that the Republicans are all saints - no way, and we will soon see so clearly) - and I believe we got that, but it was stolen. So I pray, and others pray, that justice be done, that God restores. And I don 't see it happening, but I prayed it, and I believe God heard. And the prophets spokem, and they assured us, God has heard our prayers. We did good; we did our part because we prayed, and now it is God's turn - He will act. We just need to believe, and wait on God's timing. And I believed! And I still believe.

    So the answer to your Q is, I guess I will be like pink-hair-lady and keep on believing! I expect God to act. So even though we didn't see justice, and instead watch Joe on his first day make sure that even babies BORN ALIVE could be killed, and we saw shocking loss of freedoms and new levels of censorship and just more signs of communism parading in. Still, I will expect God to act. To answer our prayers! Prophets told us He heard them, so that was an assurance God gave us; through them.

    God tells us to believe that we have already received what we have prayed for - even when we don't see it! Yes, it is natural to feel that this stepping out in faith is a bit crazy. So is anything new we do very awkward. To step out and act in faith is hard. Like above, in pink font, where Kats father', gives away his big family's dinner, on the stove, to others in need, when his own 15 kids need to eat, and there is no more food! He has them set the table and he trusts God to provide and he leads the family in prayer to thank God for the food they are about to eat that does not exist. And when he finishes the prayer of thanks, neighbors knock on the door and bring hot food for the big family to eat for dinner! That is what Kat Kerr grew up with. In a family with a father (generous to be father of 15) who had heroic faith!

    God has reason for usually not giving us dates. Yes, it would have been nice to hear in January that it was actually going to be a few months, vs. the few days we weren't told but ASSUMED God must have meant. But there is always a reason for God's timing, and His timing is always perfect. I believe the reason why we are given a date right now of July 4th for the exposure and the shaking to begin is because though they work to hide it, it basically has already happened - we public just havent been told yet. Bullock says that a great many politians now know it's over. They are DONE. The gig is up. And when I watched those Fox news reporters interview Trump, I truly feel they know, too. God says soon, everyone will.

    I can ask you, too, FP: If something significant happens on July 4th, will you reconsider your disbelief in these prophets?
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 06-27-2021 at 06:36 AM. Reason: sp.!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    LOL, Aylen said that to me in December. It made me ask myself it, and I didn't have a clear answer for myself, which made me watch more prophets, which seemed a time-consuming task at first, but now I feel blessed I did. I treasure the "sweet" memory of cake with Kat in Januay. Sweet becaue I was acting out of faith; I had asked God, in faith, to protect our nation, to end the slaughter of innocent babies, to protect the precious freedoms we enjoy in our country, and to not let the socialist/communists power-hungry dictators ruin our country, and yes, that meant Trump and a Republican Senate and Congress (not that the Republicans are all saints - no way, and we will soon see so clearly) - and I believe we got that, but it was stolen. So I pray, and others pray, that justice be done, that God restores. And I don 't see it happening, but I prayed it, and I believe God heard. And the prophets spokem, and they assured us, God has heard our prayers. We did good; we did our part because we prayed, and now it is God's turn - He will act. We just need to believe, and wait on God's timing. And I believed! And I still believe.

    So the answer to your Q is, I guess I will be like pink-hair-lady and keep on believing! I expect God to act. So even though we didn't see justice, and instead watch Joe on his first day make sure that even babies BORN ALIVE could be killed, and we saw shockignloss of freedome and shcoking censorship and just more communism paradign in. Still, I will exppect God do act. To answer our prayers! Prophets told us he heard them, so that was an assurance God gave us through them.

    God tells us to believe that we have already received what we have prayed for - even when we don't see it! Yes, it is natural to feel that this steppingout in faith is a bit crazy. So is anythign new we do very awkward. To step out and act in faith is hard. Like above, in pink font, where Kats father', father of 15, gives away his families dinner on the stove and his own 15 kids need to eat adn there is no food! He has them set the table and he trusts God to provide and he leads the familyh in prayer to thank God for the food they are about to eat that does not exist. And when he finishes the prayer of thanks, nieghbors knock on the door and bring hot food for the big family to eat for dinner! That is what kat Kerr grew up with. In a family with a father (generous to be father of 15) who had heroic faith!

    God has reason for usually not giving us dates. Yes, it would have been nice to hear in January that it was actually going to be a few months, vs. the few days we weren't told but ASSUMED God must have meant. But there is always a reason for God's timing, and His timing is always perfect. I believe the reason why we are given a date right now of July 4th for the exposure and the shaking to begin is because though they work to hide it, it basically has already happened - we public just havent been told yet. Bullock says that a great many politians now know it's over. They are DONE. The gig is up. And when I watched those Fox news reporters interview Trump, I truly feel they know, too. God says soon, everyone will.

    I can ask you, too, FP: If something significant happens on July 4th, will you reconsider your disbelief in these prophets?
    For sure I will, if it's something so specific as Biden vomiting onto a carpet, though most of your prophets seem to be rather vague on this. But even the Bible says to disbelieve (and kill) prophets whose prophecies don't come to pass. I'd think that by continuing to believe them if July 4th passes without event, you'd be committing sin.

    I also think it's interesting that God has poor grammar: says "the media has" instead of "the media have." Also the terrible style of phrases like ""I'm telling you this ahead of time, so that you will quit agreeing with the doom and the gloom and the false," says the Lord." Why is it that the prophets of the Bible spoke in elegant poetry evocative even when translated into other languages, but modern prophets sound like they're reading from the essay of a college freshman trying to meet a word count?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    The way these charlatans work is they will often talk about enough Ne crap to fuel your need for it - They will on pure coincidence be right some of the time- and you will pay attention to the Hits and ignore the Misses because that's the way your illlogical faith works. Even if they were wrong 99% of the time but right on one thing- you'd probably milk that one thing for all it's worth cuz you love God that much. And because they're emotionally manipulating you enough to tell you what you wanna hear.
    Interesting, because what you are saying here describes how it was hard at first for me, listening to those prophets. Besides the issue that that they weren't Catholic so then I have to listen closely to see if they are in error. Which I had to do anyway, to discern if they were true prophets. A lot of paying attention and mental energy, which felt time-consuming. (a differnt approach might have been better, like listening while also trusting God more, to show me, which is what I do more of now). So that worry, "am I being decieved?" was a weight. But I had to trust God, as I invite him to be with me while I listen, and I also listen for God's voice to tell me, "See that? That is not true." Then the more it doesn't happen the more I have to listen, in case I am missing something all along, some clue as to the presence of falsehood. But I did find false prophets saying similar things that made me steer clear of them (they always take the truth, and add just a little bit of falsehood, wich infects the whole thing, and which proves they are false). I found that the ones on Elijiah Streams channel, plus some others, are legit.

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I know it can be a terrifying concept to think that nothing happens at all after we die, that there is no heaven or hell- that's it, the end- it seems so sad, right. But I think, nothing ness is just nothingness - not good or evil, sad or wrong.... like that ANGEL episode where that possessed guy said 'nothing ness is the scariest thing there is.' I didn't think they were using their imaginations very well lol.
    BandD, it must be very terrifyng. I am very sorry for you if you consider that. To consider that would make one run, run to other comforts that will never satisfy. There is a God shaped hole in all of our hearts, and nothing but God will ever fit there, and it will always gape until it's filled. For me, by the grace of God, nothing in me that sees that as a possiblity. That ship has already sailed. Like Kat, I also say, "It is too late to tell me that God doesn't care. It's too late to tell me those things aren't true. It's too late to tell me that it doesn't happen." Yes, I have seen too much, and been blessed too much by God, and I can't un-see it now. So all I can think is that you are projecting. But God's got you - I already keep you in my prayers. I already see a heart for truth in you, and I think God is going to spark that. I trust him to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    For sure I will, if it's something so specific as Biden vomiting onto a carpet, though most of your prophets seem to be rather vague on this. But even the Bible says to disbelieve (and kill) prophets whose prophecies don't come to pass. I'd think that by continuing to believe them if July 4th passes without event, you'd be committing sin.

    I also think it's interesting that God has poor grammar: says "the media has" instead of "the media have." Also the terrible style of phrases like ""I'm telling you this ahead of time, so that you will quit agreeing with the doom and the gloom and the false," says the Lord." Why is it that the prophets of the Bible spoke in elegant poetry evocative even when translated into other languages, but modern prophets sound like they're reading from the essay of a college freshman trying to meet a word count?
    I like what you said about believeing if it happens. I think you will.

    The grammer - that is human error. Hank for example (like most of them do at certain times, but Hank often prophecies this way) tells what God is saying as he hears it, but he still has the handicap of his own habitual phrasing, and I have seen with all prophets - the handicap of a wavering atention span. We all mispeak if we aren't all-focused. Another Prophet is Anne, a Lay Apostle; she is a catholic, and her gift is that Jesus gives dictation and she writes it down EXACTLY as He says, so the grammer and phrasing is always perfect. So it is different for all. Hanks print "print" is on what he says. He is alwo a dramatic eperson. Perhaps ESFj. also Timothy Dixon has his heavy southern drawl and habitual gramatical errors when he talks. One Elijah Streams prophet II did not like much was is Kent Christmas, not because of his content but because he is a wirey many who gets this intense energy and LOUD liek yellign voice it the middle of a prophecy, and I was aways watchign just those dramatic clips of the middle of a prophcy part of his videos. So I avoided Kent, but the other day I tuned into one and he was talking quite normally (and admirably) for the whole video. So they all have their ways. Its God speaking through them, but He doens't remkae their personailities while they speak His words. God is able to minister to us through these fallible people. A favorite quote of mine from I do't know where: "God uses cracked pots". Because He is able!
    I am going to be so sorry when I get up for early Mass tomorrow that I stayed up! (I'll pray for God's help. He has done it before.)
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    As Hank and other prophets have kept telling us: God does not act without first telling through his prophets what He will do. And He does chose to use the simple folk a lot of time. But also now it just seems to be a huge wide variety of prophets from every single walk of life, too.
    aaaaaah, imo judeo-christian god actually often chooses to demonstrate his works through his prophets, like Moses and Jesus. His prophets do things that make ppl look again bc God wants ppl to understand. He knows that without demonstrations humanity won't be convinced. He goes for dramatics like parting seas and turning water to wine and healing the sick. Things ppl can't explain are his mark when he wants everyone to see.

    Ofc ppl who want you to pay attention to them will tell you reasons why God would go through someone like them, but it doesn't change that they have no real miracles to demonstrate.

    I'm just wondering if you could ever spot a fraud.

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