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Thread: Celebrities we know, seen in Heaven

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    How exactly? By my own careful discernment I see a pink haired woman who is insisting to me that I believe her about things that are impossible to disprove or provide any evidence for. I personally don't like to assume that people are ill intentioned or just lying about things, but I need a damn good reason before I believe someone knows anything at all about the afterlife. What is your process for discernment exactly? Can you describe an objective methodology which you use to determine if you should trust a supposed prophet?
    Later, I could look up some good sites that explain how. I have to answer this quick because I don't know what my week will be like and I feel I need to answer FP's post before I go to bed since I left him hanging. I look: is the person humble? Kat is, while being strongly bold about God. She is not afraid to look the fool proclaiming things about God that are hard to believe. God is who we should be bold about, not ourselves. Prophets will not say anything contrary to God's word, so if they do, they are liars and not prophets. I know God's word from having read it and studied it so much and it is in my heart. So anything contrary to the truth stands out to me. With these prophets or with anyone who claims to be of God, you can have a true discussion with other believers. If another believer thinks they are false, then you should listen to why, and see if there is truth to it. The many different prophets on Elijah Streams tell revelations from God through their many differnt personalities, and in many different ways. If one of them discerned another as a liar, or not being of God, they would feel duty-bound to point that out to believers. If they were aligned with them on the same channel, and did NOT speak out agains a false fellow-prophet, Christians would have good reason to question that God is using them, puttinginto questuion all they said.

    When I discovered Elijah Streams, after I had been listening to many prophets, I was glad but not surprised to see that all the ones I liked were on there, and none of the ones I had rejected.

    But for others, I should give you a reliable link to an essay where someone tells discerning tools, in an outline form. Al the tools are based on scripture. I think all the things they say are already in me, because I have used discernment for so very many years and in so very many ways.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Sorry I didn't answer this sooner.
    No worries. You spend so much time on your answers I feel kinda bad asking you so many questions lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    To me, showign pic tures of the demons is like posting pics of narcissists - it only makes them happy. Like if an narcisist goes to jail for an evuil thing, he will be all excvited abot gettgin his pic in the paper. And the good things God is doign are just more right to befocusing on.
    Hmmm it seems to me that if there were actual pictures of demons we could see though then more people would convert to Christianity since it could then at least be established that spiritual beings exist. Then it would just be a matter of figuring out which religion was correct rather than whether or not spiritual things exist in the first place. Although a single picture wouldn't be 100% proof of anything, it would be very impressive evidence, and I'm struggling to find any real reason Kat would have to keep this picture from us
    “Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
    — James Russell Lowell

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    Quote Originally Posted by AWellArmedCat View Post
    No worries. You spend so much time on your answers I feel kinda bad asking you so many questions lol

    Hmmm it seems to me that if there were actual pictures of demons we could see though then more people would convert to Christianity since it could then at least be established that spiritual beings exist. Then it would just be a matter of figuring out which religion was correct rather than whether or not spiritual things exist in the first place. Although a single picture wouldn't be 100% proof of anything, it would be very impressive evidence, and I'm struggling to find any real reason Kat would have to keep this picture from us
    No don't feel bad. I will get to it eventually; I do love the topic so I don 't mind.

    I think Kat has taken other impressive pictures which are probably published somewhere. A demon pic would nto be her top prioority becaue there asre so MANY demons. You will soon see why God said Biden was so possessed, when the news comes out. God told Robin Bullock that Biden is a jackal. Kat Kerr wriote a couple of God books (proably about Heaven) (she is not the 77 year old Sci-Fi ficton author of the same name, so not those books). Check Amazon and read reviews; the reviews will likely indicate if there are supernatural pics in her books because she is a visual person looking for visual signs and she often sees them. She saw the imnage of the hand of God in the recent Juluy 4th smnoke of fireworks and took a picture but I haven 't seen it (or had time to look for it).

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    So what happened on the 4th?
    I am going to try to write a quick response. Sorry if I repeat anything I said earlier becasue I don't remember my most recent responses to this thread and can't read it all now to see.

    [Sorry about typos; I will correct later in an edit.]

    I can tell ou that in many ways I leaned on my own understanding of what I heard the prophets say about July 4th, and got excited about my interpretation. So beliow I analyze what I said on page one of this thread, about July 4th, by quoting it and cullign through what I said the prophets said. That quoting will make this long, but at least accurate.

    If I don't change the print to red, it means I still believe it exactly as I interpreted as I wrote it! It if it is in yellow/red, it means I mistook something.

    So I am now seeing prophetic words multiplying like never before. Something big is about to happen! I am seeing a stream of reliable prophets - who rarely ever give dates, now giving dates - and they are all mentioning this JULY - that in this July, God will set His plan in motion for justice and truth and things will shake/fall apart, and begin to dismantle, and things will continue to be exposed and dismantled until exposure is complete. At least two prophets (Dixon, above, and Hank Kuneman) who are reliable respected prophets, name July 4th the beginning of the great dismantling, that God will have his OWN "fireworks" for this country on July 4th, and no one will miss it. No - it was at least three prophets who actualy said July 4th (when they almost NEVER give specific dates!), because looking at youtube transcripts I see also Robin Bullock, a very reliable prophet, also specifically said "July 4th" as the time that God will begin to unfold his plan that wont stop, that will expose and dismantle, in a way "bigger than our nation ever seen before."

    There will be shocking exposures of government corruption which will be worse and more extensive than we ever would have guessed, election revelations so jarring as to cause states to begin to clamour for investigation into what happened in their own states, election issues involving far more than just the obvious presidency one. Also the corrupt media will be exposed and by some time in 2022 dismantled. Also exposed will be the huge extent of child tgrafficing for which justice will be dealt and victims set free, thank God.
    This is ALL TRUE - God has begun his plan on July 4th as He said, and the dismantling is HUGE - except the media is hiding it. The real story can be found in alternative media, (meabning beyond Fox News, which is closer only sort of news. Pieces you won't see on the other news, but a LOT is missing!!!). The hiding won't hold for long - later the world will see the dismantling started, just as God sais it would, on July 4th.

    In red: I don't know where I got that no one will miss God's fireworks but this is what I thought I heard, in my mind it certainly was to be a literal miracle for all to see and I think I got carried away with excitment about that. If I ever find that it was actually said that God would have literal noise and lights and no one would miss the physical noise and lights of God, then I will know that prophet is a liar. But I think it was me, interpreting what I heard to mean that. It would nto be the first time I ever misheard a thing, and dramatized it in my mind, and only later realized I heard it or interpreted it wrong.* <- That star means see below for more on this topic.

    Timothy Dixon, in another video this week, who often has prophetic dreams, just had another dream, that seemed to pertain to right now - that currently Someting will happen to Biden on Air Force One, that includes vomit on a carpet, and then Dixon said this prophecy very clearly:".. and then Biden will leave Air Force One, and will never get on it again.
    Time will tell if this is true. I believe it. It was pointed out to me that a pic was published of Biden standing next to by AF1 that he was suppossed to have just gotten on or off, after the 4th (maybe the 10th?) but I believe it was CGI, or an old photo. That is what I am hearing from a believeable alternative political news sources - that Biden has already been takeninto custody for his crimes and mayb e even tried already - but those sources are difficult because everything they say is in "code" because of the heavy, heavy censorship the dem,. team has imposed on our country. [code meaning, for example, our coutry's true - nd acting - leaderis "45".]. The Media is still in constant-lie mode, but the truth will come out, soon, before they quickly fall for good. Also, I do not believe God would have told His prophet that vomit detail if it were not going to be confirmed. It will be confirmed. It WILL come out, dates and all.

    Also, this. Robin Bullock, a widely respected prophet that I, as well as many others, discern to be true and real, just said that while he very recently was at an event where big name politians spoke, while they were speaking, God gave him revelations of the state of the souls of each of these speakers. He said, while God won't let him reveal their names, he could tell us this: in these currently reigning politians, there were three categories of what he saw of their souls:

    1) Some have resolved themselves to their finish - they know they are finished. They are now resolving themselves to the place of the relationship between them and their God. Robin says, "But finished they are, "for new ones are taking their place.
    2) Some are still in a decision mode, while some have made the decision to turn their backs on God.
    3) Some are good people who still ahve years left to come, but don't have a real clue of what's happening around them.

    [above is from this Robin Bullock link: ]

    I believe that just as Robin tells us the big politians now know it's "game over", so do LOTS of the key insiders. I just saw Trump interviewed on Fox News - and I listened to it because @BandD had said, "You listen to Trump, so he fooled you to think this" - and I haven't listened to Trump for months and months! So when I saw recent Fox news interview with Trump, I stopped and gave it a listen.

    I was surprised that the Fox interviewers introduced him as "Our 45th President" and kept referring to him as "Mr. President", in a way that made you believe that they believe he IS just that. I think those interviewers know the gig is up, too. And they want to be on the winning side and keep their jobs in media after the upcoming massive media turnover - the death of media as we know it. Trump looks totally collected, in control, and confident. Nothing like bumbling Biden, but a real person with something to say, who thinks and acts, and who exemplifies sanity. A person who carries authority with dignity. Who knows who he is. The prophets all say that God has spoken to him and he has known all this time what his office STILL is, and he knows that he will be back where he legitimately belongs, and I say he clearly knows that from watching him in this interview. It's in this link:
    So this is all true.

    Above you see once again, like many of the other videos I ahve posted on this thread, that were certainly there when I posted but soon afer, censored out, we hav e Exhibit A and B and C and etc. of our new heavy-handed censorship. I wonder how long it took them to censor both those videos I posted? Fox News in their interview with no.45 refer to him as "Mr.Presi...t." That is a fact. Becasue he is! We will soon find out. meanwhile, if yiou go on Duck Duck go andfindthe recent Fox interview with 45, you can probably findit there.

    More of what I wrote in that post abotu what to expect on July 4th:

    The following is the script to the prophtic clip I just mentioned, of a Hank Kuneman event on June 21st, 2021. This is the link from that Below is the transcript from that youtube link, with capitals and paragraphs and punctuation (all missing from the youtube transcript):

    Transcript from Hanks, video, Hank speaks, then tells what God is telling him to tell us "right now":

    [Hank] "He's beginning to talk to me right here about 2022."

    [The rest of this is Hank revealing what God is saying to Him as he hears it] God:


    "You say, 'But what about this year and the year prior?' It's all being set up for what you're about to come into, " says the Living God.

    "2020, I declared that you would enter into the decade that would be known as "the decade of difference". And I declared ahead of time," says the Lord, "that it would be a harsh start of a decade, that would be different than what you have seen before in your time.

    "And I declared in 2020 it would be the year to believe the prophets, to trust in your God, that you may be established and prosper. Yet men doubted the voice that I spoke through the prophets at this time.

    "And so I spoke to you about 2021. And I still speak, and I say that this is the year 2021, the year of victory 2021, 2021 - w-o-n - where I have released the plan and an assault called 'the revolution of light upon the forces of darkness'.

    "And in this revolution, and that which I have released at this time," says the Lord, "is a purposeful overthrow where I am dealing with great, great feats of My hand against darkness to expose corruption and to bring it light, that the truth shall have a voice, and shall outweigh the lies.
    God said this, and it is true prophecy! Every word will be accomplished. God continues:

    "You will see it. Look to the skies of your Fourth of July, for there shall be a great attempt to gather the clouds and the winds, the prince of the power of the air, who's defeated. So that you would not be able to see displays of fireworks, that are a sign of your freedom. But pray, pray across the states, that as you look up you will see the displays of fireworks, and as you see them in the natural," God says, "these are yet but signs of the freedom and the restored order that is coming to your nation, and it's coming fast," says the Lord.

    "And as you hear the cells as they begin to burst before you, listen to the sound of my voice that shall be heard within your fireworks, for it shall be My fist that is cracking down, for I have declared that this shall mark an hour and a day of a shift that shall come to you, America. You'll begin to see it, that as you enter in into the Fall, as you enter into the winter months, and you enter into 2022 - You will say in 2022, 'I. guess. it. was. true.'
    This section is where I believeI misinterpreted. I believe eveerything written here is true, that this is God's prophecy for us. But because of the part in red, I was expectignto hear a different sound in ther fireworks - God's voice - and I expected everyone else to hear the supernatural sound, too. I do not know why God said, "my voice that shall beheard within yor fireworks" except that it must have been figuratigvfely. he certainly told us whatit means,. The firsworks meant the start of the shift for America. He immediately follws with, "You'll begin to see it, ... as you enter into the Fall". I see clarity now in ALL these prophetic words, except the one part I don't fullky understand in red, but I assume I am just not gettign it right. I believe these are the words of God.

    Also, after the fire works,which were extra special this year because my borther puts them off and for the first time I and others got to get up close to the fenced off area where they were settign them up - an all-day affair! I about these words, and I was away and vbisitignmuch but I had a little time to research in the internet. God said, "... there shall be a great attempt to gather the clouds and the winds, the prince of the power of the air, who's defeated. So that you would not be able to see displays of fireworks, that are a sign of your freedom. But pray, pray across the states, that as you look up you will see the displays of fireworks, and as you see them in the natural," The prince of the power of the air in the prophetic realm always refers to the "airwaves". I saw that there were some sinister news stories published in tweets and other places, that fireworks were a display of white supremacy and such. I forgot what exactly because I was disgusted by the major news media, like usual, and deciced to focus instead on my great joy in what God is goign to do. But I was appauled by the stories I read from the media disparaging patriotism. It is satanic. Becasue loyalty to ones own nation is a virtue. It is a good. The perverted news media is dependable to say that good is bad and bad is good. And God has had enough,. They are going down.

    But God also said, " So that you would not be able to see displays of fireworks, that are a sign of your freedom. But pray, pray across the states, that as you look up you will see the displays of fireworks..." so he seemed to be saying, that they would try to cancel our fireworks - "because they are a sign of your freedom." God said they would try to cancel them folr that reason. For that reason. becasue they are stupid enough to still think they can impose socialism/communism, and take away our freedom, but God says they won't win that.

    So I looked that up, and in the about 10 minutes max I had for that endeeavor, I found two news stories about cancelled fireworks. There could have been more, but I foudn these two immediately and never had time to look for more. The first story was that the Washington Nationals canceled their fireworks because of "noise ordinace". Really? When has that ever happened before? They apologized for the "inconvenience", but if you bought your family baseball tickets (not cheap) expcecting to see the prom ised 4th of July Fireworks, that would be mroe than inconvenient. You would be pretty mad that your kids were missing out on fireworks on the 4th whenyou planned, provided and paid for them to see them! Noise ordinance? When has that ever cancelled fireworks before. These shows are hugely planned far in advance, the fireworks are purchased, and a pyrotechnic team has to set aside that important date to be there fore the show, and to cancel at the last mionute means they had to pay all those workers adn the fireworks that did not get put off.

    Or, you could just blow up the fireworks,. That is what another county or town didm, somewhere in the Carolinas or Virginias I think it was. They blew up the truck that had all the fireworks show in it. All of them! And "accident!" That kind of ac cident doesn't happen. I never heard of THAT "accident" before - have you? A coincidence, surely. Not. As soon as I saw the headline, I knew, no one got hurt, since this was planned. Sure enough, no fatalities, just one "hurt" - whatever that means - but the guy hurt "refused to go to the hospital." Good for him. I bet they REALLY pressured him to go, so they could say, "One man hospitalized...". But this patriot wouldn't play their game. I bet...

    But I now note that the very next thing God says here is, "... But pray, pray across the states, that as you look up you will see the displays of fireworks, and as you see them in the natural," God says, "these are yet but signs of the freedom and the restored order that is coming to your nation, and it's coming fast," says the Lord."
    So he is sayign that as you se the fireworks in the natural, here is what that means. So here in the same prophecy God seems to be clearly saying that what you see in the natural means something supernatural. Also she is sayign they will try to cancel the fireworks, but as you see the fireworks... - so He is not sayign they woudl all be canceled. Just that they woudl try to cancel them.


    "And it shall be known in 2022 as the year for you. I will reward you," says the Lord, "and I will reward those who stood on the side, and voted for life, voted to protect the children, to stand with Israel. I will do it for you and you will see it in 2022.

    "And so let it be written now in the Heavens over you, United States, as I ride at this moment announcing your victory for this year, as things will now begin to heat up as summer heat comes. And there will be great heat upon this nation, and they will say and they will scream 'drought', they will scream and cry out 'rain'," but God says "the heat shall only be the heat that Hell will understand: that they are losing their power, and they are losing their grip"

    "But watch, things that will be heated up in Arizona. Watch the measure of truth that shall be shocking, that shall begin to spring forth. Other states shall rise up and say, 'We must do the same.'" And God says, "Look, look very closely; you will see states after states after states begin to say, 'We must have the truth, too'.

    "And as you hear the sound right now, it proceeds the year and the future, as things will get heated up in your nation, as many will come and blow the whistle on one another. *

    "Some will begin to expose others, and there will be a great unraveling of the tangled mess that they thought that they would get away with.

    "Things will get intense through the summer, and into your fall, but as you approach 2022," God says, "It is written as the shift comes [on] July 4th to bring this decade now into what I have declared it shall be, 2022, the year of for you. You will say it is true, but it will be the year of the new. It will begin to change, and you will begin to live out in the change, where they shoved the mask and put it upon your face, where the media has been the sound in the voice.

    God says, "There'll be something new that arises. New networks will arise as the other ones will be washed away. New voices, new faces, new political figures shall arise and it shall happen in your 2022," says the Lord.
    Amen. Hallelujah.

    "I'm telling you this ahead of time, so that you will quit agreeing with the doom and the gloom and the false," says the Lord.
    * This is the mainthingthat came to my mind after contemplating how what I saw on the 4th is not what I had expecterd, particvularly that I did not hear God's voice speakign in the fireworks booms. That God said the reason he gave us thsi prophecy was so we will quit agreeing with the doom and gloom. He told us Hisplansin thisprophecy for that reason. He said, as you watchthefireworks inthe natural, know that this marks the begining of my work to trun your nation aroudn, to restore freedome in your land.

    Andit worked, becaseu i b elieve him.

    Now FP, you proabaly weren't feeling doom and gloom so you didn't need this prophecy? This prophecy was for those who did.

    But soon you will feel so happy about what God has doneikn our country that what you feel now will seem likedoom and gloom compared to how greatou will feel about whatGod has done inour nation. It's all very good! A little messy dismantling but things willl soon turn around.

    Below is the rest of that prophecy and I believe this too!

    [Break for sing and worship, and then Hank tells a vision he just had]:

    "I just literally saw China raise its voice and breathe fire towards the United States, but I just saw the fist of the Lord go right into the dragon's mouth. And expose their threats. Because China, you're going to be found out with what you did. And those in America that shook your hands will be brought to justice!~ Thank you, Lord!"

    *This is like what Timothy Dixon prophisied this week: "They have betrayed betray Kamala Harris - and she sees it. And she will turn on them, because they betrayed her.. A great storm of chaos is coming”

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    the earth is flat and the president is a bunch of photo manips lol but he is evil and snakelike while having this interesting secret arrangement with trump who is running things behind the scenes (but they aren't on the same side, it's a complex biblical arrangement!)... and god looks at both these sinful old geezers and clearly thinks one is evil and the other good rather than being like they are both so sinful and outside of my light that i just weep once again for the lost sheep race that is humanity lol.

    i thought there was like this biblical (and spiritual in general) focus on things like humility and compassion and authenticity and not hoarding most of the world's resources to oneself. jesus even had this quote about how spiritually burdensome materialism and wealth is on people: it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. jesus meanwhile supposedly lived a much more humble non-grasping existence that was really about helping other people by and large and there's all these quotes about giving people the shirt off your back and just you know like this... compassion.

    then we see trump and biden: old rich men CONSUMED by greed, power seeking and materialism, their compassion limited, non-existent or corrupted. the contrast is really quite severe. these are the spiritually impoverished, not the spiritually "on" sorts of people. for trump god is about being told his narcissism is justified and that all this stuff that satan supposedly tempts humanity with, like all the money and power and self-indulgence, is actually somehow good and holy rather than forces making god/the kingdom inaccessible to him. i don't really know how much of this stuff he really even believes in like truly, not as political statements to the christian right.

    i just see wealth on the trump/biden scale as often a huge red flag towards anyone claiming to be some kind of spiritual guru or leader or messiah etc... not necessarily always, but almost always. these are frauds who want the benefits without having to face the fact that hoarding status, wealth and materials runs counter to spiritual aims. there's something inauthentic about it, some whiff of using the material world to fill a spiritual void that is poorly recognized by the individual.
    Last edited by marooned; 07-19-2021 at 04:02 PM.

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    This thread is a great example of what is wrong with religion

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    It's what he deserves

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    the earth is flat and the president is a bunch of photo manips lol but he is evil and snakelike while having this interesting secret arrangement with trump who is running things behind the scenes (but they aren't on the same side, it's a complex biblical arrangement!)... and god looks at both these sinful old geezers and clearly thinks one is evil and the other good rather than being like they are both so sinful and outside of my light that i just weep once again for the lost sheep race that is humanity lol.
    Well I can see you are just mocking and that you are one who needs to see before believing. Fine. You will see. But correction: Trump has NO arrangements with Biden. No one thinks that. Two separate presidencies, and one is fake. The swamp is being swept and the shell that you see that you have been told is real is FAKE. And when this all comes out, and it will, you will be GLAD (besides being disgusted adn outraged with what is exposed). What you think is the current administration is fake, and they will be in jail, and tried, if they haven't already been. I am believing rumors that it is already largely done.

    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    i thought there was like this biblical (and spiritual in general) focus on things like humility and compassion and authenticity and not hoarding most of the world's resources to oneself. jesus even had this quote about how spiritually burdensome materialism and wealth is on people: it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. jesus meanwhile supposedly lived a much more humble non-grasping existence that was really about helping other people by and large and there's all these quotes about giving people the shirt off your back and just you know like this... compassion.
    It's all true. But it is not an either/or thing, it's like it is so often: both/and. Yes, the bigger part is what you said here. Also many religious make vows of poverty, like St.Francis did, who also knew riches before that. Because God can turn that poverty into a great great spiritual good.

    Power and money corrupts. Therefore I don't know why people don't consider that more often or why so many people have blind faith in what the media and government (and public educators) tell us, so they do not deem to apply discernment and do not examine the fruits and instead they just trust blindly and get led along like sheep. Such misplaced blind faith! But it is commonplace.

    But also we know that some people have enough goodness that they are able to resist and rise above the corruptive seduction of power and money. Think of good kings. Like St. Louis. Or Solomon, the richest man who ever lived. The richest peole in the world now are proabably nearly all, if not all, corrupt and evil, and we will see much of the evil they have done worldwide, because God iis exposing it.

    They have also run a slave economy - and that is going to change. Very soon, very fast - it will flip!!! They are saying, this summer. They are saying it is all in place now. I am hearing, as soon as the Biden arrest comes out, this will coinicde with the new economy. I am definitely no expert so I won't try to explain what i have been learning. But you can search it up, best on duckduckgo, not google. It is called qfs and nessara/gessara [sp.?] and it is stunningly good news for us regular folk. Our lives are going to get much better, soon. I only am just learning of this, but it coincides with how the prophets have told us that God will soon be taking the wealth from the very rich and giving it instead to people who will do good with it, and use it for His will.

    People will have wealth who never had it before. Besides that a new non-inflated economy with a better life for all! Shorter work weeks. No income tax! They say IRS is already largely dismantled and they have no budget! Workers have been cut to a skeleton staff and middle managers are done soon, like this week. You won't hear it in the regular news until the pressure hits. No property tax! The government will truly be smaller - shut down to 10%! Funded by sales tax only (about 14%), meaning the tax will be equalized, not such a burden on the poor. No sales tax on used goods, including used cars and used houses! Inflation disappears, with prices SUDDENLY reurnign to 50s and 60s. It will be truly a new world. Flipped. This is all planned and set to be implemented now. Earlier (last week?) I heard, "within a month", which is closing in on us. You have to read for yourself, though. I am no expert. Read and do your own summary of what you read. It just sounds real to me on many levels but mostly because it coincides with what I have already heard the prophets saying, and seems to me the method God is using to restore justice to our society, after He judges the wicked now hoarding the wealth that He intended us all to enjoy. These people hoarding wealth had no interest in the will of God; they served a differnt master. They hated God. God weill now judge.

    So whern God told prophet Hank Kunneman that 2021 is the year we will say, 'We won", I am convinced God was not just referring to the elections in our country. That is only part of the huge turn around God is orchestrating in everry arena. I think it was also very much this economy stunner. Truly, in 2021, we will all have cause to say, "We won!"

    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    then we see trump and biden: old rich men CONSUMED by greed, power seeking and materialism, their compassion limited, non-existent or corrupted. the contrast is really quite severe. these are the spiritually impoverished, not the spiritually "on" sorts of people. for trump god is about being told his narcissism is justified and that all this stuff that satan supposedly tempts humanity with, like all the money and power and self-indulgence, is actually somehow good and holy rather than forces making god/the kingdom inaccessible to him. i don't really know how much of this stuff he really even believes in like truly, not as political statements to the christian right.
    Don't even put them in the same category. You have bought the lies of the media, their story they want you to believe. You think Trump supporters are blind followers because you havee been told so, over and over, so it must be true. You haven't botherred to examined the fruits. You have accepted what you have been told and believed what they have told you: "Look no further than what we are telling you. We are your news source."

    Yes, the lying media have told you over and over he is a narcissist, and you can buy it because you, like the vast majority of people, would not recognize an actual Nnarcisist when you saw one. Most poeple, like you, DON'T KNOW what a narcisist is. So you can be told someone is one, and you think it is true. Especially because you heard it so many times, so it must be true.

    You are wrong because you have been deceived. Misinformed on a grand scale. But you won't mind when you find out the truth. You will rejoice when the truth comes out!

    "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” - The law of propaganda, attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Clearly this is also the law of our present day media, which is going down soon, because God has judged.

    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    i just see wealth on the trump/biden scale as often a huge red flag towards anyone claiming to be some kind of spiritual guru or leader or messiah etc... not necessarily always, but almost always. these are frauds who want the benefits without having to face the fact that hoarding status, wealth and materials runs counter to spiritual aims. there's something inauthentic about it, some whiff of using the material world to fill a spiritual void that is poorly recognized by the individual.
    You will see Biden and Trump are two completely differnt categories and you will see how it is a gross injustice to imply that anyone is in the same category as Biden, without true cause. God said he is a jackal, and that is the truth, as you will soon see and believe.

    Right, like I stated above, you have good reason to be mistrustful AND to watch closely the actual fruit (vs. oft-repeated baseless allegations) of the wealthy people, especially those who run our nation. Money and power largely tends to corrupt, in when it is in the hands of those in the world at this time, who love everythign but God, it is definitely not a good thing. Soon, it will be mainstream to know and love God! The fruit of that will be everywhere!

    P.S. Another topic: The flip we will soon see in our goveernment, and the freedom and liberty that results, will soon spread into other nations, and we will see the people's hearts turn to God in nations the world over. So many nations were mentioned just in the prophets I heard.

    I have a particularlar love for England, and I was warmed to hear that in England, peoples hearts turning to God will happen in such huge masses that it will frighten the government. Interesting description of the British government's reaction to people rejoicing in their love of God! Another prophet said that Gods hand - spoken of at the time as His hand of justice - will reach Buckingham Palace, where we can expect to see a "changing of the guard".

    What does that mean? That is what God said. Just that. I have some thoughts, which I shared with my husband, who has dual US/English citizensip. He has a love for England and the monarchy (We've loved watching The Crown series together - but I tend to see it as a very beautiful, exquisitely-told fiction, all arranged around facts, but fiction.) I told him I do not expect God means that the Queen will die so then Charles or Wm will take her place, because at her age, dying is nothing supernaturally of note.

    So I believe it means that there will be a new different royal line in place, as I assume Britian will want to keep their monarchy tradition in place. I reminded him that for DECADES the Queen gave her annual Christmas address, year after year, and until only in VERY recent years (likely due to criticism of same), she, in her role of Head of the Church of England (having assumed the Pope's role after the Reformation), NEVER ONCE mentioned the name of Jesus, not in a single Christmas address to the nation. That is shocking, and it has to mean something BIG, and not good. It is the other side, not God's, that fears the Name above all Names: Jesus. It does not bode well for which side she lives on.

    Then there was the viral video of the naked young man escaping from Buckingham Palace from an upper floor by a rope made of bedsheets in broad daylight. Something is NOT right with that family, starting with it's Head, and if it is the evil that it clearly seems to be, God is going to expose it and weed it out, because that is what He told His prophets He is begining to do worldwide right now.

    I also asked my husband: how much good has the Queen done for her country with her vast, vast wealth? Certainoly nothing notably generous and greatly good. So something is very off with her priorities; love of her people is not high on her list. Husband did not weigh in on this, and I would not press him to. But I see he has been searching on the net for articles on the faith of the queen. He won't find much substance, is my guess.
    Last edited by Eliza Thomason; 07-19-2021 at 06:19 PM. Reason: typos
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    The Queen is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England, not the Head. Their Head of the Church is Jesus Christ, not the Queen, or the Pope as is in the Catholic Church.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Then there was the viral video of the naked young man escaping from Buckingham Palace from an upper floor by a rope made of bedsheets in broad daylight. Something is NOT right with that family, starting with it's Head, and if it is the evil that it clearly seems to be, God is going to expose it and weed it out, because that is what He told His prophets He is begining to do worldwide right now.

    I also asked my husband: how much good has the Queen done for her country with her vast, vast wealth? Certainoly nothing notably generous and greatly good. So something is very off with her priorities; love of her people is not high on her list. Husband did not weigh in on this, and I would not press him to. But I see he has been searching on the net for articles on the faith of the queen. He won't find much substance, is my guess.
    Fake news:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Well I can see you are just mocking and that you are one who needs to see before believing.
    not really. my whole point is there's nothing to see (or something we can round to nothing). this reminds me so much (i may have mentioned before) of what some of the very "passionate" fans do when the outcome they wanted in the show they were invested in didn't happen. even though the show is over, and the relationship they wanted to happen or the outcomes they wanted didn't happen, they can't believe it or accept it. they've been too invested for too long, and have for far too long interpreted everything from the content in episodes to the content of interviews with the creators as secret hintings that yes, all the creators/writers perceive reality exactly as they do and have the exact same values as they do and think/feel just the way they do, and therefore will create the story these fans want... like it just gets so divorced from reality, but within the fandom circles, they feed their version of reality to one another, spin it and make it real... it ends up seeming so real in fact, that when actual reality comes along they can't see/accept it (i mean i'm sure eventually most people do since it's about fictional universes). and given all the years of investment in these beliefs about what the story will be, they can't just let that all go easily. so together they conjure all sorts of crazy explanations about how actually something else happened than what was shown, and really it's just part of a bigger picture in which they will get everything they want in the future. but honestly they'll probably just be disappointed over and over, because yes they created their vision of things, it's just unfortunately belief in something alone isn't enough to make it real often, or at least not in the way one seeks. but there are some who can keep the faith for a very long time.

    Fine. You will see. But correction: Trump has NO arrangements with Biden. No one thinks that. Two separate presidencies, and one is fake.
    yes fiction fans often conjure alternate realities within the fictional universe as a way of explaining away what actually happened. it's kind of like how the ministry of magic operates in secret and controls the world beneath the notice of the muggles. stories can create alternate timelines and realities and later have it turn out everything the protagonist thought was true was all an illusion.

    And when this all comes out, and it will, you will be GLAD (besides being disgusted adn outraged with what is exposed).
    these are a lot of assumptions about how i would feel in this imaginary scenario. you can't know that... so i feel the Voice of Certainty is a bit absurd.

    Power and money corrupts. Therefore I don't know why people don't consider that more often or why so many people have blind faith in what the media and government (and public educators) tell us, so they do not deem to apply discernment and do not examine the fruits and instead they just trust blindly and get led along like sheep. Such misplaced blind faith! But it is commonplace.
    or how they have faith in super wealthy people who build their own corporate empires and line their walls with gold as having the best interests of everyday people at heart... i'm just befuddled that so many christian trumpists are in this boat. it's like they see a greedy morally bankrupt sort of person seeking to advance his own interests and that of his family, but they are like "oh he's so goooood, he was chosen by God, he's leading us to salvation!" if you accept this principle, i don't understand why trump isn't the perfect example.

    But also we know that some people have enough goodness that they are able to resist and rise above the corruptive seduction of power and money. Think of good kings. Like St. Louis. Or Solomon, the richest man who ever lived. The richest peole in the world now are proabably nearly all, if not all, corrupt and evil, and we will see much of the evil they have done worldwide, because God iis exposing it.
    i don't know so far it seems to be winning and trump is part of it... he is not someone who has risen above corruption lol. he is the embodiment and personification of corruption.

    They have also run a slave economy - and that is going to change. Very soon, very fast - it will flip!!! They are saying, this summer.
    just this summer the millions of people working for practically nothing doing all of the hardest work will suddenly not have to toil exceptionally like that and will be paid enough to actually live and support their families? just this summer, utopia on earth is coming. and REPUBLICANS like the idea of a more equitable society? republicans who fight against raising the minimum wage? who are against all the super wealthy and corporations having to actually pay their taxes or take care of their workers? lol. it's again their actions speak for themselves. and it's the same of the horrible neoliberal crowd, of which biden is one. it doesn't matter what any of them say, because they leave the record of what they DO or do not do.

    They are saying it is all in place now. I am hearing, as soon as the Biden arrest comes out, this will coinicde with the new economy. I am definitely no expert so I won't try to explain what i have been learning. But you can search it up, best on duckduckgo, not google. It is called qfs and nessara/gessara [sp.?] and it is stunningly good news for us regular folk. Our lives are going to get much better, soon. I only am just learning of this, but it coincides with how the prophets have told us that God will soon be taking the wealth from the very rich and giving it instead to people who will do good with it, and use it for His will.
    yes when a fan is feeling very uncertain like what they were hoping would happen in the story isn't going to happen, they often return to their online groups who share their same views/preferences. the group can tell them how it's really going down, and some in the group may even claim to "know someone" with secret insider knowledge. then the uncertain fan is reassured that reality does match their desires, it's just a matter of time, and all will be as they want it to be.

    Don't even put them in the same category. You have bought the lies of the media, their story they want you to believe. You think Trump supporters are blind followers because you havee been told so, over and over, so it must be true.
    well you can also meet them, people like yourself for instance. they aren't mythical creatures that you never encounter in your daily existence lol. i think you might be projecting a little bc you often post the opinions of others which you have subscribed to 100% almost like being easily led.

    You haven't botherred to examined the fruits. You have accepted what you have been told and believed what they have told you: "Look no further than what we are telling you. We are your news source."
    i actually look at media from all sides of the political spectrum because i am following the mass insanity that's going on. i'm also Te polr so "trusted sources" isn't really my thing exactly. i don't listen because my Fi is locked onto a trusted source, i listen because my Ti is trying to make sense of things.

    Yes, the lying media have told you over and over he is a narcissist
    actually i thought this before it became so trendy and so did a lot of people (it just tends to occur to ppl after observing him long enough, or just right away jk). however, trump is not unique in being a famous wealthy narcissist. the lives of the rich and famous are often very narcissistic, to the extent it's a bit confusing (if the norm in your culture is narcissism, then...). anyway, the media cannot change the content of what trump says in his speeches, his addresses, his rallies, his tweets... he actually expresses himself very well. it's not like he's an entity made of mist conjured by the media. his lies are also easy to see because they show up in the trail of contradictions present in everything he says over time.

    and you can buy it because you, like the vast majority of people, would not recognize an actual Nnarcisist when you saw one.
    and a lot of people have lived with one. they are in people's families and workplaces. i remember once i asked a psychiatrist i was seeing if she thought i might be a narcissist and she said that she doesn't see them come in for help, instead she sees all the people who have suffered in relationships with them and are now left with the emotional devastation of that. (althoughhhh i would say that i think the disorder is so stigmatized that ofc if someone who felt they had NPD wanted help or to get better, they might be too afraid to "reveal" themselves.)

    "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” - The law of propaganda, attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Clearly this is also the law of our present day media, which is going down soon, because God has judged.
    yeah but the left says this about the right and trump himself lied like this. honestly the left started saying this first at least that i noticed, and it was in response to trump's behavior. it's just what happens with these diametrically opposed sides is that one will make a claim about the other, and the other will be like "no, you" and they will actually over time claim the exact same "evils" of one another.

    You will see Biden and Trump are two completely differnt categories and you will see how it is a gross injustice to imply that anyone is in the same category as Biden, without true cause. God said he is a jackal, and that is the truth, as you will soon see and believe.
    i don't think they are in the same category. i think biden is bad and trump is worse. but they are in the same category of being both "bad for the future." but i mean good things do come out of the bad, after the darkness there is the light, bla bla blah.
    Last edited by marooned; 07-20-2021 at 12:43 AM.

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    Default Wow, the predicted onslaught of exposure begins

    Unexpectedly, with the ABC network:

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    i feel the need to point out (perhaps unnecessarily) that it's becoming rather common in the US to distrust the mainstream media. (i feel like it's a trend in the west in general, and maybe globally as well, bc i think the view that we're all being herded about by self-interested elites who have everything while much of the world can't even meet their basic needs really rubs a lot of people the wrong way)

    i see the left wing media as being the most fond of cancelling people (they are correct that the political right does this as well and conveniently leaves it out of the "we're so against cancel culture bc we love free speech so much" narrative). but i think the left is in a lot of ways the worst with censoring and cancelling (in the realm of the media), although i can't say either side is overall more a danger to free speech than the other. the far left may want to control what ppl are allowed to say, but the far right often likes to try to wipe views they don't like out of existence as well (see critical race theory that is being fought against legally, as in by force not in the "marketplace of ideas"). the right wing media however imo tends to be the most dishonest. i feel like there were only a handful of honest fox news anchors for instance.

    i think there are or have been court cases against rachel maddow and tucker carlson for their "creative journalism"?

    and it is funny that the left can have darlings like rachel maddow but then many on the left are all for increasing control of people on social media, who's allowed to speak and on what platforms, and if you're banned from one bc you spread "disinformation," you should be banned from all! terrifying stuff imo. and the political left wants to force the social media giants to do this it seems (i.e. biden administration).

    anyway i think there's a huge collective will in the nation for the media to tone themselves and their controllingness and elitist entitled propaganda down. and i can see from the article i posted there might be some defensiveness. but i think the common person is kind of being brutalized by the wealth/resource/power hoarding group of elites and they are incredibly insensitive about how powerful they are compared to the rest of us, yet on the left, they so like to discuss privilege lol. it's like the elites made themselves untrustworthy and this is the fallout. like if as a journalist one is more into controlling the political narrative and the masses than actually giving clean information, then why should anyone trust them? trust is earned.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Unexpectedly, with the ABC network:

    Oh - I see. ABC actaully HAD the story and they hid it. So this is part of the scandal of the news networks who do not report virtal news. The above prophecy said thesed stories will start coming out athis sumemr and they owon'ty stop. This irresponsible news censorign by ABC is truly just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG! They will go down forever because of what comes out. No more ABC News in 2022.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Oh - I see. ABC actaully HAD the story and they hid it. So this is part of the scandal of the news networks who do not report virtal news. The above prophecy said thesed stories will start coming out athis sumemr and they owon'ty stop. This irresponsible news censorign by ABC is truly just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG! They will go down forever because of what comes out. No more ABC News in 2022.

    What is your opinion on Satan?
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    Oh - I see. ABC actaully HAD the story and they hid it. So this is part of the scandal of the news networks who do not report virtal news. The above prophecy said thesed stories will start coming out athis sumemr and they owon'ty stop. This irresponsible news censorign by ABC is truly just the TIP OF THE ICEBERG! They will go down forever because of what comes out. No more ABC News in 2022.
    Inshallah all other cable news will go the same way.

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    Lol @ all the assblasted atheist in this thread.

    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Default Celebrities we know, seen in Heaven

    Do you NOT read the actual Bible where it says in Jeremiah 17:5 to trust no man?

    ”Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.”

    Or John 3:13?

    “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.”
    Or 2 Thessalonians 2?

    3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

    6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

    7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

    8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

    9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.
    Do you even read and study the source material of your faith? Last I checked, there was nothing about a pink haired nut job ascending to Heaven or anything about Trump.

    If its not in the Bible, it’s baseless. Do you not know that?
    I do not suffer fools gladly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    you have different prophets, that don't know each other.

    these prophets made prophecies, that were very specific.

    and these prophecies did not contradict each other.

    you also have different authors of the bible, living in different times, living in different continents, writing books of the bible, that come together.

    that is, pretty damn impressive. (they didn't have internet either)

    ~50% of the prophecies have been fulfilled, ~50% are supposed to occur in the future.

    39 writers. 3 continents. 1500 years.

    1 story.

    But is it baseless? Lol

    Evidence for the faith:

    --Historical/forensic evidence
    --Manuscript evidence
    --Scientific evidence
    --Logical arguments
    --Intelligent design
    --Creation science
    --Philosophical arguments
    --Moral apologetics
    --Internal evidence
    --External evidence
    --Fulfilled prophecies
    It has factual errors in the text, and its "prophecies" are also full of errors and are often vague.

    I can tell you that the archaeological and historical evidence for the biblical stories is worse than poor: the evidence overwhelmingly contradicts it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Do you believe Elvis is still alive? There have been millions of sightings since 1977.
    Elvis is English and roams the hills.

    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    What is your opinion on Satan?
    Against stupidity the very gods themselves struggle in vain.

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