Response to @BandD :

“((I say that affectionately ILEs- but you know you are like that lol))”

I can’t really stand my ex bf’s Ne monologues. It would be fine if they just stuck with one conversation topic at a time. Which maybe some ILEs do, but I haven’t met many to be able to make a comment on it.

“Do you feel the physical pleasure and stimulation when doing a bunch of physical things or don't you. If you are intuitive- your scope of experience is naturally going to be much narrower than a true sensor. I might do something sensor-y for five minutes, but then I will want to spend the rest of my life intuing about it lol. SEI friend I have, she wanted to have a lot more 'real' experiences then I was willing to tolerate- because the sensory input was annoying and drain-y to me.”

I don’t really know what you mean by a bunch of physical things, the only physical thing I do is running to stay healthy. I never really went anywhere in my life by choice so far, more like I was forced or felt like I had to go. There are certain places I want to go to, but I don’t really enjoy going just anywhere, especially if I was nagged or forced to go. I enjoy the feeling of success, accomplishment, reflecting, pondering, and building in my imagination over actually going out and doing anything, but I enjoy wild Fe atmospheres and conversations, as well as really wanting to go to certain places too much to go full hikikomori though. Going somewhere isn’t totally annoying if I actually wanted to go there and if it wasn’t just sprung on me at the last minute. Going anywhere and interacting with the world outside of my house does drain me, and I usually need at least an hour to process and reflect on the events that happened to me (IDK if you would call that intuition though).

Response to @thistle :

“How comfortable are you with setting a book aside that you are halfway through reading when you come across another book that captures your interest? Do you feel compelled to finish that first book before you are able to focus on another?”

What kind of crazy person starts two books at once? Yes I would finish the first book first because I would have to stop every chapter to reflect on what I had just read and doing that for two books at once would confuse me a little.

“When plans suddenly change, do you feel disorientated because you have "mentally prepared for" something already?”

Probably yes, but I haven’t had much opportunity to even make plans to do anything.

“Something I've noticed that may have to do with rationality is being guided by constraints. Knowing what to expect and roughly how long something might take helps you be more resourceful and mobile throughout your day, and the work that you are most proud of is achieved this way - it aligns with what you had in mind.”

I would like to be able to follow a strict schedule, but whenever I set specific times of the day to do something I end up not being able to follow through. I think making a to-do list where I just roughly follow things for specific amounts of time might work better, as long as I end up finishing all the tasks I had to do in one day I will have succeeded.

“In the tests do you tend to score closer to irrational than rational?”

I don’t really trust tests, but I end up being in the middle, sometimes scoring closer to irrationality than rationality. On Gulenko’s test I wound up scoring only one point more for irrationality than rationality.

Response to @myresearch :

“Some extroverts can be more introvert or some may feel that way although they are not.”

Additionally to add to myresearch’s point, I did end up also scoring only one point more for introversion than extroversion. Most tests end up putting me in the middle of introversion and extroversion. I think I may be ambiverted rather than a pure introvert or extrovert. While I don’t exactly trust tests, it may be useful to look into irrationality vs rationality.

“About making plans, all rationals tend to do that more often than irrational ones. IxI's plans are more distant and interchangeable. You said you areb othered by your boyfriend because he ruins your plans, can you give examples to that?”

He kept ruining my future plans with his new ideas of how the future should go. I never really pushed on him too much to fit with my vision because I knew that he would be all like “Oh but I am intuitive and logical and you are not, I know what’s best” or be like “Okay, I will compromise now, but in a week I will completely change my mind.” I also was still in the process of developing it and so I didn’t really mention it. It wasn’t really so much that he destroyed any near future or current plans, because as I mentioned, I want to keep a loose schedule but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

Small little sad rant on what happened:

Despite the fact that to him Si was about comfort, caretaking and making people relax (basically standard descriptions of Si) and I seemed to constantly hate and be unable to do those things, he claimed that I was just a sensor with low physics, that I was SEI but was just somehow more physically inept because [insert new theory to justify typing]. To him I was obviously just overusing my intuition and that if I worked on my physics I would magically become more Si. I couldn't help him really or make him relax and I did not enjoy much Ne, I just felt tired the whole time.

I started to think that I was indeed a terrible SEI, like a defective one with incorrect emotions that can’t actually do traditional Si correctly or I am too stubborn to accept Ne. Maybe I am deluded by thinking that I don’t need any help with my intuition or my future and that I need more practical momentary help. Maybe I just need to appreciate Ne conversations and ideas more, I am so ungrateful, why do I seem to dislike it? I constantly felt uncomfortable, like I was a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.

“Why do you think you cant be EIE? Why do you think xEI is more probable? How do you describe your Fi?”

Just I think the creative function is easier to spot than the base, usually EIE would see Ni usage more clearly than Fe usage, not always though. It’s hard to say, rationality and irrationality, introversion and extroversion I always seem to fall in the middle of. I would describe my Fi as very good, I always attempt to understand human interactions, motivations, other’s worldviews, interpersonal relations, and psychological distance without feeling too much effort or strain. You may be right about Fi ignoring though, it does feel like more of a correction to role Fi sometimes than demo Fi, however demo Fi is also very plausible, since my ex bf wasn’t annoyed by my usage of Fi.

Based on ILE descriptions and what people are saying, I am having a hard time seeing any possible positive scenario where ILE actually helps me or where I enjoy listening to one. It’s not that I want stability, it’s that I don’t like Ne base conversation, Ne ideas, Si DS, and that I believe that as long as I can work in the moment the future will go correctly, I don’t feel worried about the future or future possibilities as much as I seem worried about the current moment and practical things. Si descriptions just don’t fit and I just don’t seem to fit in with what SEI is. There are people who are pretty confident now that I am not SEI.

Or maybe I am a severely deluded eccentric SEI, who thinks she doesn’t like Ne and Si DS but needs it crammed down her throat to see that she is really SEI. Or maybe the Socionists got Si descriptions wrong. If anyone wants to give an explanation as to why I have to be SEI, go ahead.

@Tallmo yes ITRs would help, but I don’t really go out at all or interact with enough people for that to be more useful. Learning from real life is a bit too much effort, I’d rather go typeless than have to actually go through all that.

@AWellArmedCat you are probably right, I will take a break from trying to figure out my type. I will refresh myself with the IEs.

@myresearch brings up good points, as well as @Northstar , idk, I mean you seemed to be able to predict what I am...

I actually lean towards IEI/EIE > SEI right now, but we will see in time. SEI typing is getting harder to see, but not entirely impossible. It seems like the polls are divided, and I haven’t shown enough signs of Ni to be able to make a confirmation on my typing, so typeless I will go for some time longer.