Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post

the vaccines are problematic and imperfect in and of themselves. It has a lot to do with the nature of that spike protein for one, there is so much un-known about it and also, it might turn out to be the most damaging portion of the virus itself, which is part of why having spike proteins produced in your body is problematic for the same reason they are problematic on the virus envelope.
Why? Most of the COVID vaccines are the new mRNA vaccines (versus the conventional vaccines that use inactivated viruses), and the whole point of sending mRNA to your body into producing spike proteins (the protein on the surface of the COVID virus) is so that your immune system can create antibodies to get rid of the spike proteins. So the spike proteins should disappear over time.

I mean if your immune system is already defective then it might be dangerous, but that person is even more fucked if he/she gets infected with a live virus. Obviously getting infected with a live COVID virus is much more dangerous than getting an mRNA vaccine.

Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
Basically it might be shown that natural immunity from a cleared infection might be broadly neutralizing if you catch covid, or a variant a second time. If you had the vaccine, because of feed back loop mechanisms, broadly active immune cells are not produced. Therefore, the vaccine although effective in neutralizing an initial infection's symptoms, might not be effective AS A VACCINE against future infections. It's also not a vaccine, they are modified prophylactic gene therapies. This could lead to requiring booster shots for an unseen amount of time, which means pharmaceutical companies are responsible for allowing society to function normally, which is not an optimal situation.
What? Of course that the vaccine is a "feedback loop mechanism", and that innate immune cells are not produced by it. What other protections against viruses do you suggest?

It's not a "gene therapy" because it doesn't modify the genes. It's a vaccine, because the whole point of it is to get the immune system into triggering an immune response. However you might have to modify your genes if you want your body to produce more innate immune cells or something.

Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
Third, every single past mRNA vaccine trials all end up in the same types of failures: antibody dependent enhancement. This is why none of them have made it past clinical trials. The reason moderna, pfizer, AstraZeneca, are being injected into arms right now is because its Emergency Use. You are the guinea pig, and that is not an embellishment phrase. I think the big takeaway here to understand is that it is a War time measure. Like we in war right now, biological warfare. Covid was once originally a natural coronavirus, that got stuck with HIV spike proteins that link up with ACE2 and GP120, as well as having a furan cleavage site, as well as using Line1 reverse transcriptase to hide out in your cell, which no other coronavirus in its family lines has. However, MERS has a cleavage site, but the cleavage site in covid uses a codon sequence that is bread and butter of researching virologists when they try to make them more infectious. The codons are the same as the ones in people. This is all on published record for over a year now. That Fox news is breaking the story is a bit of misnomer. They are not breaking any news, they are just allowing some to get out, finally. CNN is the same, but with a nice-nice twist.
It seems that the mRNA vaccines were decades in the making. They are new, but it seems that they're more promising and are easier and require shorter amount of time to produce. The only downside is that they require the vaccines to be stored in very low temperatures.

It seems that Chinese COVID vaccines are conventional vaccines and not mRNA vaccines. If you are concerned about mRNA vaccines, then you're free to take Chinese vaccines.