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Thread: Greatest Strength of Each Alpha Type

  1. #41
    Poptart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    The Alpha quadra always gets the least amount of views here, so are you guys so good at being evil & deceptive you go un-noticed or are you so good at being good people don't pay much attention to alpha because Good = Boring, and it's kinda like a story with no villain, no conflict, or no complex plot.
    Do we get the least amount of views?

  2. #42
    MidnightWilderness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Do we get the least amount of views?
    Yes we do

    like it's usually around 10-20 people

    wouldn't say it's all boring though

  3. #43
    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    SEI - compassion
    ESE - effort
    ILE - cleverness
    LII- logic

  4. #44
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    The Alpha quadra always gets the least amount of views here, so are you guys so good at being evil & deceptive you go un-noticed or are you so good at being good people don't pay much attention to alpha because Good = Boring, and it's kinda like a story with no villain, no conflict, or no complex plot.
    You equate Alphas and good? Why?

  5. #45
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    I like alpha NT’s, but alpha SF can (by pattern, not individual exception), be harder as for me.

    My favorite types are SLE and LII for interacting with others, and LIE-Ni can be ok, but LIE-Te is too painful. Mature, caring LIE-Ni who are not overly harsh on me can be helpful in giving me constructive feedback.
    I am in my head; not society.

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  6. #46
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    Being "chill" or "cute" really isn't a strength?? It's just an ordinary personality trait. I hate being associated with those things, I hate it so much it makes my blood boil.

    You want to know why I hate being seen as "cute"? Because it sounds demeaning, infantilizing and like people don't want to take me seriously.
    I was being facetious: I understood the point of the thread to list stereotypes, and stereotypes are always reductionist; I was also trying to be funny by using one word beginning with a "k" sound to describe each type. I didn't mean for my post to be taken seriously or offend anyone.

    I do often see SEIs as "cute," in the way someone could find a dog cute. I don't think this is something I can easily change. But I also don't see why it's wrong to think that way, and I don't think it causes me to treat the type with any particular disrespect or to infantilize them. It's more that a typical SEI's relaxed demeanor and expressivity triggers similar neural feedbacks as dogs or young kids, and makes me enjoy their company, makes me want to talk and laugh and make jokes more; things like that.

    How would you like to be seen?

  7. #47
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    You equate Alphas and good? Why?
    Not necessarily at all, I'm just trying to figure out why the Alpha section gets the least traffic on the site. What is it about the Alpha quadra that doesn't gather as much attention as the other sections etc. If not 'goodness' than what is it?

  8. #48

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    Alphas don't value both Te and Se.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    Not necessarily at all, I'm just trying to figure out why the Alpha section gets the least traffic on the site. What is it about the Alpha quadra that doesn't gather as much attention as the other sections etc. If not 'goodness' than what is it?
    Alphas are least interested with their own kind, because alpha's democratic approach doesn't even have their own kind.

    The active alpha member number is lesser than the rest. There are no ESEs. Most of the SEI/ILE users are joined recently.

    Alphas often keeps everthing generalized, so active users tend to open threads on other sections and threads are generally for all types.

    Alphas are more prone to keep the juicy stuff to themselves. Some says otherwise, but I don't see them sharing it, only seeing them asking it.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post

    I was being facetious: I understood the point of the thread to list stereotypes, and stereotypes are always reductionist; I was also trying to be funny by using one word beginning with a "k" sound to describe each type. I didn't mean for my post to be taken seriously or offend anyone.

    I do often see SEIs as "cute," in the way someone could find a dog cute. I don't think this is something I can easily change. But I also don't see why it's wrong to think that way, and I don't think it causes me to treat the type with any particular disrespect or to infantilize them. It's more that a typical SEI's relaxed demeanor and expressivity triggers similar neural feedbacks as dogs or young kids, and makes me enjoy their company, makes me want to talk and laugh and make jokes more; things like that.

    How would you like to be seen?
    I don't think chill or cute should be included as a greatest strength, it would have been more appropriate in a another thread although okay, you were being facetious, but everyone else seemed to give similar attributes that I highly disagree with. It just seemed awfully lame for a thread titled "Greatest Strength". It doesn't really matter how I would like to be seen, it's just that others have never described me as being any of these things. Also I got a *little* upset at this thread so I decided to just rant all my feelings.

    Apparently I only come off as a "troll" pretending to be SEI, because I say too much stuff against the typing. At this point I have been kicked out of Alpha Quadra with slim chance of return, Freelance. So I can no longer speak on behalf of SEIs. Everyone will probably be confused as to what type I am for a long time, since I seem to come off as pretty much any ethical type to some people.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    I don't think chill or cute should be included as a greatest strength, it would have been more appropriate in a another thread although okay, you were being facetious, but everyone else seemed to give similar attributes that I highly disagree with. It just seemed awfully lame for a thread titled "Greatest Strength". It doesn't really matter how I would like to be seen, it's just that others have never described me as being any of these things. Also I got a *little* upset at this thread so I decided to just rant all my feelings.

    Apparently I only come off as a "troll" pretending to be SEI, because I say too much stuff against the typing. At this point I have been kicked out of Alpha Quadra with slim chance of return, Freelance. So I can no longer speak on behalf of SEIs. Everyone will probably be confused as to what type I am for a long time, since I seem to come off as pretty much any ethical type to some people.

    I still believe in you! I may be the only person who does, but I'll fight for your inclusion in the quadra! Lol.

    Hm, some other good qualities about SEIs: perceptive, compassionate, considerate, cautious, non-judgemental of other people, easily pick themselves back up after defeat, usually have good taste.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I still believe in you! I may be the only person who does, but I'll fight for your inclusion in the quadra! Lol.

    Hm, some other good qualities about SEIs: perceptive, compassionate, considerate, cautious, non-judgemental of other people, easily pick themselves back up after defeat, usually have good taste.
    Uhm I can be those things but not always...

    How people have described me (not all good qualities):

    Overly self-conscious
    Ridiculously high standards (comparing myself to idealized images or others)
    Overly Idealistic
    Lack of attention
    Never gets anything done in real life but has big dreams - too inert and lack of focus on the moment
    Bit stubborn sometimes (esp. in regards to my dreams, hence "dreams forever")
    Good writer (only a few people think this)
    good Fe/Fi
    Withdrawn/self absorbed
    Down to Earth (in a not pretentious way)
    Bittersweet outlook, sees positives but doesn't deny the negatives of the world
    Maybe kind and compassionate
    Stressed over perceived flaws/weaknesses
    How perceptive I seem depends on who you ask

    All of this is kind of subjective and depends on who you talk to. Also I mentioned I was self-conscious, so I could just be giving myself more negative attributes but I think it's accurate.

    Emotional Outpourings:

    Biggest Weakness:

    Yeah most of my qualities aren't really good, especially (Never gets anything done in real life but has big dreams) which is my biggest flaw. If I could focus though, I would have a greater chance of actually making it big. I hate to say it because it makes me look like a loser, and probably most people can't understand why I have a lack of focus, so (probably deservedly) people think I am lazy. Subconsciously I know what to do, but the thought rarely becomes action. Most days I just kind of daydream and ponder stuff and ruminate, and I forget everything I need to actually be doing... People think I am rational and "need structure" just because I would like a motivational push (or at least give me magical attention drugs). I wonder if it's a combination of attention deficit and depression causing weird mental escapism into daydreaming and fantasizing, because I have had this problem my entire life. It's my Achilles heel, and I pretty much why I hate myself and think I must be a defected loser. Like I almost got all the things necessary to actually function and succeed, but then as a cruel joke the world made me self critical and inert, or I subconsciously, masochistically made myself like this.

    Biggest Strength:

    Ugh, this is weird but okay. Because I spend so much time inert, it gives me time to really think about things, which is why I already know what I want to do with my life and I have a semi-finished manifesto already. I have strength in ethics, both in producing strong emotions (Fe) and in understanding ethical matters (Fi), which is very useful for achieving my goals. E4 helps with being passionate and finding a certain personal sense of beauty and meaning in the world and art. Feels kind of weird to talk about my strengths because it sounds kind of arrogant to me, but whatever type I end up being, those strengths are my strengths.

    TL;DR Read e4 weaknesses and strengths.

    People actually criticize my taste a lot, some like it though... I assume you mean like taste in Art or something like that?
    I try to be non-judgmental in a Fi demo way. Most people end up judging others at some point anyway so non-judgmental doesn't actually mean anything. I don't really spend a lot of time nitpicking flaws in people, it's a bit of a waste of time, especially if they didn't deserve it.
    Hmm cautious, I'm not sure what you mean? I suppose I am cautious in avoiding my dreams being ruined, I like to leave a clear and possible pathway for it to have a chance of becoming true.

  13. #53
    Universal Dual Seeking Consciousness (164 IQ) BrainlessSquid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Hmm I just don't see any Se DS in me, or 4D Ni. I mean maybe, maybe, but... it doesn't feel quite right. Something is off... somehow...
    Have you considered the possibility of being Ni suggestive and thus role Né?

    I believe Fe creatives can only be Ne or Se base. Of you're not Ne base then you should be Se base. Think about it
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

  14. #54
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I think you should focus more on other people and learn to type and experience the relationships. Focusing only on yourself is a swamp that will drag you down.

    At least that's how I did it. Learn from real life what is duality, supervision, quasi etc. You have to experience all types so you become familiar with how Socionics works.

    Socionics/ Jung's typology is an objective phenomenon. You have to learn to be objective while also focusing on yourself.

    Anyway the type is just an empty label unless you have learned what it really means and how it manifests
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    What is even going on here?
    My own Quadra is starting to look pretty annoying...

    First of all:

    I may come off as QuIrKy sometimes but I wouldn't call my self QuIrKy.

    Being "chill" or "cute" really isn't a strength?? It's just an ordinary personality trait. I hate being associated with those things, I hate it so much it makes my blood boil.

    You want to know why I hate being seen as "cute"? Because it sounds demeaning, infantilizing and like people don't want to take me seriously.

    So either disown me from Alpha Quadra or STOP giving SEIs these adjectives, please and thank you.

    seconding this, cute, bringing positive moods and comfort would be the last thing on people’s list when describing me. I only agree with chill but that might just be the 9 in me.

    In fact Midnight, I agree with a lot of stuff you’ve been posting, it’s gotten close to me second guessing my type when people say you’re not SEI but I’m positive that I am one.

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