Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
The person just wants have reason to not solve their own issue, hence they study typology so to find reason to push blame on others and not take accountability for their own underlying schema.

By knowing about personality types, they try find fault in how the personality is constructed and to just fault a group they dislike that challenges their own shortcoming.
The tribe, the herd, the clan, we must end using totems to revenge and damage in favor of Light, knowledge, love, and harmony lead to creation, the waters of life. Darkness, deception, fear, and chaos lead to destruction, the fires of death. All things pass through fire and water, evolving from the lowest dungeons of Hell to the highest peaks of Heaven.

The way forward, to combat self-annihilation, to the prismatic manifold of wisdom and freedom is to harness soulful harbors to refine the yarn to our higher self. True contemplation of our own reflection would stop societal conditioning's poison.