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Thread: EIEs raping, binding, and sexual harassment vs other types raping and sexual harassment.

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    EIE or ESI 6w5sx/sp
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    Default EIEs raping, binding, and sexual harassment vs other types raping and sexual harassment.

    I acknowledge the artistic and other skills of EIE, but the truth is, most of them take away more than they give, when they have the intellect and skills to not take and prevent more good things than they give. Like the other representatives of the Dialectical Algorithmic cognitive style, they also tend to mercilessly and consistently charge high prices (or if they don't, then they impose unneeded services, although IEE do it too and occasionally an EIE will say they're not sure if something will work and then they forfeit payment, they charge higher prices than IEE do when IEE tell the person it's going to work and the IEE's setups aren't necessarily worse, so the value can reasonably be seen as equivalent) for everything because they have something or someone supporting them when their work usually really isn't even all that revolutionary and they just organize things or set the strategy or hire the right people; they continue working and then abusing other people for themselves over-working themselves while not managing their money wisely or looking at other options. Yet they have the intellect to not do it. But they don't have the theory of mind skills like, say, ILE-Ti do (and that SLE-Ti often learn) to be fair or to ease the stress on the people around them.

    I think the lack of doubt and shame and guilt though and lack of analyzing their own and others' moral and systematic frameworks while continuing to press ahead with their goals, is more common in NF males who rape and abuse, than it is in other types that rape.

    At the same time, NF females tend to lack good style when defending themselves compared to other women. EIE women aren't very common compared to EIE males, but they do cause me sensory emotional irritation, although they often give good things as well. If EIE females were more common than EIE males, then most CEOs and most politicians would've been female, or at least their wouldn't be such a large imbalance.

    EIEs are the most socially dominant type and they do not back down from their goals regardless of what impressions they give people about who they're for, and while that may even protect innocent people from me if I'm a danger, it usually doesn't, they're also biased and they're still not going to use sound methods so there will be a lot of error when they're doctors, lawyers, and politicians. And they're still biased. LSI-Se tend to be more objective but if they're in love with an EIE-Ni, then they become less objective when EIE-Ni do something bad. ILE-Ti are often the same way and they tend to see more good than bad in EIE-Ni. But SLE-Ti tend to trust them until they get hurt and still can't find any way out. Unlike the LIE, the EIE tend to be even more shameless and press ahead even further while the LIE are more likely to completely reverse their course of bad behavior, turn into something really good for something (although they still impose their things) whereas if EIE get stopped, they tend to only correct themselves half way if they even do that and they often do something that's supported by the majority, but has bad effects for a small number of people. Further, when Bill Gates went ahead with the vaccines, he didn't consistently take action and work with people; he didn't do as many actions that he thought he might regret, whereas EIE tend to not be able to get out of them. Both tend to impose their opinions, while saying they're skeptical, they can't analyze and not continually demand more money like LII do; if they do change, they go with their duals' or with ILE-Ti's testing shit on the rest of us rather than analyzing it beforehand and saying before "ok, this isn't going to work out, let's freeze what's being collectively done and leave it up to the individual". They'll only not open a pandora's box if it they think it will bring them emotional discomfort, because EIE's moods are dependent on others. EII are just as bad because they don't discriminate what they want from what everyone else wants, they impose things; and they're often VERY error prone often describing things as the opposite of what they were and often not looking into the good (ESI-Se are actually more open-minded and skeptical than EII are and that leads to less long term damage from an ESI-Se leader or professional and ESI-Se often use the right methods, they usually make sure their methods are right).

    The problem is, is that EIE are accomodating to a point, but they can take away 2x of everything they give and do it for a very long time. The other NFs except for IEI are also pretty bad. And even then I have some reservations about IEI and I should never want to marry one.

    Thing is, I usually knew (or at least more than most people) that EIE were in it for themselves; for some Ti valuing types it's mutual happiness, but it doesn't last; I think people should just work and criticize and enjoy the fruits of their labor rather than constantly get involved in relationships. Most people couldn't see through it. Unfortunately, Evan Rachel Wood and my older brother didn't (my maternal grandmother didn't let my grandfather get away with the things he did until he got dementia), they fell for it and I hope that I never do. For me, it's better to be alone than in not great company; my older brother just wanted to get married, but his EIE wife abuses him, demands the world from him; and his EIE daughter abuses and constantly harasses her ESI sister and just harassed me with her drama; I realize I once did it too, but EIE make it look like they're trying to please people and people believe them, but they usually have ulterior, unethical motives than SLE-Ti really don't have or really can't conceal that well and they get too scattered from their goals anyway (usually) or are ineffective. EIE are just so insensitive they will bore me on and on and on (and if I don't let them do that, they'll turn to violence or order others to do something to me) due to their low cognitive empathy and their need for THEIR vision and goals to be met and imposed on the rest of us.

    People, just stay away from the NF Humanitarians except when you're sure you need them or unless you're in constant need of jokes (that often show they want gender stereotypes like women not farting or not liking cars and mechanical things to secure their own sense of leadership and reduce individual independence) and are willing to give up your autonomy just for some laughter and occasionally good aesthetics (but you can still find those in other places). Just make every effort ahead of time to see that you have the right of exit and know what institutions, equipment, and people you can rely on best to stay the hell away from them. I quit going after people who didn't want to be with me and who made the effort to get away and I didn't press on and didn't care if they left me and tried some other things than just relationships. Just like people need their time far away from me, I need my time away from the NF humanitarians.

    And I am writing this just as much for the sake of truth and facts and for future generations as much as I am for any people or for Evan Rachel Wood, she made the mistake of not arming herself with a firearm due to her own sensitive, she should've shot his ass; but I do idolize her while realizing she needs her time how she wants it, because she is fair to people and cautious. Maybe some of the women who felt pressed by me should've shot me too. But I do care about human rights to be free from violent aggression, and especially the individual right of exit with reasonable (i.e., moderate, not extreme) security measures in place. We cannot all live as one big happy family, and we cannot all live with an us vs them attitude. But humans can generally have independence and temporary inter-dependence and make good, but limited usage of institutions not perpetuated by force, it's humanity's natural state and natural right to do all of that. It's time to go to those good old Jeffersonian and Adams principles of independent thinking, radical decentralization of political power, and individual independence, and close but non-binding personal relationships. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both had good ideas. I think they were both wrong about rule by the people vs rule by a central power elite. But Thomas Jefferson wanted independence, and both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were more in touch with humanity in the abstract, each individual, reality, and what consequences to freedom and human rights there would be from their future actions and inactions than Abraham Lincoln ever was. George Washington was better with individual relations than either Adams or jefferson were but he knew too little and he went along too much rather than saying no, I'm not going to do this. That's how the Constitution countered individual liberty and freedom from centralized, mass aggression and violation of human rights that was going to be in America with the Articles of Confederation and non-aggressiveness towards other nations had decentralization of political power remained.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 06-20-2021 at 09:08 AM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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