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Thread: EIEs raping, binding, and sexual harassment vs other types raping and sexual harassment.

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    Default EIEs raping, binding, and sexual harassment vs other types raping and sexual harassment.

    I acknowledge the artistic and other skills of EIE, but the truth is, most of them take away more than they give, when they have the intellect and skills to not take and prevent more good things than they give. Like the other representatives of the Dialectical Algorithmic cognitive style, they also tend to mercilessly and consistently charge high prices (or if they don't, then they impose unneeded services, although IEE do it too and occasionally an EIE will say they're not sure if something will work and then they forfeit payment, they charge higher prices than IEE do when IEE tell the person it's going to work and the IEE's setups aren't necessarily worse, so the value can reasonably be seen as equivalent) for everything because they have something or someone supporting them when their work usually really isn't even all that revolutionary and they just organize things or set the strategy or hire the right people; they continue working and then abusing other people for themselves over-working themselves while not managing their money wisely or looking at other options. Yet they have the intellect to not do it. But they don't have the theory of mind skills like, say, ILE-Ti do (and that SLE-Ti often learn) to be fair or to ease the stress on the people around them.

    I think the lack of doubt and shame and guilt though and lack of analyzing their own and others' moral and systematic frameworks while continuing to press ahead with their goals, is more common in NF males who rape and abuse, than it is in other types that rape.

    At the same time, NF females tend to lack good style when defending themselves compared to other women. EIE women aren't very common compared to EIE males, but they do cause me sensory emotional irritation, although they often give good things as well. If EIE females were more common than EIE males, then most CEOs and most politicians would've been female, or at least their wouldn't be such a large imbalance.

    EIEs are the most socially dominant type and they do not back down from their goals regardless of what impressions they give people about who they're for, and while that may even protect innocent people from me if I'm a danger, it usually doesn't, they're also biased and they're still not going to use sound methods so there will be a lot of error when they're doctors, lawyers, and politicians. And they're still biased. LSI-Se tend to be more objective but if they're in love with an EIE-Ni, then they become less objective when EIE-Ni do something bad. ILE-Ti are often the same way and they tend to see more good than bad in EIE-Ni. But SLE-Ti tend to trust them until they get hurt and still can't find any way out. Unlike the LIE, the EIE tend to be even more shameless and press ahead even further while the LIE are more likely to completely reverse their course of bad behavior, turn into something really good for something (although they still impose their things) whereas if EIE get stopped, they tend to only correct themselves half way if they even do that and they often do something that's supported by the majority, but has bad effects for a small number of people. Further, when Bill Gates went ahead with the vaccines, he didn't consistently take action and work with people; he didn't do as many actions that he thought he might regret, whereas EIE tend to not be able to get out of them. Both tend to impose their opinions, while saying they're skeptical, they can't analyze and not continually demand more money like LII do; if they do change, they go with their duals' or with ILE-Ti's testing shit on the rest of us rather than analyzing it beforehand and saying before "ok, this isn't going to work out, let's freeze what's being collectively done and leave it up to the individual". They'll only not open a pandora's box if it they think it will bring them emotional discomfort, because EIE's moods are dependent on others. EII are just as bad because they don't discriminate what they want from what everyone else wants, they impose things; and they're often VERY error prone often describing things as the opposite of what they were and often not looking into the good (ESI-Se are actually more open-minded and skeptical than EII are and that leads to less long term damage from an ESI-Se leader or professional and ESI-Se often use the right methods, they usually make sure their methods are right).

    The problem is, is that EIE are accomodating to a point, but they can take away 2x of everything they give and do it for a very long time. The other NFs except for IEI are also pretty bad. And even then I have some reservations about IEI and I should never want to marry one.

    Thing is, I usually knew (or at least more than most people) that EIE were in it for themselves; for some Ti valuing types it's mutual happiness, but it doesn't last; I think people should just work and criticize and enjoy the fruits of their labor rather than constantly get involved in relationships. Most people couldn't see through it. Unfortunately, Evan Rachel Wood and my older brother didn't (my maternal grandmother didn't let my grandfather get away with the things he did until he got dementia), they fell for it and I hope that I never do. For me, it's better to be alone than in not great company; my older brother just wanted to get married, but his EIE wife abuses him, demands the world from him; and his EIE daughter abuses and constantly harasses her ESI sister and just harassed me with her drama; I realize I once did it too, but EIE make it look like they're trying to please people and people believe them, but they usually have ulterior, unethical motives than SLE-Ti really don't have or really can't conceal that well and they get too scattered from their goals anyway (usually) or are ineffective. EIE are just so insensitive they will bore me on and on and on (and if I don't let them do that, they'll turn to violence or order others to do something to me) due to their low cognitive empathy and their need for THEIR vision and goals to be met and imposed on the rest of us.

    People, just stay away from the NF Humanitarians except when you're sure you need them or unless you're in constant need of jokes (that often show they want gender stereotypes like women not farting or not liking cars and mechanical things to secure their own sense of leadership and reduce individual independence) and are willing to give up your autonomy just for some laughter and occasionally good aesthetics (but you can still find those in other places). Just make every effort ahead of time to see that you have the right of exit and know what institutions, equipment, and people you can rely on best to stay the hell away from them. I quit going after people who didn't want to be with me and who made the effort to get away and I didn't press on and didn't care if they left me and tried some other things than just relationships. Just like people need their time far away from me, I need my time away from the NF humanitarians.

    And I am writing this just as much for the sake of truth and facts and for future generations as much as I am for any people or for Evan Rachel Wood, she made the mistake of not arming herself with a firearm due to her own sensitive, she should've shot his ass; but I do idolize her while realizing she needs her time how she wants it, because she is fair to people and cautious. Maybe some of the women who felt pressed by me should've shot me too. But I do care about human rights to be free from violent aggression, and especially the individual right of exit with reasonable (i.e., moderate, not extreme) security measures in place. We cannot all live as one big happy family, and we cannot all live with an us vs them attitude. But humans can generally have independence and temporary inter-dependence and make good, but limited usage of institutions not perpetuated by force, it's humanity's natural state and natural right to do all of that. It's time to go to those good old Jeffersonian and Adams principles of independent thinking, radical decentralization of political power, and individual independence, and close but non-binding personal relationships. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both had good ideas. I think they were both wrong about rule by the people vs rule by a central power elite. But Thomas Jefferson wanted independence, and both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were more in touch with humanity in the abstract, each individual, reality, and what consequences to freedom and human rights there would be from their future actions and inactions than Abraham Lincoln ever was. George Washington was better with individual relations than either Adams or jefferson were but he knew too little and he went along too much rather than saying no, I'm not going to do this. That's how the Constitution countered individual liberty and freedom from centralized, mass aggression and violation of human rights that was going to be in America with the Articles of Confederation and non-aggressiveness towards other nations had decentralization of political power remained.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 06-20-2021 at 10:08 AM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Usually when I’ve seen people put down Betas or Deltas they seem to like the other quadra; I don’t know that I’ve seen someone put down both before.

    As far as EIEs go, I think Betas just have an inbuilt need for challenges, and they tend to direct that at people often, especially the extraverted types. They all seem inclined to often go too far in this, hence a high proportion of SLEs in prison and EIEs leading cults or making suicide pacts or something. That’s how I see it, at least.

    Most EIEs aren’t bad people, I think; they just have strong urges toward a certain kind of emotional intensity, and that’s more likely to lead to very nasty results than the less intense and more normal desires other types are more prone to. On the other hand this approach can also lead to some great results. Anyway, some people do better with the kind of intensity EIEs produce than others. I think it’s fine to recognize you don’t get along with a type so long as you don’t start believing they’re evil because of it. I tend to get along well with EIEs, and I don’t mind “fighting” them when they instigate combat/try to impose their will; actually I often like it, and they usually like to be challenged. But SLEs are very similar in this way, except they “fight” with Se. While I usually like EIEs, I generally can’t stand SLEs IRL. But that’s just what it is.

    I have no idea whether EIEs are particularly prone to rape. But I don’t think they’re quite as “dominant” or as successful in their ambitions as you seem to think. All types have weaknesses and EIEs have weak Se/Si and Ti in particular. They physically burn themselves out easily and don’t moderate themselves, and tend not to think through things as well as they should, or bother to acquire a realistic understanding of what’s necessary to complete the projects they take on before attempting them. These don’t seem to me phenomenal qualities in e.g. a businessman/CEO; I don’t see how they’d necessarily be somehow more suited for those types of roles than an SEE or LxE for instance. There’s also the problem that Ni people seem inclined toward passivity in certain ways (e.g. the “Victim” romance style). Anyway, the fact that they tend to talk a big talk and tend to come off “intensely” I’m not sure necessarily translates to material or social success, or even that they’re 100% serious in what they say.

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    > People, just stay away from the NF Humanitarians

    make a video to check types good for you

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    I think Jeffrey Dahmer was EIE-Ni.

    I’m linking this video here for anyone who wants to know my reasoning to draw their own conclusions.
    Last edited by PinKDiGiT18; 06-20-2021 at 02:12 PM.

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    And I guess ESI are prone to generalized slander? Neither demons nor saints dwell here.
    Although I would validate that it seems like you have had some rough experiences, I would encourage you to consider that maybe your conceptions are misplaced. There is nothing essentially good or bad about any type, and your experiences may not hold true for others.

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    Sorry I fail to see the pattern here because I'm getting a lot of projection from your post. I'm sorry you are having issues with said person. They sound awful.

    Maybe what they really need is a swift kick in the ass. But done with a smile to show good will.

  7. #7
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    I think this thread is a ridiculous assertion, and an example of the beta stigma I had talked about that people denied of. This is exactly what I speak of.

    Any type can be a rapist, murderer, yes, even an Se PolR.

    Beta Quadra with Se and Fe may be more prone to emotional explosion and maybe impulse issue, but any quasar can do such things, making this thread quite putrid and immature, and an abuse of typology's intention.
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    It would be more worthwhile of your time to see why you attract toxic people, rather than weaponize typology to condemn others, and also fix your own issue and schema that result in you to bear witness to humanity's lesser pleasant side.
    I am in my head; not society.

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    It can be easier to project blame unto others, but in the longer scheme, resolving your own afflictions will save you pain-- even save you from being impacted by the pain of other's, and the actions they out of said pain, inflict of.
    I am in my head; not society.

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    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Also: Your speaking of "theory of mind" skills would more apply to an ILE, in their lacking, because ILE has PolR Fi.

    And "Protect innocent people from me" sounds like you are danger to others, and so maybe the EIE's and other types you complain of are responsive to your maltreatment of them. Again, working on your own schematic influence will serve you well.

    (I just went back and re-read, because I did not bother read what you had say in full).

    The fact you are cynical of this many personality types shows it is a "you" issue, not a "them" one.

    You also contradicted yourself numerous times, saying EIE have the skills to not do what you complain of, and then you say how they cannot do X thing.
    I am in my head; not society.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    It would be more worthwhile of your time to see why you attract toxic people, rather than weaponize typology to condemn others, and also fix your own issue and schema that result in you to bear witness to humanity's lesser pleasant side.
    Well, seeing how tragically underrated that you are, that 1 million people saw your quora account, yet your youtube only has 80 subscribers (I subscribed to you), then I would say that people ignore you, despite seeing how great your are.

    You came to My Youtube videos with all of this bonding and wellspring of bliss and wonder to dress Me up in gems and fruits, so You definitely can see the Light!!

    Keep shining Your Light to other people too, and maybe then there will be more hope for humanity, despite them initially ignoring You.

    It's like Giordano Bruno says here:

    The Divine Light is always in man, presenting itself to the senses and to the comprehension, but man rejects it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by RaptorWizard View Post
    Well, seeing how tragically underrated that you are, that 1 million people saw your quora account, yet your youtube only has 80 subscribers (I subscribed to you), then I would say that people ignore you, despite seeing how great your are.

    You came to My Youtube videos with all of this bonding and wellspring of bliss and wonder to dress Me up in gems and fruits, so You definitely can see the Light!!

    Keep shining Your Light to other people too, and maybe then there will be more hope for humanity, despite them initially ignoring You.

    It's like Giordano Bruno says here:
    Almost 10.5 million people have seen my Quora
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by RaptorWizard View Post
    Well, seeing how tragically underrated that you are, that 1 million people saw your quora account, yet your youtube only has 80 subscribers (I subscribed to you), then I would say that people ignore you, despite seeing how great your are.

    You came to My Youtube videos with all of this bonding and wellspring of bliss and wonder to dress Me up in gems and fruits, so You definitely can see the Light!!

    Keep shining Your Light to other people too, and maybe then there will be more hope for humanity, despite them initially ignoring You.

    It's like Giordano Bruno says here:
    Actually more than 10.5 Million
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    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    My YouTube I do not post videos publicly most times.. And I disable the likes and ability to leave comments on them.. Most the videos are unlisted, meaning people only can view them if I give them the link to do so. Then I also got locked out one of my YouTube accounts which had like 40 subscribers..

    I have a little more than 4.3K Quora followers
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    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    I'm glad this thread turned into a promotion for karanime's quora page, considering this started off as a shitty rant.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    I'm glad this thread turned into a promotion for karanime's quora page, considering this started off as a shitty rant.
    It is not only a crappy rant, it is discriminatory and abuse of what typology is meant for.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The person just wants have reason to not solve their own issue, hence they study typology so to find reason to push blame on others and not take accountability for their own underlying schema.

    By knowing about personality types, they try find fault in how the personality is constructed and to just fault a group they dislike that challenges their own shortcoming.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    The person just wants have reason to not solve their own issue, hence they study typology so to find reason to push blame on others and not take accountability for their own underlying schema.

    By knowing about personality types, they try find fault in how the personality is constructed and to just fault a group they dislike that challenges their own shortcoming.
    The tribe, the herd, the clan, we must end using totems to revenge and damage in favor of Light, knowledge, love, and harmony lead to creation, the waters of life. Darkness, deception, fear, and chaos lead to destruction, the fires of death. All things pass through fire and water, evolving from the lowest dungeons of Hell to the highest peaks of Heaven.

    The way forward, to combat self-annihilation, to the prismatic manifold of wisdom and freedom is to harness soulful harbors to refine the yarn to our higher self. True contemplation of our own reflection would stop societal conditioning's poison.
    TelvanniYoda GiordanoBruno BruceLee GeorgeLucas AnakinJirachi Regigigas DominatorLugiaWes TyphlosionMontalk
    It's a miracle, but BunnyRaptor did actually beat Lebron James ~ it was Rainbows the Octopus as Lugia, Walking Wake the Suicune/Celebi and Pikachu, heavenly waves of blessed arcanum jolts shivering auroras of blooming expansion and redirecting wires of uplifting terror strikes and siege engines obliterating!!
    Wesley Sneijder claimed UEFA 2010 was harder than FIFA. Mavs 2011 was harder than 2013.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    The person just wants have reason to not solve their own issue, hence they study typology so to find reason to push blame on others and not take accountability for their own underlying schema.

    By knowing about personality types, they try find fault in how the personality is constructed and to just fault a group they dislike that challenges their own shortcoming.
    Well, using a tool like typology badly is something which people typically do accidently. This person isn't really being nearly malicious per se, just trying to explain their emotional anger into more logical terms. It's not really a malicious abuse as it is the emotional outpouring of someone who can't recognize why they're angry and how to deal with it correctly.

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    H!tler was EIE. The bad guy is always EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    Well, using a tool like typology badly is something which people typically do accidently. This person isn't really being nearly malicious per se, just trying to explain their emotional anger into more logical terms. It's not really a malicious abuse as it is the emotional outpouring of someone who can't recognize why they're angry and how to deal with it correctly.
    Yeah I don’t think they are doing it intentionally, but abuse as in misusing what the purpose is, is what I mean. They are just enacting their own conditioning.. But too many people abuse/weapon I’ve typology, sadly.

    They have issues that need resolve, and it is not their fault for having issues.. It is good I point out what they are doing, so they see they are in wrong and thus can gain awareness and in end, grow.

    If people do not give blunt honesty, it will not be enough to knock down wall in which ignorantly blocks from seeing reality as it is.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    @Karanime good insights, but I just prefer not associating with EIE except for maybe a nice massage or in small doses, they're just too domineering, SLE can be too domineering and emotionally manipulative in similar ways, but the SLE-Ti eventually realizes it's not in their own self-interest to keep pressing on while EIE tend to keep pressing on, they just make me explode slightly more and they want constant reassurance of their worth and skills and intellect like I want for myself; but I really don't like Beta Fe because I consider it antagonistic rather than about reality (or they may assert something is real, when it's not), what needs to be done, and I see Deltas as too non-discerning and unable to actually solve anything and not concerned enough about the future or even the present. I acknowledge that EIE have helped me, but they're just too domineering and intrusive in ways that aren't all the elegant to me. I feel so weak in logic (both Te and Ti including mechanical things and deduction, induction, and analysis) that I really prefer thinkers (i just have a strong bias towards thinkers except LSI-Ti, sometimes they seem ok at first, but then you realize that they just well, IDK, they're not as elegant as the Se subtype), and who can give me methods. EIE tend not to be able to read people well in my experience. Saying ILE-Ti having Fi-PoLR should not be taken to mean that they have bad theory of mind, because in my experience they understand me better (or at least no worse) than EIE tend to and they're not as shocked when I change my mind about something but appreciate it when I did, although they tend to not see me changing my mind about something. I appreciate that some EIE are flexible but in my experience they're a lot more rigid and all-encompassing than ILE-Ti tend to be and I've spent more of my 33 years with both more than with most other types. Betas just tend not to process perspectives different from their own or what they've experienced or what their goals are and I'm kind of similar in that regard, but I like talking to other people about alternatives. IEE, LSE, and EII-Fi can be similar. Unless an ILE-Ti is in a behavioral control profession or they have some principle that they just can't violate (e.g., many are against euthanasia under all circumstances), they're among the most understanding of different views and they're usually willing to change their mind when it's a new day; a lot of SLE-Ti tend to be, but then they're not.

    Yeah, I took what a lot of y'all who posted in this thread in to account, and that's relevant to why I've been trying to find psychotherapists, it's just that I get stuck with D-A ones or IEE who can't really help me realistically. Writing is therapeutic, but all the therapy I can have is good for me as long as it actually feels like therapy to me.

    Thing is, I love how LIE are quick, to the point, and not usually domineering; they don't always like doing it, but they will take care of things on their own without trying to organize, like, half the world population. But sometimes their get it done attitude without looking for alternatives can lead down wrong paths. But I prefer LIE to EIE, LIE are a lot more re-assuring a lot more based in fact, somewhat more generous than EIE, and they like to keep their groups small compared to EIE. LIE are also a lot less likely to look down on my intellect, but they tend to just shut down talk about my weird bodily sensations/need for them unlike ILE-Ti (or at least ones that are open to talking about sex with me, so many things just make me so horny and so many other things disgust me, some ILE-Ti are disgusted by it or think it's psychotic, but many are open about my bizarre needs for certain sensations and certain comforts that many people would consider me sick for; most other types would be disgusted by them or think there's no way in hell anyone could be like this).

    As for LSI-Se they're not usually domineering unless they've been conditioned by something bad and they have or come up with good methods/tools like LIE do although they may have a hard time forgiving someone if they don't like their methods.

    I don't like LSI-Ti or ESI-Fi or whatever type me and my mom are. But I'm pretty sure my type is ESI-Fi despite me being verbose/hyper-detailed and how my maternal grandmother behaved. I think I've always had demons and novelty-seeking to a degree LSI-Ti do not.

    I really just don't want to get entangled with an NF or Beta romance interest, I've observed that they either entangle their goals together and become too dependent on each other to influence large numbers of people or where one totally dominates and both don't get their what they want. I've seen all the problems I've had with my EIE relatives and my older brother being dominated by his EIE wife (you would think that if he was the aggressor, and she was the victim, it would be the other way around but it's not but he is open to her Fe sometimes, but I generally can't stand it, I think she doesn't know reality from fantasy; she certainly seems to me be reality-rejecting; EIE tend to talk and talk and talk about boring things I'm not interested in that I've heard a million times before, to constantly boast about their skills, it comes across to me as nothing but self-serving and power-showing like they've gained and feel powerful from knowing, having experienced something). But my dad's own parents I know for sure were LSI and EIE and it was not a happy marriage.

    I've just generally liked XSI-Se and XLE-Ti more than dynamic ones (especially Ejs, Ips are generally better than Ejs IMO), and LIE aren't usually all that beautiful IMO. Again, EIE aren't necessarily bad people, some are good people IMO, but I can only take them in small doses just like the people I love most can only take me in small doses. I can take LSI-Se and ESI-Se and XLE-Ti in much larger quantities of time than I can take EIE unless the static types I mentioned are punishing me without being sexy or beautiful or attractive or whatever while doing it, but they usually are sexy and attractive when they do it, so I tend to have fond emotional memories of them doing it. EIE try to hard with their jokes and they're usually not very funny IMO, sometimes they are but not usually. very few jokes or playfulness from EIE (especially as a percentage of the jokes they make and they don't even invent most of them, they just post or repeat what someone else said) that I have fond emotional memories of compared with ILE-Ti or some other types.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Confusing part of your post is NF Betas not accepting people who aren't gender typical or normative, especially women. I don't see that at all- we tend to be very accepting of people who aren't gender typical even if we make a lot of jokes and don't follow the Te PC protocols on that stuff or whatever. If anything I'm the opposite- I probably accept dykey women a lot better than I do regular girls who are too regular unless they were sweet and nice to me like Darya always was. <3 (what happened to her again, I liked her)

    I wouldn't project one bad experience with a NF guy into something all NFs do or anything.

    Gammas do seem to chastise Betas for being too sexual and 'sexual abusers' but it often seems to me like projection or they want to accept/heal something in their own psyche more than anything. To be fair, the only quadra really allowed to non-hypocritically correct Beta perversion ((which might be backwards to how Gulenko says it should go- but in this area I think makes the most sense to me)) are the Alphas as long as it's not one of those creepy ILE pedos or nerdy LII porn addicts.

    It's the Gammas that are into undead zombie porn and piss fetishes and other weird sadistic crap. Y'all are the ones most likely to creepily stare at a picture of a decaying penis with flies around it for seventy hours. Do you think it's normal and okay behavior to do this just because you're doing it in a Te/Fi sophisticated way? lol. Se in it's nature is powerful and sexual, though. It's naturally more 'in your face' than Si is probably, right yeah.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    @Karanime good insights, but I just prefer not associating with EIE except for maybe a nice massage or in small doses, they're just too domineering, SLE can be too domineering and emotionally manipulative in similar ways, but the SLE-Ti eventually realizes it's not in their own self-interest to keep pressing on while EIE tend to keep pressing on, they just make me explode slightly more and they want constant reassurance of their worth and skills and intellect like I want for myself; but I really don't like Beta Fe because I consider it antagonistic rather than about reality (or they may assert something is real, when it's not), what needs to be done, and I see Deltas as too non-discerning and unable to actually solve anything and not concerned enough about the future or even the present. I acknowledge that EIE have helped me, but they're just too domineering and intrusive in ways that aren't all the elegant to me. I feel so weak in logic (both Te and Ti including mechanical things and deduction, induction, and analysis) that I really prefer thinkers (i just have a strong bias towards thinkers except LSI-Ti, sometimes they seem ok at first, but then you realize that they just well, IDK, they're not as elegant as the Se subtype), and who can give me methods. EIE tend not to be able to read people well in my experience. Saying ILE-Ti having Fi-PoLR should not be taken to mean that they have bad theory of mind, because in my experience they understand me better (or at least no worse) than EIE tend to and they're not as shocked when I change my mind about something but appreciate it when I did, although they tend to not see me changing my mind about something. I appreciate that some EIE are flexible but in my experience they're a lot more rigid and all-encompassing than ILE-Ti tend to be and I've spent more of my 33 years with both more than with most other types. Betas just tend not to process perspectives different from their own or what they've experienced or what their goals are and I'm kind of similar in that regard, but I like talking to other people about alternatives. IEE, LSE, and EII-Fi can be similar. Unless an ILE-Ti is in a behavioral control profession or they have some principle that they just can't violate (e.g., many are against euthanasia under all circumstances), they're among the most understanding of different views and they're usually willing to change their mind when it's a new day; a lot of SLE-Ti tend to be, but then they're not.

    Yeah, I took what a lot of y'all who posted in this thread in to account, and that's relevant to why I've been trying to find psychotherapists, it's just that I get stuck with D-A ones or IEE who can't really help me realistically. Writing is therapeutic, but all the therapy I can have is good for me as long as it actually feels like therapy to me.

    Thing is, I love how LIE are quick, to the point, and not usually domineering; they don't always like doing it, but they will take care of things on their own without trying to organize, like, half the world population. But sometimes their get it done attitude without looking for alternatives can lead down wrong paths. But I prefer LIE to EIE, LIE are a lot more re-assuring a lot more based in fact, somewhat more generous than EIE, and they like to keep their groups small compared to EIE. LIE are also a lot less likely to look down on my intellect, but they tend to just shut down talk about my weird bodily sensations/need for them unlike ILE-Ti (or at least ones that are open to talking about sex with me, so many things just make me so horny and so many other things disgust me, some ILE-Ti are disgusted by it or think it's psychotic, but many are open about my bizarre needs for certain sensations and certain comforts that many people would consider me sick for; most other types would be disgusted by them or think there's no way in hell anyone could be like this).

    As for LSI-Se they're not usually domineering unless they've been conditioned by something bad and they have or come up with good methods/tools like LIE do although they may have a hard time forgiving someone if they don't like their methods.

    I don't like LSI-Ti or ESI-Fi or whatever type me and my mom are. But I'm pretty sure my type is ESI-Fi despite me being verbose/hyper-detailed and how my maternal grandmother behaved. I think I've always had demons and novelty-seeking to a degree LSI-Ti do not.

    I really just don't want to get entangled with an NF or Beta romance interest, I've observed that they either entangle their goals together and become too dependent on each other to influence large numbers of people or where one totally dominates and both don't get their what they want. I've seen all the problems I've had with my EIE relatives and my older brother being dominated by his EIE wife (you would think that if he was the aggressor, and she was the victim, it would be the other way around but it's not but he is open to her Fe sometimes, but I generally can't stand it, I think she doesn't know reality from fantasy; she certainly seems to me be reality-rejecting; EIE tend to talk and talk and talk about boring things I'm not interested in that I've heard a million times before, to constantly boast about their skills, it comes across to me as nothing but self-serving and power-showing like they've gained and feel powerful from knowing, having experienced something). But my dad's own parents I know for sure were LSI and EIE and it was not a happy marriage.

    I've just generally liked XSI-Se and XLE-Ti more than dynamic ones (especially Ejs, Ips are generally better than Ejs IMO), and LIE aren't usually all that beautiful IMO. Again, EIE aren't necessarily bad people, some are good people IMO, but I can only take them in small doses just like the people I love most can only take me in small doses. I can take LSI-Se and ESI-Se and XLE-Ti in much larger quantities of time than I can take EIE unless the static types I mentioned are punishing me without being sexy or beautiful or attractive or whatever while doing it, but they usually are sexy and attractive when they do it, so I tend to have fond emotional memories of them doing it. EIE try to hard with their jokes and they're usually not very funny IMO, sometimes they are but not usually. very few jokes or playfulness from EIE (especially as a percentage of the jokes they make and they don't even invent most of them, they just post or repeat what someone else said) that I have fond emotional memories of compared with ILE-Ti or some other types.
    Yes, I think counseling would be conducive. Alternatively, life coaching. Matter of fact, life coaching may be better for an enneagram 6. Can support you get more than can, psychotherapist. You need a mentor and you need more support.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Life coach finder:
    I think mentorship will serve you better than psychotherapy, but you will need adhere to their advice (within reason), and actually have will to better.

    Life coaching also is more cost-efficient.
    Last edited by Braingel; 06-24-2021 at 06:16 AM. Reason: I used "there" instead of "their"

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    XIE's are typically stereotyped as hidden perverts. Beyond that.. eh. Truly harmful paraphilias can be caused by many factors.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    Life coach finder:
    I think mentorship will serve you better than psychotherapy, but you will need adhere to there advice (within reason), and actually have will to better.

    Life coaching also is more cost-efficient.
    We've talked before about how Your supposed "diagnosis" of frenzied personality pattern after disorder is a dramatic miscalculation of Your sanity, and that's an understatement, seeing how luminous and intelligent, thoughtful, pondering and enjoying the enigmas of the great life to spirit playing field that You are.

    You have no problems. You are only passionately curious.

    And I like that, My fabulous angel Girlfriend!! But in contrast to Your 0 problems/mind disorders, maybe You can be a superb counselor of metaphysical gems. We've even talked before about Your Wishes to install poetry and Imagination into humanity!!
    TelvanniYoda GiordanoBruno BruceLee GeorgeLucas AnakinJirachi Regigigas DominatorLugiaWes TyphlosionMontalk
    It's a miracle, but BunnyRaptor did actually beat Lebron James ~ it was Rainbows the Octopus as Lugia, Walking Wake the Suicune/Celebi and Pikachu, heavenly waves of blessed arcanum jolts shivering auroras of blooming expansion and redirecting wires of uplifting terror strikes and siege engines obliterating!!
    Wesley Sneijder claimed UEFA 2010 was harder than FIFA. Mavs 2011 was harder than 2013.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrightDemonSheep96 View Post
    XIE's are typically stereotyped as hidden perverts. Beyond that.. eh. Truly harmful paraphilias can be caused by many factors.
    Why? Si PolR having repression and then weak and in EIE, ignored Fi?
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by RaptorWizard View Post
    We've talked before about how Your supposed "diagnosis" of frenzied personality pattern after disorder is a dramatic miscalculation of Your sanity, and that's an understatement, seeing how luminous and intelligent, thoughtful, pondering and enjoying the enigmas of the great life to spirit playing field that You are.

    You have no problems. You are only passionately curious.

    And I like that, My fabulous angel Girlfriend!! But in contrast to Your 0 problems/mind disorders, maybe You can be a superb counselor of metaphysical gems. We've even talked before about Your Wishes to install poetry and Imagination into humanity!!
    Yeah, I am not ill. I just live in an extremely shitty environment, which is about to change, given an online friend is putting me in a youth shelter for people 16-24.

    This is what obfuscates my health:
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    Why? Si PolR having repression and then weak and in EIE, ignored Fi?
    Well, Gulenko refers to Se mobilizing as potentially having total aversion of sexuality to kinks during a lifetime.
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    Can we get life right or even "get" it? Reducing it intellectually (not sure there is any other way anyway) tends to cause more discomfort sooner or later. In my experience, working on being present for what arises can help a lot because things start looking different. One could say that we start seeing them the way they really are but I don't think it is necessary to go there. Right now, it seems to me that there is nothing wrong with admitting we want to feel better and have a more pleasant dream.

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    I think that “getting life right” has a large component of “surrounding yourself with the right people, things, and situations” to it.

    Getting the situation right helps in centering me and in enabling me to achieve my goals.

    If I’m surrounded by morons who don’t understand or support me, then I’m forced to deal with low-level problems instead of achieving higher level goals.

    There are two ways to get your surroundings right.
    One is to just try lots of different things and then settle on whatever seems tolerable and better than the last thing.
    Another is to make use of other people’s experiences and take their advice, tempered by the fact that their preferences are not necessarily your own.

    I used to take the first approach. Now I’m trying the second approach and my life is getting better.

    Specifically, I’m surrounding myself with compatible people, but it took a long time to figure out who they are.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 06-23-2021 at 11:56 AM.

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    XIEs tend have trouble recognizing trees because of the forest. Finding the right people unfortunately is usually a trial-and-error process for them and when they get good people, many don't see their value until they're gone. They tend to end up surrounded by toadies who can take more abuse. It's a double win for them when the toadies are also actually competent. I never understood the need to be surrounded by adoring acolytes.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karanime View Post
    Yeah, I am not ill. I just live in an extremely shitty environment, which is about to change, given an online friend is putting me in a youth shelter for people 16-24.

    This is what obfuscates my health:
    Please make the world come back to life, and especially Yourself, that You may prosper and blossom into a fine angel of the most outstanding magnificence and loveliness. It's in Your spiritual dna to shine with a crowning halo that enters You into the highest echelons of the metaphysical Christmas tree. You are always My Star on top!!* And with people finally able to accept You somewhere (this shelter and on Quora), You will be appreciated for Your special consciousness that Heals humanity. When people see how great You are, and that You're not a problem, but actually our biggest asset, then You will be free...
    TelvanniYoda GiordanoBruno BruceLee GeorgeLucas AnakinJirachi Regigigas DominatorLugiaWes TyphlosionMontalk
    It's a miracle, but BunnyRaptor did actually beat Lebron James ~ it was Rainbows the Octopus as Lugia, Walking Wake the Suicune/Celebi and Pikachu, heavenly waves of blessed arcanum jolts shivering auroras of blooming expansion and redirecting wires of uplifting terror strikes and siege engines obliterating!!
    Wesley Sneijder claimed UEFA 2010 was harder than FIFA. Mavs 2011 was harder than 2013.
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    EIEs are the worst.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    I think comparing the meaning of sexual harassment on the Internet or in everyday life is somewhat incorrect. This has the same effect on the psyche of the victim of harassment, and the law should equally prosecute it. Last year, I had to turn to the guys from since I was blackmailed with some information. I felt terrible during this period and didn't know what to do. There were even thoughts of suicide. So do not downplay the role of those who suffer from sexual harassment online.
    Last edited by Raywaytut; 10-19-2022 at 08:24 PM.

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    Not to pour gasoline on the 'EIEs are all evil sexual offenders' thing but...

    /pours gasoline on the EIEs are evil sexual offenders thing.

    There was this EIE woman I used to know at the better, non-suckier group home. She defended this kid who the other staff members put more restrictions on because he got caught having sex with underage boys in the bathroom. ((not in the group home, but I mean- that's the reason he was there in the first place lol))

    He was still a minor himself though and she didn't like the way he was being treated. I kinda saw both sides like I usually do (libra rising, can't help it) I think ppl were projecting their own Shadows on this boy rather too easily cuz of the nature of pedophilia, but at the same time ppl understandably don't want a creepy perv to prey upon their little Timmy when they are only trying to use the bathroom. But I think to her the extra restrictions were unnecessary- cuz she was an evil pedo herself of course, because she was EIE. ((Just kidding on that last part.))

    But the kid she was defended probably didn't need defending. He got caught being an asshole at other times in his life, not just with sexual abuse stuff. The staff thought he was a boy with low self esteem that needed help but in reality he probably he used that a ruse to get away with things. He bullied me once, so from my perspective I couldn't see him as some good person that just needed to be saved like some Delta NFs or other Beta NFs. And its true ppl were probably getting too hung up on his pedophila side in order to look more righteous and good- but when ppl do bad things they don't tend to do them in a vacuum. And ppl do get rightfully disgusted at things like that.

    Anyways, EIEs will play 'devil's advocate' like that sometimes to me.

    /puts gasoline can away.
    For now...

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    Some EIEs want to illicit a certain emotional reaction from others so you just have to learn how to not fall into the trap. I'm pretty sure EIEs are one of the most divergent types..So, I feel like saying all of them are bad is an overstatement, because some can be more reserved.
    Yes, I have experienced more pushy/unhealthy/trying to get an emotional reactive out of others on purpose. For those that are trying to press people it's best to not respond I've learned or simply leave the room.
    Last edited by youfloweryourfeast; 10-29-2024 at 04:27 AM.

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    H_itler was very proud of his sexual abstinence.
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    Wel..people think he is IEI but I would argue EIE-Ni

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