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Thread: Young man explains his demon possession

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    Default Demon Posessed Christians: The Drug-Addicted Christian vs Heretic Charismatic Christian

    Demon-Possessed Christians: The Drug-Addicted Christian vs Heretic-Charismatic Christian

    Once you are saved, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

    While Demons aren't able to possess your Spirit,

    Demons can still possess your FLESH

    Here are two common types of Demon-Possessed Christians I've noticed, and remedies:

    1. The first type of Christian is the Drug-Addicted Christian.

    They are doctrinally sound, they are able to discern truth. They have a good foundation of the Word. However, their "vessel" is a bit empty. These Christians are often perceived as "mean" and this can potentially isolate them from the rest of the world, further compounding emptiness and a disconnect from their communities. Speaking out against Evil will also put a giant target on their backs and make life potentially a living hell on earth.

    In order to fill this void, if they are not careful, their flesh will seek things to fill this void; alcohol, drugs, food, risky-behavior, etc can all lead to back sliding.

    The remedy for the drug-addicted Christian is to PRAY (bonus if you FAST). Pray so the spirit fills this void. Abstain from cheap highs.

    2. The second type of Christian is the Heretic-Charismatic Christian.

    They are in the Spirit. They are charismatic. They are moved by feelings. They are usually musically talented and are well-liked / popular / Diplomatic with everyone.

    However, they are in danger of becoming stupid (delusional) and spineless, as they never read (+actually 100% believe) the Word of God, avoid cold truth and cry over things they don't want to hear. They instead dive too deep in *their own* Spirit, putting authority in *their own interpretation* over sound doctrine. As I've shared, these types of Christians are prone to being deceived by charismatic demons, finding themselves in the deep-end with cults, or "joining forces" with the rest of the world. Thus observing the looting + burning of entire cities, yet unable to speak out + discern what is right vs what is wrong.

    The remedy for the Heretic-Charismatic Christian is to READ THE BIBLE. Don't avoid Truth. Avoid Liberalism. Liberalism is brain cancer

    Spiritual Discernment: Looking beyond the 3D realm

    Looking back at some of the major "current events" that have taken place,

    BLM riots, "Insurrection" at the Capital, COVID lockdowns, etc etc

    It took me around ~5 minutes, with my cracked-screen laptop, to google information surrounding such events (wasn't that difficult),

    To Discern that,

    --locking arms and burning down cities across the nation / world wasn't wise nor sustainable.
    --that the "riot" at the Capitol wasn't what it was portrayed to be.
    --that these lockdowns (+vaccines) were mostly retarded.
    I remember it seemed as though everyone was "possessed," wrapped under this Evil Spell they couldn't snap out of.

    And of course, nobody wants to listen to a nobody wearing a dirty, coffee-stained hoodie on an obscure forum. Same with "Friends" outside the internet.

    But its been quite sad to see entities such as the FBI and mainstream media outlets, who, with all their power, might and advanced technology, can barely piece things together years later. At least in an honest way. Of course, they won't admit this and will end up gas-lighting everyone as always.

    But this post isn't really about that.


    When it comes to these things, to

    Resist the temptation to follow the crowd.

    And to root yourself into "The Truth" or the Word of God.

    When you are rooted in the Word of God you are rooted in the Holy Spirit.

    When you are rooted in the Holy Spirit,

    You see beyond this 3D, nihilist plane of existence

    When you see beyond this 3D plane,

    You are better able to discern not only

    Right vs Wrong, but

    Right vs. ALMOST right.

    And as things get crazier and crazier within this world we find ourselves in,

    We must pray and seek to see what's happening in

    The Spiritual realms rather than the Physical realms.

    We can NEVER piece together or pretend like we know everything that's happening in places like Russia / Ukraine,

    But we can discern that beyond the physical,

    The Anti-Christ Spirit is alive and active, and His Spirit of Intimidation and Control is apparent in the overall trajectory to where this world is headed

    We can (and ought to) pray for the remnants and lost; the families, the soldiers, and the leaders throughout our nation and world that are undergoing heavy attacks from the evil one, Satan.

    Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints Ephesians 6:18
    Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 1 Peter 5:9
    Satan's Devices Resting on our Shoulders

    The Bible says not to be ignorant of the devices of Satan:

    “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” 2 Cor 2:11
    We can blame People, our Situation, and External Circumstances,

    But realize,

    There are Spiritual (evil) forces, working behind the scenes,

    Working inside the fabrication of our very own minds, to

    Block, Hinder, and Obstruct

    Us from our main assignment.

    Trying to destroy our

    Destiny. Vision. Purpose.

    There must be a confrontation of these very devices,

    Which doesn't necessarily manifest as a foaming of the mouth,


    It could be right there,

    Resting right there on our *very own* shoulders - and they must be deactivated, they must be destroyed.


    WHOA. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just realized it's close to a FULL MOON!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2
    FULL MOON and Demonic Activity (Job 34:22)

    Since Satan/Lucifer wants the light, he likes the FULL MOON (maximum amount of light), to create shadows of DEATH to wreak havoc and hide their iniquities in the shadows (more below).

    A lot of demonic activity happens (or is associated) around full moon:

    Putting our Faith in the right places: Jesus

    Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2
    Where do you seek your help and faith from?

    Too many times we seek the wrong places in times of need;

    When we seek Ourselves,

    It'll eventually get worse and worse;

    --Polluting into sin
    --Minds and eyes wandering into places it shouldn't
    And this will only lead to wicked and lustful things.

    When we seek Others,

    Much like Judas, who after spending 3 years with Jesus, betrayed him,

    You too, will be betrayed by your loved ones, and

    You too, will betray others.

    When we seek Satan,

    When we make a deal with the devil,

    Giving up certain parts of our faith or our testimony,

    Sure, you may get that girl,

    Sure, you may get that house,

    But in the end,

    You'll never know which direction you'll fall for your inevitable demise,

    Satan doesn't care one bit about you.

    Where do you seek your help and faith from?


    God is a God of many chances.

    Philippians 3:13-14 tells us to forget our past and to move FORWARD
    13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
    The Devil has a way of attacking you through your past,

    Tell the Devil,

    "The Bible says my past is GONE! (thru Jesus)"

    Even though we may stumble by the rocks that trip us up,

    If we fix our eyes on Jesus,

    We have a target that will sustain us through any situation.
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-03-2022 at 08:58 PM.

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