Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
Eliza, why do you assume that drugs make you experience demonic possession, rather than that drugs just make you crazy?
Good question,. I never made this correlation before until I listened to this guys story, and it is clear to me all three of them in that drug experience had demon possession at the time - besides the craziness of the drugs, so in this case at least, its both. Other cases I don't know but from this I get the idea that drugs are another demonic portal. I have seen possession in the two I know who are or have been involved with drugs. Since in all three of these (three meaning the above story plus the only two I know) there was both, it seems to me likely that it could always be a portal. It certainly is a slavery. And God does not enslave. And you cannot serve two masters, because you will love one and hate the other. Demons hate God.... so, hope that makes sense.

Also there is a difference between demonic possession and being bothered or even tortured by demons. (I don't think the above video addresses the distinction, and I did not try to analyze what he had, but there s a difference). I would say when doing drugs you are inviting them into your life and they will bother and mislead you for sure, but to be possessed, that is a further step. This became particularly clear to my husband and I when one dear to us who has had drug issues and other issues (including PTSD and BPD) told me she was experiencing torture of demons. Others didn't believe her, as yes, she does not always tell the truth, but I believed her in this. They were bruising and scratching her, and I believed it was as she said, demons.

So I asked a very holy priest if he would speak to her. He said the first line of defense was to use Sacramentals, because they work most of the time, and if that didn't work he would certainly meet with her and discern what next. (She is not Catholic but Protestant in practice, at least in the past, and she was open to whatever I thought would work). So the priest suggested Sacramentals, meaning blessed holy water and/or blessed holy objects. I went all the way not only with a regular bottle of blessed holy water but a small key chain bottle so she could always have it with her, plus a blessed rosary and a blessed St. Benedict Medal (very powerful against demons), saying she should bless herself and her surroundings in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. She said it worked! The physical torture stopped immediately.

However, she is off the rails and besides drugs and sex with druggies and dealers (who are very likely possessed) she indulges with tarot cards and gives psychic advice (she says this is her "gift" but she has always been tortured by demons from a young age so I am not thinking "gift" for this, and we know demons have LOTS of knowledge and are happy to help with this) so while fighting them in one sense she invites them into her life in other ways and it is not good. There was a wounding in her when she was young, and I am trusting God to protect her, as He is well known for protecting drunks and fools, and for her to be one day be healed. It is not looking good for her at the moment though. She is SEI, FWIW.