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Thread: Young man explains his demon possession

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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Young man explains his demon possession

    Not sure where to put this but its a lifestyle for some, so i picked here.

    He experimented with drugs, and had demon possession, and explains what the demons taught him. Interesting how it got out of him. He really explains his bizarre experience and all the thought processes.

    I like what he said aobut how entertaining thoughts gives "license" to demons to come in and mess with you. I have heard specific stories telling the same thing.

    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I like to talk more about demons as I see them as regions of the brain you can tap into, but I really couldn't take people seriously when they use drugs as the gateway for learning occult and talking to entities. I don't know if they know that it sounds ridiculous for many people and gives occultism and spirituality a bad rap. I may have a very strict view of things though I really believe that drugs shouldn't be used and whatever you have summoned or conceived under the influence is not counted. Bridging the known and unknown should be done when you have control of your head as much as you can or else you are fooling yourself. Basically you are trying to be a quintessential magician, and guess what, magicians have control of all the aspects of the world and manifest things as they will. This is why there is a concept of purification (whether it be by wearing white, cleaning your place, doing banishing rituals, etc.). Those are all just practices to help put you in a state of clarity (though I'd say not completely necessary), but these people just do things the other way around! This is also why Christians and other practitioners "bind" the demon, not the other way around. Light, dark, everything should be under the magician's control. But for some reason hurdur the practice is cool I'm gonna do drugs, do sexual shit and go crazy thinking I saw a demon or something. That doesn't count

    Hate hate hate the term "experimenting with drugs". I don't have anything to say about people who do drugs, just the idea that drugs is supposed to be a mystical experience is laughable. I wouldn't care if you just said you do drugs and that's it
    Well, that's a healthy attitude about drugs. It seems like some people have a more vulnerable disposition to such "experimenting" in this way, and I understand that for some who experiment it becomes an instant addiction.

    This young man did not have ANY interest in the drug as a gateway to learn of occult or to talk to entities. He only realized through what he had intended to be recreational experience that he WAS experiencing entities within himself and that his peers were likewise possessed. Yes they were in his brain/mind, but we don't have to have them dwell there. He learned later when he was not on drugs that he could command them to leave and they would leave. (though for awhile they kept coming back). Obviously there was more than one there, which is common, because he (later when not on drugs) actually heard one talking to another/others, specifically: "He's learning." That part reminded me so much of C.S.Lewis's great classic Screwtape Letters, though clearly this guy never heard of it because he would have made the connection. So yes, they do talk to each other like that, and they do have an agenda for us and they work together on it their goal and they rejoice when they make progress and are unhappy when it's not working..

    The So the drugs just WERE a gateway for the demons to enter him, and the truth is many things we do, such as, as he later learned, making decisions in our mind to do wrong/evil things, are ways of opening a portal/invitation for demons to come in an dwell with you. He just learned how to discern their voices from his own. His story is unique and the knowledge he gained was not something he was seeking after but it is completely consistent with what the real experts of demon possessions - exorcists - tell us about possession.

    One, no strict view or thoughtful protocol will protect you from demons if you mess with the occult. Occult is their jurisdiction, and if you mess there, you invite them. They are much more powerful than you are and nothing of your own power will rid you of them. Nothing,. Your rituals and cleansings are a portal in themselves for them. They are gleeful at such ceremonies. But the name of Jesus will make them flee, and also blessed Holy Water and plastic rosary beads terrify them. These work almost all the time, and for very hard cases only an Excorist Priest will do.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Eliza, why do you assume that drugs make you experience demonic possession, rather than that drugs just make you crazy?

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    Brains are amazing. I have had hallucinations and I have had "divine experiences" without drugs.

    Anyways, more perspective where we exists

    Experiences are mind abstractions so we can function and survive. Crazy, right?
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    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Eliza, why do you assume that drugs make you experience demonic possession, rather than that drugs just make you crazy?
    Good question,. I never made this correlation before until I listened to this guys story, and it is clear to me all three of them in that drug experience had demon possession at the time - besides the craziness of the drugs, so in this case at least, its both. Other cases I don't know but from this I get the idea that drugs are another demonic portal. I have seen possession in the two I know who are or have been involved with drugs. Since in all three of these (three meaning the above story plus the only two I know) there was both, it seems to me likely that it could always be a portal. It certainly is a slavery. And God does not enslave. And you cannot serve two masters, because you will love one and hate the other. Demons hate God.... so, hope that makes sense.

    Also there is a difference between demonic possession and being bothered or even tortured by demons. (I don't think the above video addresses the distinction, and I did not try to analyze what he had, but there s a difference). I would say when doing drugs you are inviting them into your life and they will bother and mislead you for sure, but to be possessed, that is a further step. This became particularly clear to my husband and I when one dear to us who has had drug issues and other issues (including PTSD and BPD) told me she was experiencing torture of demons. Others didn't believe her, as yes, she does not always tell the truth, but I believed her in this. They were bruising and scratching her, and I believed it was as she said, demons.

    So I asked a very holy priest if he would speak to her. He said the first line of defense was to use Sacramentals, because they work most of the time, and if that didn't work he would certainly meet with her and discern what next. (She is not Catholic but Protestant in practice, at least in the past, and she was open to whatever I thought would work). So the priest suggested Sacramentals, meaning blessed holy water and/or blessed holy objects. I went all the way not only with a regular bottle of blessed holy water but a small key chain bottle so she could always have it with her, plus a blessed rosary and a blessed St. Benedict Medal (very powerful against demons), saying she should bless herself and her surroundings in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. She said it worked! The physical torture stopped immediately.

    However, she is off the rails and besides drugs and sex with druggies and dealers (who are very likely possessed) she indulges with tarot cards and gives psychic advice (she says this is her "gift" but she has always been tortured by demons from a young age so I am not thinking "gift" for this, and we know demons have LOTS of knowledge and are happy to help with this) so while fighting them in one sense she invites them into her life in other ways and it is not good. There was a wounding in her when she was young, and I am trusting God to protect her, as He is well known for protecting drunks and fools, and for her to be one day be healed. It is not looking good for her at the moment though. She is SEI, FWIW.

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    I don't think it has anything to do with demons, but drugs do naturally get rid of/block a person's empathy receptors so that's probably where that came from. "Drugs are bad mmmkay" because the drug addict would sell their own mom for the next high and not care much about it when you're that deep into it. You also tend to get really cruel and push people away because literally the only thing you care or your body cares about is the next high. What's sad is usually the sweetest, most vulnerable and 'empathetic' people get too badly involved with drugs anyway- and they totally transform into a different person because of it.

    I am for people being free- I'm a 'Satanist' in that way I suppose ((everything that kills people/is bad for them tends to make them feel alive/everything that is moral and 'good' tends to make people feel restrained and suffocated and bound)) I think we should be free to do what we want and even explore some of our 'darker' impulses in a sense- but the main issue with that is when a person's desire to be free collides with another person's well-being. Ie I don't think people should eat babies just because it feels good and makes them feel free- I don't think people should be able to sell family members for drugs. Because then it's like your sense of freedom got warped- and you're not free in the sense , just another form of bondage masquerading as freedom. To you I suppose this is how Satan tempts people but Satan has always treated me better than God did anyway cuz I'm a Homosexual from Hell.

    There's lots of rehab for the drug addicts- but there should be more counseling session and therapy help for the friends and loved ones of drug addicts really.

    I don't relate or jump to any Christianity conclusions because of this though - it's mostly based on scientific evidence for me. There has been lots of real world studies that drugs get rid of your empathy- if you want to write Charmed fan fiction and think God or Satan are getting involved in the process- that's a person's own choice or belief system but even being IEI I'm just too worldly and scientific and atheistic for that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    I don't relate or jump to any Christianity conclusions because of this though - it's mostly based on scientific evidence for me. There has been lots of real world studies that drugs get rid of your empathy- if you want to write Charmed fan fiction and think God or Satan are getting involved in the process- that's a person's own choice or belief system but even being IEI I'm just too worldly and scientific and atheistic for that.
    yea I get ur point but the scientific (3D) and spiritual (4D) paradigms aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. there's a lot of compatibility/overlap between the two.

    i think both (3D and 4D) is necessary to paint a more complete picture.

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I don't think it has anything to do with demons, but drugs do naturally get rid of/block a person's empathy receptors so that's probably where that came from. "Drugs are bad mmmkay" because the drug addict would sell their own mom for the next high and not care much about it when you're that deep into it.
    I believe there's more to this world than the 3-dimension that we see in front of us.

    When people say "Drugs are Bad"

    I think what they're actually meaning to convey (from a spiritual paradigm) is that certain drugs have higher potential to open demonic gateways, and therefore higher potential for demonic influence

    I think certain drugs (such as Methamphetamine, DMT, etc) and certain activities (such as Tarot reading, indulging in sin, etc), are ways to access the higher dimensional (and most likely demonic) realms.

    In Tarot card reading, I believe the "psychic" is actually reading the thoughts of demonic entities.

    Demonic entities may tell you things that may or may not be true. But if one thing is for certain, they will try and tell you things you want to hear.

    Devilish Prophecies of the Occult: Astrology and Tarot Reading

    Avoid Astrology and things like Fortune telling / Tarot Reading.

    These things are dangerous, whether or not these things come true or not.

    As it says in the Old testament,

    "soothsayers and sorceresses you shall not allow to live"
    Here's an illustration:

    Once, a young man of twenty asked an astrologer to give him a horoscope reading;

    It said his first marriage he would not be happy, and his second marriage he would be happy.

    Once this man finally got married, all his family approved of the wife, and she proved to be a true and reliable person.

    They had three children together. Later this man left and abandoned his wife. His Christian parents and other family members were very sad. His father ended up disinheriting his house to his grandchildren. This young man looked for a second wife but once he found her, it lasted only one year.
    Many people think things like astrology and tarot reading is harmless or that it's humbag (a kind of fraud).

    But even humbag can have suggestive power,

    Especially to superstitious personalities, whose decisions and behaviors are highly susceptible to the power of suggestions, potentially to their disadvantage and downfall.

    With this in mind, be very wary of diving too deep into Jungian Psychology, which too in a way, offers "prophetic" or "suggestive powers," potentially to your detriment.

    If you have a superstitious or sensitive personality, I'd avoid the above completely.

    12 Stand now with thine enchantments, and with the multitude of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast laboured from thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able to profit, if so be thou mayest prevail. 13 Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, [1] the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. 14 Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves [2] from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it. Isaiah 47:12-14
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-11-2022 at 09:07 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I am for people being free- I'm a 'Satanist' in that way I suppose...
    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Because then it's like your sense of freedom got warped- and you're not free in the sense , just another form of bondage masquerading as freedom. To you I suppose this is how Satan tempts people but Satan has always treated me better than God did anyway cuz I'm a Homosexual from Hell.
    In other words, you made a deal with the devil.

    In the short-term, yes, the devil will often grant you super powers. Exactly why it's so enticing.

    But sorry you are actually enslaved, to the devil that is.

    PS: I tell you this because I care about u bro

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 08-28-2021 at 11:06 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    I believe there's more to this world than the 3-dimension that we see in front of us.

    When people say "Drugs are Bad"

    I think what they're actually meaning to convey (from a spiritual paradigm) is that certain drugs have higher potential to open demonic gateways, and therefore higher potential for demonic influence

    I think certain drugs (such as Methamphetamine, DMT, etc) and certain activities (such as Tarot reading, indulging in sin, etc), are ways to access the higher dimensional (and most likely demonic) realms.
    Why people think it is an access to most likely demonic gateways though?

    People are generally scared of unknown, it makes us aware that we cannot control everything or maybe anything at all. Hence, people who have uncommon perceptions, experiences and behaviors seem scary, that's why people associate drug and anything uncommon and unpredictable with evil.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    Good question.

    From gotquestions:

    I'll also point you to this source:

    You also hear stories of meth addicts ruining their lives, DMT users seeing entities, etc
    Most religions forbids the act of divination. Although your source had different conclusions about it, I think it is about this:

    Practicing divination is listed as one of the reasons for Israel’s exile (2 Kings 17:17). Jeremiah 14:14 spoke of the false prophets of the time, saying, “They are prophesying to you a lying vision, worthless divination, and the deceit of their own minds.” So, compared to God’s truth, divination is false, deceitful, and worthless.
    It is not about forseeing but deceiving and manipulating other person that one can forsee to gain power and/or change the events in a way that favor them. Besides if people think that some people or things can make them tell the future then they will start to see those things as sacred and divine and maybe some would believe in it more than the religion and god they believe in. I think these are the core reasons why it is generally accepted as sin.

    As Luke traveled with Paul and Silas in the city of Philippi, he recorded an encounter with a diviner: “We were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling” (Acts 16:16). The girl’s ability to penetrate mysteries was due to a demon that controlled her. Her masters received “much gain” from their slave. Paul eventually exorcised the demon (verse 18), freeing the girl from her spiritual bondage and angering the slave owners (verse 19).
    What bothers me is the part above. Machine learning also do this, we all do it to some extent, some can be better at this compared to rest. Some people may even believe in God because of their divinations. If someone is believing God, I think it would be contradictory to assume one person's predictions are necessarily coming from Devil and not from God.

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    Just wanted to chime in: magick is all about intent, belief, and proper techniques. There is a reason why every single occult guide to magick on the net mentions safe practice and correct handling of the matter - it is a way of banishing entities and protecting against negative energies. All kinds of things work, not only Christian exorcisms.
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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    It is not about forseeing but deceiving and manipulating other person that one can forsee to gain power and/or change the events in a way that favor them. Besides if people think that some people or things can make them tell the future then they will start to see those things as sacred and divine and maybe some would believe in it more than the religion and god they believe in. I think these are the core reasons why it is generally accepted as sin.
    The psychic isn't able to foretell the future, rather, that she/he has a receptive, telepathic mind. Reading the thoughts of demons. The psychic may or may not be aware of this. The masses just think it's a psychic telling the future.

    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    What bothers me is the part above. Machine learning also do this, we all do it to some extent, some can be better at this compared to rest. Some people may even believe in God because of their divinations. If someone is believing God, I think it would be contradictory to assume one person's predictions are necessarily coming from Devil and not from God.
    You are referring to prophets, who were God's messengers. Again this is dispensationalism: Back in the day, the Jews did not have God's word/Jesus, therefore God sent prophets to communicate divine messages. These days, we rely less on prophets because we have the bible (God's word), although there are some. Teachers, pastors and ministers have mostly replaced the prophets role.

    Anything outside of that is not of God.

    Quote Originally Posted by lilacwine View Post
    Just wanted to chime in: magick is all about intent, belief, and proper techniques. There is a reason why every single occult guide to magick on the net mentions safe practice and correct handling of the matter - it is a way of banishing entities and protecting against negative energies. All kinds of things work, not only Christian exorcisms.
    A lot of things appear safe, correct, and "work" okay in the world... on the surface. Dabbling with devilish things such as Ouiji boards doesn't automatically imply immediate harm. As a matter of fact, you will gain God-like super powers at first glance.

    But again, we need to look at it from a spiritual paradigm to discern what is of God and what is not. The devil and his demons are tricky little buggers, providing false worldly pleasures in exchange for your soul. So we have to be careful.
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-24-2022 at 02:03 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    A lot of things appear safe, correct, and "work" okay in the world... on the surface. Dabbling with devilish things such as Ouiji boards doesn't automatically imply immediate harm. As a matter of fact, you will gain God-like super powers at first glance.
    The physical world is not full of things that are, at first glance, something "evil" or "divine". After all, all tools, whether it's Tarot cards, Ouija boards, pendulums, are nothing more but a simple physical object. Tarot cards don't have some divine powers inside them by themselves, it's you who brings the power to them - because you're psychic, or at least that is what I think - everybody is born psychic in one way or another, it's just that our upbringing introduces some blockages and disturbs our positive, "supernatural" vibrations.

    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    But again, we need to look at it from a spiritual paradigm to discern what is of God and what is not. The devil and his demons are tricky little buggers, providing false worldly pleasures in exchange for your soul. So we have to be careful.
    That is simply a question of faith and what do you actually believe in. It's okay if you're a christian, it's okay if you're a satanist, it's okay if you are just spiritual - just don't act like your view of reality implies the view of reality of mine, or another person's. Everybody's life path is different, everybody believes (or doesn't believe) in different things, and writing off certain activities, practices and beliefs as 'of the devil' or harmful is simply bogus. I am a firm believer in "live and let live" attitude, and I'm trying to stay true to that. Only a fool who dabbles in left hand path and demonology sells their own soul to the demons in exchange for power, prosperity, and the like. That is simply not what these paths are about. It's about self-deification, bringing the matter into your hands, it's a whole other world of its own. I personally am not taking the left hand path, because I am just simply afraid of fucking things up and bringing lots of bad energies into my life (I admit though, that most of my fears come from ignorance), my practice is influenced by folk Catholicism, gnostic Christian teachings, and some Thelema/Crowley stuff and typical new age bullshit you hear on the net so often.
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    Why people think it is an access to most likely demonic gateways though?

    People are generally scared of unknown, it makes us aware that we cannot control everything or maybe anything at all. Hence, people who have uncommon perceptions, experiences and behaviors seem scary, that's why people associate drug and anything uncommon and unpredictable with evil.
    Good question.

    From gotquestions:

    Tarot cards are associated with divination—unlocking the secrets of the future by occult, supernatural means. Divination is strictly prohibited in the Bible.

    Tarot cards come in a deck of 78 individual cards. They were developed about 600 years ago for gaming. However, some mystics, psychics, and occultists began to use the cards for divination, and today the cards and the ability to “read” them are seen as elements of fortune-telling. To receive a tarot reading is to attempt to find out things about one’s life or future through the occult.

    Usually, the practice of reading tarot cards starts with the questioner cutting the pack of cards or sometimes just touching it. The psychic or card reader then deals out some cards, face down, into a pattern, called a “spread,” on the table. As the cards are overturned, the psychic or reader constructs a narrative based on the cards’ meanings and their position on the table. Obviously, reading tarot cards places a heavy emphasis on fate, “hidden knowledge,” and superstition.

    God warned His people, the Israelites, against divination when they were on the verge of entering the Promised Land. He lists divination among such evils as child sacrifice and casting spells in Deuteronomy 18:9–12. Leviticus 19:26 puts is succinctly: “Do not practice divination or seek omens.” Tarot card reading definitely falls within the scope of this prohibition. In some cases, tarot card reading can be guided by demons. In Acts 16, Paul meets a fortune teller, a slave, who earned her masters a lot of money by fortune-telling (verse 16). The Bible attributes her ability to having a demonic spirit, which Paul was able to cast out of her by the name of Jesus Christ (verse 18). The Bible does not mention the tools the slave girl used to tell the future, but, whether tea leaves or dice or lots or cards of some type, the items used in that context brought honor to demonic spirits.

    The spiritual dimension of our world is real, and it is not to be taken lightly. The Bible tells us that Satan seeks to destroy us. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Lions are not to be toyed with.

    Solomon, the wisest person ever, offered this wisdom about knowing the future in Ecclesiastes 7:14:

    “When times are good, be happy;
    but when times are bad, consider this:
    God has made the one
    as well as the other.
    Therefore, no one can discover
    anything about their future.”

    And in Ecclesiastes 8:7 he writes this:

    “Since no one knows the future,
    who can tell someone else what is to come?”

    Only God holds the future, and only He truly knows what will happen (Isaiah 46:10).

    If you desire to have peace about your future, turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. The future is bright for those who know Him (Romans 8:17).
    I'll also point you to this source:

    You also hear stories of meth addicts seeing shadow cloaks and ruining their lives, DMT users seeing entities, etc

    On crystal meth, people will commonly report seeing shadowy figures, blurry faces, tall men in dark cloaks appearing and disappearing quickly with a small flash. Animals seem to pay extra attention to you when you're high on crystal meth. Dogs and other family pets seem to bark at nothing or shy away from areas of your home as if in fear, lifting their nose in the air and whining as if trying to point to someone or something. People also report seeing aliens, UFO's and other strange creatures. The list goes on.
    Quote Originally Posted by lilacwine View Post
    The physical world is not full of things that are, at first glance, something "evil" or "divine". After all, all tools, whether it's Tarot cards, Ouija boards, pendulums, are nothing more but a simple physical object. Tarot cards don't have some divine powers inside them by themselves, it's you who brings the power to them - because you're psychic, or at least that is what I think - everybody is born psychic in one way or another, it's just that our upbringing introduces some blockages and disturbs our positive, "supernatural" vibrations.

    Looking at it from 3D, yes they are simple objects. But you use these objects to practice divination.

    Some people are born with receptive/telepathic minds. Some develop these abilities somewhat. The tools used in our contemporary age uses the occult, and not of God.

    Quote Originally Posted by lilacwine View Post
    That is simply a question of faith and what do you actually believe in. It's okay if you're a christian, it's okay if you're a satanist, it's okay if you are just spiritual - just don't act like your view of reality implies the view of reality of mine, or another person's. Everybody's life path is different, everybody believes (or doesn't believe) in different things, and writing off certain activities, practices and beliefs as 'of the devil' or harmful is simply bogus. I am a firm believer in "live and let live" attitude, and I'm trying to stay true to that. Only a fool who dabbles in left hand path and demonology sells their own soul to the demons in exchange for power, prosperity, and the like. That is simply not what these paths are about. It's about self-deification, bringing the matter into your hands, it's a whole other world of its own. I personally am not taking the left hand path, because I am just simply afraid of fucking things up and bringing lots of bad energies into my life (I admit though, that most of my fears come from ignorance), my practice is influenced by folk Catholicism, gnostic Christian teachings, and some Thelema/Crowley stuff and typical new age bullshit you hear on the net so often.

    If you follow satan, you're asking for eternity in hell.

    It does matter.

    Sitting here and telling people everything is okay is not doing any favors in the long run.

    Somebody has to be the annoying guy that tells you this to wake you up.

    That is me.
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-12-2022 at 03:27 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post

    If you follow satan, you're asking for eternity in hell.

    It does matter.

    Sitting here and telling people everything is okay is not doing any favors in the long run.

    Somebody has to be the annoying guy that tells you this.

    That is me.
    I respectfully disagree. Hell does not exist.
    Formerly known as littleblackcloud!

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    idc. i will always believe myself to be a demon no matter what anyone says

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    One needs to be very careful about what is entering your field of view and for what reason and for what purpose.

    But to entertain thoughts of demons overly is not a good thing either, as CS Lewis put it.

    "“There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight."

    For me the question has become is the world entirely material - atoms, chemical bonds, physics in motion, peptides - cellular respiration, or is it also magical - connected, manifested, mind created, interlinked.

    I think its probably a mix of both and more. I mean quantum physics shows that basically nothing is as it seems in the most nonsensical way at a very root level. Spooky action at a distance.

    I think that overall a person should be cautious about what they do to the physical aspects of the biological brain. How can you separate what is mind made delusion, or narration telling, and what is fundamentally true from an empirical standpoint, outside of the mind's reach? Is it even possible to know the difference? How can you be sure the image is not influenced by some prior exposure to some childhood imagery, or memory encoded? Is it possible to even be truly objective?

    One thing I will say about drugs, especially the uppers, they do invite strange phenomena and psychosis is always one step away. The flip side of that is that not every delusion is delusional, often they are just not socially sanctionable and therefore are "wrong" by standard metrics. What patterns are overreaches and what really are worth noting? Who and what and how speaks to you and is it even a question if the messenger is good, or evil, if those standards could even be used, and is it more a question of what is the message and which direction does it point towards and should you follow it? I think often its better to ignore and return to what is right directly in front of you.

    Heavy stuff.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    The psychic isn't able to foretell the future, rather, that she/he has a receptive, telepathic mind. Reading the thoughts of demons. The psychic may or may not be aware of this. The masses just think it's a psychic telling the future.

    You are referring to prophets, who were God's messengers. Again this is dispensationalism: Back in the day, the Jews did not have God's word/Jesus, therefore God sent prophets to communicate divine messages. These days, we rely less on prophets because we have the bible (God's word), although there are some. Teachers, pastors and ministers have mostly replaced the prophets role.

    Anything outside of that is not of God.
    I meant we all predict things in life based on our knowledge, logic and experience. For example, one predicts that other person is sleeping at 4 am, because they know that people generally sleep at that hour. However, people don't define this as foreseeing, however, this is very simplistic version of it. We also predict more complex things for example, when you observe a person for a long time at different times, places under different conditions, you have an idea how they are going to react to certain things or how they will behave. Because we all recognize patterns, that's how machine learning also predicts things, there is a logic behind it.

    When I enter a new workplace, I know how things going to evolve after 3 months, whether I will get a promotion or not, who will support me or oppose me, what should I do etc. Again after knowing a person for a good time, I know how they are going answer or say after one says X thing. These things doesn't sound like mambo jambo to me. I know exactly why I think if something is going to happen or not. However, if I share my reasons, other person may think my reasoning is theoretical or that I am assuming, ofcourse they can also reach the same conclusion, it just depends on a person.

    In my opinion, some people may predict things, but they may not be aware of their own reasons why they think that way. Hence it seems like a more divination. Because sometimes we reach the same conclusion but they don't know why, but I think I know why they think that way.

    I don't keep taps on these things, so not sure how many times this thing happened, I only remember one instance that I had that could be count as a divination and that happened years ago. I dreamt this thing, then when I woke up, I did the same things and it was spot on the mark in a very detailed manner. I remember this thing because it changed my life, I didn't focus on this divination aspect, since because of the result of this, other changes were more important to me. Even after a while, I didn't want to share this thing, because if some person would say to this me, I would think they are bullshiting, because there cannot be logical explanation behind it. However, I think our brain is superior than our consciousness, we gather lots of data that we don't even consciously remember, but unconsciously we do, our brain make connections that we are not aware of. Hence people who are reading tarots just try to pull out info from their unconscious, ofcourse if they are actually predicting things, most of people just bullshit anyways.

    So associating foreseeing with demons seems like a radical attempt to explain the unknown. It is associated with demons and evil because people fear of the unknown. I don't like the demonization aspect in any kind of religion, belief or ideology, ofcourse as a human we all sometimes tend to approach things this way, however, we only think or approach to things that way because of our perception.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    @one go jump off a cliff, maybe you'll reincarnate into something half as smart
    I find it interesting this comes from someone with a quote extolling love in his signature.

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    The solution to a short attention span is an even shorter attention span. Mine has grown so short that it's now faster to read than watch videos. Is anyone willing to summarize the juicy parts for me?

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    Quote Originally Posted by one
    Some people believe that not all demons are bad and not all angels are good. Some angels are even worse than demons when you don't follow their rules.
    Demons don't play "Chess," they play the game "Go"

    Believing that demons play war by the rules , like chess, is where many fail (like the current US); you are dealing with inhumane beings that play a game, and in order to play the game you can't play it at all.

    These beings will try to get u to play their game so u need a different strategy. They are very much like serial killers; u probably shouldn't consider what they tell u seriously, nor should u negotiate with them

    Think outside the box and behind the mirror.

    Also, they may appear harmless ( or friendly + cool ), but that's just an illusion.

    Don't be fooled

    Here are some possible ways to get in contact with evil spirits:

    1. Through divination (summoning them) EX: tarot cards, ouiji boards, Paranormal type shit, etc

    2. Through demonic possession/oppression (disease, trauma, spells) EX: Schizo, Gangstalking/Witchcraft/Satanic Cult, Exorcist stuff, etc

    3. Through lifestyle (certain drugs, indulging in sin, etc) EX: I'm thinking drugs like methamphetamine may possibly help the mind become more "telepathic" to the thoughts of demons, thus giving individuals "super powers" in the short-term but destroyed lives in the long-term

    Then there's DMT:

    Evil clown spirits/Jesters

    More demon testimonials:

    Demon chillin in the closet:

    This is in the chatbox but wanted to add here, as I think there may be a connection:

    Schizos often spew out a lot of "nonsense", but I think within that "nonsense" there are hidden gems and pieces of wisdom that are cutting edge

    From a medical paradigm Schizo is a chemical imbalance of dopamine.

    From a spiritual paradigm, I hypothesize it's related to demonic influence and/or prophecy.

    And I think that's why psychiatry has devolved instead of evolved; too focused on the medical paradigm in treating symptoms.

    Similar to tarot card readers, Schizos could be prophesizing via reading the thoughts of demons
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-06-2022 at 03:35 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    LOL @myresearch, so BASIC ugh. ru really trying to feed me elementary-level material. get on my level hun

    what you're describing is very superficial/cliche.
    Can't help it hun, I am stuck in this world without demons.

    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    yeah, if I'm walking down a dark alley at night and I see a man in a hoodie walking towards me, yes, my heart will start racing because it will draw upon the thousands of reference experiences my mind has collected previously on situations like that, which comes out in a form of a feeling aka intuition aka your hunches.

    no shit sherlock
    Yeah no shit, no bullshit.

    Quote Originally Posted by pandemic candy View Post
    but this is completely different from what i'm talking about.

    if you really want to go down the rabbit hole, you can start here:

    (3) James Alan Bush's answer to Are psychic abilities natural or demonic? - Quora

    Have fun

    For that to be true, first some people must have these divinations, call them reflections of demons or whatever, I am waiting for the proof of that first, then their phone number.

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    Contact with demons should not be recommended. They are malicious entities that like harm us.

    Attempting contact with demons is also unnecessary because we are all under spiritual attack by demonic forces regardless if we know it or not.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Divination and contact with spirits is a very passive and receptive act, you can't control it.

    If you are trying to contact an entity you can only call to it but you can't force it to come to you.

    These sorts of acts are very yin (feminine) in nature and it's why many seers and witches in history were women.

    Let yourself receive the energy of the universe before you try to have contact spirits become comfortable recognizing its vibrations.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Some demons supposedly give people a skill of knowing the future, and even knowledge of science and arts. Heaven doesn’t like that. So I agree that some parts of reading is rightfully labelled evil. Knowing is inherently evil. Knowledge is supposedly temptation, entities who like to take matters in their own hands are evil and demons.

    We are part of that. It’s already in our nature to “sin”. What we need is to embrace the light and dark within us and integrate them together to achieve balance.

    Is it bad to contact demons? Not necessarily, but yes if you don’t know what you are doing. It’s the same thing with doing drugs or trying any substance. Everything should come from the place of light when you are going towards darkness. And it’s the other way around when you are going towards the path of light. Come from a place of darkness when you are going towards the light. Think of going by the rules, but remembering that you don’t have to strongly adhere with it and might break it from time to time. It’s all because these extreme ends are not the truth, the middle path is the truth.

    We are all having the human experience. That involves extreme ends of everything. And all that we perceive are just accessories to that human experience. You could use anything either for good or evil.

    When you are bridging the demonic territory you have to know if you are well-equipped for it. It is only bad when you aren’t in touch with yourself and that you don’t have the control. You should have the control and know that you have control. Whatever happens is your own doing and that you can modify your reality. When you come in contact with one, why would you be scared? Face it and assert your dominance. It’s the same with angels. You have the power and every thought and entity is below you. They work for you, you don’t work for them. Even fate. You make your fate, no one would tell you what to fucking do. The real downfall is relinquishing your power.

    And I say that even outside the realms of occult. Everyday we experience things that would make us feel inadequate and powerless. But you can always do something. Most people assume that they are not responsible however and keep a blind eye. Not being accountable is easy. The moment that you assume that everything is within your power and that you create your own reality is when you get to the truth of life.
    This power, this force, this control over every side and end of the holy grail... this is very inviting and oracular, like we might defeat a time emblazoned entity of darkness with the sword of light in an all dominating and unrelenting fashion that shows that our victory was so immortal, so triumphant, so complete. The utter annihilation and death to the living Force in such an unspeakable engine of collapse could be major down the centuries in a reverberating eruption!!
    In 2003, BunnyRaptor transcended Nikola Tesla by being the inspiration for Pokemon Colosseum and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, the schematic building projects for the Star Forge and Realgam Tower, and in 2019, BunnyRaptor transcended Lebron James, heavenly shorelines of wizards and melee to embody chromatic resonance and flashes of dawning canopies of supper and canvas highlights blessing liberty and promotional wishes flowering in grace and extravagance to explore whacky worlds and dominoes of crusades to fruit punch and swordsmanship with venom and extrication to dig musical constructs with destruction and leviathan RevanLugia

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Some demons supposedly give people a skill of knowing the future, and even knowledge of science and arts. Heaven doesn’t like that. So I agree that some parts of reading is rightfully labelled evil. Knowing is inherently evil. Knowledge is supposedly temptation, entities who like to take matters in their own hands are evil and demons.

    We are part of that. It’s already in our nature to “sin”. What we need is to embrace the light and dark within us and integrate them together to achieve balance.

    Is it bad to contact demons? Not necessarily, but yes if you don’t know what you are doing. It’s the same thing with doing drugs or trying any substance. Everything should come from the place of light when you are going towards darkness. And it’s the other way around when you are going towards the path of light. Come from a place of darkness when you are going towards the light. Think of going by the rules, but remembering that you don’t have to strongly adhere with it and might break it from time to time. It’s all because these extreme ends are not the truth, the middle path is the truth.

    We are all having the human experience. That involves extreme ends of everything. And all that we perceive are just accessories to that human experience. You could use anything either for good or evil.

    When you are bridging the demonic territory you have to know if you are well-equipped for it. It is only bad when you aren’t in touch with yourself and that you don’t have the control. You should have the control and know that you have control. Whatever happens is your own doing and that you can modify your reality. When you come in contact with one, why would you be scared? Face it and assert your dominance. It’s the same with angels. You have the power and every thought and entity is below you. They work for you, you don’t work for them. Even fate. You make your fate, no one would tell you what to fucking do. The real downfall is relinquishing your power.

    And I say that even outside the realms of occult. Everyday we experience things that would make us feel inadequate and powerless. But you can always do something. Most people assume that they are not responsible however and keep a blind eye. Not being accountable is easy. The moment that you assume that everything is within your power and that you create your own reality is when you get to the truth of life.
    one and other forum mystics, how would you suggest I contact some lonely or bored demons in my area? If any want to teach me some occult knowledge, I'll be a great student! Totally willing to do a Faustian bargain.

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    This story is basically about a demon and a true story. It's pretty scary.

    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Lmao, I know you’re joking but why don’t you focus on manifesting a lovely woman to come into your life? Succubus and entities are not enough to keep you warm inside and outside. Manifestation is easier too and helpful for mood if the whole spirituality thing is bs to you.
    So have you ever dealt with flesh-and-blood women? If you don't know, they can be really annoying. I think I read somewhere that Lilith's plan was to breed a superior female race and replace human women with them. That makes me suppose her daughters have something going for them humans females don't, so I'm willing to give them a try!

    But if you just want a demon, try Ars Goetia for formality lol. But you’ll get good and immediate results from Goetia Pathworking. You have strong Ni so you’ll easily gain association skills to summon them this way. Though just a note one time I practiced on this one and I got very sick the whole day and had nightmares for days. You’ll be fine though, it’s just you battling yourself and your thoughts remember that.
    Oh no no no, the last thing I want is more of my own thoughts. I'm bored and want to communicate with something different, new, intelligent, and possibly wanting to eat my soul. Navel-gazing Ni shit gets old quick! "The real demon is inside you " type demons can't be summoned by Ne people I'm afraid.

    If you get bad results it’s not my fault you asked for it. lol. But I rate that book 10/10, aside from the fever
    But I will give it a read anyway! Thank you for the recommendation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Btw I think this is quite an Ni territory @FreelancePoliceman, it’s interesting to see you’re slightly amused by it at least bec atm I’m trying to tap into Ti domains as well because of a specific Ni goal I have. I’ll be going back to learn some logic and stuff. I realized recently I’m dumb to think I should get away from Ti just bec I don’t value it. The real redemption arc of mine would be Ni + Ti combo.
    Sorry, didn't see this post before replying to the former one!

    My stance on Ni is similar to @PseudoRandomBSGenerator -- navel-gazing nonsense that should be engaged with only for fun and exercise. OK, that's a slight exaggeration -- the problem is that much fixation on it causes problems. It isn't a rational function and can't be used as one, in the sense that it can be used as a basis for a constructive project. Its proper use is a means of gaining perspective and playing with ideas to see how they turn out. But Ni people often don't keep Ni in its proper place, but misapply it as a guide to live by, and end up either becoming monsters like Khomeini or ****** or David Koresh, or intellectual jokes; parodies of themselves, like Spengler or Nick Land. I might very well be biased in this assessment since it's my demonstrative, but I genuinely believe a demonstrative-like use of it is the only proper way of using it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Same feeling of mine with Ti. But I just know I need it. So I'll learn it while vomiting. Some Ni ideas have no Te explanations, I think the explanations are in Ti. So I have to make them work in my favor. Super super hate that fact but this is reality. Se-Fi is a way to cope but it won't lead to attainment of understanding in my case.
    Of course — Ti is interested in truth as the truth (of course it’s it functions subjectively, but how else can truth be understood? The introverted functions are more pure in this way regarding their object; extraverted functions are affected by a social aspect). Te is the social application of thought; it’s only interested in what can be used for definite extraverted purposes. When Ni leads you to attempt expressing or understanding thoughts which seem meaningful, Te will always disappoint you because that’s not its purpose or “interest.”

    It’s the opposite for LII. If Ti is interested in truth, Ti blended with intuition is interested in what someone’s approach to broader life should be, which is where Ni is helpful. I think this kind of dynamic is how the demonstrative can be explained.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Lol again I know you're joking but I'd say - the annoying women are annoying because they shouldn't be part of your life. Imagine someone who is actually not annoying. It's possible. I'll relate it to the main topic of this forum - duality is a sign that there could be someone out there who is not annoying.
    You know, when I was a kid and a young teenager I lived more in my imagination than the real world. Many people say this, idealizing their past, but for me it was really true, and caused very great problems for me. One of those problems was how crushingly disappointing the real world was. In my imagination I surrounded myself with wise super-men (and women) and considered myself humbly willing to remain inferior, human, and relatively dumb. Finding to my horror that well over half the species was even dumber than myself, of whose intelligence I had a low opinion, was a shock from which I never recovered. It made me actually angry for a long time to hear someone say I was smart; I felt like screaming “I’m not! I’m 13 and if you think I’m smart you’re a fucking moron; you shouldn’t be content to be!” Similarly it made me angry to find that people weren’t interested in developing an independent, consistent approach to life; my conception of reality came from books, which don’t tend to be written about people whose outlook changes day by day according to public opinion.

    Unfortunately, while I’m not Fi valuing and cursed to the perpetual hell ILI find themselves in of needing to relate to people constantly and being burned by their vapidity, I would like to approach my wife differently, and trying to understand most people well enough to have a heart-to-heart conversation with them makes me to kill myself. So my outlook is somewhat pessimistic.

    Socionics offers some hope, but not much. I think my options are an identical (not very likely; do you know many LII who particularly enjoy each other’s company? I don’t see why it can’t happen in theory, but I never actually see it. Most LII annoy me, personally; strike me as too passive and narrow-minded. But, hey, I think it could work) or a dog — an ESE, who I don’t understand and doesn’t understand me but we love each other anyway! — or a dog with more mutual understanding; an EIE.

    But EIEs are...variable, to say the least. I often like them, but finding one I’d feel safe marrying would seem difficult to me, especially as they don’t strike me as a common type. And ESE — well, a good 4 out of 5 of them at least are really basic, and those 4 are not interested in N types anyway.

    Now I'm not saying that that person should be a dual, but I'm just pointing the fact that you shouldn't lose hope that you'll find people who won't annoy you for once and would actually be beneficial in your life.
    If I knew people who didn’t annoy me I wouldn’t be on this forum, lol.

    I don't know about Lilith but the whole summoning of her seems like a way of a man to just find a nice hole to fuck. It's like buying a cheap item over an expensive one that would last.
    Sex never lasts, but there’s nothing shameful in wanting it! シ I don’t hear you criticizing a hungry person for trying to eat because they’ll just be hungry again at some other point in their life, or because by searching for food they’ll miss out on social opportunities to make lasting friendships!

    Look for things and people that won't easily depreciate and would increase value over time. Really FP, if you want to experience a deep connection, you have to know how it feels and actually acknowledge the need for it. You'll know the way afterwards. Don't focus your thoughts on finding a spirit to fuck.
    Believe me I’m aware of a need for it. Or at least an intense desire for it. But I’m beginning to feel at this point like it might be easier to make friends with demons who want to eat me than other humans.

    For high Ns I think thoughts and reality are one and the same for most times. Or maybe that's just me. The semantics don't matter, you'll see and feel that Lilith while you get seduced anyway.
    Blah blah lilith is the anima blah blah OK since this doesn’t seem to be clear to you I’d like to feel leathery wings and a firey breath against my skin; if I want to feel a sexual connection with the imaginary ideal lady whose image I unconsciously judge every other woman by I can just masturbate!

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    Default The Demonic Spirit of Jezebel

    The Demonic Spirit of Jezebel

    One of the most common evil spirits pervading our society today is the demonic spirit of Jezebel.

    The demonic spirit of Jezebel isn't just a dead queen that died over a thousand years ago, but it's an evil spirit that's extremely common and works across the world today.

    Couple quick facts about the spirit of Jezebel:

    --It's a high-ranking spirit that is associated with women, but it can just as easily infiltrate men
    --Its main goal is to infiltrate churches but can just as easily infiltrate groups of people / organizations
    --It mainly works by mind games / manipulation
    --Characterized by: lack of submission (refuses to submit to anyone), considers nothing sacred
    --Absolutely hates anything with a backbone
    Here are some more detailed characteristics

    1. Has children.

    Meaning, if you don't deal with the Jezebel Spirit while it's in infancy, it will absolutely overpower you.

    Sin grows and therefore sin matures.

    Looking to the past,

    It's a very controlling spirit and it influenced King Herod in wanting the head of John the Baptist

    The Jezebel spirit is highly attracted to (not in necessarily a good way. more in a hateful way) teachers, prophets, pastors , etc

    2. Close-minded.

    The Spirit of Jezebel likes to listen, but it refuses to change.

    King Ahab, Jezebel's husband, liked listening to the prophet Eliijah, but did not walk with the Lord.

    3. Manipulates and Controls.

    King Ahab only did what he did bc his wife's instigation and control. He was basically just a puppet to Jezebel.

    Today the spirit of Jezebel works commonly through Witchcraft to control the world via false prophecies and counterfeits. It is always working against God.

    It is also a very patient spirit, slowly building relations so it can get closer and closer to the target:

    --always works in secret
    --creates subcultures / subchurches
    --creates gossip + throws a lot of shade
    --smiles in your face, but stabs you in the back
    --cannot stand being in the light (aka being exposed)
    --always fault-finding / blaming or shifting blame
    --loves to manipulate / twist the truth
    When organizations crumble and people turn against each other, oftentimes they have no idea that the spirit of Jezebel is working behind the scenes.

    4. Hates authority

    Has zero respect for authority, especially if it's God-ordained authority.

    5. Entices using lust

    The word fornication comes from the greek word (pornia aka porn). This spirit has infiltrated the church and the rest of the world.

    The porn industry is a billion dollar industry and negatively affects all of us.

    Sexual immorality closes the spiritual eyes and causes us to sin against the body.

    6. Discourages and depresses.

    It wants to make you quit and give up. It leads you to suicidal thoughts.

    7. Instills fear on victims.

    Its influence makes one irrationally fearful.

    However, a positive lesson / takeaway we can derive from this is that the WORST thing you can do is RUN from a jezebel spirit.

    When you confront this spirit head on, she loses power as it mainly likes to hide away and do witchcraft from behind the scenes.

    When it's exposed it will blame shift / play victim.

    8. Destroys altars.

    Destroys the altars of God and replaces them with worldly altars. It hates prayer and it will often want to distract you from such things

    9. Spiritually castrates you.

    You will no longer be able to reproduce (more in a spiritual sense, but can affect you physically as well). Has a silencing / muting effect on victims
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-05-2022 at 08:37 PM.

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    Default The Demonic Spirit of Oppression

    The Demonic Spirit of Oppression

    A creepy account / story from a pastor:

    "So years ago, I was a young pastor and I had no idea the warfare I was going through. I remember one night in particular, I was in my room, and as I was trying to lie down, I felt like there was pressure on me. Almost as if someone was pushing my chest down. Then it got stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger. Then eventually I felt my heart seizing, my body seizing - it's like I couldn't breathe anymore.

    And then I felt myself being engulfed in total darkness. I knew in that moment, I was dying. This is not an exaggerration. I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I was dying.

    And as I'm sitting there, taking my last breath, I remember a thought came into my head, And the thought said,

    "Fight this. Fight it."
    And the only thing I could come up with in that moment is

    "I bind you spirit of oppression, in Jesus name"
    And the moment I said this, it was as if there was a release. I felt the pressure release immediately.

    But that's not the interesting part of the story, the interesting part is what happened next:

    As I looked to my right (i'm still lying on my bed, it's dark and late),

    I saw an entity:

    And this entity was like a jellyfish, it was a mixture between a jellyfish and octopus.

    It didn't have eyes as we would describe them, but it had some eye-like features, and it was just gazing with a perplexed look on his face...

    ... almost as if it was expressing,

    "You see me!?... You actually see me ..."
    And I knew too, that I wasn't supposed to see him. And watch this,

    It literally began to vanish away.

    So what am I saying, why did I share this story?

    Am I trying to be sensational here? No, I'm trying to tell you something that's very important.

    Right now, as we speak;

    There are forces, invisible to the human eye, that have been working behind the scenes to hinder you, to hurt you, to attack you. And you aren't supposed to see or hear them. Bc their power is in their invisibility. This thing was trying to kill / destroy me in my sleep, without me having *one* inkling of knowledge about it.

    Some of you are facing an invisible force, and they are banking on you not knowing that they're there."

    The Demonic spirit of Tobias and Sanballot.

    There are different classes of enemies:

    1. Misconception; there are some enemies that just "misunderstand you" because they heard something about you and interpreted it in the wrong way. Usually when they are corrected with the right information, they are cool with you.

    2. Offended; there are some enemies that don't like you because you offended them. But, like enemies of misconception, things can be reconciled.

    There is a third group, however, where no reconciliation can take place;

    3. The demonic spirit of Tobias and Sanballot.

    These were the Prophet Nehemiah's adversaries. Nehemiah wanted to build walls for the city but Tobias and Sanballot vowed that it wouldn't happen. They, along with other groups, not only wanted to see Nehemiah fall, but conspired to actually kill him.

    Similarly, there will be some individuals / groups in our lives that simply hate us for who we are, and live to see our downfall.

    And to make matters worse, these demonic surveillance systems in place mimic these very evil spirits, intentionally creating this illusion to have people turn against each other.

    There is hope though;

    With God on our side, like Nehemiah (and Jeremiah), we can all build ourselves up and rise to the top
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    I still haven't watched the video. But RE. this part of the summarization:

    He experimented with drugs, and had demon possession, and explains what the demons taught him. Interesting how it got out of him. He really explains his bizarre experience and all the thought processes.
    "He experimented with drugs" kind of gives it away.

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    Default Prayer is the Secret Weapon: The Full Armor of God and Prayer against Demonic Attacks

    Prayer is the Secret Weapon: The Full Armor of God and Prayer against Demonic Attacks

    Demons are real.

    Demonic attacks are real.

    Spiritual Warfare is real.

    (BTW, this post is related to WORKS vs FAITH with @FreelancePoliceman from the past summer)

    How do we fight evil demonic spiritual attacks?

    First, we put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:14-17)

    14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
    15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
    16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
    17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

    Belt of Truth; striving to live an honest sincere life and not hiding in the shadows. It's holding onto God's truth and allowing that to shape our day to day lives. This helps us discern what is true, what is not true.

    Breastplate of Righteousness; abstaining from the World, Holy conduct (see post: Purity Prison). This closes demonic portals and openings

    Gospel of Peace; soul-saving, witnessing, proclaiming the Gospel, and choosing peace (non-violence). This takes back your territory from the enemy.

    Shield of Faith; this is having FAITH, "I know everything will be okay bc of Jesus;" This blocks the attack of the enemy

    Helmet of Salvation; when our head's are exposed, we are OPEN to eternal DEATH. Guard your thoughts, and remember, We are SAVED by Jesus.

    Sword of the Spirit; which is the WORD of God. Think of Jesus being tempted by Satan and Jesus threw God's Word (Bible verses) at Satan. This is our only offensive weapon but it is quick and powerful:

    This is putting on "the Armor of God" and this is essential for protection.


    Satan will eventually wear your armor away if we don't add one more thing:

    18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (Ephesians 6:18)
    Praying is the SECRET WEAPON because we are essentially using the power of God against these demonic attacks.

    Do you ever wonder why we go through,

    --Spiritual lives go up and down
    --Slacking off
    --etc etc
    It's because we get too far ahead of ourselves, into our own ego and pride, trying to handle things ourselves, instead of letting God do the heavy lifting.

    Sure, our WORKS or things like church attendance and bible reading may help us in our spiritual walks/discipleship (Armor of God), but if we don't utilize the power of God through prayer, our armors will wear away and our flesh will start to want to seek OTHER things in our battle against these demons:

    --worldly stuff, friends
    --drugs, alcohol
    Remember, Satan wants to attack our weak points, so our PRAYER LIVES should be as INTENSE as our WORKS/Armor of God/Spiritual Walks (Roman 15:20)

    Some tips:

    --Give thanks always. When we thank God, this increases our Faith automatically. Having increased faith also calibrates our brain in the correct way

    --Ask this question first: "God is there something I'M not seeing" Do this before blaming the external situation. You will be pleasantly surprised. God will bring to the surface for the following

    --REPENT. Oftentimes there are things in our OWN lives opening ourselves to demonic attacks. It is ESSENTIAL that we bring these to the Lord to confess and repent.

    --Expand your perspective and focus on the ARMY or the needs of the WORLD around you before praying on your own needs. Oftentimes in doing so, you cover yourself as well (James 4). Your own needs should be connected to others.

    --Watch out for idleness or too much FREE TIME. Idleness invites a lot of THINKING/over-intellectualizing; this invites Satan in as well

    --Stop trying to be a hero. Many will try to take on Satan and his demons on their own. "I bind you spirit!!!" exorcism
    kinda stuff. I've tried that and it's not worth it, especially when you've drawn a lot of attention to yourself (or you don't know what you're doing LOL) You WILL get overpowered eventually. Tell God you can't do this on your own and let God fight these battles.

    --Watch out for talking too much. Same reason as above for idleness. Satan may use your chatter to accomplish evil things. Don't talk a lot.
    In summary,

    We are saved by faith (John 3:16), not by works.

    Where do our works come into play?

    You can look at it as "inspired action".

    Our works also help bring others to Christ (making disciples of all nations aka "the great commission"). They will bring rewards and treasures that are stored in heaven. They build up our discipleship and spiritual walks, which helps us put on the full armor of God.

    When we put on the full armor of God we're more ready against demonic attacks of the enemy.

    But we can't do this on our own, as Satan will wear away our works/armors over time.

    So lastly we pray, repenting and admitting that we cannot fight this fight alone, letting the spirit of God take on these battles. Jesus died on the cross and conquered death, therefore we have faith that the victory is ours.

    Things that open a person up to demonic attacks

    --Demonic Objects


    --Tragic Experience

    --Sexual Immorality

    --Spoken Curses




    --Certain Eastern Practices

    These things weaken a person over time and makes them spiritually "rustier" overall (Full Armor of God):

    Thus opening yourself up and allowing a demon to close in and take over:

    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-11-2022 at 09:06 PM.

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    Default Theories and Notes

    Theories and Notes

    Electromagnetic Frequency

    --Demons that are cloaked give off Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) in the form of UV and gamma emissions.

    --There's probably some connection / overlap here with the advanced mind-control technology. that will be incorporated into the BEAST 666 system

    Demons and Nightmares (+Street Theater)
    --There are different classification of demons (I'll expand later). "Voice Demons" are involved with nightmares

    --Voice Demons sing "songs" to you at night to create these mental connections or “nightmares”

    --Demons can employ live actors—that's right, real people, who can join in on the dream. (I think this is where the 3D and 4D overlap is also apparent)

    --You can block their attempts by playing something in the background while you sleep

    --They, however, can alter
    their song and delivery, by giving it a “catchy rhythmic cadence” that makes it preferred listening over whatever you are playing.

    --I personally find those “white noise” soundtracks useful when sleeping or running into street theater.

    --Lastly, I also think “Street Theater” is connected to the concepts mentioned above

    Demonic Activity and Heart Rate

    --Nightmares are not just demon-made products of the mind; there are physical elements to their handiwork;

    heart rate and variability not only change during periods of high ambient demonic activity, but change in specific (i.e., detectable) ways that they during other times would not. It's something about the process and experience that creates a unique, physical response that distinguishes itself in subtle yet discernible ways (in theory)

    Demonic Possession
    --Christians, being saved, cannot have their souls/spirits possessed by demons, as it is sealed by the Holy Spirit

    --Christians, however, can have their flesh possessed demons

    --The unsaved can have their souls/spirits possessed by demons

    --Demons can possess non-human things; television, trees, even a basket of laundry

    Time of Demonic Activity

    --Highest activity during the night time (>9PM)

    --Definitely related to the Moon as well (I'll expand on this later)

    Demons and Mental Illness
    --Mental illness and demon possession are not mutually exclusive, they can co-exist, but neither rules out the other.

    --A lot of brain damage inflicted by demons is disguised or mistaken as mental illness.

    --I believe a lot of mental illness cases involve demon possession, but our medical (3D) system don't account for this, masking the symptoms through medications.

    --The biggest symptoms I personally see for high demonic activity:
    Anger / Fear / Shame / Narcissism (and the stupid behavior associated with those things)

    --See the TROLLS / EDGELORDS/ LURKERS / CREEPERS / ANIME AVATAR thread for some real-life examples/techniques

    The Voices of Demons + How to Handle Them
    Every interaction with you is ultimately intended to ingrain these things into your thinking and self-estimation; they will say and do things specific to your situation, and no one elses’, making it feel personal and relevant; however, all of the things they say and do can be generalized in one or more of the following ways:
    • You're no good at anything you do; we are good at everything we do
    • You're not allowed to improve anything you do
    • You're not allowed to do anything
    • You're not allowed to add anything to do
    • You are weak; we are strong.
    • You are stupid; we are smart.
    • Nobody likes you; everybody likes us

    Overtime, you will start to believe these things, even if you say you don’t; you can’t help it, repetition over time forces it on you. You may say that you don’t believe them, but, the fact is, you would be acting and interacting differently had they not been saying negative things to you over and over again for so long. In other words, the longer you talk to them, the more warped you will be.

    Wrong strategies against them:
    • Outsmart them
    • Comply with them (Like terrorists, never negotiate with a demon)
    • Be a hero and battle them continually on your own (although you'll be able to better learn how they operate, you'll eventually get overpowered)
    • Make a deal with them
    Right strategies
    • Pray, asking God to battle for you (Fasting + Putting on the Full Armor of God will make this more effective)

    • Remember from this post, giving thanks (or praise/worship) increases faith, which blocks the attacks of the enemy (shield of faith)

    • Avoid interaction (Hear Nothing, Say Nothing Technique)
    • If you are unsaved, you can kill them by making the air unbreathable with chemicals (since these entities have nostrils and breathe as well) although this is not recommended. However, if you don't deal with them, it may be possible to mistakenly think you have some sort of mental illness.
    (side note: also consider taking a break from devices that emit radiation. get some fresh air).

    Hear Nothing Say Nothing Technique

    --Voices Demons have merely to put a thought in your head to shape your thinking. If you listen to something they say, you are going to evaluate it in your mind. At this point, their goal is accomplished—even if you handily dismiss what they said. When they say, "Ignoring us is not an option," this is what they are talking about, not that they will hurt you if you don't listen. When they do hurt you for "not listening," it's not so much punishment as it is a way to make sure you processed what they said—again, regardless of whether you are expected to dismiss it or otherwise.

    --It's hard (at first) to stop talking to Voices Demons for most victims, primarily because a victim's interaction with them never starts off as abusive. It's quite some time before they start that; and, by then, you're in the habit of conversation. However, once you realize what they are doing, you must stop responding, and never initiate. IF YOU MUST SAY SOMETHING, SAY NO—and, that, within the first couple of words you hear. Never let a Voices Demon complete a sentence. Say NO as soon as they speak.

    Finally, never announce what you're doing or that you know what they are doing. They know what they're doing, and they will soon know what you're doing. Believe me, they aren't as stupid and helpless as they might try to act.

    You need to always think like this. Print this out and carry it around, if you have to. Everything said to you and everything done to you should be “looked up” on this list. It is important that you can always articulate in your mind how a demon is working you, and to never think for a moment that they are not ALWAYS working you, even when they appear to be casually conversating (that’s developing a relationship that fosters compulsive response and mental processing, which is the only thing they need to accomplish to achieve their goal).

    One more thing: those goals, by the way, are intermediary to a higher goal, which is, let’s just say, not good for you. That goal is set by a demon you do not now hear, and are not likely to hear, who intends to use you in certain ways (ways you may never discover, but which will happen, nonetheless).

    In other words, the demons you hear on a daily basis are employees of another demon.(similar to the illuminati pyramid conspiracies, there are hierarchies of demons, with Satan at the top)
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 01-30-2022 at 07:49 PM.

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    Default Demonic Activity, Werewolves, Vampires, Woman and the MOON

    Demonic Activity, Werewolves, Vampires, and the MOON

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Prove it.

    The author/s called Jesus the morning star, even though Isaiah gives that title to Lucifer. Who is wrong? Maybe both?
    According to Bible, the Moon represents many spiritual and supernatural concepts.

    Before I explain all this,

    We need to understand the basics of the Moon's relative position with the earth and sun.

    1. When the moon is BEHIND earth, the earth's SHADOW is casted onto the MOON. And the SUN's LIGHT is reflected onto the MOON. Depending on where the moon is at, you can get a FULL MOON (LIGHT)

    2. When the moon is BETWEEN the sun and earth, the MOON is blocking the SUN and you can get things like the NEW MOON (DARK).

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I didn't ask you to repeat what apologists say. I asked you to prove it.

    In actual fact, "the morning star" is Venus. Venus is also "the evening star", but the bible treats "the morning star" and "the evening star" as two independent phenomena, and thus is even more wrong.
    Names and words such as "LUCifer" and "LUNAtick" stem from the MOON (LUNAR).

    Lucifer (2 Cor 11:14. 4:4,6)

    Lucifer (the fallen angel) was originally designated as,

    "The Light-Bearer" (LINK: Sometimes this concept is confused with Jesus)

    But after Lucifer's fall, he lost this title, and was demoted to DARKNESS. He has to create FAKE LIGHT when he transforms into an angel of light (he is an imitator)

    Man and Woman (Genesis 37:9,10. 1 Cor 11:7, Rev 12:1-2, Matthew 25:29. Song of Solomon 6:10)

    In the Bible, man is associated with "the sun" and woman as "the moon" because a woman does not have her own glory, but reflects the glory of the man

    The True Light-Bearer
    (John 1:4,7,8)

    The true light bearer (SUN) is Jesus, his creation are to be like Jesus, or "Light-bearers" of this World.

    Since the MOON reflects light, the CHURCH (MOON) is the light-bearer during the NIGHT

    In other words, the MOON (Church) is the RULER of the NIGHT on earth. (Genesis 1:16,18. Romans 13:12. Ephesians 6)

    Lucifer doesn't like any of this, he WANTS to be the SUN and the MOON; he WANTS these LIGHT sources.

    FULL MOON and Demonic Activity (Job 34:22)

    Since Satan/Lucifer wants the light, he likes the FULL MOON (maximum amount of light), to create shadows of DEATH to wreak havoc and hide their iniquities in the shadows (more below).

    A lot of demonic activity happens (or is associated) around full moon:

    --hospital admissions
    --assassinations, murders
    --traffic accidents
    --migraines, menstral cycle
    --mental illness (lunatic)
    --etc etc
    Werewolfs, Vampires and the Moon (Zephaniah 3, Matthew 7:15, Habbakuk 1:8. Isaiah 6)

    In the CHURCH AGE, the werewolf represents the FALSE PROPHETS and LEADERS that prey on SHEEP under sheep's clothing. It's a spiritual representation

    After the CHURCH AGE, and RAPTURE, during the TRIBULATION, werewolves will turn into VAMPIRES to literally eat the sheep (+drink their blood) left on earth.

    Shadows of DEATH (Amos 5:8. Isaiah 6. Psalms 44:11,19,22. Rev 12:17. Rev 16)

    Since the MOONLIGHT creates SHADOWS, these SHADOWS OF DEATH (demons) during the night along with the DRAGON (anti-christ) will persecute the JEWS during the tribulation.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Psalms 23:4
    Analyzing this famous verse above, we are protected by these "shadows of death" with God's rod and staff.

    --We are the sheep
    --God is the shepherd (Rod + Staff)
    NEW MOON (Darkness) and Jewish Calendar

    The Jews observe new moon activity as the beginnings of something new and follows up with festivals, feasts, and sacrifices

    BLOOD MOON and JUDGMENT (2 Thess 1. Malachi 4. Matthew 24:29. Acts 2:20)

    A blood moon is a NEW MOON + SOLAR ECLIPSE + atmospheric activity affecting the light (such as VOLCANIC ash from volcanic activity)

    Blood Moon represents Jesus' coming judgment (armageddon); God's enemies will be scorched by the sun, volcanic activity will be increased, etc

    PUNKED like puppets on a String: Satan The Ruler of This World

    I got an important question to ask you,

    Who rules this world?

    When God first created the universe, Lucifer, an angel at the time, rebelled against God and became a fallen angel (Satan / Devil).

    Adam was MEANT to have dominion over this earth, but because of SATAN, sin entered into the world, leading to Adam's fall.

    You see,

    Ever since the fall of man,

    !!! Its been SATAN that has had dominion over the world !!!

    Now why is this important to understand???

    When you hear of CONSPIRACY THEORIES of ELITES having all the power because of the Illuminati blah blah blah

    There's always some truth to these kind of things.

    Satan CHOOSES certain KINGS and RULERS of this world to have POWERS.

    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12
    Why would Satan grant Christians and believers of HIS satanic world, POWERS?

    When you allow Satan to work through you, he will grant you SUPER POWERS:

    --money, nice job
    --etc etc
    As I've mentioned here before, this is basically "selling your soul to the devil," and many are BLINDED (or punked) by this short-term success.

    4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2 Cor 4:4
    Satan, being the Father of LIES, will also USE YOU as a HUMAN SACRIFICE

    I mean this in BOTH a spiritual and physical sense (he wants your human flesh and blood, which is why you hear of conspiracy theories involving child sacrifces, abortion baby parts etc but I won't go too deep into that in this post)

    The main point is,

    After he is done with you for his purposes, he will absolutely destroy your life eventually.

    I'll share a story:

    There was once a Christian in California that felt like being a Christian wasn't worth it. He felt like he wasn't getting anything out of it. He then became a Satanist. He'd attend these black masses from 4 PM-12AM on Saturdays. He was involved in orgies and all sorts of Devilish activities. He even CURSED God throughout this period. Channeling Satan's spirit also brought him power and money.

    However, as time went on he couldn't help but feel terror and suicidal. One night The Holy Spirit came down and convicted him to turn away.

    And so he did.

    This man decided to quit being a Satanist but he heard the Devil speak to Him:

    "If you leave, I will kill your newborn son"

    The man accepted the consequences, as he was willing to do whatever it took to return to God.

    When this man's wife became pregnant, tragedy hit as the baby prematurely died before birth.
    This stuff runs really deep, there are even theories out there that SATAN took Kobe Bryant's life (known as the BLACK MAMBA), in his tragic helicopter death as a sacrifice, but lets not go too deep into conspiracy here.


    Satan doesn't play by the rules. He doesn't care about you.

    Even if you're NOT a straight up satanist, if you are apart from God, or you're dabbling in the occult (which is still under the umbrella of satanism), SATAN will FIND A WAY to get to you. You will have a TARGET on your back (note: this is especially so when you want to leave. when you're satan's loyal member, he'll most likely deceive you to ensure your soul)

    Literally, like a snake, he will slither and slowly blend into your life, aware or not.

    He will constantly lie and whisper into your ear,

    "Oh, this is okay, don't worry, it's harmless"

    And he will continue in this contamination process, slowly boiling you like a frog, until it's too late.

    One day, you'll wake up as a MINDLESS robot who shuts off anytime you hear anything God-related,

    Rattling off cliche after cliche, rationalizing why God is not for you;

    This is false programming from the Devil


    Repent and turn to Jesus.

    Better late than never.

    Jesus is the only way to life. These short-terms powers AREN'T worth it.

    You see,

    You can't be liked by the world if you're a follower of God - it's basically an oxymoron and virtually impossible since God's values are opposite of the world's values. If you're a follower of God and want to be liked by many, you'll have to compromise a lot of your beliefs; the Pope is the perfect example of this.

    Witchcraft is sending you to Hell

    Satan entices you to stay plugged into his Satanic Kingdom.

    For instance,

    Witchcraft (Or the practices of the occult) can offer you power to navigate through the world we currently live in.

    Witchcraft uses the help of devils/demons to accomplish its goals and purposes

    Sure, having all this power at your fingertips is very alluring:

    Likeability, Fame, Success, Money, etc etc

    And if you're a strong adherer to Satan's system, your life overall too may be a breeze, as Satan doesn't have to worry about you running away from him.

    However, depending on whether you are saved or not,

    There's always a trade-off with Satan,

    There are two outcomes:

    Witchcraft is sending you to Hell (for the unsaved), or

    Witchcraft will eventually destroy your life (for the saved)

    In both cases, it's temporarily putting you to sleep.

    The only reason why your life isn't so bad now is because Satan knows he has your soul secured for Hell. Otherwise, what reason does he have to persecute you and attack you?

    But what good is all this if your soul is going to burn in hell for all eternity in the end?

    Not conforming to the patterns of this world and being saved is the ONLY way. This means swimming against the current of the Satanic, worldly system.

    It may not seem worth it at first glance, but if you put eternity into perspective, this temporary life is nothing in comparison.
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-13-2022 at 07:30 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    Demonic Activity, Werewolves, Vampires, and the MOON

    According to Bible, the Moon represents many spiritual and supernatural concepts.

    Before I explain all this,

    We need to understand the basics of the Moon's relative position with the earth and sun.

    Names and words such as "LUCifer" and "LUNAtick" stem from the MOON (LUNAR).

    Lucifer (2 Cor 11:14. 4:4,6)

    Lucifer (the fallen angel) was originally designated as,

    "The Light-Bearer"

    But after Lucifer's fall, he lost this title, and was demoted to DARKNESS. He has to create FAKE LIGHT when he transforms into an angel of light

    Man and Woman (Genesis 37:9,10. 1 Cor 11:7, Rev 12:1-2, Matthew 25:29. Song of Solomon 6:10)

    In the Bible, man is associated with "the sun" and woman as "the moon" because a woman does not have her own glory, but reflects the glory of the man

    The True Light-Bearer
    (John 1:4,7,8)

    The true light bearer (SUN) is Jesus, his creation are to be like Jesus, or "Light-bearers" of this World.

    Since the MOON reflects light, the CHURCH (MOON) is the light-bearer during the NIGHT

    In other words, the MOON (Church) is the RULER of the NIGHT on earth. (Genesis 1:16,18. Romans 13:12. Ephesians 6)

    Lucifer doesn't like any of this, he WANTS to be the SUN and the MOON; he WANTS these LIGHT sources.

    FULL MOON and Demonic Activity (Job 34:22)

    Since Satan/Lucifer wants the light, he likes the FULL MOON (maximum amount of light), to create shadows of DEATH to wreak havoc and hide their iniquities in the shadows (more below).

    A lot of demonic activity happens (or is associated) around full moon:

    Werewolfs, Vampires and the Moon (Zephaniah 3, Matthew 7:15, Habbakuk 1:8. Isaiah 6)

    In the CHURCH AGE, the werewolf represents the FALSE PROPHETS and LEADERS that prey on SHEEP under sheep's clothing. It's a spiritual representation

    After the CHURCH AGE, and RAPTURE, during the TRIBULATION, werewolves will turn into VAMPIRES to literally eat the sheep (+drink their blood) left on earth.

    Shadows of DEATH (Amos 5:8. Isaiah 6. Psalms 44:11,19,22. Rev 12:17. Rev 16)

    Since the MOONLIGHT creates SHADOWS, these SHADOWS OF DEATH (demons) during the night along with the DRAGON (anti-christ) will persecute the JEWS during the tribulation.

    Analyzing this famous verse above, we are protected by these "shadows of death" with God's rod and staff.

    NEW MOON (Darkness) and Jewish Calendar

    The Jews observe new moon activity as the beginnings of something new and follows up with festivals, feasts, and sacrifices

    BLOOD MOON and JUDGMENT (2 Thess 1. Malachi 4. Matthew 24:29. Acts 2:20)

    A blood moon is a NEW MOON + SOLAR ECLIPSE + atmospheric activity affecting the light (such as VOLCANIC ash from volcanic activity)

    Blood Moon represents Jesus' coming judgment (armageddon); God's enemies will be scorched by the sun, volcanic activity will be increased, etc

    I didn't ask you to repeat what apologists say. I asked you to prove it.

    In actual fact, "the morning star" is Venus. Venus is also "the evening star", but the bible treats "the morning star" and "the evening star" as two independent phenomena, and thus is even more wrong.

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    Default The Demonic Spirit of False Prophets

    The Demonic Spirit of False Prophets

    Familial Spirits know everything about you.

    If you happen to have strong ties to this particular demon, they'll most likely have a lot of inside information on you, as they've been following you (+your past family) around for years and potentially generations

    When you go to psychic "mediums,"

    These "mediums" are actually communicating with these Demons / Familial Spirits,

    As a result, the information these mediums relay back to you will seem dead on.

    This will intrigue you to maintain stronger connections with these demons.


    Remember that Demons also Lie - They will twist and manipulate this information for your inevitable downfall down the line.

    I've noticed their bread + butter is to give you mostly "good information" that appeals to your flesh, but then they'll sprinkle in a little POISON with that as well, but not enough for you to notice.

    Beware of the Politically-Correct and Popular; that's usually a deadly combination that spells Wolf in Sheep's clothing.

    Now when it comes to False prophets,

    These Demons are also familiar with Jesus and His coming,

    These Demons can therefore deceive many these modern-day False Prophets and Teachers.

    I John 4:1 tells us that there are MANY false prophets in the world, just as the Lord Jesus Christ prophesied in Matthew 24:11.

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
    11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
    False prophets deceive people with,

    --Miracles (Mat. 24:24; Rev. 13:14),
    --Good words and fair speeches (Rom. 16:17-18), and of course,
    --just down right lying (Jer. 14:14).
    False prophets generally have a very positive outlook toward:

    --integration, and
    --world peace,
    But they'll usually have a very negative view toward:

    --the infallibility of scripture,
    --salvation by faith in Christ alone,
    --the Blood Atonement,
    --the Deity of Christ, and
    --the Pre-millennial Second Coming of Christ.
    Isaiah 8:20 and Deuteronomy 18:20-22 are great verses to keep in mind when trying to discern between true and false prophets.

    20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
    20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. 21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken? 22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
    Also remember Matthew 7:20:

    "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."
    Many people today are spell-bound,

    We can pray as much as we can, but it is ultimately up to the individual to let go of their pride and ego so they can turn to the Lord.

    And Many will turn to the Lord,

    But many won't and will continue their merry way, stubbornly building their Tower of Babel.

    Which is why God's timely wrath and Judgement on earth is necessary.

    Demon Pastors from Hell: Joel Olsteen

    Remember in the Bible it says in these last days,

    False Prophets / False Teachers will emerge and lead us astray:

    But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 Peter 2:2
    For this reason watch out for Pastors like Joel Olsteen,

    He's a pastor that came straight outta hell,

    Always positive and smiling; be wary of these types.

    Satan has a way of using scripture against us.

    He has a way of appealing to our flesh,

    Telling us things we WANT to hear (I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me, Philippians 4:10-13)



    Telling us things we NEED to hear (that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit, Ephesians 4:22)


    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-22-2022 at 02:00 AM.

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    Default Demon Posessed Christians: The Drug-Addicted Christian vs Heretic Charismatic Christian

    Demon-Possessed Christians: The Drug-Addicted Christian vs Heretic-Charismatic Christian

    Once you are saved, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

    While Demons aren't able to possess your Spirit,

    Demons can still possess your FLESH

    Here are two common types of Demon-Possessed Christians I've noticed, and remedies:

    1. The first type of Christian is the Drug-Addicted Christian.

    They are doctrinally sound, they are able to discern truth. They have a good foundation of the Word. However, their "vessel" is a bit empty. These Christians are often perceived as "mean" and this can potentially isolate them from the rest of the world, further compounding emptiness and a disconnect from their communities. Speaking out against Evil will also put a giant target on their backs and make life potentially a living hell on earth.

    In order to fill this void, if they are not careful, their flesh will seek things to fill this void; alcohol, drugs, food, risky-behavior, etc can all lead to back sliding.

    The remedy for the drug-addicted Christian is to PRAY (bonus if you FAST). Pray so the spirit fills this void. Abstain from cheap highs.

    2. The second type of Christian is the Heretic-Charismatic Christian.

    They are in the Spirit. They are charismatic. They are moved by feelings. They are usually musically talented and are well-liked / popular / Diplomatic with everyone.

    However, they are in danger of becoming stupid (delusional) and spineless, as they never read (+actually 100% believe) the Word of God, avoid cold truth and cry over things they don't want to hear. They instead dive too deep in *their own* Spirit, putting authority in *their own interpretation* over sound doctrine. As I've shared, these types of Christians are prone to being deceived by charismatic demons, finding themselves in the deep-end with cults, or "joining forces" with the rest of the world. Thus observing the looting + burning of entire cities, yet unable to speak out + discern what is right vs what is wrong.

    The remedy for the Heretic-Charismatic Christian is to READ THE BIBLE. Don't avoid Truth. Avoid Liberalism. Liberalism is brain cancer

    Spiritual Discernment: Looking beyond the 3D realm

    Looking back at some of the major "current events" that have taken place,

    BLM riots, "Insurrection" at the Capital, COVID lockdowns, etc etc

    It took me around ~5 minutes, with my cracked-screen laptop, to google information surrounding such events (wasn't that difficult),

    To Discern that,

    --locking arms and burning down cities across the nation / world wasn't wise nor sustainable.
    --that the "riot" at the Capitol wasn't what it was portrayed to be.
    --that these lockdowns (+vaccines) were mostly retarded.
    I remember it seemed as though everyone was "possessed," wrapped under this Evil Spell they couldn't snap out of.

    And of course, nobody wants to listen to a nobody wearing a dirty, coffee-stained hoodie on an obscure forum. Same with "Friends" outside the internet.

    But its been quite sad to see entities such as the FBI and mainstream media outlets, who, with all their power, might and advanced technology, can barely piece things together years later. At least in an honest way. Of course, they won't admit this and will end up gas-lighting everyone as always.

    But this post isn't really about that.


    When it comes to these things, to

    Resist the temptation to follow the crowd.

    And to root yourself into "The Truth" or the Word of God.

    When you are rooted in the Word of God you are rooted in the Holy Spirit.

    When you are rooted in the Holy Spirit,

    You see beyond this 3D, nihilist plane of existence

    When you see beyond this 3D plane,

    You are better able to discern not only

    Right vs Wrong, but

    Right vs. ALMOST right.

    And as things get crazier and crazier within this world we find ourselves in,

    We must pray and seek to see what's happening in

    The Spiritual realms rather than the Physical realms.

    We can NEVER piece together or pretend like we know everything that's happening in places like Russia / Ukraine,

    But we can discern that beyond the physical,

    The Anti-Christ Spirit is alive and active, and His Spirit of Intimidation and Control is apparent in the overall trajectory to where this world is headed

    We can (and ought to) pray for the remnants and lost; the families, the soldiers, and the leaders throughout our nation and world that are undergoing heavy attacks from the evil one, Satan.

    Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints Ephesians 6:18
    Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 1 Peter 5:9
    Satan's Devices Resting on our Shoulders

    The Bible says not to be ignorant of the devices of Satan:

    “Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.” 2 Cor 2:11
    We can blame People, our Situation, and External Circumstances,

    But realize,

    There are Spiritual (evil) forces, working behind the scenes,

    Working inside the fabrication of our very own minds, to

    Block, Hinder, and Obstruct

    Us from our main assignment.

    Trying to destroy our

    Destiny. Vision. Purpose.

    There must be a confrontation of these very devices,

    Which doesn't necessarily manifest as a foaming of the mouth,


    It could be right there,

    Resting right there on our *very own* shoulders - and they must be deactivated, they must be destroyed.


    WHOA. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just realized it's close to a FULL MOON!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2
    FULL MOON and Demonic Activity (Job 34:22)

    Since Satan/Lucifer wants the light, he likes the FULL MOON (maximum amount of light), to create shadows of DEATH to wreak havoc and hide their iniquities in the shadows (more below).

    A lot of demonic activity happens (or is associated) around full moon:

    Putting our Faith in the right places: Jesus

    Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2
    Where do you seek your help and faith from?

    Too many times we seek the wrong places in times of need;

    When we seek Ourselves,

    It'll eventually get worse and worse;

    --Polluting into sin
    --Minds and eyes wandering into places it shouldn't
    And this will only lead to wicked and lustful things.

    When we seek Others,

    Much like Judas, who after spending 3 years with Jesus, betrayed him,

    You too, will be betrayed by your loved ones, and

    You too, will betray others.

    When we seek Satan,

    When we make a deal with the devil,

    Giving up certain parts of our faith or our testimony,

    Sure, you may get that girl,

    Sure, you may get that house,

    But in the end,

    You'll never know which direction you'll fall for your inevitable demise,

    Satan doesn't care one bit about you.

    Where do you seek your help and faith from?


    God is a God of many chances.

    Philippians 3:13-14 tells us to forget our past and to move FORWARD
    13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
    The Devil has a way of attacking you through your past,

    Tell the Devil,

    "The Bible says my past is GONE! (thru Jesus)"

    Even though we may stumble by the rocks that trip us up,

    If we fix our eyes on Jesus,

    We have a target that will sustain us through any situation.
    Last edited by peteronfireee2; 03-03-2022 at 09:58 PM.

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