Quote Originally Posted by Stray Cat View Post
For supposed SLEs you two write a lot of shit in your replies.
And you’re just a troll who’s come to stir the pot, looking for a reaction, which I’m not giving into.


Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
Still @DEAD I think I have a point with the efficiency stuff. You sure do talk about it a lot.
It doesn’t make me a Gamma and it doesn’t meant that I have creative Fi. Okay? I just want things to be manageable. Is that too much to ask for things to work properly and be organised well? I don’t even think this is type related. I think this is a personal preference. I think too much emphasis is also put on Te being about efficiency. And practicality. Anyone with a brain cell wants to have a good, practical, efficient system of some sort that functions well in the real world.

Maybe I’m just asking for too much. I don’t organise the hell out of information for a laugh. I don’t make systems in my mind and organise everything around me for the because I want to show off. I do it because it needs done, I like doing it, and no one else is going to organise my shit for me.

Seriously though it’s just one aspect I focus on a lot more than just that. I care about accuracy too. I care about things being consistent and about them making sense as well. When I research something, I want it done right. I want to do it myself. I want to direct it. I want to implement it fully and not half assed you know?

That’s where the efficiency aspect comes into play. You don’t wanna throw away everything you’ve worked to stick together on a half assed effort. You want to push it and give it everything. You want to bull it and charge it and make sure it works in reality.

I’m not afraid of confrontation either. Or explaining things. I can do it. I’m just getting a bit annoyed at people trying to fill in the blanks with Te HA, when it’s not Te HA. It’s not the answer to the puzzle.