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    What is beauty? What is love?
    Who knows? No one knows. No one can agree. People have asked these questions for years, and no one has come up with a logical answer. I think this is one of life’s mysteries that can never be agreed upon. It’s all subjective.

    What are your most important values?
    I will list my top ones, in order of importance:
    Competency: Competency is important because it means that you do the job right, and you don’t have to waste more time and resources in redoing the job.
    Honesty: Better to be honest and upfront than waste time and energy on a fake friendship, if you want to have one in the first place.
    Perseverance: I’m stubborn, and will try to fix everything first of all. I don’t like giving up and being defeated.
    Practicality: In both the creative and the practical sense. I like to make life simpler and save time on things.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    Well, yes. I believe in God because to me, it makes the most sense as our origin story. The “something from nothing” argument really baffles me because a God/something had to be there to make the Big Bang reaction happen in the first place. Yes, people can argue “where did God come from?” I think that a God being there makes more sense than the Big Bang. But I also think that God “always being there” is a part of faith, as well. It’s meant to be a mystery, and whatever makes the most sense, you believe. Through my own experience, I also lean towards knowing that God exists because I have experienced what lines up with the bible before through my faith.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    Money is power, so is territory. War is the perfect excuse to gain both because war is profitable. Governments use militaries to take over land, and to gain influence over others. Governments use patriotism as a guise to get people to fight for the land for them.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Writing, current events, football (soccer, not hand egg), criticising reality TV and studying topics of interest, such as eschatology and music.
    I have recently been talking about football, as the Euros are on. I like to discuss tactics and the teams and look at the tables. Talk about the games. At the moment, current events such as Covid are taking over, so naturally people discuss them and form opinions on them

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Not really. I just do what I have to do to maintain it, and I take what I have to in order to fix problems.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    I just do them and get them over and done with. The sooner you do them, the sooner you can get on with your day. I will think about and organise bigger tasks though so I know what I’m doing.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

    Better Call Saul : It was a well constructed show and character study. The characters made sense within the context of the story, and the roles were well acted.
    Savages (the book, not the movie): It flowed well and was better constructed than the movie, and it made more sense too.
    Drive (the book was better than the movie, but both were good): I liked how that was put together, the action in it and the roles were well acted.
    RuPaul’s Drag Race (yeah, cut me some slack): It’s entertaining and it gives me a lot to analyse and critique.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

    Very few things make me cry. I’m generally a stoic person, and very little moves me but sometimes songs do if they have very sad lyrics, or certain melodies but not much else. Good grammar and silly things/jokes make me smile. The fact someone put in the effort to form proper sentences when they speak to me makes me happy.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    One with the environment because I’m a pretty observant person and I notice a lot of things and react to them fast. I don’t care much about a sense of belonging because I don’t care about fitting in.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    My weakness? I’d probably say that I can come across as pretty uncaring and stoic/cold and a bit of a bitch. I am very opinionated and impulsive as well, apparently.

    I don’t dislike anything about myself.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    My honesty, my “strength”, my observant nature and probably the fact that I am a good arguer.

    Can I just say that I like everything? I’m comfortable with who I am. No shame in that.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?

    Probably caring more in general, especially about people. Being less impulsive/reactionary.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes, I have and I would try and figure out the causes i.e. demotivation and I would come up with a solution for it, or just do something to get myself back into the rhythm of being productive/doing things, even if it’s small task/activity.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Like: Laid back people, calmer people, people who can form their own opinions, people with common sense. People who can have a laugh

    Dislike: Pseudo-intellectualism, people who think they’re above everyone, sheeple people, people who don’t think about things at all, very serious, elitist people.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I’m aromantic, so I could care less about romance. And sex, I see as a means to an end. I don’t feel anything about it, and I have no real ideal romantic partners.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I wouldn’t and I plan not to because:
    - Kids are expensive, and you need a stable job and enough income to organise a child and bring them into the world to give them a good start in life and not end up in poverty.
    - Kids take up too much time and are a major commitment. Unless you can manage your time well, you have none left. And kids take up spare time, so you have to rotate your schedule and make a lot of sacrifices. And I like my freedom and lack of commitments and don’t plan to change that with a kid any time soon.
    - They’re also solely your responsibility, so if they’re a little shit and they do something stupid, you bear the brunt of it.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Depends on the claim. If it’s something trivial, I will ignore them but if it’s something more major, I will argue with them. I will show them the facts of the situation and we can argue/debate it. At times, it makes me mad inside but I try not to be angry and I try and explain myself.

    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I want to cop out and say "everything". If I start, I won't be able to stop ranting so I will try and keep it simple/short:

    a) I try to keep my distance from them as a whole and like to analyse them and make my own conclusions.

    b) I think people as a whole are too easily influenced, and they fall victim to group think without checking the facts.

    c) I think misinformation and the digital media is a big social problem, especially when people don't think for thsmelves and do their own research. Misfinformation can be dangerous if it's not debunked.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I don’t choose my friends, they choose me. I behave around them as I normally do. Opinionated, stoic, a bit sassy, unfiltered.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    The same as I normally do: I do what I want, when I want.

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    You don't have to care about people, really. (Your Fi polr thinks it has to compensate there more than it really does and it's adorable.) Just don't be too sadistic or rude or hateful. Some people before have thought I was so caring and loving and in truth- I'm really not. I just don't see the value in being cruel or nosy or hateful. I suppose so many Americans are so stereotypically fat and lazy and rude and hateful and overly-nosy that simply not being this way is enough for other people to go 'Are you Jesus?" when obviously I'm not.

    I mean does anybody really care about anybody else anyway? Unless it's certain people in your immediate family maybe that you have a biological urge to care. Most "caring" society does is just this fake virtue signaling thing and like in reality you could sense how they would gleefully smirk at somebody else if they were drowning or being eaten by sharks or whatever it is.

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    I dunno, IMO seems like you are trying on a SLE skin for the moment. I'm still seeing ExFx. Probably EIE when the dust settles.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    I dunno, IMO seems like you are trying on a SLE skin for the moment. I'm still seeing ExFx. Probably EIE when the dust settles.
    Likely SLE-Se. From the title, talks to the letter exactly like the one I went to school with for years. They show more Fe, but not an Fe base. Slim chance SEE.

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    I have a good 'radar' for xLEs, and now it's not beeping. It really feels like you are trying out a SLE identity at the moment. You could be SEE as well. I don't find Ni in your posts so I am assuming you are ESFx.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    How did you come to that conclusion?

    We're you calling me an SLE bad boy yesterday?

    Attachment 16935
    yes I did! but it honestly is hard to tell what is your type. on one hand you seem like SLE but on the other your "SLEness" feels calculated.

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    Tbh, I think you're SEE.
    I have the impression some of the roughness you display is rooted in anger/frustration more than type.
    But what do I know?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    I've always been pretty stoic. Maybe I am just frustrated with people.
    I wouldn't consider stoic-ness as type related. I think Fe valuers can learn to be expression-less if it makes a better atmosphere, and Fi valuers can learn to bond by being expressive. It can make disastrous results if the Fe/Fi is in a spot where it's supposed to remain... not flagrant, can't find a better word; ignoring, PoLR...
    Same goes for other functions.
    I think an Fi creative can fail to find people to truly bond with and get frustrated about it. It seems to fit what you say with using sex, that could be linked to Se, as a mean to an end, Te. Skipping right over the Fi and therefore losing meaning, or Ni. Maybe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    I'm genuinely content with my own company, and not bonding with people. I'm being honest here when I say that the idea of having a soulmate seems burdensome, and the idea of just having the same person around seems really idealistic. I'm not really into commitments, and the idea of romantically bonding with someone isn't really something up there in my list. I dunno if that's for or again Fi, but I'm more interested in finding out how things work in general with objects and systems and analysing them and analysing people than having some sort of "bond" I can't keep that really goes nowhere, and is waste of time for us both.

    The idea of duals for me is a bit of a nope. And the idea that everyone HAS to have connections and deep bonds with a romantic partner, or a close, intimate friendship because they are X type isn't really something I want because I think the idea of duals is too idealised, and someone being too close to me creeps me out. Having someone being there for you as a form of support is very different to someone being for you, imo. I start thinking of Every Breath You Take when my mind gravitates toward that, and all in all, I'm not a very initimate person. I'd rather just make someone something, give them money or just talk rather than have some romantic gesture as a sign of appreciation.
    Oh boy, the big suffocating codependant stuff ain't what I meant.
    The "make someone something, give them money or just talk" hits closer to home. That's a good enough bond to me, no need to be breathing out of eachother's lungs to be bonded.
    I'm not one for duality much either, but I doubt an ILI would be thrilled by receiving flowers or being stuck going to a crowded restaurant for valentine's day. I know I'd hate both, but someone making me food and just talking with me, I'd call them in a week or so if I'm not too busy. I had a thing like that with an SEE a few years ago, we went out to eat and talk, was great.
    And I remember my sister making us food at midnight when I was like 12, wonderful.

    Analyzing peeps is a human thing imo. And I feel the same about how close knitted bonds are supposed to be, but that's societal standards, we have the possibility to choose otherwise.

  10. #10
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    I don’t see anything in what you wrote that would indicate you value Ti.

    Practicality: In both the creative and the practical sense. I like to make life simpler and save time on things.
    This suggests Te to me.

    Good grammar and silly things/jokes make me smile. The fact someone put in the effort to form proper sentences when they speak to me makes me happy.

    I have a hard time seeing an SLE talking about this — about silliness impacting their emotional states.

    Like: Laid back people, calmer people, people who can form their own opinions, people with common sense. People who can have a laugh

    Dislike: Pseudo-intellectualism, people who think they’re above everyone, sheeple people, people who don’t think about things at all, very serious, elitist people.

    F-ego. Also this indicates democratic > aristocratic to me, though this is admittedly less clear.

    My honesty, my “strength”, my observant nature and probably the fact that I am a good arguer.
    From what I’ve seen of your arguments in chat, I don’t think you’re a T type. YMMV. You also are constantly asking what others think about you. SLEs have a certain aversion to having their characters judged; I don’t see one hopping around in chat asking someone every five minutes for an opinion on their type.

    My weakness? I’d probably say that I can come across as pretty uncaring and stoic/cold and a bit of a bitch. I am very opinionated and impulsive as well, apparently.

    I don’t dislike anything about myself.
    You keep talking up this “uncaringness,” but you clearly care a lot about what other people think of you. Maybe you really don’t care about anyone else, but if so that’s NTR, and certainly not particularly unusual for an SEE.

    I also don’t see an SLE saying they “don’t dislike anything about” themselves. Maybe they’d dodge the question or lie, but I don’t think you’re lying here.

    I still think you’re SEE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    @FreelancePoliceman - Just a question but where do you specifically see the Ti PoLR/Fi creative aspect?
    Re. Ti PoLR, I'm a little hesitant to say anything because I suspect that'll devolve pretty quickly into an argument I don't really want to invest myself in. But you have a tendency to present a ton of different "points" all at once, like this:

    Well, yes. I believe in God because to me, it makes the most sense as our origin story. The “something from nothing” argument really baffles me because a God/something had to be there to make the Big Bang reaction happen in the first place. Yes, people can argue “where did God come from?” I think that a God being there makes more sense than the Big Bang. But I also think that God “always being there” is a part of faith, as well. It’s meant to be a mystery, and whatever makes the most sense, you believe. Through my own experience, I also lean towards knowing that God exists because I have experienced what lines up with the bible before through my faith.
    Each sentence could be taken more or less on its own; they don't really logically reinforce each other, but are adjoined as if they do. IEEs do a similar thing.

    Fi is honestly harder for me to detect, especially on the Internet, and especially when it isn't the base function, but you generally seem to make many references to yourself, your personal preferences, and the sort of evaluative judgements you make about other things and people. I won't use examples from this thread since the point of the questionnaire is to talk about yourself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    Likely SLE-Se. From the title, talks to the letter exactly like the one I went to school with for years. They show more Fe, but not an Fe base. Slim chance SEE.
    Read all of it, not just the title. Read his list of values. Read his comments. Look at the underlying common thread: "I expect my time invested in work & relationships to be purposeful." "I reject the idea of society influencing personal ideals." "I am about gains, I am not one of these sucker consumers buying romance" "I reject misrepresentation of virtue for profit." "I am a hard realist about human nature & relationships" All of it relates to money, profit, work, purpose, individualism, 1-1 relationships, and inauthenticity. What quadra does that sound like...

    When I read the part on faith, I had to re-read it like 10 times looking for anything for Ti to hook into. It would be a dick move to dissect it line by line, but you can look for it yourself. It's not there. Half the paragraph on faith is talking about the consensus of the masses/experts. (ILI/LSI love this kind of info btw) The rest of the paragraph repeats the same sentiment in different ways - "it makes sense to me" "it makes sense to me more than the alternative, that is good enough." "everyone believes what makes sense to them."

    That may be true, but I still have no idea what he believes, how he reasoned his way there, how internally consistent his reasoning is, what the implications of his beliefs are down the chain, what kind of code, belief system, or even a loose framework he binds himself to moment-to-moment. What would two Ti ego talk about with this information?

    SEE is the most likely the more you look into it. Unless he's an EIE in an identity crisis, but I don't think he's faking it. I think he just rejects identifying with the stereotypes of SEE.

    Higher Fe, not stoic like DEAD describes himself
    Lavish, not frugal like DEAD describes himself
    More group dependent unlike how DEAD describes himself

    Mike Tyson is Se SLE. And I picked him so nobody can say some bs like "You can't see Ti in SLE Se"

    When Mike talks about faith, he walks through his beliefs and their implications. Then he reverses it and walks through the negation. Nearly every sentence is Se PoV painting a picture or Ti laying down a system.

    Even the things he leaves unsaid can instantly be filled in by Ti.

    Either he believes based on execution:
    ie. to him the practice of islam requires entering a mindset where "if you love god, you must love all his creations,"

    Or he believes based on perception:
    he sees god & creation as set or part of the same thing. From there he follows the chain of reasoning that loving one means loving both.

    It could be right, wrong, or Ti-gone-off-the-rails nonsense, but that's not the point. The point is he gives a framework any Ti ego can work with to figure out how it makes sense to Mike Tyson. DEAD does not do that.

    Faith aside, the only topics DEAD really goes in on in depth relate to his self-image or how behaviors impact time/work/money/authentic relationships. You come away knowing everything about his attitudes & values, and nothing about how he took on a mindset relative to a situation, or how he reasoned through a specific dilemma to deal with a problem.

    And if he ever does do that, I suspect it will be tricky for Ti ego to follow.

    I just stitch together arguments, if you get me? From the stuff around me, and the stuff I know.
    This is silly, the more I read through this, dude obviously values Te.

    We need to stop letting these myths go unchallenged.

    Fi =/= stupid, emotional, polite, moral paragon, politically correct, or even nice
    Fe =/= histrionic next fuhrer of germany
    Si =/= unimaginative, uncreative, personal maid, nurse, or chef

    People are unable to see types unbiased because of this lazy crap.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    Read all of it, not just the title. Read his list of values. Read his comments. Look at the underlying common thread: "I expect my time invested in work & relationships to be purposeful." "I reject the idea of society influencing personal ideals." "I am about gains, I am not one of these sucker consumers buying romance" "I reject misrepresentation of virtue for profit." "I am a hard realist about human nature & relationships" All of it relates to money, profit, work, purpose, individualism, 1-1 relationships, and inauthenticity. What quadra does that sound like...

    When I read the part on faith, I had to re-read it like 10 times looking for anything for Ti to hook into. It would be a dick move to dissect it line by line, but you can look for it yourself. It's not there. Half the paragraph on faith is talking about the consensus of the masses/experts. (ILI/LSI love this kind of info btw) The rest of the paragraph repeats the same sentiment in different ways - "it makes sense to me" "it makes sense to me more than the alternative, that is good enough." "everyone believes what makes sense to them."

    That may be true, but I still have no idea what he believes, how he reasoned his way there, how internally consistent his reasoning is, what the implications of his beliefs are down the chain, what kind of code, belief system, or even a loose framework he binds himself to moment-to-moment. What would two Ti ego talk about with this information?

    SEE is the most likely the more you look into it. Unless he's an EIE in an identity crisis, but I don't think he's faking it. I think he just rejects identifying with the stereotypes of SEE.

    Higher Fe, not stoic like DEAD describes himself
    Lavish, not frugal like DEAD describes himself
    More group dependent unlike how DEAD describes himself

    Mike Tyson is Se SLE. And I picked him so nobody can say some bs like "You can't see Ti in SLE Se"

    When Mike talks about faith, he walks through his beliefs and their implications. Then he reverses it and walks through the negation. Nearly every sentence is Se PoV painting a picture or Ti laying down a system.

    Even the things he leaves unsaid can instantly be filled in by Ti.

    Either he believes based on execution:
    ie. to him the practice of islam requires entering a mindset where "if you love god, you must love all his creations,"

    Or he believes based on perception:
    he sees god & creation as set or part of the same thing. From there he follows the chain of reasoning that loving one means loving both.

    It could be right, wrong, or Ti-gone-off-the-rails nonsense, but that's not the point. The point is he gives a framework any Ti ego can work with to figure out how it makes sense to Mike Tyson. DEAD does not do that.

    Faith aside, the only topics DEAD really goes in on in depth relate to his self-image or how behaviors impact time/work/money/authentic relationships. You come away knowing everything about his attitudes & values, and nothing about how he took on a mindset relative to a situation, or how he reasoned through a specific dilemma to deal with a problem.

    And if he ever does do that, I suspect it will be tricky for Ti ego to follow.

    This is silly, the more I read through this, dude obviously values Te.

    We need to stop letting these myths go unchallenged.

    Fi =/= stupid, emotional, polite, moral paragon, politically correct, or even nice
    Fe =/= histrionic next fuhrer of germany
    Si =/= unimaginative, uncreative, personal maid, nurse, or chef

    People are unable to see types unbiased because of this lazy crap.
    Upon reading through his description again, I am seeing more SEE-Se thought processes, as per possible Fi creative and Te HA blurbs of text. But this is definitely an Se base subtype, from my point of view. In my experience, SEE-Se and SLE-Se do present very similarly, so I took the Se I observed in the original post at face value for DEAD’s type allegation.

    Another aspect of his description that favors SEE > SLE is presenting Fe matters in a jesting sort of way, favoring a subjective interpretation of emotions (what is love? Nobody knows). This is a common action of the demonstrative, to lightly draw attention away from itself to the person’s creative, in hopes of easing the dual’s anxiety over PoLR issues. The SLE I mentioned before never reinforced subjective interpretations of emotions, and always looked externally for support on emotional claims she would make.
    Last edited by PinKDiGiT18; 06-19-2021 at 07:43 PM.

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    Exclamation LONG ASS REPLY

    Thank you for expanding your answer. I will break this up and respond below:

    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    Read all of it, not just the title. Read his list of values. Read his comments. Look at the underlying common thread: "I expect my time invested in work & relationships to be purposeful." "I reject the idea of society influencing personal ideals." "I am about gains, I am not one of these sucker consumers buying romance" "I reject misrepresentation of virtue for profit." "I am a hard realist about human nature & relationships" All of it relates to money, profit, work, purpose, individualism, 1-1 relationships, and inauthenticity. What quadra does that sound like...
    Yeah, I expect the time invested into things to be productive and probably profitable because what's the point in actually spending time on things that go nowhere? The whole point is to be profitable with it, if you're putting that much effort into something. Otherwise, it's a waste of time, resources, energy, people's life and everything else. I wouldn't say that I care a lot about human nature and relationships, though but yeah, I am a realist in general. I think that too many people, especially in relationships focus on these unrealistic ideals that society has inflated as the end goal, and they don't actually take a step back and figure out how all of this is going to actually play out in the real world. I wouldn't say I focus a lot on my purpose, or finding it/working out my ideal life path (again, maybe because of low Ni) or even having one because I am more of a taking things as they come kinda person. Working it out as I go along. It will all come together and fall into place eventually.

    When I read the part on faith, I had to re-read it like 10 times looking for anything for Ti to hook into. It would be a dick move to dissect it line by line, but you can look for it yourself. It's not there. Half the paragraph on faith is talking about the consensus of the masses/experts. (ILI/LSI love this kind of info btw) The rest of the paragraph repeats the same sentiment in different ways - "it makes sense to me" "it makes sense to me more than the alternative, that is good enough." "everyone believes what makes sense to them."

    That may be true, but I still have no idea what he believes, how he reasoned his way there, how internally consistent his reasoning is, what the implications of his beliefs are down the chain, what kind of code, belief system, or even a loose framework he binds himself to moment-to-moment. What would two Ti ego talk about with this information?
    Fair enough. I guess I just didn't give an in-depth explanation on my faith. I've never really being asked about it, and thought about an in depth answer past (this is a summary, and I will try and explain it as best as I can):

    a) Believing in the trinity, and Jesus death and resurrection on the cross being true. And in the bible being the true word of God, and that Jesus is Lord.
    b) There is historical Biblical accounts matching real-life accounts, like the Sodom and Gomorrah site, dinosaur and human prints crossing, rainmarks on the Sphinx etc, and there being more solid, physical proof of Jesus existence and his time period available than information on the Big Bang theory. If there is valid proof in our world matching the bible's timeperiod and the bible itself, then there must be more to it than being "just a myth".
    c) How the bible is the code/framework for the faith: All of the essential teachings of the faith are there: "In the beginning was the Word.." But John 1 and the whole of John in general, is the basis of the Christian faith and its beliefs and how they came about with Jesus explaining them (it's also referred to by some as The origin story of Jesus). Acts is regarded as another important book, about the first church and how the concept of the church came about. But the bible as a whole is two parts: The Old Testament explains the origins of man, the origins of sin, how the price of our sins would be paid, and the whole of the Old Testament is a "type and shadow" (prophetic telling) of Jesus becoming savior in the New Testament, which explains how Jesus paid the price for our sins, and the afftermath/foundation of the Christian faith.

    SEE is the most likely the more you look into it. Unless he's an EIE in an identity crisis, but I don't think he's faking it. I think he just rejects identifying with the stereotypes of SEE.
    Yeah, I think EIE is unlikely for me. It's not that I reject identifying with the stereotypes, it's more I don't act that way and I think that stereotypes are an unreliable way to type people (as is VI, and no, smiling doesn't equal 4D Fe. Even ILI can smile if they want to). First and foremost, it's the content of the IMEs, then everything else. The functions and IME are the basis of the theory, so they should be prioritised, then once you get the theory learned and figure out how the elements manifest, then the ITR (if you're into those) to figure out the pieces of your "relationships". Anything else is redundant to identify people, because they're not an official part of the theory or have been proven to be unreliable. A lot of the descriptions also confuse people because they are based of a theoretical (archetypical) image of how said type is e.g. SEE being into fashion, being leaders, being positive, being emotional and being all over the place. To be honest, I am pretty much none of those things (well, I can be a leader if I want to be, and I am pretty stable unless I'm hungry).

    And thus, the archetype (instead of the IMEs and functions) become the "basis" and "reality" of what said type is like. And everyone accepts those as canon when they're not.

    If you want a comparison, it's kinda like how people have a stereotypical image of how gay men are. And when someone comes along and challenges those expectations, people act like this video:

    (yes, you can swap the "gay" in the title for any of the 16types).

    Like you said:

    We need to stop letting these myths go unchallenged.

    Fi =/= stupid, emotional, polite, moral paragon, politically correct, or even nice
    Fe =/= histrionic next fuhrer of germany
    Si =/= unimaginative, uncreative, personal maid, nurse, or chef

    People are unable to see types unbiased because of this lazy crap.
    And that's true. You need to be unbiased when you are analysing peoples' types and how they process information, otherwise the biases get in the way and ruin everything. (Also, the Fe stereotype made me laugh).

    Higher Fe, not stoic like DEAD describes himself
    Lavish, not frugal like DEAD describes himself
    More group dependent unlike how DEAD describes himself
    I always have been a very stoic, negative person. Yes, never been into the lavish lifestyle and I am strongly independent, and like to do my own thing because I know how everything works out in the end, and it's more economical but if I need others' help, yes, I will ask them. I'm not a complete edgelord.

    Mike Tyson is Se SLE. And I picked him so nobody can say some bs like "You can't see Ti in SLE Se"

    When Mike talks about faith, he walks through his beliefs and their implications. Then he reverses it and walks through the negation. Nearly every sentence is Se PoV painting a picture or Ti laying down a system.

    Even the things he leaves unsaid can instantly be filled in by Ti.

    Either he believes based on execution:
    ie. to him the practice of islam requires entering a mindset where "if you love god, you must love all his creations,"

    Or he believes based on perception:
    he sees god & creation as set or part of the same thing. From there he follows the chain of reasoning that loving one means loving both.
    I'm not saying you're wrong but that's impressive that you knew he was SLE-Se in that amount of time (unless you've studied Tyson before as an example). I did also notice that he's more open to the group than I would be (if that makes sense?) when he was talking about exploring Islam and how he got involved. I suppose it is simple to see what he believes and why he believes it.

    It could be right, wrong, or Ti-gone-off-the-rails nonsense, but that's not the point. The point is he gives a framework any Ti ego can work with to figure out how it makes sense to Mike Tyson. DEAD does not do that.

    Faith aside, the only topics DEAD really goes in on in depth relate to his self-image or how behaviors impact time/work/money/authentic relationships. You come away knowing everything about his attitudes & values, and nothing about how he took on a mindset relative to a situation, or how he reasoned through a specific dilemma to deal with a problem.

    And if he ever does do that, I suspect it will be tricky for Ti ego to follow.
    Yeah, problem solving and how I got to places and made things is easy to explain for me, but I don't talk about my mindsets. I'm more like an instruction manual than an understanding manual. I get it and understand it, but explain it in a different way.

    Quote Originally Posted by BaruchJorgell View Post
    Simply on the basis of the general behaviour, and assuming the behaviour is the same in real life, I would say SEE, with a strong Se subtype.

    SLE-Se is possible but would come as second from my point of view.
    If you say so.

    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    Upon reading through his description again, I am seeing more SEE-Se thought processes, as per possible Fi creative and Te HA blurbs of text. But this is definitely an Se base subtype, from my point of view.

    Another aspect of his description that favors SEE > SLE is presenting Fe matters in a jesting sort of way, favoring a subjective interpretation of emotions (what is love? Nobody knows). This is a common action of the demonstrative, to lightly draw attention away from itself to the person’s creative, in hopes of easing the dual’s anxiety over PoLR issues.
    Yeah, if I am SeE, seffo Se subtype.

    What? I think you're overanalysing that answer a bit much but good to know. Yes, it was more of a tongue in cheek answer more than anything.

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    Simply on the basis of the general behaviour, and assuming the behaviour is the same in real life, I would say SEE, with a strong Se subtype.

    SLE-Se is possible but would come as second from my point of view.

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    I agree with SEE. SLE don’t talk productivity and profit a lot. We downplay it as it is our [unvalued] demonstrative function. You reminded me of Kiana / Lolita who was in this website a while back. She was originally typed as a SLE but she later typed herself as a SEE.
    Last edited by Tim; 06-19-2021 at 08:47 PM.

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    Everything shouts SEE to me.

    Thinking about what is it you (don't) want to identify with and why seems to me like a valuable excercise.

    Don't forget these types reflect a small part of you from a particular angle, and you're more than any type. Don't take it too seriously.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    In what aspect? Can you deifne that a bit more for me? I am actually not sure if you mean in general, or you mean in Socionics types. Or something else.
    Trying to fit a stereo/archetype, while refusing other ones usually means there are some aspects of us that we wish to enhance, and other ones we wish to veil, because it's hard to accept ourselves as a whole, without creating something that feels like "a better us". Something that feels acceptable, because it is familiar enough that we see ourselves in it, but is different enough to be acceptable or exciting.

    So if one looks at what a type would mean to them, or what is something they aspire to be and not to be, it can help with gaining insight and acceptance towards one's self, emotions, shortcomings, darker aspects etc.

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    SEE imo, with weakened introverted ethics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sah Kel Plaisir View Post
    SEE imo, with weakened introverted ethics.
    I think that's because on a surface level, it seems like I have it. The more I actually learn the theory and understand my own cognitive processes and how they work, the more I am beginning to doubt that I use it in a healthy way, let alone as a creative function. I seem to become this way when I'm not in an optimal state of mine and focus. It's not natural.

    Quote Originally Posted by Creatrix View Post
    Trying to fit a stereo/archetype, while refusing other ones usually means there are some aspects of us that we wish to enhance, and other ones we wish to veil, because it's hard to accept ourselves as a whole, without creating something that feels like "a better us". Something that feels acceptable, because it is familiar enough that we see ourselves in it, but is different enough to be acceptable or exciting.

    So if one looks at what a type would mean to them, or what is something they aspire to be and not to be, it can help with gaining insight and acceptance towards one's self, emotions, shortcomings, darker aspects etc.
    I had a better think about things, and I admit that I've been stressed the past week and haven't really been thinking clearly but here's a better response:

    I'm not trying to fit any stereotypes or archetypes because it seems that they are only meant to be guides and not truths. They're just ideas of what each type is meant to be like but I'm just saying that I don't adhere to the stereotypes not because I have anything to hide, but because the archetypes simply don't match how I process information through the IMEs and how my personality is and that's ok.

    I accept myself, and I don't think that I want to make an acceptable version of myself and I don't have any aspirations of what I want to be, or who I want to be. I'm not an emotional person in general and when I do get emotional, it's a total mess and I can't think objectively. I hold a lot of it in because it's not my natural state and neither is self improvement. I'm not interested in the self, and the insight of myself much. Or having morals and strong beliefs/relationships. I'm generally poor at all that, and I need to try and improve it.

    I don't look at what a type means to me because that would be adding personal bias to the objective truth of my typing, and based on the IMEs and how I function within the theory and the data, it's most likely that I am an SxE, but I am still questioning being Fi creative because I am reading about the functions, and am not sure still how it manifests in my own psyche, and I heavily relate to Te Demonstrative and understand how it works in myself.

    I made this thread to get an idea of my type so that I could try and figure it out myself and so far, SeE is the top result from the public opinion, but I am still researching the theory, and am comparing the data to get the type that makes the most sense for me. I have been acting a bit out of it recently because I have been stressed, and I'm thinking that maybe this is why I am acting a bit "off" and appearing to be more emotional than I really am. And on reading more things, I am starting to think that I need more of a bigger questionnaire on here or more research into the theory to get more accurate results.

    I want to understand things better, and come to a conclusion that makes sense for me as well, and not just have a bunch of stereotypes that may not be accurate at determining the type of a person. I just see them as a guide, and a framework to extend upon. And something to get started with. Of course, not every stereotype will match every person. And if you take them too seriously, you miss the point of them. Most people match the backbone of the archetypes, but not everyone does. And that confuses a bunch of people if they go by descriptions, stereotypes and opinion alone.

    I also figure that you have to do the research as well and make sure everything matches as best as it can and is as consistent with your psyche and makes as much sense for the theory to be accurate on your behalf. It's all about the IME, then the ITR, then the opinion. It's a puzzle that needs solved to the best of your knowledge. Some bits will be more iffy than others, but you can get there in the end.

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    I am here.

    What now?

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    Heart (IEI)
    Hand (SLE)
    Spirit (EIE)
    Mind (LSI)

    Our powers combined, we are captain Beta.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Heart (IEI)
    Hand (SLE)
    Spirit (EIE)
    Mind (LSI)

    Our powers combined, we are captain Beta.
    Let us see if I get your logic:

    Hand: SLE are physical animist physical action is taken within. You also can punch withholds which can exude force, or cut things down with them..

    Mind: Obvious; Ti lead thinks more and is calculating and assessing, a mental/mind process

    EIE: The passion an EIE exudes can be the spirit

    IEI: An IEI's compassion can be seen as heart

    Personally, I like heart more for EIE, as they emotionally pump blood and keep the atmosphere alive, and spirit for an IEI, who lives more in their mind and can detach from body and into astral/menta;/emotional body; spirit.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

    My favorite adult Museum Exhibits

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    Wow, don't be such a smartass. Only I am allowed to be the resident smartass.

    Attachment 17027

    I was born a smart ass first.
    You are the resident crazy grandma skypilot, remember?

    Ok. Yes. maybe. But a smart ass one

    Ugh so I’m guessing you want me to give an honest and serious opinion about the spawn of Satan typology.


    first off, what do you think your dcnh type is. I’m kinda wondering if you aren’t dominant or creative. You seem like a contact type, but not sure about terminality.

    also, if you are d and I am n I think it could also be one reason why we get along well. I don’t think there are very many dominant types here on the forum.

    you seem Se/Ni>Ne/Si by a lot imo. A lot of things you say seem more Te valuing and Ti devaluing. If you are an ethical type, I think SEE would make the most sense, followed by EIE. As a logical type, SLE would make the most sense.

    Dominant subtype is going to give you boosted Te/Fe and Creative subtype is going to give you boosted Se/Ne. I’m really thinking it might be Dominant

    So what do you think? Are you happy happy now?
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    Quote Originally Posted by aster View Post
    First off, what do you think your dcnh type is. I’m kinda wondering if you aren’t dominant or creative. You seem like a contact type, but not sure about terminality.
    I dunno. I don't take much heed to the Gulenko system and his archetypes but if I had to actually guess, then probably somewhere between a D or C going by the vague descriptions of what each type is meant to represent. Definitely not a H. N is more likely than H, but if I had to roughly calculate, I'd say 70% D-C, 20% N and 10% H. The problem also is the translations, which make them seem vague.

    also, if you are d and I am n I think it could also be one reason why we get along well. I don’t think there are very many dominant types here on the forum.
    Or we could just be duals.

    A lot of things you say seem more Te valuing and Ti devaluing. If you are an ethical type, I think SEE would make the most sense, followed by EIE. As a logical type, SLE would make the most sense.
    I think I come across as overusing Te because I want to collect useful things and form my own opinions that make sense of things through analysing the data. I think that too many people here forget to ground their opinions a bit and they come off looking fantastical or end up making less sense because we have no data to critique/compare the opinions to and make sense of.

    I'm probably gonna get a clip on the ear for this one, but also because I need to emphasize things to the NF types like this sometimes:

    Dominant subtype is going to give you boosted Te/Fe and Creative subtype is going to give you boosted Se/Ne. I’m really thinking it might be Dominant
    So, the DNCH system is like this?

    (I think of all those, these are my most likely types and how they'd look in the psyche).

    According to this, I am extuding a lot of Se Te Fe like you said.

    Are you happy happy now?

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    Personally, I like heart more for EIE, as they emotionally pump blood and keep the atmosphere alive, and spirit for an IEI, who lives more in their mind and can detach from body and into astral/menta;/emotional body; spirit.
    Hmm yeah I think you are right. I have no problem with this, thanks for the correction. SLE being Hand and LSI being Mind was much more 'obvious' - but I like that explanation. EIEs are also in a way probably more "broken-hearted" than IEIs are, and the heart can be easily broken/made vulnerable. Broken-hearted Disney Villain = EIE. Spirit/Heart are obvious mirrors for each other anyway. Just a long-ranged spell caster witch or something lol. F shit as opposed to T shit.

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    I think DEAD is SLE. However, I think you are the of the few that really really lean heavy in with your quadra views and values. Especially when you mention the ITR with Deltas. I think the more you naturally identify with your quadra and quadra values, the more ITR applies and is more effective for navigating. Especially since LSE is your quasi-identical so you will see strong quasi identical traits come out more. You seem to respond to the IEI here the best and seem to relate with Beta quadra people hear more easily. I think you have Fi polr over Ne for sure. I think you have more boosted Te and Se so you don’t see that Ti shine through much but it’s there. Fe HA seems a little less. I don’t see Fi-gaging at all.

    Beta but a lot more strongly tied to Beta then most.

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    Exclamation Another Long Response

    Quote Originally Posted by Beautiful sky View Post
    SLE once told me he’s like LSE because in their younger years they too acted like “they don’t give anEFF and leave or do what they want” so lots of similarities but SLE have weak and devalued Ne which means they go on tangible information not on what they can personally see and observe where LSE are all about their personal observations and idealism
    So what you're saying is that:

    - Underdeveloped, younger SLE and LSE look alike because quasi-identicals, but they change with age and development and once you get to know them better?

    - SLE having 2D, UNVALUED Ne they aren't confident with Ne, like LSE, who have HA (valued) Ne and can't conceptualise with Ne in the same way as LSE?

    - LSE having 2D, VALUED Ne they can use it in a way that benefits their psyche through personal observations, insights and idealism?

    I guess that makes sense because to me, Ne is a mess by itself. It needs to be organised and structured to make sense and when it doesn't have that order with Ti (or Te), then it's completely chaotic. It's like raw eggs, basically. The raw eggs need other ingredients in order to make it palatable (like flour, sugar, eggs, butter, a baking powder and some flavouring) to make it palatable. Without those things, it is going to be a disaster and not translate properly over to the low, unvalued Ne user like myself unless it is a cake and packaged in a way that can make sense to me without it being a mess and unintelligble.

    Raptorwizard reminds me of Ne at its most raw. Unprocessed insights, connections and potentials. Exploring these ideas on the forums, just random musings without much substance. Letting it all flow out. It's a mess to try and understand all that when you're not glued into the program. I also find Eliza hard to understand at times because she doesn't have much Te or Ti gluing her insights together and structuring them in a palatable way. I'd say that I am quite at the opposite end of the spectrum of understanding Ne. I try to keep things on topic and not an overly tangential person in general. I would say that I am pretty orderly and I like things to be done in a way that I want them to be done, so I do a lot of them myself. I'd say I'm quite specific and decisive and know what I want.

    I think that brainstorming on the spot isn't something that I am good at. It's not a strong suit of mine. I prefer to have someone else come up with ideas. It reminds me of something I was watching tonight. I was watching season one of Drag Race and they have to improvise and do creative challenges that require you to use Ne and brainstorm a lot when making outfits (RP is an IEE, as far as I am concerned). They had to design an outfit out of dollar store and thift shop items. They had a two cartloads of items. One of the contestants (Rebecca Glasscock) was basically freaking out, and didn't have a clue what to do in terms of improvising creatively. She wasn't an idea person (pretty sure she was PoLR Ne) and it basically put pressure on her. Her end result was passable, but not that great because of the time constraints put on her.

    I think that it's hard to change an idea up if you already have a set idea of what is going to happen. You already have the resources and you can carry it out and organise it. If other people interfere with your flow and the idea, and you have time constraints, it's chaotic and it really sets me off. It makes me aggressive and stressed you know? I'm doing X this way and that's final. No one can change the course of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    I think DEAD is SLE. However, I think you are the of the few that really really lean heavy in with your quadra views and values. Especially when you mention the ITR with Deltas. I think the more you naturally identify with your quadra and quadra values, the more ITR applies and is more effective for navigating. Especially since LSE is your quasi-identical so you will see strong quasi identical traits come out more. You seem to respond to the IEI here the best and seem to relate with Beta quadra people hear more easily. I think you have Fi polr over Ne for sure. I think you have more boosted Te and Se so you don’t see that Ti shine through much but it’s there. Fe HA seems a little less. I don’t see Fi-gaging at all.

    Beta but a lot more strongly tied to Beta then most.
    I think that I am Beta ST, for sure. I have both weak Fi and Ne (see the above post) but I do think that my Fi is worse than my Ne (I dunno how, but it seems like it definitely is). It's a fine line between them both being terrible and unvalued (2D vs 1D).

    That is very interesting you say that because @BandD has a system and in his system, he said I was pretty much a "core Beta" and I didn't have a subtype like Gamma or Alpha or Delta. Yeah, I think that exploring ITR can help (in a way) to cement your type (outside of the already applied IMEs) to make everything click. I'm not very good at maintaining singular relationships but in a group, it's much easier to just go with a group and interact with them because you don't have to focus on the needs and relationship growth and gauge how close you are to X person, and you can just come and go as you please without the commitments.

    Yeah, Bianca Del Rio (I am sure you're sick of hearing about her) reminds me of me on a surface level but I am definitely sure at this point that she's LSE-Si, and we both function differently when it comes to the IME. Different methods of doing things. I do tend to see that myself, LSI and Delta ST tend to get on well (well, they are the other half of the 'Pragmatic' social group, so it makes sense).

    Yeah, I think IEI balance me out. They have this sort of mysterious, ethereal thought process and energy compared to my intensity, which is a nice change. And the fact that they have Ni Fe and Ti working together helps a lot. It's not the crazytown Ne, like I mentioned earlier. I think that as duals, most EIE come off as a bit strong if that makes sense? Emotionally strong, especially. I think that they are more activating than my DS function. Like, if you compare Jerry Di (I think he is IEI) and his music:

    To Mahmood (EIE-Fe):

    You can see that Jerry Di has this more floaty, softer tone to his music, aesthetic and voice (music production) as well compared to Mahmood. He comes off as stronger and more impactful with the Fe to get his point across with the Se HA. Jerry Di is more fantastical, fantasizing about the girl being her with him in his room and Mahmood is more about his clan, the group. Even in the lonely and group based aesthetics, you can see the differences.

    Yeah, I do think that I have strong Se and Te. For a long time, it confused myself (and others) into me thinking I was SEE. But no-one relly proved and pushed for the Fi creative, and I don't see that being valued in myself at all. The more I studied socionics, the more things made sense and the more I realised I wasn't an ethical type (nothing wrong with being one, of course). From the data, I knew something was "off" about SEE for me as a type (and 4D Fe as well). I am pretty contained and maybe a bit rigid when I am alone, but I can loosen up a bit in groups (alcohol helps too, lol).

    I think if I am SLE-Se, then yeah, it's gonna be a bit harder to see my Ti, being an extroverted subtype but they're still there, chugging along in the background and making me run. I think my Dad being LIE has really made me develop my Te. He values it, and he really cares about Te and I don't value it in the way he does. I'm not constantly thinking about it, but I can do it pretty well when I have to use it, you know? I can do it unassisted.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    I think that I am Beta ST, for sure. I have both weak Fi and Ne (see the above post) but I do think that my Fi is worse than my Ne (I dunno how, but it seems like it definitely is). It's a fine line between them both being terrible and unvalued (2D vs 1D).

    That is very interesting you say that because @BandD has a system and in his system, he said I was pretty much a "core Beta" and I didn't have a subtype like Gamma or Alpha or Delta. Yeah, I think that exploring ITR can help (in a way) to cement your type (outside of the already applied IMEs) to make everything click. I'm not very good at maintaining singular relationships but in a group, it's much easier to just go with a group and interact with them because you don't have to focus on the needs and relationship growth and gauge how close you are to X person, and you can just come and go as you please without the commitments.

    Yeah, Bianca Del Rio (I am sure you're sick of hearing about her) reminds me of me on a surface level but I am definitely sure at this point that she's LSE-Si, and we both function differently when it comes to the IME. Different methods of doing things. I do tend to see that myself, LSI and Delta ST tend to get on well (well, they are the other half of the 'Pragmatic' social group, so it makes sense).

    Yeah, I think IEI balance me out. They have this sort of mysterious, ethereal thought process and energy compared to my intensity, which is a nice change. And the fact that they have Ni Fe and Ti working together helps a lot. It's not the crazytown Ne, like I mentioned earlier. I think that as duals, most EIE come off as a bit strong if that makes sense? Emotionally strong, especially. I think that they are more activating than my DS function. Like, if you compare Jerry Di (I think he is IEI) and his music:

    You can see that Jerry Di has this more floaty, softer tone to his music, aesthetic and voice (music production) as well compared to Mahmood. He comes off as stronger and more impactful with the Fe to get his point across with the Se HA. Jerry Di is more fantastical, fantasizing about the girl being her with him in his room and Mahmood is more about his clan, the group. Even in the lonely and group based aesthetics, you can see the differences.

    Yeah, I do think that I have strong Se and Te. For a long time, it confused myself (and others) into me thinking I was SEE. But no-one relly proved and pushed for the Fi creative, and I don't see that being valued in myself at all. The more I studied socionics, the more things made sense and the more I realised I wasn't an ethical type (nothing wrong with being one, of course). From the data, I knew something was "off" about SEE for me as a type (and 4D Fe as well). I am pretty contained and maybe a bit rigid when I am alone, but I can loosen up a bit in groups (alcohol helps too, lol).

    I think if I am SLE-Se, then yeah, it's gonna be a bit harder to see my Ti, being an extroverted subtype but they're still there, chugging along in the background and making me run. I think my Dad being LIE has really made me develop my Te. He values it, and he really cares about Te and I don't value it in the way he does. I'm not constantly thinking about it, but I can do it pretty well when I have to use it, you know? I can do it unassisted.
    I agree with @BandD.

    Nawww I always like seeing your Bianca Del Rio gif. Gives me nostologia of my first season of drag race I watched was season 6. She's also funny as fuck. But I can feel that objective Se/Te aspect from both. I was really caught of guard by it when we are chatting and you got very direct asking me to change the colour of my font lol. Just startled me but it was firm. LSE can kinda be like that with me and I respond by scrambling and straighting my back lol. I always feel like a bad child who got caught when I am around 4d Te and Se.

    You respond really well to Ni. Even with the music difference you described. I can really feel that Ni vibe in the first one. IEI have the strongest Ni and you dont seem to respond that much to Ne, which EIE's have more so. Plus, even if you were with an EIE-Ni, I don't think the Ni would be enough for you personally.

    I can't see you as SEE personally though I can understand why people have. But, I dont think you can be SEE with weak Fi cause, then what would SEE be in theory you know? My younger sister is SEE and you can feel the Te with her too but, you can obviously see the Fi more. My sister has always had issues with most of her relations sadly, but she has always wanted to be closed and seeked them out more and kept trying. She even seeks out me even though I push her away lol You dont seem to be like that naturally. Plus you mentioned with your dad being an LIE, that would make you his acitivity partner and vice versa. I can't see it. Also, SLE's naturally have 4D Te but just dont value it.
    I have a close LIE friend and she dated an SLE. She liked him but there was still that Fe/Ti Fi/Te devide. They didnt seem to be on the same plan or understand eachother fully. She mentioned that I had a simular hurmor to him once which I find interesting as an Fe/Ti vauer.
    Family boosts our unconcious functions. Most people dont grow up with thier heavy quadra. You get infleunced more to use certain unconcious functions. Personally, I think we flex our 4D unconcious function more around the people that value it. I have always been around a lot of Fi valuers so my 4D Fi can come out naturally around them more. But, I have the most fun and feel alive with Fe valuers cause thats what I value.

    Plus like how you mentioned, you can't see yourself as an ethical type. I can't see it either. Heck even how you structure your explanation, It has a logical junction to it. I can't see your dual as an ILI either.

    I also think irrational types tend to struggle with judging themselves more in terms of personality theory as they are not naturally inclined to do that. Espeically the Pe types with irrational subtype as that is not their natural inclantion. Either way, I still think you are a SLE, and I am more conivenced at SLE-Se to be honest. Either way, you can take this or not but I am hoping it can give some more food for thought.

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    I guess that makes sense because to me, Ne is a mess by itself. It needs to be organised and structured to make sense and when it doesn't have that order with Ti (or Te), then it's completely chaotic. It's like raw eggs, basically. The raw eggs need other ingredients in order to make it palatable (like flour, sugar, eggs, butter, a baking powder and some flavouring) to make it palatable. Without those things, it is going to be a disaster and not translate properly over to the low, unvalued Ne user like myself unless it is a cake and packaged in a way that can make sense to me without it being a mess and unintelligble.
    That's a great analogy about Ne- and I think SLEs are always explaining logical things in this Te demonstrative way that I like. Well what Ne really wants is Si to bring it down to earth but that's just soft weak tame shit I don't valueeeee! ((as if I'm not soft or tame or weak myself, but you know opposites attract for a reason- there's a magnetic polarity with these things, and it's not just for the heterosexuals.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    That's a great analogy about Ne- and I think SLEs are always explaining logical things in this Te demonstrative way that I like. Well what Ne really wants is Si to bring it down to earth but that's just soft weak tame shit I don't valueeeee! ((as if I'm not soft or tame or weak myself, but you know opposites attract for a reason- there's a magnetic polarity with these things, and it's not just for the heterosexuals.
    It looks like a schoolwork assignment about myself that I don't want to complete.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    That's a great analogy about Ne- and I think SLEs are always explaining logical things in this Te demonstrative way that I like. Well what Ne really wants is Si to bring it down to earth but that's just soft weak tame shit I don't valueeeee! ((as if I'm not soft or tame or weak myself, but you know opposites attract for a reason- there's a magnetic polarity with these things, and it's not just for the heterosexuals.
    Yeah, I think that if you explain things too dryly, people switch off and it makes the explanation pointless. The point to me, is to explain it properly and sufficiently and clearly enough the first time so that you can move on, and not have to waste time repeating yourself.

    Yeah, Ne definitely needs grounding and to make sense with some Si.

    LOL, your weirdness is nice. In contrast to my "normality".

    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    It looks like a schoolwork assignment about myself that I don't want to complete.

    Hi, I'm Chris and I like to take the piss.

    One like that? xD

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    Family boosts our unconcious functions. Most people dont grow up with thier heavy quadra.
    Yeah @MissDucki. If he has Gamma influences from his LIE dad of course he would come off like a faux-SEE at times. Yeah we are all our own people- independent and shiny snowflakes etc, but I mean on a biological level we all still have 50% of each of our parent's genetic code whether we like it or not! That's just inarguable scientific fact...

    I still think he's a Core Beta in my model xxx subtype system- but if he wasn't, then a Beta progressing into Gamma would also make sense. GB-SLE-Se. ((he might be Ti subtype though idk)) Do not think he's a regressive Beta at all like I am.

    I'm pretty sure I act like a pseudo-SEI most of the time cuz my parents were Alphas, I was also close to my parents and was around them a lot. I have noticed I am a bit more Alpha-like compared to a lot of IEIs I know, a bit more playful and youthful like ... but it's to be expected. I still feel like a Beta vampire forged from the Abyss - but I mean I have a lot of shiny brightness from Alpha lol. I am less like the broody goth IEI and more like the semi-broody priest/shaman IEI.

    And besides that, it seems like so many people forget that Betas are a Fe/Ti MERRY quadra and not Te/Fi SERIOUS quadra. If you are really harshly serious and evil on top of it you are much more likely Gamma or Delta really...

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    Default Enjoy this wall of text (this one won't block out Mexicans, though because it's on the Canadian side ;) )

    Quote Originally Posted by MissDucki View Post
    I agree with @BandD.

    Nawww I always like seeing your Bianca Del Rio gif. Gives me nostologia of my first season of drag race I watched was season 6. She's also funny as fuck. But I can feel that objective Se/Te aspect from both. I was really caught of guard by it when we are chatting and you got very direct asking me to change the colour of my font lol. Just startled me but it was firm. LSE can kinda be like that with me and I respond by scrambling and straighting my back lol. I always feel like a bad child who got caught when I am around 4d Te and Se.
    Yeah, funny in a blunt way. I love it. She's a breath of fresh air compared to most of the other diva, plastic sex doll lacking personality queens, who might as well be mannequins in Victoria Secret. Yeah, I am pretty blunt and I get told off for being too blunt at times. And I do try to be as objective and realistic as I can be. Yeah, I am firm like that and I didn't mean it in a bad way (re:changing font). LOL, it's ok. You're not a bad child, I just dunno how I come across at times or how strong I am. Once I was in art (yes, I took art and wasn't amazing at it, but I wanted to take something easy in High School without written papers) and this guy in my class (I think he might have been IxFx of some sort) asked me take off his bracelet so he wouldn't scuff it up. He was shaking and scared of me for some reason. I found that really weird that he was scared of me. Like dude, I was just taking off your bracelet, we have no beef or anything lol.

    You respond really well to Ni. Even with the music difference you described. I can really feel that Ni vibe in the first one. IEI have the strongest Ni and you dont seem to respond that much to Ne, which EIE's have more so. Plus, even if you were with an EIE-Ni, I don't think the Ni would be enough for you personally.
    Yeah, of course. Ni is just like the opposite of how I function, and it's really nice to just have that presence sometimes. It's calming, and it's helpful to just have someone there who can give you a respite in your way of thinking sometimes. And still benefit them, you know? It's a new perspective for me. And yeah, when my Dad uses 4D Ne for his nutty ideas, I just want to ground them absolutely and make sense of them. He can do that brainstorming thing, and can come up with ideas aboslutely (some of them are a bit absurd because he leans a bit on the "conspiracy" side of things), but he tries to back them up with his 4D Te. But I still question them because some of them are a bit out there. I want to know the reason behind them, and not just accept them as a possibility at face value. Doesn't make sense to me, you know?

    I can't see you as SEE personally though I can understand why people have. But, I dont think you can be SEE with weak Fi cause, then what would SEE be in theory you know? My younger sister is SEE and you can feel the Te with her too but, you can obviously see the Fi more. My sister has always had issues with most of her relations sadly, but she has always wanted to be closed and seeked them out more and kept trying. She even seeks out me even though I push her away lol You dont seem to be like that naturally. Plus you mentioned with your dad being an LIE, that would make you his acitivity partner and vice versa. I can't see it. Also, SLE's naturally have 4D Te but just dont value it.
    Yes, absolutely. If an SEE hasn't developed their sense of Fi properly by the age of 25 (when the moulded brain is meant to start "setting" into place and become less flexible) then I'm not sure that person is an SEE. I admit that when I first started this thread, I was stressed and unhealthy but now I am in a much better state of mind, so I might have came across as an unhealthy ethical type because of that. That wasn't normally how I processed information.

    Re: your sister. Yeah, I mean if people don't accept my advances, I move straight on because what's the point in wasting time and trying if they don't want them? I see the Fi pushing in my Dad too, like how he wants us all to be close as a family unit, but he gets kinda frustrated when we can't be. On the other hand, I enjoy my personal space a lot, and I think my Dad gets annoyed when I don't always want to partake in dinner at the same time, or if I don't want to listen to music with him. I'm not doing it out of spite or anything, I just have other things I want to do and am more absorbed in finishing those things than I am breaking the flow and hanging out with my Dad (not that it's the worst thing in the world or anything).

    Yeah, I don't get all riled up around my Dad and his Te. I notice RuPaul (IEE, I type him as) gets activated around Michelle Visage (I think she is another LSE) and Santino Rice (Not sure what type he is, but I think he's LxE too) in the judging panel, and he was also pretty hyped when Bianca was Judge Judy (his "fave" show, apparently, ha see how the Te HA works there?) I don't think that I'm the same way around Te at all. I can use it, yes, but it just comes out whenever. It comes off pretty strong, and doesn't need much assistance at all. I can use it to basically objectify and solidify things with facts and concrete plans.

    I have a close LIE friend and she dated an SLE. She liked him but there was still that Fe/Ti Fi/Te devide. They didnt seem to be on the same plan or understand eachother fully. She mentioned that I had a simular hurmor to him once which I find interesting as an Fe/Ti vauer.
    Yeah, don't get me wrong. I don't "hate" my Dad or anything or hold any grudges against him, but he can be boring after a while. I call him Walkipedia (he's like a walking Te encyclopedia sometimes). Once I was out in the yard helping him move some blocks and honestly? I was doing it properly and helping him methodically but he still had this inane need to keep instructing me on HOW to do the damn thing, even though I was getting the job done properly my way without a mess. That was really annoying, you know?

    Family boosts our unconcious functions. Most people dont grow up with thier heavy quadra. You get infleunced more to use certain unconcious functions. Personally, I think we flex our 4D unconcious function more around the people that value it. I have always been around a lot of Fi valuers so my 4D Fi can come out naturally around them more. But, I have the most fun and feel alive with Fe valuers cause thats what I value.
    Yes, definitely. I can use 4D Te competently, but I just don't value it in the same way that an LxE would, and that's aight. Like I said, my Dad definitely helped me develop my 4D Te and it can come off strong, but I know I'm not constantly consciously aware of it, like he is because it's not my main program I use to navigate the world with. And same here, I definitely have the most fun with Fe valuers and can let myself go around them. I'm not half as awkward as my Dad is at a party (even a family get together) because of it.

    I think in the past when I said I didn't care about Fe, I think I meant I didn't care about it in a highly valued (4D/3D) way. Unless I am around a group of people, I don't care too much for it being alone, but I still prefer it by miles over Fi. Fi is too drab and serious for me. It's the grey cloud over the Fe atmopshere sometimes, when people get too serious. Other times, it's not as bad. It just depends on the context, yes?

    Plus like how you mentioned, you can't see yourself as an ethical type. I can't see it either. Heck even how you structure your explanation, It has a logical junction to it. I can't see your dual as an ILI either.
    Yeah, based on what I know of the system and how I process information, I do not think I am an ethical type at all. Yeah, I agree (you should see some of my assignments I did when I was younger, lol). Everything was so clinically logical, lol. Also, the cut and paste tools are my fave tools when it comes to explanations (e.g. I can re-order stray sentences fast if it makes more sense to be before or after said sentence). I need everything to be laid and make sense to me in order to understand it, you know? It helps a lot, and its efficient in understanding things properly.

    Yeah, I don't mean this in a condescending way but sometimes it seems like ILI "baby" SEE in a way and talk down to them when they feed them a lot of information that they don't think they can process because of 1D Ni/Ti and 2D Te. To me, I'm just like "uh huh, I get it" around an ILI. We get on OK, but it's nothing special, compared to an IEI. IDEK if Adore Delano is EIE or SEE (either one world work) but I am not like her at all, and some idiots--people have typed me as either in the past, and I can't see it at all. Even in the way we act, and her self expression is way better than mine. And Adore is 100% more colorful than me in every way. The most colorful thing I own is a neon orange t-shirt, and even that's fading from being in my storage containers for too long.

    I also think irrational types tend to struggle with judging themselves more in terms of personality theory as they are not naturally inclined to do that. Espeically the Pe types with irrational subtype as that is not their natural inclantion. Either way, I still think you are a SLE, and I am more conivenced at SLE-Se to be honest. Either way, you can take this or not but I am hoping it can give some more food for thought.
    Yeah, probably because their energy is very outwards based. Yeah, thanks for the information. I think that I am more likely an SLE over LSI, and an Se subtype seems like a good choice, but that's up for debate. I can be very cerebral at times as well, but other times, I can be pretty agressive and a lot more extroverted. I think it's more situation dependent though. And that goes for most types in general anyway, I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    Yeah @MissDucki. If he has Gamma influences from his LIE dad of course he would come off like a faux-SEE at times. Yeah we are all our own people- independent and shiny snowflakes etc, but I mean on a biological level we all still have 50% of each of our parent's genetic code whether we like it or not! That's just inarguable scientific fact...

    Yeah, my Dad definitely influenced me growing up. I ended up around him more than ESE Mom because he was a stay at home, work at home Dad. My Mom is a lot more social, and a lot more people friendly/orientated than my Dad is by default. People say that I am more like my Dad (appearance wise, and how I process information) on a superficial level, and I can see that. But once you get to know us, you can definitely see the nuances and then the larger differences appear.

    I still think he's a Core Beta in my model xxx subtype system- but if he wasn't, then a Beta progressing into Gamma would also make sense. GB-SLE-Se. ((he might be Ti subtype though idk)) Do not think he's a regressive Beta at all like I am.
    Yeah, I think that makes sense as well. Beta progressing into Gamma, lol. The strong Te, eh? I am still not sure about the subtype but like I mentioned above, I think Se is more likely. But you never know.

    I'm pretty sure I act like a pseudo-SEI most of the time cuz my parents were Alphas, I was also close to my parents and was around them a lot. I have noticed I am a bit more Alpha-like compared to a lot of IEIs I know, a bit more playful and youthful like ... but it's to be expected. I still feel like a Beta vampire forged from the Abyss - but I mean I have a lot of shiny brightness from Alpha lol. I am less like the broody goth IEI and more like the semi-broody priest/shaman IEI.
    Yeah, you seemed lighter (Alpha) as opposed to darker (Beta) on a superficial level in the way you first came off, on first impressions to me but you became more Beta-like the more we enagaged and based upon the information I was able to collect. A Beta vampire? You wanna be Hungry Lips' brother Thirsty Nose? He's a coke addict (nah, kidding.) Yeah, yeah. You really do have an obsession with RPG names for subtypes, huh?

    And besides that, it seems like so many people forget that Betas are a Fe/Ti MERRY quadra and not Te/Fi SERIOUS quadra. If you are really harshly serious and evil on top of it you are much more likely Gamma or Delta really...
    Yeah, merry quadra, though the STs can come off as more serous, definitely. Gamma is very serious, and Delta is less serious but still serious. I think Alpha are the least serious of the quadras overall, based on the functions they value. I saw something about how Alpha is child, Beta is teenager, Gamma is adult and Delta is old age in life stages. I think those are a bit too literal, but I saw a few threads about "Quadra Progession" and I found those interesting. I'm guessing that's where you got the ideas of your theory/system from?

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    Yeah @DEAD

    None of these psychological archetype things are meant to be taken too literally or too realistically otherwise people that are caregivers in erotic attitudes would all be arrested for being into 'infantiles' lol.

    Betas are operating from a more adolescentile psychology I think, but aren't 'teenagers' all the time 24/7 or anything, same with the other types. It is often subtle but exaggerations and campiness and strict lines in sand help people understand things many times. I've always liked shows about high school and the teenage experience- so there is a lot of truth to it.

    There are also a lot of complex nuances to the Quadras & types, Alphas are light-hearted and childlike but also often have Delta's leftover serious moral convictions etc. Betas are Merry and Fe valuing but like u said, Beta ST is more serious and grounded than Beta NF is probably. Although I can definitely be serious too lol- people just don't fit into neat boxes, but these Ti archetypes just help ppl understand.

    And yes I love giving people RPG classes and roles lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Yeah @DEAD

    None of these psychological archetype things are meant to be taken too literally or too realistically otherwise people that are caregivers in erotic attitudes would all be arrested for being into 'infantiles' lol.

    Betas are operating from a more adolescentile psychology I think, but aren't 'teenagers' all the time 24/7 or anything, same with the other types. It is often subtle but exaggerations and campiness and strict lines in sand help people understand things many times. I've always liked shows about high school and the teenage experience- so there is a lot of truth to it.

    There are also a lot of complex nuances to the Quadras & types, Alphas are light-hearted and childlike but also often have Delta's leftover serious moral convictions etc. Betas are Merry and Fe valuing but like u said, Beta ST is more serious and grounded than Beta NF is probably. Although I can definitely be serious too lol- people just don't fit into neat boxes, but these Ti archetypes just help ppl understand.

    And yes I love giving people RPG classes and roles lol.
    Yeah, of course lol. Infantile is an annoying name. I prefer victims, but again that's kinda questionable too. Those Russians, lol.

    Yeah, when I was a teenager, I was much more of a teenager than I am now, in terms of thoughts and development. I think when people mature, they still have some inherent quadra traits within their psyche (i.e. inner child, old soul, young at heart, teenager etc) that ground them in a sense. And keep them simple to identify. Yeah, I like certain teenage shows too. I like Elite (very European/Spanish flavored, so it might be a bit "questionable" to American tastes), On My Block (though Spooky reminded me of me the most, he's meant to be like my age now in the show AFAIK), this weird Beta German show about an EIE being a dickhead (I'll try and remember the name but I liked it) amongst others.

    Maybe this is why a lot of Alphas like anime. It's got adult concepts (some of it) and some of it's pretty grown up in nature but it still has child-like animation (a lot of it) and childlike wonder attached to the subjects. Adult cartoons in general seem to attract a lot of Alphas and have a lot of Alpha creators, because that is how they tend to conceptualise the world we live in, right?

    I think Delta are too much, especially with the moral convictions at times. It can be like living in a monastery around them, you know?

    Yeah, I can be serious as well. I can be more serious than NFs. Pretty grounded as well. But yeah, I can also have fun. Yeah, Ti archetypes definitely help people understand each other, but like you said, they are not the end all or be all. I think people who don't actually question, change, understand or who stick too rigidly to Ti infomation systems without improving them or bettering them give Ti users a bad name as completely rigid (especially LSI, with PoLR Ne as well).

    BTW: I found the basic idea comparing the types to different life stages here

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    It’s like president Biden (SLE) says : “nobody needs to die” referring to DEAD

    Ok you got us all in here now what?
    I want salsa and chips
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Lol good to know I am not a bad child I know its just how people with Se and Te communicate (even if it is undervalued) just it is a shakeup to me is all and I have to re calibrate. I just feel like I don't know how to respond and like with your one class mate too lol. I know you don't mean to come off like that, it just how I process it but it dulls down once I usually get closer to the Te/Se valuers. Just takes some time.

    I don't really have much to add cause I basically agree with what you said. Thank you for taking the time to write it out. Either way I cant escape cause it's at the Canadian border

    I just have two things to add.
    One, while it can be helpful to have parents of the same quadra, I think there will always be some misunderstanding in someway. My SEI aunt doesnt even seem to understand me at times. My mom is an SLI and while I think I can be a bit critical in some aspects and feel hurt by her at times, shes trying her best. Just doing it the way they only know how. I just think parents forget that their own child is not an extension of them and it's not personal Were all human and get frustrated at family...God knows I do LMAO
    I think it can be healthy to doubt our type and explore that. Controversial maybe but, I think it can actually help us solidify our own type. I was in a more negative headspace when I was doubting ESE and IEI at one point. Especially cause people brought it up as a possibility. I was able to get more accurate information and feedback that I actually needed and gave me some legit information to think it over and come to terms with our functions. We cannot find the truth without doubt so to speak.

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    i still see you as SEE > SLE @DEAD... i'm sorry it's just what i see... and it can change... i just don't feel there's anything wrong w being SEE... all humans have logic ...

    i have a new supervisor at work who is IEE... i don't have a problem with her logic, i just see it's Te and i try to pretend to be Te too lol around her bc i worry about IEE (not SEE) and am wary about when it will flip compassion for intollerance of weakness in Si especially... i'm treading dangerous ground with her on the Si/Ne realm, but her logic is basically fine. i also have a 2d logic. i just want to find a way to adapt to her EP temperament (i need it) without craeting something that will land me fired and homeless lol.

    i feel my advantage is i have the 4d fi, so she knows i care, she can sense the Fi. but i'm so weak, and i'm afraid she will deem me unworthy, and i'm trying to be less obviously weak. so many physical things to move and do in the office and i break down fast, and i'm trying to hide it, but i know when i tell her the truth it is perceived as not SLI enough. sighhhh.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DEAD View Post
    You've literally went on a tangent talking about your supervisor
    yeah, it's awful...

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