No matter how pretentious this might seem to anyone, fashion is a vital part of my individualized toolbox for self-expression.
It's not necessarily something that fluctuates based on my mood or environmental circumstance as much as it is simply used as means to an end revolving around my paramount and incessant search for ways to indirectly express and/or embody a certain type of resonance and something that points to my intimate identity and values.

It's surprisingly hard to put into words, but that's exactly the idea of it. One's ability to show something by rooting it in the concrete, without having to attempt to express it through language. The ways in which i go on about it are as unassailable to me as my eye color, mostly due to the fact that it's deeply and personally connected to my sense of self.

Someone might look at an outfit or a piece of clothing and feel or think nothing of it. And that's more than alright as far as i'm concerned, but it simply isn't how i operate. My clothing style and aesthetic sensibilities in general are very congruent with my identity.