Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
If I have time and energy I would wear nice clothes. It's just pretty. I like seeing people who has taken the time to look nice. They look way better than everybody and look interesting. That's how superficial it is.

Fashion is that superficial. It's just for you to look nice and feel good about yourself, stand out etc. In a way I can see how that can be "healing" for others (whatever the fuck that means) but at its root I think fashion is just materialism and besides in the past it's basically how we differentiate the rich from the poor. It's like a status symbol. Actually even right now it is. Like imagine all the waste of one fashion show showcasing weird and expensive dresses. It doesn't make sense. It's extravagance because you have the means to. I'm probably reaching here since fashion as it is just clothes and showing them off but when you reach the inner circle you'll see ultra materialism and keeping up a facade. And fashion is tied to money like sure we supposedly shouldn't care about brands etc. but that's just what we think because we are not in the center of fashion. Fashion -> money, luxury and waste which a lot of people cannot afford. If you want to be in the center of fashion you have to cater to the elite. Do you think that an average person would buy a gown over food?

Actually even if you say normal people can make the most out of their wardrobe and be fashionable, well you are probably an average/middle-class person by saying that. Imagine being so poor you cannot afford food for your family. It's the same thing with a lot of things in the world, even knowledge is already tied to the material at this point. Internet made things really happen but it always seems like demons lurk in every circle. And great people die too. Fashion as it is now is just one big blob that really drills the point that some people cannot rise up even if they are supposed to because evil materialism always wins. Now I'm not saying that you should not try to be fashionable. I said in the first part that I even like nice clothes. But every time I have the ability to say I would like to buy nice clothes and even think of fashion I have accepted the fact that it will always be dirty because it is tied to evil and I have the privilege above some people. And I know that I don't deserve the privilege. It is dirty that instead of creating something that would actually last and would benefit everyone I would rather spend the time to care about looking good. And the worst, it's only for myself. But sure I am only human and we should make peace with ourselves.

Now given everything that I've said it's easy to see that fashion hold so much power. And that's exactly why we have to pay attention to it because instead of dwindling to sadness due to the fact that there are a lot of evils in the world, we can instead focus on the fact that fashion is a net that binds those evils. Thus they are easier to find and rule over. If you have the ability to make the most out of fashion you can use it as a front of power in order to get closer to the evil people and use them for your agenda. It's basically equipping yourself for the battle, or a mask to deceive the enemy. And okay some people might think there is no fucking war, but there is. People who look better will get the attention and will be listened to more than the others. If you don't play the part, you'll be ignored. While it is good to be a no one for some people, but it is a catastrophe for people who actually has something to say. And most important thing here is the fact that it's not just the evil people who would ignore you. Everyone would, even the people you are trying to empower. It's because many people have already relinquished their own power and have already accepted the fact that fashion and other people rule over them. You cannot really empower them at this point because what I've realized is only the person can take back his/her own power over the enemy, but if you look presentable these people might look up to you as a spectacle - hopefully with something to say. Who are the fashionable ones? Mostly stars. And that's exactly what a star really is. You should be one of the brightest amidst the dark sky. Something innately unattainable but gives hope to people. And trust me, a lot of people can be stars specially if you have the money (because after all just dress up be pretty and you can do everything) but it takes something to be a real star. And these stars don't even know that their time to shine is limited, and there are other fucking stars around. What makes your shine worthy to be noticed? And I'm not saying worthy based on others perception but based on the highest good, because after all you can just wear any crazy thing and people would look for sure.

We kinda have to accept at this point that good and evil will always be here and they just have to work together well. Hopefully the people who can actually use the power from fashion actually has the best interests at heart and when they reach the center of fashion they won't lose themselves in it. And if you would choose to be a spectacle better use that limited time to really do something important.

Edit: I also forgot and it just dawned on me that the "healing" from clothing is tied to power too, it's gaining power over yourself instead of other people so I take back what I said on that part lol and admit that's a valid point. So it could be that if you are one of the beaten you can heal yourself first and then rise above.
That fashion only makes people listen to You or respect You when You go by their statue of how You should look is extremely negative and defeating, I agree. It's pointless, a scam, a big joke and hoax. The way You look on the surface never reveals the true dream catcher and wish maker You are at Your core.