Dear EIIs and LIIs,
Se6 is probably the first one that comes to mind of many of us when we hear about the 6th function - the try-hard one, wanting so bad to be good at a given element but failing miserably. We don't really hear all that much about the other elements in that function, maybe with the exception of Fe, but that's it.
I myself thought I'm pretty decent at Si matters (at least some of them, like decorating and stuff), but recently have been noticing it's not the case at all. I've never considered myself a creative person (Ni-leads are the ones I'd call truly creative, I myself mostly just take already existing things and mix them up in new ways, what's creative about that?) - I struggle even with coming up with ideas for a meal, give me the recipe or else I'll eat the ingredients separately lol - but was pretty sure I'm not that bad at creating aesthetically pleasing things. But then I've met this one EIE and suffered an existential crisis. I'll spare you the details of my comparing myself to him and getting all frustrated, but I do want to ask - how do you feel about your Si? Has it ever changed? Where do you see your shortcomings? Have you consciously tried to improve yourself in this regard? Have you succeeded? Have you failed, and if so, is it a lost battle?
If you're not an Si6 type but know such people and have some observations, feel free to share them here as well.