If you look at this society, there are a lot of things people enjoy en masse:
- food
- money
- relationships
- sports
- even certain ethical beliefs
Someone can love food, but if this is not some unique skill or interest that separates them from most people, then I would say that this is not a big part of one's 'personality.' I look at myself: I love food and sports. With food, it is just something satisfying to consume. With sports, this is usually the case as well. Other than a few things that I do differently from other people, this does not separate me from anyone else.
How am I different? I love nostalgia. I like looking back at the 1990s to see what society was like at that time. This is very different from other people. It could be a key personality trait that I have - e.g., Ni/Si/Fi. I also love reading books on philosophy and science. I especially love getting deep into the psychology and philosophy of various scientists/philosophers to see how they think and what their big ideas are/were. This is not an interest that people usually have. I am also quite shy socially.
On the other hand, I don't like movie villains and other such types of people. I feel that this is like almost everyone else. The people who don't feel this way therefore have something different about their personality that most people do not share. The correct answer is not that most people are 'Delta,' 'not Beta', etc. The answer is that the masses tend not to like such villains, and the people who don't mind them or who commit such acts are therefore different.
Therefore, if you want to understand your personality, look at what you do differently from others. What separates you from everyone else? What special gifts do you have? What do you do that is especially different from other people? For instance, if you don't move with the masses on any one of the examples at the top of the post, this is something different about you from others and this therefore applies to your personality.
I believe that understanding this is the key to grasping your personality type...