Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
That's positivism vs. negativism I believe, positivists(like ILE) will be more inclined to be confident enough in solutions they give out to brashly give it out as "the right answer", while a negativist(like LII) will be more conscious of how it could go wrong.
Yeah, could be. In my case I also think I'm so hesitant because I'm not familiar with other people's value systems or motivations. When I make choices for myself, I'm typically not very worried about them: I easily make decisions, and commit to living with their consequences. Or, at least, I recognize that a certain option is the least bad of my options, so even if I'm concerned about the consequences I almost never regret the choice I made. But with other people I'm not so sure what they're willing to risk or to do, and so I tend to be much more cautious in any suggestions I make to other people than I would be if I were to make the decision myself.