Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
It’s me, I’m one of those. On some level, we think that another ethical type is our ideal for the reasons you listed, but we fail to take into account you can’t go at life solely with ethics. Rational types cool off the fire of ethical types, something ethicals can’t do for themselves or for other ethical types. That’s my problem with ESE - we emotionally stimulate one another and neither one of us wants to be logical, so we get stuck in the ethical “on” position and it’s very uncomfortable.

From what I’ve seen, rational types are the same way - they say they value level-headedness and practicality above all else in a partner, and then once in a relationship with a fellow logical type they find themselves in an emotional desert.

Certain folk oughta read what you just wrote.

Some people are desperate. Maybe I'm wrong but liking someone who's just "nice" is superficial. People should try dating themselves. Take yourself out somewhere, read an article with yourself, watch a flick with yourself Once a person adequately knows themselves, find a compliment.