I don't think mirage it bad by any means. I do think it can work depending on the individual. I tend to be attracted to SLE men as well and we tend to get along very well. I think if the person isn't as interested in their dual seeking function or seem to get it in another way, it can 100% workout. My brother is an SLE, a great coworker was an SLE, and I even dated an SLE for a short period of time.

I love doing activities with SLE's and they are always doing to do something new and fun! Doing anything Se related with them can be really relaxing in the sense that I don't have to worry about it as much. They got it. When my old SLE coworker left, I left very soon afterward. He was one of the few people I looked forward to working with and made the job so much easier and it quickly got worse for me with him not being there. Living life with SLE's are really fun and I always enjoy it.

I really need Ne though. I really didn't realize it until I dated an ILE to be honest. I felt mentally stimulated for once and felt more chill in Ne related things then when I usually go on a freakout about. Naturally I felt more comfortable with him then the SLE that I dated. However, I really struggled to do Se related things which was difficult. I wanted to go out and explore and he liked his comfort. We explored a little but I wanted to do so much more. Emotionally and mentally it was more easier with the ILE but when it came to the world around us and material abundance, I always feel at ease with an SLE.

I grew up with family that is majority sensor's so anything sensing related is very familiar. For me personally, I have always searched out intuitive types naturally and majority of my close my friends tend to be initiatives. My mom and dad are both sensors and don't seem to seek out intuitive information at all. That's just my two cents.