I find what you say about betas reveling in the unpleasant kind of interesting. This wasn't something I ever thought about before coming to Socionics, but now I hear the idea that betas are somehow harsher quite often, and I guess it's true if I compare myself to my very alpha parents (SEI dad and ESE mom). I thought it was just me doing the edgy teenager thing, but when I was around 12 or so I got really into pop-punk/metalcore/emo-scene music and culture. Even before that I always liked music that was somehow aggressive, and rather than growing out of that as I've gotten older I just go for heavier and heavier hitting stuff. Totally different from my dad who likes melancholy country music or my mom who's into classical, jazz, and a lot of pop music. With movies as well there's a similar split. My mom in particular really seems to NEED the movie to have a "happy ending" whereas I often find too happy of an ending to be kind of unsatisfying. Even if the movie isn't specifically a "sad movie" I want it to make at least a little effort to hurt me. I think it's cause I go through every day acting happy and really beaming a lot of positive energy outwards regardless of how I actually feel, so for me happiness doesn't feel so much "positive" but rather feels "neutral". Happy is the default so it's not very interesting. When I talk in depth with people "pleasant" is a great place to start, but I'm going to feel like we're not really connecting if we don't at some point start sharing the tragedies of our lives lol

P.S. I just realized I also tend to find romantic relationships more satisfying when they're quite dramatic. I know it's not a good thing, but I'm really attracted to troubled people and tragic backstories. I feel I've been doing a good job at not getting into these sorts of relationships since I graduated college, but the temptation is real