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    Default delta romance styles

    Last edited by necrosebud; 06-03-2021 at 04:56 PM.

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    Moderator myresearch's Avatar
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    I can't pinpoint myself or others on these descriptions, one EII may show some characteristics of EII-Fi and other characteristics of EII-Ne. I think these descriptions are better, they are also written by same socionists.

    For Delta Quadra:

    LSE: Manager

    Externally stern and business-like, this sociotype combines inclination for two contrasting forms of love: Pragma and Eros: ice and fire, sober calculation and a passionate attraction make him a rather contradictory person. He prefers to live by reason instead of following the call of feelings. The interests of business for him often prevail over feelings, and even over the pleasure of being with and communicating with a favorite person. However periodically for his senses he throws entire holidays.
    This is a caring and reliable partner. He does everything possible for those whom he loves. His partner can feel a deficiency in compliments and verbal expression of feelings, but the MANAGER proves his love in practice, taking on the lion's share of all cares, and can be quite satisfied if his partner takes part in common activities and carries out tasks that require only attention and patience.
    He needs a partner-helper, who won't try to impose his will and methods, or dictate conditions to him. The MANAGER could be absolutely dry, imperious, and exacting person if he wasn't softened with presence of sensual form of love - Eros. Being inclined towards this kind of emotional behavior makes him at times very romantic and magnanimous towards the object of his feelings.
    He is capable of being loyal to his partner if he/she are acceptable to him as a sexual partner or if he values such life partner for practical reasons. His feelings can glow brightly and for a long time, though healthy pragmatism is not alien to them. In the absence of reciprocity, he is capable, being guided by feeling of a duty, of refusing the new attraction. He often subordinates his erotic feelings to Pragma, though can for a long time recollect his former love.
    EII: Humanist

    The combination of diplomatic Storge and inventive Filia make the HUMANIST an ideal partner in life for the MANAGER, who is quite a difficult partner in love. On the one hand, the HUMANIST allows for the MANAGER to be the head of the family, and on another hand - he demands understanding and respect for his interests from his partner. The HUMANIST carefully watches for any differences in views and opinions with his partner, his way of conduct in relation to people around him, his attitudes towards upbringing of children, his plans for the future, and in everyday chores and affairs.
    Together with form of love of Storge - a loyal family love - such manifestation of love Filia cements his union with the quick-tempered, proud, and imperious MANAGER even more. The HUMANIST like no one else is able to find an approach to his dual. In a dispute he is able to restrain himself and not say anything unnecessary in the heat of the moment. Instead, the HUMANIST expresses his disappointments and grievances in such a form, that his partner feels ashamed for his incorrect behavior and statements. With this, sorting out of relations does not end with a quarrel, but with a reconciliation or promises to review and amend one's behavior.
    Patience, diplomacy, sensitivity and care are inherent to the HUMANIST, but he is guileless with those whom he loves and prefers to speak the truth or to be silent. His love Storge aspires to happy harmonious family life that would be full of kindness and mutual concessions. Only not one-sided! The HUMANIST - is not a sacrificing sociotype. If he permits his partner to direct and supervise him in practical matters, due to his low fitness in face of difficulties, absence of push-through qualities, and insufficient confidence in himself, this does not mean that he will allow his partner to pass that line that separates caring friend from heartless dictator.
    The HUMANIST spends much of his soulful and personal efforts on re-education of his partner, bringing him closer to an ideal. However, if the partner does not wish to compromise and does not listen and agree to his persuasions, the HUMANIST can terminate their union. The MANAGER is oriented at creation of a strong family: if he feels such a threat, he will do everything possible to improve their relationship.
    The spiritual side of love for the HUMANIST means much more to him than the erotic side. In addition he is somewhat reversed and consequently needs an initiative-taking partner who actively shows his desires. In love the HUMANIST is restrained, mistrustful, and observant. The slightest deviation in the behavior of a partner is received painfully by him, and the HUMANIST applies his best efforts to keep reciprocity in feelings. Even if for the sake of this it is necessary to show offense and alienation. A repenting dual the HUMANIST forgives and tries to never remind or bring up the reason of their disagreements again.
    The MANAGER poorly tolerates talk of personal questions, and especially any sorting out of relations. Because of this, he is inclined to arrive at hasty conclusions and make ethical mistakes, which complicate his relations with other people around him. Lack of patience and endurance make him sharp and tactless at times, as he does not have enough not only of diplomacy, but also of self-criticism. This is why he needs patience and kind persistence from the HUMANIST, with which the HUMANIST tactfully and consistently re-educates his hot-tempered dual. The HUMANIST takes on not only the role of a mentor, but he constantly influences the conscience of the MANAGER, who is quite sensitive and not a stranger to high moral principles.

    IEE: Inspirer

    Similarly to the Humanist, the INSPIRER has a combination of forms of love Filia and Storge.
    Here, Filia prevails and defines INSPIRER's inclination to harmonious <family> life only in the event that he feels full spiritual closeness with his partner. Unlike the HUMANIST, this is a passionate, gusty, unrestrained in his emotions person. As an ethical type and as an extrovert, he is very interested in new people. Therefore, his partner needs to be sufficiently competitive to keep the attention of such inordinary and restless life partner for a long time.
    The INSPIRER - is a big romantic and can stay in captivity of his illusions for a long time. He can idealize his love and its object so strongly, that he can keep loyal to his ideal for a long time, even when not having any hopes for reciprocity. However, meanwhile he won't sit still with his hands folded. He will try to win over the mind, the soul, and if needed the body of the person who for his represents the supervalue, and will do so until he achieves reciprocity. If he becomes disappointed in his ideal, he deeply and strongly feels this.
    At times, he lacks in common sense and is capable of making rash actions and following the lead of his feelings. At the same time, due to presence in his emotional behavior a component of love Storge, he tries to spare people close to him and not cause any complications in their life. He is so seeped with empathy that for the sake of well-being of others can sacrifice his own interests.
    The INSPIRER is poorly adapted to life and is in need of care, attention, sensitivity, protection, support and patronage of a more realistic, practical, and quick in everyday matters person. But he does not tolerate when he is being ordered around rudely, when something is imposed on him, when he is made to suffer. In such cases, he instinctively gains distance from such a partner who causes him to suffer.
    He is not capable of feeling jealous and competing with possible contenders for long. He won't try to impose himself and insist on reciprocity, if he feels that he is not valued and cherished. Due to inclination towards love Filia, he strives towards equality in everything, and if someone is of much value for him, then he just as well has to be outside of competition for his partner. Otherwise, the other side of love relations Storge will not develop.
    The INSPIRER is oriented at honest relations and with difficulty perceives deception in any form, thus his partner needs to be loyal and truthful. For the INSPIRER, as well as for the HUMANIST, the spiritual side of love is very important, but he places greater importance on the erotic relations. Absence of initiative from his partner makes him doubt the fullness of his partner's feelings.
    The INSPIRER is capable to transforming love into a poem, to make it the purpose of his life, but he can suddenly become disappointed in his partner, not finding full reciprocity, or if he does not meet his high ethical requirements. This makes him an unpredictable partner.
    SLI: Master

    The MASTER unites two extreme form of love Eros and Pragma and as no one else is capable of giving his partner everything that is necessary for family happiness. From erotic pleasure, strong sensual and spiritual attraction - up to stability and reliability in person life, full of sensitive care, attention, and mutual aid in everything. Unlike the MANAGER, he has less pragmatism and greater aspiration towards harmonious relations with his partner.
    The MASTER cares for the soulful comfort of people who are close to him. He is usually constant in his emotional attachments and somewhat restrained in his actions and his statements. Worries a lot and feels upset if he inadvertently offends someone. However, he's not always capable of admitting his fault right away. The conservatism of love Pragma make him a sufficiently difficult partner, but he willingly tries to attain an agreement with a person dear to him and aspires to restore lost harmony if he sees that this desire is mutual. Love Eros makes him forgive much to his selected person, but the other feeling - Pragma watches that these misdeed don't go beyond the framework of the permissible.
    The MASTER is very restrained in display of feelings, but his mask of coldness conceals his much greater sensuality. He is oriented at strong and harmonious relations, that only two suitable forms of love can give - Storge and Pragma. He is also ready to share the interests of his partner and together with him to reach the necessary spiritual closeness necessary for full harmony in relations, which for this dual pair - is the main value in life. Both partners actively aspire to this.
    Trying to be in everything the way that everyone loves and respects, the exacting MASTER aspires to personal growth and development. By this he becomes competitive enough to endure through the constant comparisons with other, new people. Besides this, the MASTER loves passionately and sincerely, although not openly for the extraneous eyes. He is able to waken the sensuality of the INSPIRER who often doubts his sensual desires and poorly recognizes them.
    The INSPIRER at times seems to him as a whimsical child, teaching which with constant leniency and love - is only a pleasure. The MASTER does not like imperious and self-assured people. Their activity, even in the erotic sense, suppresses him and does not leave space for his own creativity. This realist, who too soberly looks at life, is complemented by the optimism of the eternal child-INSPIRER, who helps him avoid depression and despondency.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    of course.

    that's why I specified "more." I absolutely relate to traits of EII-Fi but taken as a whole it feels more unnatural to me than Ne sub does.
    According to two subtype system, creative subtype has enhanced demonstrative, creative, role and seeking function. For example, for EII-Ne that means enhanced Ni, Ne, Ti and Te and have weaker Fi, Fe, Si, Se

    If we break down EII description in terms of enhancements:


    Self-controlled,inclined to indeterminacy and having doubts, vacillates in making decisions, indecisive. -> Ni enchancement
    Unsure of his feelings. ->Ni enchancement
    Principled and uncompromising in the questions of loyalty and honor. -> Ti enchancement
    In erotic sense he is yielding and somewhat shy, waits for initiative from another. ->Weaker Se
    At times unpredictable, inclined to have fantasies. -> Ne enhancement
    Likes to improve and perfect sexual relations. -> Ne enhancement
    Somewhat reserved and talks of his worries with people close to him. -> Weaker Se, Si


    Trusting, loyal, an idealist in his soul. -> Fi, Si enchancement
    Internally emotional but outwardly tries to control his feelings.
    -> Fi, Fe enchancement
    A reliable partner disposed to stable relations.
    -> Fi, Si enchancement
    Kind and soft, however, demanding and stubborn in relations, and does not forgive betrayals.
    -> Se enchancement, weaker Ne
    Strives towards aesthetics, harmony, and perfection in sex.
    -> Si enchancement
    Vulnerable, and very dependent on the emotional state of those whom he loves.
    -> Weaker Ti, Te - Fe enchancement

    According to my observations, people doesnt necessarily have either base-ignoring-seeking-role enhancement or reverse, enhancements are generally a mixture. Hence when you look at the descriptions you may find some applying to you and some not. However, that is probably up to which kind of enhancement is underlined in that sentence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    As for what you said, I have been trying to wrap my head around...exactly what type of EII would be able to tolerate the brashness of many LSEs I have come across (and also either talked about or alluded to in the description you shared; this kind of trait scares me and I can't tolerate it). Beautiful Sky also strikes me as hardier than I am, at least when it comes to tolerating this kind of thing. Although in the end we both hate Se lol.
    EII and some IEI friends are the most compassionate and forgiving people I have ever met, in a way that they are too compassionate and forgiving in my opinion. Ofcourse they are like this towards people that they like/love and form a bond that they seem to find special. I assume it is due to 4D Ni+Fi.

    From what I observe, Fi egos are totally ok with brashness of Te. One EII friend was drawn to LSE friend after they spent a little time together. However, if you haven't dualized before, you may not think that way, I think if you have a close relation with your semi-dual and mirage, that may help a bit.

    Different kinds of LSEs have different levels of brashness and domineering attitude. I wouldn't say that all LSE-Te's are more domineering than all LSE-Si or vice versa. After they get closer to someone, they generally don't attempt to say anything that would offend them, the closeness of the relationship affect their attitude a lot. They are generally helpful to all people and they are transparent, reliable and trustworthy people. If they don't like someone, that person would know it. Some of them are also more into listening the other person when they feel close to them, although they are talkative people. Complementary IEs are like the different sides of the same thing. So in a way Te and Fi are not that different from each other, they both aim to accomplish the same thing in opposite ways.

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    there are no subtypes in Socionics

    your inclination to subtypes as baseless and practically useless heresy may follow from helping to rationalize your mistake in own type as INFJ. your type mb INFP

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    I’m LIE-Te and I work better with ESI-Se and I relax better with ESI-Fi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    I feel almost as if...LSE-Tes go "full force Te" and need all the control and discipline/obedience there and I get scared. While LSE-Si still have Te but would be more receptive to me and soften up on it and be more flexible. But in the end I do still need Te help. But I don't mind putting some creativity (Ne-Si) into the process once in a while.
    Yep... LSE-Te and LIE-Te can create a Te vortex. Everything is sucked into their subjective Te intents, and because my suggestive is oriented at Te "buffered" through an irrational function, it knocks the wind out of me. Even Te-sub ILI and SLI can be a bit intense, but ultimately 3D is not 4D. It's like an entire universe of its own; and it's not that I don't have my own Fi framework but rather am conscious of how intense my Fi can come off at times and make a point to consider Ne variables before putting forth a hard Fi judgment. Fi-EII and Fi-ESI don't seem to care about it. What's wrong is wrong, and if you have a problem with it, then we've got a problem. I wish I were more inclined to stick to my feelings in this manner at times. Seems to match the sobriety of Te sub.
    Last edited by PinKDiGiT18; 05-29-2021 at 02:07 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    '''LSE-Te''': Proud and restrained. Not inclined to doubt feelings. Stable and constant, does not forgive betrayals. Straightforward, uncontrived, and persistent in relations. Simple and linear in the erotic. Dislikes indeterminacy, coquetry, verbal expressions of feelings, and frivolousness in behavior. Often puts matters above feelings, capable of demonstrating coldness, and thus needs a patient, self-controlled partner. Discerning and picky in his contacts. He is in need of an agreeable, amiable, industrious, diligent partner who likes order in everything.

    '''LSE-Si''': Very erotic, sentimental in his soul, but about feelings prefers to talk in a joking manner. Inclined to jealousy, mistrust, exaggerations, may easily takes offense. Emotional and energetic. In erotic sense is initiative-taking and sexual partner. Very much appreciates pleasant sensations of any kind: great food, convenience, aesthetics, good manners. Demonstrates diplomacy in the interests of business and predisposes people towards trust. Values friendship and love, always ready to come to aid. He needs a sufficiently teasing and flirtatious, romantic partner, who readily responds to erotic initiatives. He is best matched by a modest, reliable, self-controlled, but emotionally variable person.

    '''EII-Fi''': Trusting, loyal, an idealist in his soul. Internally emotional but outwardly tries to control his feelings. A reliable partner disposed to stable relations. Kind and soft, however, demanding and stubborn in relations, and does not forgive betrayals. Strives towards aesthetics, harmony, and perfection in sex. Vulnerable, and very dependent on the emotional state of those whom he loves. Requires proofs of love. Needs a an optimistic, confident in himself and his feelings partner. In sexual life he is a follower and yields to the requirements of his partner. He is attracted by initiative-taking, emotional people.

    '''EII-Ne''': Self-controlled, inclined to indeterminacy and having doubts, vacillates in making decisions, indecisive. Unsure of his feelings. Principled and uncompromising in the questions of loyalty and honor. In erotic sense he is yielding and somewhat shy, waits for initiative from another. At times unpredictable, inclined to have fantasies. Likes to improve and perfect sexual relations. Somewhat reserved and talks of his worries with people close to him. In need of an active, industrious, practical partner who is accurate and concrete in his words and intentions. He is attracted by honest, specific, clear and set in their wishes and desires people with strong character and a sense of duty.
    LSE-Te typically definitely perceives me as frivolous and maladapted due to my enhanced Ne and sometimes prefers ESI for the sole reason that ESIs appear more focused and resolved than myself. After a while, some start demanding me to not be so "weird." Sorry! I don't care what your expectations are - I don't exist to please them and I'm never going to change with the sole purpose of fitting anyone else's mold. A darn shame for you.

    That attitude pisses them off so badly.

    I don't think I've ever personally interacted with an LSE-Si male. I used to think I was more attracted to LSE-Te, but now that I've met more representatives of the other subtype, my mind may have changed. I love Si-subtypes in general, and once I've hung out with an LSE-Si for long enough, I feel so freaking happy. Really, I can imagine very good things coming from this dynamic romantically.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    idk maybe it’s just me but even my Ne is linked to my feelings and self-esteem so I would be hurt if someone seemingly devalued “me” like that. To me they’re devaluing my perception/feelings/who I am if you will.

    (It feels like they’re devaluing my Fi bc maybe erroneously lol I have linked my perception or opinion on things to Fi)
    I feel this way too! It’s why I am prone to getting overly fond of SxIs. Their validation of my Ne devisings does something for my ego, and I sometimes overestimate how much they actually like me merely because of their impressionability to my creative.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    LSE-Te typically definitely perceives me as frivolous and maladapted due to my enhanced Ne and sometimes prefers ESI for the sole reason that ESIs appear more focused and resolved than myself. After a while, some start demanding me to not be so "weird." Sorry! I don't care what your expectations are - I don't exist to please them and I'm never going to change with the sole purpose of fitting anyone else's mold. A darn shame for you.

    That attitude pisses them off so badly.

    I don't think I've ever personally interacted with an LSE-Si male. I used to think I was more attracted to LSE-Te, but now that I've met more representatives of the other subtype, my mind may have changed. I love Si-subtypes in general, and once I've hung out with an LSE-Si for long enough, I feel so freaking happy. Really, I can imagine very good things coming from this dynamic romantically.
    @PinKDiGiT18, feeling so freaking happy around a person is a clue.

    When I first started interacting with ESIs, I also felt really happy after spending time around them. Now, years, later, the "so freaking happy"ness factor has decreased (or my general level of unhappiness has decreased) to the point where now I can spend hours and hours with them and I just don't get worn out. Like, there's no conflict and no compensating and no changing myself to be someone whom I'm not.

    Plus, I'm happy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    I like an LSE who seems open minded and intelligent to me.
    You like the ones who are "open" to your values and interests. "Intelligent" in having abbilities to support you in that.
    There are different values, interests and undersanding besides which you have and prefer at now moment. This depends on your Jung type significantly, besides other factors.

    For example, your attraction to decadence and mb related s&m is about Se value. Not what LSE in common may like, at least significantly. Ni types have more chance for victimish attractions and Se types have higher chance to accept this too.

    > I am not as compatible with LSEs that struggle to understand and/or simply close their mind off to my ideas and feelings.

    In case you have IEI, your "ideas and feelings" are significantly alien for all LSEs.
    In close and long communication with LSE - your possible conflictor types - it's doubtful you'll like them indeed and will feel good with them, the same is for other human. At least, you should feel much better and to evaluate as more "open minded and intelligent" the ones having same functional values, as your more possible dual ESTP.

    > well before I knew anything about subtypes, haven’t I?

    Non-Socionics subtypes hypothesis which you are using is about _minor_ difference in functions strenght between 1 and 2 functions. This can't change significantly IR - good or bad IR can't become significantly worse or better with such difference.
    The reason for significant difference in perception of people of same type (as you think) - is different Jung types of those people or mb non-types traits. Or you did not communicated with them close and long enough to understand each other better.
    There are many mistakes in types with today methods and you are novice which makes them often. The novice which is unable to understand even own type, which is not EII.

    If to suppose your IEI, a mistake in single dichotomy differs conflictor LSE with good for you LSI and SLE. It's easier to mistake if you don't know those people good and until you don't understand functional values assigning your the type of opposite quadra.


    There are many baseless hypotheses by which you try to explain why you see the contradiction to basic Socionics theory, as when you dislike significantly some of LSE and like other ones. But it's more reasonably to suppose mistakes in types. And sometimes other factors besides Jung types.
    Your attraction to death and suffering (with having Si value as you think) mb you'll can find baseless heresy to "explain" too. Especially if to use heresies with more "open mind" to establish doubtful and logically weak links.
    Anything just to rationalize the mistake that you have EII, despite notice strong contradictions for this and those contradictions are pointed you by the one having much better competence in types. You are not the 1st, about 50% mistake in own type for years what is seen on forums. They do lazy study about types by nonsense heresies and low quality texts, use that by unreasonable way and hence mistake in types rather often, more often than could. Until such behavior gives them a fun - they are satisfied, as mainly have F types and are motivated by emotions to think something. You are same.

    If you'll communicate with someone and will like - forget about types. The factual experience is more important. While types you are unable to use appropriately.
    Last edited by Sol; 06-03-2021 at 09:41 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lkdhf qkb View Post
    They probably think you're maladapted but not bc of enhanced Ne(I mean, no delta is going to blame you for being good at a valued function!) but because of shitty Si. Can you care for yourself or do you require a lot of help with Si?
    Yeah...pretty much comes with the territory. I am very much “infantile” in my overall demeanor. I can do Si things but I rarely will take over on an Si venture. The ESE-Fe who raised me is equally irritated by it as LSE-Te is.

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    I’m stubborn and so is my daughter so we need a patient man in our lives
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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