I like to compare costs, estimate if something is a good deal, and compare secondhand information with official sources of information when available or else compare secondhand information with other secondhand information to check for consistency. I also like for my actions and the actions of others to be reasonable and follow common sense. When working, efficiency is sort of a big deal for me. However, this is not something I really think about consciously. It just sort of happens without me really taking note of it. However, when other people's actions or way of working does not follow a certain logic of actions, I can get annoyed if I feel like I am picking up the slack, but deep down, I like being lazy. Lazy efficiency is something I like a lot: getting the most out of the least amount of effort since I really don't like over-exerting myself.

However, I try to be mindful that there is more to life and that in the grand scheme of things, peace and harmony and universal love is the reason for our being. And there are many times I feel I am lazy or unproductive and it really bothers me but I can be so paralyzed by inertia that I kind of shut myself off to what is happening so long as I am able to pay the bills and care for my fur family.

I used to be more anal retentive about money and all that but I have learned in the past year to kind of chill the eff out and appreciate life and living. The pandemic, being in the ER and in the psych ward twice really changed me for the better even though the experience of the moment really sucked. Even when I drunk driver totaled my car a couple of weeks ago, I was really calm about it seeing that I was uninjured and no one else was hurt. Not having a car right now sucks but the good thing is my job is letting me work remotely (though I would make more money if I was able to work in the office, though working in the office all night sucks) and I technically can use my wife's car if I want to go out to the beach and jam with other drummers.