Well, I just advised my mother on setting the price on her legos. She's made a career out of buying and selling stuff, and even then she needs a second opinion. She was going to set it to $10, but that'd be sold for far too low. She constantly underprices things that she wants to sell and over values things that she wants to buy. Like I stated the math simply, either you want to make a LOT of little profit or few big profit. Ideally both, but she can't afford to do a lot of little profit in my opinion because of time and health concerns. She also is getting a computer, and she wants new, something I would caution against as that inflates the price dramatically. I've been helping her decide on what kind to get, we'll see if she takes my advice, but getting an apple with monitor built in doubles the price from an equivalent apple computer, and buying your own monitor on the external apple saves around $400. I was surprised it was 400 dollars for a monitor, but either way. My other brother knows more about computers, but I know good prices on this stuff. All things break, and that should be considered when buying a product. If you buy a product, you need to be able to replace it.

Historically, she does her own thing, but I give her the advice regardless. Like she ought to get solar panels, as it's free and will increase property value and desirability on her house. Her argument is that it's not worth it if she's moving some day to have it done, but it's free. I can confirm it's free, but not worth it for me, not my house. Solar panels are something I might talk to my dad about but he's in a mildly bad spot for it. Half his house is blocked by trees. We'll see.

I also just bought a pair of shoes for 40 bucks entirely because they're worth 120 bucks from a guy on the streets. Obviously, I know business logic. I might try bartering things for a hobby. Think that'd be fun, but I don't know what to start with.

Still with all of this, I'm poor, go figure. All financial investments imply a degree of risk, and I fell on the negative side with the stock market crash implicitly from Covid's market affects rearing it's head in January this year. I'm making back my money slowly, but if I had my way, and my estimates were right, I'd've made enough money to live off stocks entirely almost. Now I just have to wait longer for that to happen, and living expenses exist.