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Thread: How do you Use Business Logic?

  1. #41
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    Well, I just advised my mother on setting the price on her legos. She's made a career out of buying and selling stuff, and even then she needs a second opinion. She was going to set it to $10, but that'd be sold for far too low. She constantly underprices things that she wants to sell and over values things that she wants to buy. Like I stated the math simply, either you want to make a LOT of little profit or few big profit. Ideally both, but she can't afford to do a lot of little profit in my opinion because of time and health concerns. She also is getting a computer, and she wants new, something I would caution against as that inflates the price dramatically. I've been helping her decide on what kind to get, we'll see if she takes my advice, but getting an apple with monitor built in doubles the price from an equivalent apple computer, and buying your own monitor on the external apple saves around $400. I was surprised it was 400 dollars for a monitor, but either way. My other brother knows more about computers, but I know good prices on this stuff. All things break, and that should be considered when buying a product. If you buy a product, you need to be able to replace it.

    Historically, she does her own thing, but I give her the advice regardless. Like she ought to get solar panels, as it's free and will increase property value and desirability on her house. Her argument is that it's not worth it if she's moving some day to have it done, but it's free. I can confirm it's free, but not worth it for me, not my house. Solar panels are something I might talk to my dad about but he's in a mildly bad spot for it. Half his house is blocked by trees. We'll see.

    I also just bought a pair of shoes for 40 bucks entirely because they're worth 120 bucks from a guy on the streets. Obviously, I know business logic. I might try bartering things for a hobby. Think that'd be fun, but I don't know what to start with.

    Still with all of this, I'm poor, go figure. All financial investments imply a degree of risk, and I fell on the negative side with the stock market crash implicitly from Covid's market affects rearing it's head in January this year. I'm making back my money slowly, but if I had my way, and my estimates were right, I'd've made enough money to live off stocks entirely almost. Now I just have to wait longer for that to happen, and living expenses exist.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  2. #42
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    Te is dynamic logic, the logic of actions, of tool use. Strong Te is able to repurpose any item as a tool because it sees what functions an item can perform, and does not fixate on what is the originally intended purpose or name of the item.
    4D Te can see anything as a potential tool that can be used to effectively perform a desired task or function. Anything that gets the job done quickly and effectively. I wouldn't associate Te with "business" or "facts", it's about purposing and repurposing things, with focus on function.

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    -Collecting/absorbing information and relaying it confidently/accurately without putting your own subjective spin on it

    -Not automatically assuming that every coincidence or unlikely occurrence is evidence of a conspiracy
    Last edited by Averroes; 04-15-2022 at 01:46 PM.

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    I think you are rewarded in life by the results you create, not the time or effort you invest. So, one example of using Te effectively is instead of learning a skill, you just pay someone good to do it for you. Basically, you make others work tirelessly while investing as little as possible so you can get as much out of the situation as possible.

    Sort of like paying an expert like Gulenko to type you for a measly 100$ when he's wasted 40 years of his life on a theoretical model of the psyche that will never be objective; or like that scene in Indiana Jones when Indiana faces off with that one master swordsman and just shoots him and walks off.

  5. #45
    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    I have to do this exact thing lol. My job is basically holding someone's hand through a process, software, whatever step by step to make sure they know how to do it right. We also try to promote self-service so they don't bug us with the same stupid shit over and over.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

  6. #46


    This definition only works in large projects. The term "Business Logic" is unlikely to be heard in a startup aimed at selling smoothies, but this term is widely used in B2B and integrators.Remember that business logic is about the whole mechanism of the product, and the UX design is only what the user will actually see in the interface, in the email and sms sent by your product. I do not adhere to it in my main work processes, such as trading on . But if I decide to open my own business, then maybe!
    Last edited by linnoiemclaren; 05-27-2022 at 08:12 PM.

  7. #47
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    How To use Business Logic ??

    Edit :

    "Business" Logic sounds bizarre to me, almost like a synonymous of "Profit Logic". "Using" an IE also sounds weird to me. I think that we don't "use" an IE we just engage our awareness and energy in it. I would prefer to "use" a verb for each IE 'usage" but since they don't exist and I don't want to create a bunch of neologisms right now, I'll use the verb "think".

    Even when I had a job, I didn't really think about money as a motivation. I would just go to the workplace motivated by the fact that I will see my coworkers which I considered friendly and agreeable. If I don't get along with my boss and/or coworker then I would quit the job it's as simple as that.

    I think Te when I manage my ressources. Most of the time, I let things go because I'm lazy. But when it comes to my basic needs like my music gear (Guitar strings etc), food or my digital confort (Internet etc), I make sure that everything is taking care of. However paperworks, world affairs and stuff like that are hell to me, I just can't stand it. I often find myself in ridiculous situations of bad money managements like paying two home insurances and losing money in similar way because of laziness and not thinking about such things. I procrastinate a lot when it comes to Te stuff. Hell, even my Health is victim of my laziness, I have some chronic diseases (nothing really bad) but I don't take care of myself the way my doctor wants me to. (Plus I don't like needles !!!).

    Anyway, When you're high in Te thinking, you see yourself as a Hammer and everything arounds you looks like a nail even fellow human beings. Everything has to have some usage. As they said in delta land "the right tool for the right job" or "the right person for the right job". The Capitalist mindset however is totally foreign to me.

    Edit 2 :

    I play Guitars (decently) and Keyboards (mediocrely). I have several skills that required a lot of "investment" ( That's a Te word !) Time and discipline. I did some accomplishment in my life (setting goals and succeed) of which I only gained personal satisfactions and again, skills. I guess that's the way I think Te, it's a bit an ADHD-ish Te.
    Last edited by godslave; 05-27-2022 at 02:16 AM.

  8. #48
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    I don't

  9. #49


    I use "business logic" by being a business marketing boss.

    Not referring to Te here, just being a smartass for the lolz.

  10. #50
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    business logic:

    be objective. don't be inappropriate or provocative. no higher dimensional Fe. Be uppity and snooty. Even though that's a Fe value judgement of Te still.. be uppity and snooty. Keep ur feelings and personal insights to urself- unless it directly involves the company. Talk like a professional, be careful to not be too personable. Use logical thinking type data directly related to the business and its own goals. Relax and let people govern themselves, ppl don't usually need to be fakely inspired. Micromanage people with their right skillsets. Put people on the chessboard while you have your eye on the prize.

    If you have to use Fe, nothing ever more than 2D Fe - ever or it's cringe. Be analytical, mechanical, and logical. Be an intimidating asshole that will crush people's hearts and feelings - the more your scary and psychopathic and the more you troll other people's feelings and bolster your own self-confidence, the higher in the company you will go naturally. Don't be concerned with stepping on people's toes unless YOUR Fi likes that person. Falsely accuse people of sexual abuse just to move ahead in the world- not because they really did anything, but because you know how wrong sexual abuse really is and people in authority like to smugly use the word 'grooming' to make themselves feel superior even if no grooming ever took place.

    People need to fear you so they can respect you. You have to be a monster. No cute SEI or IEIs allowed here. We will laugh at you as you die.

    come on y'all know i'm 100% right...
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 05-27-2022 at 04:46 AM.

  11. #51
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    "Oh, Te work. Cool"

    Just do it. It's not that hard. Optimize the money, do the work, sign the papers, write the report.

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    It causes me a lot of pressure and wondering if I'm doing it right. The most common way I use Te, I think, is tracking savings and trying to frequently budget. It doesn't usually work out though. However, I still do it better than my SEI brother. Where are the delta STs in my life?

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Claudius View Post
    It causes me a lot of pressure and wondering if I'm doing it right. The most common way I use Te, I think, is tracking savings and trying to frequently budget. It doesn't usually work out though. However, I still do it better than my SEI brother. Where are the delta STs in my life?
    ESIs seem to have the same problem as you describe.

    SLIs are probably the best budgeters in the socion. LSEs might make a budget, but then struggle to stick to it. I, personally, find that it's easier to give up on strict budgeting and just earn more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    ESIs seem to have the same problem as you describe.

    SLIs are probably the best budgeters in the socion. LSEs might make a budget, but then struggle to stick to it. I, personally, find that it's easier to give up on strict budgeting and just earn more.
    I wonder if that's related to Ni-PoLR. I suspect my mother is an ESE (though it's hard to tell as she is unhealthy) and she will always buy random stuff and can never stick to a list. She'll usually buy things for other people and gift them.

  15. #55
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    I don't take care of my finances, I just don't buy things.

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    Take care of the penny and the pounds will take care of themselves.

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    As a confirmed beta my new focus should be in searching new ways to tax business and squeeze it as much as I can.
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  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    ESIs seem to have the same problem as you describe.

    SLIs are probably the best budgeters in the socion. LSEs might make a budget, but then struggle to stick to it. I, personally, find that it's easier to give up on strict budgeting and just earn more.
    They are mirrors and my LSE mother budgets pretty damn well. Their errors are more about simple things like forgetting to go the bank and thus not having as much cash on hand as they thought. Trust me, the bank book balances out perfectly at the end of the day (and holy hell will they fret like no other if they think they've spotted a discrepancy in that little checkbook). It's just that the SLI never forgets/always knows exactly how much cash they have on hand. If the LSE was a total loner they might also get that result but my mother has, well, me (and they others whom they trust as "accredited" resources and that is both a strength and weakness for them).

    My way of balancing the books is more intuitive. I have a pretty good grasp of where my inflows and outflows are going and when/where they will occur. I don't need exact numbers but I must say I am shocked at how often my Debit Card has been compromised. I had a number in my head that ought to be "about" right and when it wasn't lo and behold some little charge had been made that I'd never make. I don't buy candy all that often for example so me charging for a purchase at a candy store is right out. Dumb fucker was overzealous however and decided to buy a whole bag of taffy instead of just a strip or two.

    Thus, I've had to get new debit cards at a rate I find ultimately and illogically surprising. That I caught all that without a checkbook dumbfounded my mother. Turns out my bank is all too familiar with this kind of scam. A small test leads to a bigger test leads to a nuclear test where they aim to clean you out!

    I caught them at step one. All done without any form of writing. I just trusted my and wouldn't you know it I got the correct answer.

    Plus I gotta admit, this fact is really boosting my paranoia. I'm poor as all fuck. If you're the kind of criminal that'd try to hack my accounts you're either a Seer who is planning the ultimate heist of a future Trillionaire or you're really, really fucking dumb...

    I both hope that I do and yet fear that I already have attracted the attentions of the demonic on this front. As Christ himself said: "Pray the Lord your God does not put you to the test." Selling (quote unquote) your soul to the true almighty is a truly Herculean task. Selling it to Lucifer is as easy as breathing in comparison. Yet if you know where each deal leads the choice is obvious...

  19. #59
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    How To use Business Logic ??
    "Business" Logic sounds bizarre to me, almost like a synonymous of "Profit Logic". "Using" an IE also sounds weird to me. I think that we don't "use" an IE we just engage our awareness and energy in it. I would prefer to "use" a verb for each IE 'usage" but since they don't exist and I don't want to create a bunch of neologisms right now, I'll use the verb "think".
    I do see Te as more of the activity logic if anything, I really don't think it as "business-only" logic, since more than often, it organizes the procedural activities and seize the opportunities and shortcomings of items by their pros/cons to evaluate the external activities. And that mechanism is often mistaken as "profit" or "business" in terms of logic; it's a tool to produce "useful" activities that are "profitable" according to your own "modal". Also, a bit unrelated but I do want to share an "interest" towards your "investment" it seems. Can you tell me more about it?
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  20. #60
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metaphor View Post
    I do see Te as more of the activity logic if anything, I really don't think it as "business-only" logic, since more than often, it organizes the procedural activities and seize the opportunities and shortcomings of items by their pros/cons to evaluate the external activities. And that mechanism is often mistaken as "profit" or "business" in terms of logic; it's a tool to produce "useful" activities that are "profitable" according to your own "modal". Also, a bit unrelated but I do want to share an "interest" towards your "investment" it seems. Can you tell me more about it?
    Yes, it was just a term I found funny to use in this context. Investment meaning puting time and effort to achieve a goal. Once the goal has been reached the return on investment is an acquired skill ( a know how ) and a personal satisfaction. For instance I begun playing Guitar when I was 20 which is very late. I wanted to play properly (and imitate my guitar heroes !) so I "invested" my time and effort in Theory, Technics etc.. And I became a decent guitar player thus adding another string to my (musical expression) bow. I love that feeling of absolute freedom in music improvisation, not being limited by technical execution. The music just flow and that's my return on investment. That my friend, you can not buy it in the market.

    Another example, I am a music gears geek and I follow the development of music technology . I've tried and tested almost all The DAWs ( Digital Audio Workstations) in the market. In the process I learn a bunch of those.
    I have a passions for vintage synths (I have some), VSTs, sound design and audio engineering, once again I invested a lot of time just to learn that stuffs.

    Another example, When I was a kid I was a fan of Martial Arts. I invested a lot of time and effort to basically be like Bruce Lee. I was very athletic, flexible I could Kick, do push-ups on 2 fingers (one hand) and do all the kind of stuff you see in Kung Fu movies. That was fun !

    I have tons and tons of tutorials and Ebooks about all kind of stuff ( not only music). I am a tendency for archivism, I think I have downloaded half the internet ( lol ) !!

    Anyways, this is the kind "Te" I was talking about. It's basically being self-taught (autodidact) in everything I'm passion about.
    I guess it's just a mean to an end and it doesn't seems like "work" when you learn and/or do the stuff you like. Note that in my case this pattern of behavior is an indication of psychological sublimation and to use a Star Wars reference " Bypassing the compressor".
    Last edited by godslave; 06-20-2022 at 08:57 PM. Reason: I cut the parts that I found presumptuous and irrelevant

  21. #61
    May look like an LxI, but -Te Metaphor's Avatar
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    Lol, that's nice. Also, I'm "glad" to meet a fellow Muslim who also has been in doubt and full of skepticism about the Islamic religion on itself.
    I was considered myself to be a gnostic and probably not anymore but I do have doubts on my own still.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Metaphor View Post
    Lol, that's nice. Also, I'm "glad" to meet a fellow Muslim who also has been in doubt and full of skepticism about the Islamic religion on itself.
    I was considered myself to be a gnostic and probably not anymore but I do have doubts on my own still.
    As my own reading of Soren Kirkegaard would put it, true faith commands doubt. Even Jesus Christ (Full Disclosure: I'm a practicing Catholic) cried out upon the Cross "My God my God why have you forsaken me?" The Old Testament has the "Book of Job" and his many and harrowing sorrows. I am not all that familiar with the Koran but I'd bet serious money there's a similar figure in there. Surely, these figures knew the truth in their bones yet when faced with such a trial even they, in some way, doubted the one true God quite seriously at some point.

    Job was the most faithful person both God and Lucifer knew of at the time. Christ, for Catholics/Christians at least, is the incarnation of God/Logos in the flesh. While he was in the world, he was the light of the world. Fully human yet also fully divine.

    The tribulations both went through because of that make no logical sense from a human perspective. God is an infinite being however and thus, while he gifted us with a portion of his infinite wisdom and creativity, it doesn't put us on his level. Yet he chose to lower himself to our level in his infinite mercy and justice.

    It might come from an EIE but Fulton Sheen did give one hell of a sermon regarding Christ's death and I'd encourage everyone to read/listen to it. I'm not as hardcore and unforgiving as this youtuber on a great many things regarding my own faith, but here he did a good job in his delivery. He may not like Fulton Sheen for being ultimately supportive of Vatican II, but he can and does admit that someone you may not like overall can be so right about something you just have to give them credit where it's due:

    Last edited by End; 06-21-2022 at 04:41 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Exodus View Post
    Business logic is a pretty bad name for Te. Te is observation, the collection of factual information about the world.
    And that perfectly links into how and why each function is directly linked to the other by what amounts to the laws of physics and necessity. Observation and factual information about the world means exactly diddly dick if it is not gathered in the service of what "ought" to be. serves as surely as serves .

    To throw it all into reverse your ethical feelings and judgements alone won't get anything actually done. You need a game plan. A concrete way of actualizing your sentiments. That's what does. in turn provides with a goal to work towards. I could map out the entirety of reality in some mathematical algorithm for example. What do I/should I do with that knowledge? by itself has no answer. does, and it does with gusto.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    As my own reading of Soren Kirkegaard would put it, true faith commands doubt. Even Jesus Christ (Full Disclosure: I'm a practicing Catholic) cried out upon the Cross "My God my God why have you forsaken me?" The Old Testament has the "Book of Job" and his many and harrowing sorrows. I am not all that familiar with the Koran but I'd bet serious money there's a similar figure in there. Surely, these figures knew the truth in their bones yet when faced with such a trial even they, in some way, doubted the one true God quite seriously at some point.

    Job was the most faithful person both God and Lucifer knew of at the time. Christ, for Catholics/Christians at least, is the incarnation of God/Logos in the flesh. While he was in the world, he was the light of the world. Fully human yet also fully divine.

    The tribulations both went through because of that make no logical sense from a human perspective. God is an infinite being however and thus, while he gifted us with a portion of his infinite wisdom and creativity, it doesn't put us on his level. Yet he chose to lower himself to our level in his infinite mercy and justice.

    It might come from an EIE but Fulton Sheen did give one hell of a sermon regarding Christ's death and I'd encourage everyone to read/listen to it. I'm not as hardcore and unforgiving as this youtuber on a great many things regarding my own faith, but here he did a good job in his delivery. He may not like Fulton Sheen for being ultimately supportive of Vatican II, but he can and does admit that someone you may not like overall can be so right about something you just have to give them credit where it's due:

    I like your Passion ! No pun Intended ! I really do.

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    Spending all my resources on useless ventures that will make me lose money and have down to minus zero of profits. "Lalala land best capital for your investment! Give all your money and get killed by your debts!!!"

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    I make tables on this stuff. Recently I’m trying to adapt the US army to my war game to see where we’re at with it, and that is pretty good.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alomoes View Post
    I make tables on this stuff. Recently I’m trying to adapt the US army to my war game to see where we’re at with it, and that is pretty good.
    In what way is it good? The tables or the army? Also, if it's the army itself than that involves knowing the commanders and, well, I know of grunts, historians, and have actual family members in the U.S Military and let's just say that while the U.S might have the best darn military "on paper" the top brass is, on all accounts, fucking stupid. Offensively stupid for reasons I won't get into here but yeah.

    You can have the best fighting forces in history with a massive tech advantage to boot but if the leadership is dumb as fuck that doesn't really matter. Plus if we're talking attrition warfare (assuming competent command on both sides) all it really solves for is which side has the larger industrial and population base and well, the "tech advantage" I mentioned isn't all that massive if we're talking the U.S military vs its potential competitors. Our shit is better by a country mile to be sure, but it's not "Bows/muskets vs. Maxim Guns" better if ya catch my drift...

    Then there's the omnipresent issue of "The Button" and how that figures into things. The reason why major warfare between "Nuclear" powers hasn't happened yet is because both sides are fully aware that, in the event of a direct war between, say, England and France, the instant one or the other starts to lose in a big way the mushroom clouds will start blooming and that is a hell of a genie to put back in the bottle.

    I'm dancing around things about as artfully as a cocaine overdosed bull in a China Shop but I hope ya get what I'm trying to say here.

    Point is, you may be sitting on a data point I want and I'd appreciate it if you'd share it with the class. A data point you think makes your arguments and opinions look good but which actually fuel my counter-points to your own...
    Last edited by End; 06-26-2022 at 04:31 AM.

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    Lately, I’ve been able to see how my Te suggestive manifests.

    When I am presented with a practical matter or asked a question regarding one, I don’t know what details are important and what details are not. I tend to either give excessive background on my answer, including a lot of irrelevant details (“you’re beating around the bush, just spit it out”), or I say something very simplistic (“and?”). My brain does not naturally filter through what is relevant and what is not - it all looks the same to me, unless it is something that I can see through Ni will yield no positive impact by paying attention to it.

    Te bases can make me feel really minuscule because they can immediately discern between the two and waste no time paying attention to details deemed irrelevant…or people, for that matter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    Lately, I’ve been able to see how my Te suggestive manifests.

    When I am presented with a practical matter or asked a question regarding one, I don’t know what details are important and what details are not. I tend to either give excessive background on my answer, including a lot of irrelevant details (“you’re beating around the bush, just spit it out”), or I say something very simplistic (“and?”). My brain does not naturally filter through what is relevant and what is not - it all looks the same to me, unless it is something that I can see through Ni will yield no positive impact by paying attention to it.

    Te bases can make me feel really minuscule because they can immediately discern between the two and waste no time paying attention to details deemed irrelevant…or people, for that matter.
    I know someone in my personal life who is like this too, I think it’s understood as Ti-role (or Te-suggestive as you said) trying to emulate a cohesive train of thought but not quite getting the concise and clear statement that Ti-bases have.

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    I can totally relate. Business logic can be challenging to understand, especially regarding the legal and paperwork aspects of running a business. It's common for people to struggle with certain aspects of business, and focusing on your strengths and what comes naturally to you is essential. Everyone has their own way of doing things, and if your methods work for you, that's all that matters. It's important to remember that there are many ways to approach business and that different skills are needed for other aspects of running a company. If you doubt your business strategy, use service evaluating business to improve the profit. Good luck!
    Last edited by tommywash; 03-09-2023 at 01:10 PM.

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