Last edited by necrosebud; 04-14-2023 at 04:02 AM.
CH-EII-1Ne | 4(w5)96 sx/so | ELVF | INFP
Please help my baby dragons grow by clicking on each one!
Hm, not really.
I find all those descriptions very dark and unrelatable, for myself and for anyone else. Nothing here strikes me as something I've seen.
I am so/sp and my writing are very in-my-head. But I attribute it to being LII instead of being so/sp.
Can't speak for the others but I can probably confirm so/sx. I'm either so/sx or sx/so, and I write (creatively I mean) using a very deliberately fantastical style inspired by Tolkien and Anglish (English but with most or all non-Germanic words removed from the lexicon).
A sample of my creative writing:
"I tell you now of that land from whence I have come. Rockfall it iscalled, after the manner of the Rockfall Mountains which sunder itfrom north to south, and part the vast eastern desert from the deepwoods in the west. The trees grow tall and hardy from the slopes ofthe Rockfall Mountains unto the shores of the Eternal Sea, but theyare sparse and small east of the mountains, save for where the GreatLeax River waters the desert along its winding path out of the farmountains to the north and east. My home is stood on the northernbank at that point whereat the Leax in a time long forgotten carveditself a path through the Rockfalls on its road to the Sea. Oft dotravelers rest and refill their stores in that town of Rivershore whoare on their way into or out of the pass, and my kin give themlodging. Where the Leax spills its waters into the Sea was foundedStormwatch the oldest of the three cities and surpassed in size onlyby Harborsted sixty leagues north. Further north still by about fiftyleagues lies Voxford at the edge of the northern wilds. BeyondVoxford the winters grow bitter and long, and giants are said to maketheir homes in those northern mountains. A fortnight’s travelsouthward by foot out of Harborsted will bring a wanderer to theBloodwood. Though of surpassing beauty, that forest is filled withdark enchantment. The trees there grow until they blot out the sun,and their bark is ruddy and thick. To the east, beyond the wide androlling desert between the Rockfalls and the Blue Peaks there lies awatered place between four mountains and seven hills which rise outof the sands; a haven guarded by beautiful and strange walls whosemakers are not known."
Edit: Copy/pasting made the formatting weird. I'm sorry, but I'm too lazy to fix all the spaces it took out lol
“Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
— James Russell Lowell猫が生き甲斐
I’m glad you seem to like my writing, in a way — though I regret that I’m usually lazy about it. That being said, I always figured I was so/sx. I think someone else has also mentioned they think I seem sp-first, so I’m curious; can you explain what about me or my writing style seems sp-like, beyond what you mentioned? I haven’t read much about instincts, so feel free to overexplain.
This conception definitely would not hold true, especially for IEI and SEI, which can be So first... And Sx with some enne types, like 9.. I misread.. I thought you said IP, still would not though.. ESI can be Sx first.. I can see why people would think this for EII and LSI.. But you still can have deviation, and you can see Sx 5 EII and So5 LII, sometimes sx1 LSI, though rarity.
I think it mostly is true for EII and LSI, to some extent LII, but that is more he way, and ESI definitely no, is versatile.
Last edited by Braingel; 06-14-2021 at 12:41 PM. Reason: I just realized I misread
I am in my head; not society.
Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am. Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).
My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…
Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum
My favorite adult Museum Exhibits
I mean there is grain of truth in statement; LSI and EII very often are Sp first. Sp1 or 6 (LDI), and Sp4 or 5 (EII) respectively.. Very seldom will you see an EII that is Sx, unless they are 9.. Possibly 5. But yes, it is too much a generality and is vacuous when trying factor in all.
I am in my head; not society.
Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am. Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).
My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…
Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum
My favorite adult Museum Exhibits
Sp/sx instinct makes me good at sending hot messages. This was true feedback lol
I have met with LSIs and EIIs with so first, I have met with LSIs sx first. When you met with lots of members of the same type, other typology factors become more apparent. I understand why people see some correlation and there might be but other instinctual orders are not that uncommon as people think so.
LSI so ofcourse will not be like ExFx so, especially if they are sosp, people may not think they are so first due to their main type, their instinct could be more distinguishable compared to other members of their own type. Again, e5 so is different than e3 so e2 so.
Haruki Murakami's writing has always struck me as SX-blind. (not based on this thread) opinions?
My writing style is none of the above