Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
I gave the reference and you or anybody can look it up and check his descriptions and arguments and take a few days or weeks to read it through and think about it.

The base function is the most comfortable to use, that's true. But when the person seems to identify with the base function to the point that the real personality disappears, that's neurotic. When I say "identify" I mean it literally, in the case of Fe the person becomes nothing more than a constant flow of opinions or manipulations that come and go. There is "nobody home". That's very different from healthy Fe use that is warm and social.
As a disclaimer, I'm not arguing against your logic or intelligence here.

I hear ya but Fe isn't, in it's essence, just warm & social. It has flaws naturally within it which is why Ti is required to balance it out. I do get what you mean by solely identifying with the lead to the point of detriment. However, people in many ways actually are their lead function. The lead is the program & the other functions are just there to support it. Saying "the real self disappears" because somebody identifies too much with the lead is strange to me. The real self is too tied to the lead for the real self to disappear for that reason

A person might not be likable when they go lead overload & they might annoy others but that doesn't mean the real self has disappeared or they are psychologically unhealthy. Just means they need to f'ing balance. Guess I just disagree with Jung here. I've seen folk overuse their lead like you're saying. Never got the impression the self went MIA