The MGTOW people are obviously not right in their heads, they're not "normal" and neither are people who get into them.
I agree they're not 'right in the heads', but who is? "Normal" really isn't a standard of health to me.

And people are individuals, let's not forget that. We all make our own choices. Some males go their own way and just live out sad mediocre lives. Some males go their own way and might even be happy & successful even tho society tells ppl you have to have this heteronormative union to be truly fulfilled. Some males go their own way- and then come back around again to a woman. Like I said, they're not 'going their own way' as much as waiting their own turn. And of course, some males go their own way so they can become creepy serial killers of women that the authorities hunt down. I think you're painting a group of people by too broad of a brush stroke (like I have done in the past with women- sorry I'm being kind of hypocritical but it doesn't make me wrong.)