Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
I worked with her a lot. Some xEEs mood can change a lot in extreme ways. She was generally loud, bold and entertaining, however, there were times that she was moody and cruel,
Hmm...I can't imagine what that must be like...

I think IEEs lose their motivation so much more easily than SEEs and other types. You have to praise them to keep their motivation high. In my current workplace, there is SLE in other department, he has bad beef with our manager. So he sometimes point out that the work our department has done isn't enough to change the perception of people, it is just a manipulation. IEE stops working. I do some work that get recognized. IEE stops working. She is having an affair with our manager, if she works just a little bit, he would do his best to carry her to the top, but she does nothing

This job I was talking about earlier with the IEE, was like that. I do the same thing. Our manager was so demanding and manipulative, the other members loved her and thought she was so sweet, I couldn't stand her. She would always treat me differently from everyone else no matter how nice I was to her, I always thought it was because she wasn't personally involved in my hiring. Everyone else in the office had a problem with the lady though, we were just the unlucky ones to work under her.

We would work 60-80 hours and they would just ask for more. The IEE was technically above me, which I found humiliating because he was such an idiot (welcome to the real world lol) but he had to work way longer hours than me. Very little appreciation for going above and beyond, it was just expected.

When I realized there was no future there I started looking for jobs and not doing anything. I left and when I told her I accepted another position she was livid and acted even more cold.

Edit: My point was that I understand the IEE and SEE in your story. I would feel and behave similarly.