Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

Well realistically we can't ever go back of course. Maybe some people way high in the Illuminati have this power but most of us don't? lol. So you gotta accept it and move on- and the brain subconsciously will help a person sort this stuff over time I think. Unless the abuse really is too bad and scarring but I mean that's why the prison system was invented and I'm not too big on punishment as a solution (imnsho that's more of a Te/Fi ego thing) but it's probably deserved in some cases. Lots of people who hurt others have been hurt themselves though so by killing the perpetrator in the name of justice you're also sadly killing the little boy/girl nobody thought they could save. I guess sometimes this is necessary though to balance the cosmic scales or whatever.

Hmm this is related to a lot of other stuff too. I think you have to let things happen naturally in a lot of ways and not try to 're-create' anything that was lost as it's like a dark necormancy in the bad way and it won't be the same magic as it was once anyway. Hollyweird should REALLY understand this with how they are re-making all this stuff instead of being original. And not like you can naively pretend something shitty happened when it was shitty and it did happen. Better to process through it naturally instead of sugar coating everything.

I see your point but I'm not sure a person's mind & reality are always entirely symbiotic. One man's trash is another man's treasure but what if that "treasure" is slowly fucking you over psychologico

If a person grew up being yelled at & internalized it, as an adult they could subconsciously associate that behavior with love, passion or caring. Should that person one day meet a calm, understanding person, they'd be unmoved. The conditioning they experienced as a child would pre-empt the goodwill. The person would not "feel" love unless it came in the form of hostility.

I def hear ya, though. Your take shouldn't be ignored