Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
I don't think watching the game requires any specialized function at all.

Thinking types can have feelings, or primitive use of the feeling function. That's different. But differentiated, conscious use of the feeling function is another story.

Jung simply noticed that there are psychological functions in the psyche that follow some patterns and can be used to formulate a typology. It's not a theory of personality, because personality is so much more complex, but a practical way to classify people.
Well see, the problem with Socionics and all the other Jungian-based systems is having this illusion that we are "utilizing" functions. Such as "We are 'using' Si to watch TV". But what all functions are doing is that they're referring back to observations. Functions are descriptive categorizations of observable external behaviors, not an exploration of explanatory logic hidden underneath the surface that ultimately drive behaviors.

You can't describe the programming source code by just observing the behavior of the software that appears on the screen. You can only describe the source code by well, looking at the source code. And even then, that requires the understanding of the overall logic of the source code, which ultimately can't be observed.

So what is the "source code" of the human mind? It's the logic that drives human thoughts and behavior.