Quote Originally Posted by fatgurl View Post
I tend to take criticism personally when it's about an insecurity. I've had one insecurity throughout my life that I've had people comment on a lot and I always react every defensively. Even if the criticism is from a stranger or somebody who likes me, I just can't see past that. In my mind it's like " why can't people just accept me the way I am and stop trying to change me". And even though it has caused struggles in my life and people are just trying to help by giving me constructive criticism, it just always feels like a personal attack.
Maybe the insecurity you mention is not something that can be changed. And maybe that's fine. Often when something about a person does not correspond to the image of a "normal" person, people will try to change that even when it is not negative, people will see it as a handicap in life and this tends to make the person feel handicapped in a way.

I'm kind of speaking from my personal experience here. Maybe your experience is different.