Quote Originally Posted by Stray Cat View Post
Partially. I was asking why one prefers base over ignoring, in specific detail. Of course we're wired a certain way but I was curious about the how's, why's & personal accounts if people wanted to share.

Your post is relevant. You're free to explain how you concretely deal with your base/ignoring dichotomy. Sounds awesome
hm, okay. I wasn't sure how to think about what you wrote, so thanks.

The way I see Ne is that it holds infinite potential, but you gotta stop at some point or you will go nowhere... or a little everywhere. It's more of a search for a path that leads me to brainstorm or seek ideas. I feel like I'm going in a straight line, but looking back, it's twists and turns. I know I have better Ne than I should, C subtype sounds like a good explaination to me. I'm also a 9, so seeking all perceptions in a quest for peace is a big thing for me. Is it working? Not always, lol.
Sometimes tho I get stuck in too many possibilities, there's so many paths with about equal advantages and disadvantages that I don't know where to go. None strike me as more practical or more usefull, while I don't know if I want any option. I do better when "stuck" on a path to carry it out than pick one.
I also think about Ne that it's not because you can that you should, tho it can be applied easily to all functions. Ne stuff is more of a mean to an end, I used to ask people for their favorite color so I'd brainstorm an idea for a drawing. Well, brainstorm, write down a list of words until one inspired me.
At the same time as I see the importance of many ideas and possibilities, because life doesn't always go how you want it to, I prefer to commit to something and adjust later.
I don't like people telling me I have creative or innovative ideas, it's not the point, I'm going somewhere with this. I can talk wide about a topic, and all nuances are aimed to redirect to the essence. Doesn't always work, lol.
I drop a path when it leads nowhere, or when the obstacles aren't worth what's behind them; I mourn the path. I don't like very much jumping between ideas and going over a bunch fast, I'm a slow thinker and I like diving in one topic at a time.
Slow thinker... I mean, slow, end of line, lol.
I do have a fast mode too, but it's more in doing things.