Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
That was what I was trying to say originally. In my case, I often prefer one thing to another because it makes more logical sense in some way. For instance, I used to love the 1980s, and this was a logical choice because of all the innovative stuff that came out in that decade. I remember watching a CNN documentary on computers in 'The Eighties' series, and man was that decade innovative wrt technology and computers. I.e., the 1980s fit my quadra values very well in some ways, and hence why I liked it.
Here is the episode: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6u63wu. (I know the technology looks old, but think of how new this was compared to what came out before, and how much was coming out compared to prior decades... i.e. it was 'ahead of its time.')