It's just that you're unable to come up with a decision without emotions

How Only Being Able to Use Logic to Make Decisions Destroyed a Man’s Life

What was even more confounding is that Elliot could think up lots of options for a decision. When given assignments of assessing ethics (like whether or not to steal something for his family, Les Miserables–style), business (like whether to buy or sell a stock), or social goals (like making friends in a new neighborhood), he did great. But, even with all the idea generation, he could not choose effectively, or choose at all. “I began to think that the cold-bloodedness of Elliot’s reasoning prevented him from assigning different values to different options,” Damasio writes, “and made his decision-making landscape hopelessly flat.”
If "T types" were as emotionless as it is claimed, then it would contradict the discovery that a man who lost his ability to feel emotions were unable to make any decisions at all. It also doesn't have much to do with the ability to understand ethics. Which would suggest that ethics can be rationally understood.

So things like "Like/love" and "Dislike/hate" seem to put ranked orders of values on things. We are attracted to things that we like, we make choices based on things that we like or feel good about. It's just not really clear how those choices are being made by our feelings. Why do we pick choice A over choice B? Why do we choose person A over B?