Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
I figured why ILEs (and SLEs) can have a distaste for likes/dislikes as their PoLR function (it came as a 'eureka' moment):

Likes and dislikes are an emotional phenomena. Fi-vulnerable types have weak/unvalued emotions in that position in their psyche. Fi-vulnerable types may therefore not be able feel emotions very well, and therefore not be able to determine what they like or dislike. People questioning them about this might make them upset. This would therefore be their vulnerable function.

That makes a lot of sense. The only caveat is that Fi-PoLR can manifest itself in other ways:

- not being able to determine what is morally right/wrong, and therefore having to decide about moral issues might be painful.
- not being able to determine the distance of one's relations very well.
- being weak emotionally in other ways.

You see? It makes a lot of sense why someone Fi-PoLR would have problems with likes/dislikes. The problem is that there are other possibilities as to how Fi-PoLR could manifest itself... However, the idea that likes/dislikes can be Fi then makes sense...
Blaablaablaa. Fe mobilizing types do not really handle their own moods that they internalize. Hence they have depressive episodes which is not really indicative of a depression as an illness but inner moody dramatics that wrecks havoc in their own state.