Quote Originally Posted by jason_m View Post
The problem for me is: how do you differentiate between being drawn to something because it is interesting (Ne) vs. liking it emotionally (Fi)? I cannot differentiate between those two processes. I also find it unusual that someone would find something interesting (Ne) but not be drawn to it - even if they are Ti. By definition, how could something be interesting to you, but there is no attachment to it? The more interesting, the more the attachment, the less interesting, the less the attachment. That is how it should work. If one is not attached and only interested for practical reasons, then they are using Te and not Ti. That is the problem I have with the theory.
Ne is a perception elements. It is perceptional, it doesn't make any judgement.

Ne is the static internal of objects: It perceives the internal essence of objects. That's Ne.

Ne itself doesn't make judgements. However, from the perspective of other people, a Ne type might seem to be interested in a lot of things. This is because that Ne is in need of fulfillment that it is keep perceiving the essence of various objects. It's not judgemental.