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Thread: Psychosophy - On the topic of sensors with 4th physics

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    MidnightWilderness's Avatar
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    Default Psychosophy - On the topic of sensors with 4th physics

    Being a 4th physics sensor myself, I wondered if anyone had met a sensor that was 4th physics as well. It seems to be a rare thing, or at least the people who are 4th physics get wrongly mistyped by others or by themselves. It is probably so that I neglected my Si until I became weak at using it correctly, owing to my general confusion, as most sensors who will not be mistyped or mistype themselves seem to have either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd physics.

    This is why I seem to be generally low at Si @Alive , but am still a SEI, I think it is important to note the place of the functions by the energy spent into them. Socionists should really look into perfecting the idea of a priority system in others, I think it would help clear up some mistypings by those less experienced with Socionics. In its current form, psychosophy is too crude to be used quite yet in tandem with socionics, but I hope others will understand the significant importance of psychosophy in the development of Socionics.

    Please share any times you have met a sensor with 4th physics and how they differ from others of their kind with higher physics.

    "When describing the representatives of such a combination, it is important to note that the manifestation of sensing is influenced not only by the low position of Physics, but also by the general level of human energy. As is known from Afanasyev's typology, the type "Akhmatov" has the 4th Physics. In a stressful situation, the 4th function is discarded, like the tail of a lizard, a person concentrates and directs his energy to solving problems through higher, more priority functions: often the superprocess of the 3rd function becomes a "funnel" for energy from the 4th function.

    We at the Research Institute of Socionics believe that in order to diagnose a person with such a combination on the basis of "intuition - sensing", it is very important to pay attention to whether he is in a situation of prolonged stress at the time of diagnosis. Even if, and + are strong functions, adequate perception, processing and delivery of information on them occurs in a normal way only if a person has a sufficient supply of physical energy.

    Sensory perception is filled with experience and develops when the necessary conditions are created for this: the owner of such a combination must definitely develop the habit of high-quality rest after heavy physical and mental stress, not neglect the alarming signals from his own body, and carry out prevention. Sensors understand how to create these conditions well.

    What is the portrait of a low Physics sensor? From the above, it follows that if this person has the habit of regularly listening to "his" sensing, does not allow large overloads, replenishes the reserves of physical energy on time - then, and + are adequately filled with him, develop harmoniously. Such a sensing person is “friendly” with his body, the sensing system functions normally at the physical level - in the ID block. Sensory intelligence at the intellectual level - in the EGO block - serves as a solid basis for decision-making. Cooking, cleaning, manual labor - everything is here at the right acceptable level.

    If we talk about the appearance: complexion - rather asthenics or normosthenics; in clothes there is a good fit, harmonious combination of colors, attention to convenience and comfort. Women's jewelry and accessories will not be as massive and flashy as those of high Physics sensors, but they will be well chosen.

    And a completely different picture can be observed when, for some reason, the owner of such a combination cannot get out of stress. If Physics regularly appears in place of the "tail" thrown off under stress, then a person, despite the possibility of expert work on sensing, is not able to use it - there are no resources. In the case of distress [1], the situation becomes more and more aggravated, and even if Physics was the 3rd function, then it can also be "discarded", i.e. largely excluded from the general mechanism of energy processing. There is a lack of sensory information: themes of comfort, well-being, beauty, status, issues of protecting the territory - slip out of the attention zone, are partially processed or completely ignored.

    And what will happen if a person has been in this state for a week, month, year, or even several years? There is no need to talk about the harmonious development of sensing if a person did not turn on Physics in a stressful situation, too little experience has been accumulated on it, and an insufficient amount of information has been processed to confidently use sensing in his life. There may even be some "skewedness" in the work of the blocks: if the sensorics is inert, then in order to cover it up, the creative function in the EGO and the realizing (background) function in the ID will intensively "plow"; if it is productive, then the work will be undertaken by the basic one in the EGO and the restrictive one in the ID. In this place - logic or ethics. And no matter how strong these functions are, they have their endurance limit. And as you know, the psyche insures itself against overloads, including with the help of outputs on diagonal imperatives. Rational functions will work unusually a lot, and since they work in blocks necessarily in tandem with an irrational function, weak intuition will turn on due to the incorrect operation of the sensorics. This can also cause the mask to grow, which also does not simplify the diagnosis. It will seem to a person that he is actively using his intuition, although in fact he lives not free and is overloaded.

    What is characteristic of the appearance of a sensor with low Physics, which is under prolonged stress? In a very neglected case - unnatural thinness, or vice versa - overweight, and this fullness is edematous, loose. Such people may often notice that their palms and feet are cold, even during the warmer months. In women, one can observe a weakened attention to accessories, jewelry, or even neglect of them. Experiments with color are rarely found in clothes, there are no bright shades, or even a disregard for beauty and aesthetics is simply observed. Small bruises, it is unclear when and where the abrasions came from - are also frequent companions in sensorics with such a combination.

    For the reasons described, such a sensory person willingly accepts the version of his intuition. Basically, according to the principle - by contradiction: my sensorics are weak, which means my intuition is strong. But strong intuition still need to prove. For this it is not enough "punctures" on the sensor.

    In the case when the diagnostician nevertheless sees the improper state of the person, the weakness of his intuition, concrete thinking and voices the version of the sensing, the reaction of the diagnosed person can be sharp. "Why am I sensory if I hate cooking?" "How can I be a sensory person if my food is constantly burning, I go and collect joints everywhere?" “I am distracted, I forget to eat ...” “I hate cleaning, I have neither the strength nor the desire, I come home after work and fall” - you can hear such phrases that can mislead the diagnostician. Here it is very important to draw the attention of the diagnosed to the fact that it is necessary to "separate" the basic concepts: informational metabolism and energy exchange, and to give recommendations for the restoration of physical condition."

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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I know one ESI with a PhD in Physics and a second ESI with a PhD in Astrophysics. It happens.

    And, of course, there is ESI Astrophysicist Brian May.

    Sensors all.

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    Well yes of course there are 4th physics sensors, I know that, but this is mostly just to see the differences in mannerisms between the higher physics and 4th physics. Think of it as just trying to see how the theory of 4th physics works and how it manifests in sensing types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Well yes of course there are 4th physics sensors, I know that, but this is mostly just to see the differences in mannerisms between the higher physics and 4th physics. Think of it as just trying to see how the theory of 4th physics works and how it manifests in sensing types.

    Sorry. I only skimmed your post and misinterpreted the meaning of your use of the word "Physics".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Sorry. I only skimmed your post and misinterpreted the meaning of your use of the word "Physics".
    I see what you did there

    Another joke goes over my head...

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    I see what you did there

    Another joke goes over my head...
    No, I genuinely missed your meaning. In my rush to respond, I didn't read your post carefully. Another example of an LIE "Ready-Fire-Aim".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    No, I genuinely missed your meaning. In my rush to respond, I didn't read your post carefully. Another example of an LIE "Ready-Fire-Aim".
    Ohh I see... As usual LIE here to talk about how their duals are so awesome that they can even do astrophysics.

    At some point I have to make a separate thread for them, my boyfriend's father is one and if I ever meet him I don't want things to turn nuclear or uncomfortable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Ohh I see... As usual LIE here to talk about how their duals are so awesome that they can even do astrophysics.

    At some point I have to make a separate thread for them, my boyfriend's father is one and if I ever meet him I don't want things to turn nuclear or uncomfortable.
    If you meet your BF's father and he is LIE then just be nice and don't talk too much. That should keep things good all around. He should do the same thing, but he probably won't.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    If you meet your BF's father and he is LIE then just be nice and don't talk too much. That should keep things good all around. He should do the same thing, but he probably won't.
    Oh no, luckily he doesn't know English and I don't know Russian.
    Fortunately it is also easy for me not to talk as I have difficulty speaking (even in English).

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