Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
I was attracted to this girl at a starbucks and we started talking. We have a really good conversation and she ended up being ESE, and the Si/Ne banter was alot of fun. I was at startbux waiting for a ride so I looked out the window a few times when talking to her, no big deal. She was SUPER expressive and that made me feel like she was really into me, I even got her number at the end, but 2 things threw me off about her despite us having the best conversation I had with a stranger in a while. 1. She showed me a video I seen before and when I said "Oh yea I've seen this one!" she immediately sulked and was like "You're not supposed to say that."....like, she wanted me to act surprised like I've never seen it before, so lie basically, to make her feel good. And 2. because we where having such a good time talking, she caught me looking out the window checking for to see if my ride was here and she yelled, "DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE?!", like full blown yelled at me, a stranger, all I could say was, 0.o? Probably just Fe, probably mental instability, to me it seemed like both, you don't yell at a whole stranger for something so stupid like that. Anyway, I still got her number even if she was nuts.
Hey man, you're the one that went to starbucks.