Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
My social circle is not huge but I type friends of friends when I can. I think you’re probably more likely to go for a semi-dual/illusionary if you’re from a middle class background/quite successful in life? Or had semi-dual/ illusionary parents..Duals seem common for any type of person but tends to be people putting them self out there in life
I'm actually the kind of person who likes to put myself out there.
And I genuinely like meeting new interesting people. I could meet a new person and end up talking with him for an hour or 2, just like meeting an old friend.
But I hate online dating haha.

My social circle is huge, I've been popular since school age, seriously, everyone knows my name and I know everybody. But I actually don't like being too close to people.
So yeah, basically I have many friends but I don't like being too close even to my close friends. Lol. I don't know, maybe it's the inferior-Fi. And maybe that's why I love meeting new people, because can I get closer quickly, but not too close (which I like), because they're new anyway.