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    Quote Originally Posted by Exodus View Post
    And then you have his descriptions which have ridiculously specific and sometimes borderline racist details about VI.
    lol. Socionics as borderline phrenology.

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    People don't like Gulenko because they don't understand Gulenko.

    I personally think Gulenko's theory is probably wrong, but that's not a good reason to hate Gulenko. You don't go around hating everyone just because you disagree with them.

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    He’s just too hippyish, but SOME of his ideas (his book) have enough clarity that they might convince someone of the validity of socionics. All of the socionists are hippyish but that’s because psychology was still relatively new back in the 70s and wasn’t taken as seriously as it is now. People were becoming more socially aware- aware of equal rights and opportunities, but I think psychology was still seen as something new and not something that could help the average person. Things like enneagram/horoscopes became popular because they could easily fit bits of new psychological knowledge within their structures. And they were accessible.

    Obviously socionics can improve. But it can’t just be like a horoscope description, it needs to be factual. You need concrete data in order to produce more concrete data…so for example let’s say a fact about SLI is that they can get really stressed out about health concerns. (I know an SLI guy who had an operation and has had lots of complications after which sound like they could be anxiety related). A therapist who knew about socionics/ SLIs might be able to help calm him down..and you end up with therapists who become specialists in understanding different manifestations of type relating to environmental and personal circumstances. Facts would help people understand themselves..and manage their weaknesses better. How do you get facts? I don’t know. But we do as a world have a good understanding of how people generally work- Shakespeare understood the complexities of how a human being’s mind works. We have the facts already- we just need to split them between 16 types!

    @Rebelondeck talked about using ‘modern control system theory’ to advance socionics. I don’t know what that is but I’m guessing that’s what he meant. You use information you already have, and then apply filters (information you do know about the types) and you keep doing this until you narrow down to tight descriptions/ different ways of grouping the types. He also thought about types in terms of temperament or something..again, thinking about what goes in and what goes out. Thinking about the core structures of what makes a type a type. Being an anxious and vulnerable person when I came to socionics- the basics were what I needed. When socionics goes mainstream it will help people like me, because it strips people down to their basics- shows people in their equalness. It has the power to do that anyway. I was sitting talking to a young LII colleague at work trying to explain why I’m less affected by conflict that i used to be (without telling her about socionics). People develop confidences at different rates…it’s an illusion. Socionics can tell you your strengths and you can convince someone you’re more confident than you actually are.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 11-12-2022 at 09:11 AM.

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    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Gulenko has done lots of good things. DCNH is imo a huge contribution to typology. The main challenge now is that people need to go back in time 100 years and read Jung and meditate on his descriptions and understand them. It's not easy in our extraverted culture, but Socionics will never improve if the function aren't better understood than now. For this to happen people need to develop their own introversion, and that's not an easy task. The situation now is that Jung is undervalued or misunderstood.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  5. #5


    Because people don't usually like those who disagree with them.

    Ego, partially/sometimes. It all turns into a competition about who is right.

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    Because it's not a science and you can't prove anything. And so people will always disagree.

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    You can prove can’t prove God but you can prove facts- we are not animals, we have brains that are capable of observing and studying, learning. I think we all need to go back to school again.

    there are lots of things we know today which we didn’t know hundreds of years ago, people get paid to research and create new knowledge
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 11-12-2022 at 01:22 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    You can prove can’t prove God but you can prove facts- we are not animals, we have brains that are capable of observing and studying, learning. I think we all need to go back to school again.

    there are lots of things we know today which we didn’t know hundreds of years ago, people get paid to research and create new knowledge
    Sure, but facts aren't socionics and socionics isn't scientific research. It's not set up to be falsifiable. It's based on perception and perspective, which is not scientific. It is subjective.

    ^ Or what Too Deep said.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Popcorn View Post
    Sure, but facts aren't socionics and socionics isn't scientific research. It's not set up to be falsifiable. It's based on perception and perspective, which is not scientific. It is subjective.

    ^ Or what Too Deep said.
    not if you read every single comment @Rebelondeck wrote about the types…the things he said were objective. He was just a wise person. I thought of him as the Shakespeare of socionics. And if studied long enough everyone could come up with lots of general truths- I ain’t gonna do that lol.

    We have enough knowledge about people (via study of humanities and sciences) to use as a baseline to split the types into categories with decent, descriptions which feel true to life.

    Rebel did a thing were he said things about the types which showed how they each saw things from their own perspective, different perspectives are ok..I might not be explaining that well what I want to say escapes me. (Edit: he said general truths as well as explaining things from different perspectives)

    It could be factual one day, or far more factual.

    Humans are complicated, but not that complicated.

    also, type is a core part of a person, it’s like an imprint of how the first humans evolved..and it comes into existence when it meets the world..(other types/ basic structures of society) It’s always been there, we just weren’t looking for it. I suppose types will change a little over time, but I think there are things about humans which are pretty timeless..

    but yeah socionics as it is, isn’t factual I agree.


    It’s random people’s observations, (subjective like you say) using some useful data produced by Jung..? But it never really took should be more theoretical…not so open-ended. Different models, studies, apply existing knowledge of other fields/existing psychological knowledge. I like Gulenko’s book but he relies too much on DCNH. DCNH will never be provable, and therefore it’s not useful in the long run..
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 11-16-2022 at 08:13 AM.

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    So I think I get what you are saying and I think that's why Socionics is still around. People do find it useful and I'm sure that if someone considers a lot of perspectives, they will get better insights and use out of applying it and in a way have a more "objective" understanding of socionics, even if I don't like using that word that way.

    But that's also its problem. How do I know how someone else is understanding things? I can only infer their thoughts, often incorrectly (especially if I don't know someone very well), unless they explicitly state them. And even then, people often lie, even to themselves, for one reason or another. It becomes almost impossible for people to confer their perspectives and thoughts to others because humans are not built to do that. We hide our thoughts and say what we want or over-simplify/conclude information for one reason or another. And this puts almost nothing out in the open and twists the full truth into a narrative or conclusion, no matter how many perspectives we may have considered. This inability of truly knowing another person's subjectivity and the full information they are working with, along with the subjective nature of forming our own conclusions about messy and often disconnected information means we can't be truly objective when dealing with others or even ourselves. And if that's the case, then how do we know when we are wrong about anything? We can't and don't, hence the conflict. It's just human nature. There is no difference in politics, religion, or philosophy. But if you then want to make Socionics more scientific and less subjective, I would think you need to find a way to control for all of these things so that when people do disagree on things, it can be more clearly investigated what is right and/or wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Popcorn View Post
    But if you then want to make Socionics more scientific and less subjective, I would think you need to find a way to control for all of these things so that when people do disagree on things, it can be more clearly investigated what is right and/or wrong.
    very true. My only advice to any new person who thinks socionics is a bit… to read Rebel’s posts and his articles over on (Articles by I/O). I read it all, forgot it…but it comes back to me when I need it. But I had needed it…I was a bit sheltered in some ways. Socionics as it is will not seem useful to everyone. I told a friend about socionics and he simply said he has too many other things he wants to read about…i found Rebel’s posts early and I knew that was the only way it would be useful to me. Now I can appreciate Gulenko’s book but I have Rebel’s posts to compare it with, and contextualise it..

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    People dont like G because G type them as something else. And this creates two groups of people, one group thinks other group is blind G followers and other group thinks other group is blind herd follower.

    The thing that causes this division that everyone generally has some perception about other people's type mainly that are based on self typing of that person. If that person majorly typed as some other type then most think thats their type.

    Which is quite normal, because when you see something and you start to make your mind about how it is true. And since that person also believes that they are that type, they are giving info about why and how they are type and disregard most things that doesnt fit to that. Everyone of us do this to some extent.

    Certain things that I see:

    Person type themselves as X: I do A.
    Everyone: Oh yeah X types do A.
    Person type themselves as Y: I do A.
    *Criket noises*

    Person type themselves as X: I HATE B function so much, I HATE IT, fuck B people

    Person type themselves as X doing B valuing even can be B-dom.

    But person believes they are not since everyone is also confirming that on typology communities.

    Problem starts when G types that person. It seems like out of nowhere. Although if a person looks carefully there could be some signs.

    But again if someone were to bring those, then person may think they only think that way due to confirmation bias and other party can argue that they mistyped themselves due to confirmations bias. Again it is very super valid that both parties thinking that about each other. So some people think others are G followers and some think that others are herd followers.

    Main thing that causes this misconceptions running around, self typing effect and unable to distinguish persona/outer layer of a person from their core type. And remembering that you dont even see most people so you only read what they think about themselves.

    Shattering misconceptions can be good for everyone who likes and dislikes G. But I dont think there is too much to do with self typing effect and persona effect.

    Since people are typed as EIE and LSI the most, there is not much info flowing regarding his system.

    PS: I dont understand how there is this much EIE and LSI typed by G but they still have problems understanding persona effect.
    Last edited by myresearch; 11-13-2022 at 01:15 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    People dont like G because G type them as something else. And this creates two groups of people, one group thinks other group is blind G followers and other group thinks other group is blind herd follower.

    The thing that causes this division that everyone generally has some perception about other people's type mainly that are based on self typing of that person. If that person majorly typed as some other type then most think thats their type.

    Which is quite normal, because when you see something and you start to make your mind about how it is true. And since that person also believes that they are that type, they are giving info about why and how they are type and disregard most things that doesnt fit to that. Everyone of us do this to some extent.

    Certain things that I see:

    Person type themselves as X: I do A.
    Everyone: Oh yeah X types do A.
    Person type themselves as Y: I do A.
    *Criket noises*

    Person type themselves as X: I HATE B function so much, I HATE IT, fuck B people

    Person type themselves as X doing B valuing even can be B-dom.

    But person believes they are not since everyone is also confirming that on typology communities.

    Problem starts when G types that person. It seems like out of nowhere. Although if a person looks carefully there could be some signs.

    But again if someone were to bring those, then person may think they only think that way due to confirmation bias and other party can argue that they mistyped themselves due to confirmations bias. Again it is very super valid that both parties thinking that about each other. So some people think others are G followers and some think that others are herd followers.

    Main thing that causes this misconceptions running around, self typing effect and unable to distinguish persona/outer layer of a person from their core type. And remembering that you dont even see most people so you only read what they think about themselves.

    Shattering misconceptions can be good for everyone who likes and dislikes G. But I dont think there is too much to do with self typing effect and persona effect.

    Since people are typed as EIE and LSI the most, there is not much info flowing regarding his system.

    PS: I dont understand how there is this much EIE and LSI typed by G but they still have problems understanding persona effect.
    I was sort of overly cautious. Let's say EIE was always on the table but the amount external dissonance was vast. Who is right? Do I let people define me? Do I influence people so much that I believe them because they get influenced by me? As per persona. I still have a scientific mind in certain ways and I have had most of my life and it has high standards. That is sort of core. Hence good luck using handing waving opinions as irrefutable facts on me (and I can take this typology as subjective but I seek some sort of solid validity).
    Winning is for losers


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    I was sort of overly cautious. Let's say EIE was always on the table but the amount external dissonance was vast.
    Noted. I havent written that thinking individuals but as a general thing btw.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Who is right? Do I let people define me?
    That's certainly problematic, in the vast of misconceptions, I dont expect anyone to do that nor they should. But from what I get, it is good to question yourself once in a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Do I influence people so much that I believe them because they get influenced by me? As per persona. I still have a scientific mind in certain ways and I have had most of my life and it has high standards. That is sort of core.
    If we are going to do this about you, since you know this and type yourself as EIE and since you can see that not every EIE is like you or some other person in this regard, you can understand that those things doesnt make the type that type and look for things that make the type that type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sanguine Miasma View Post
    Hence good luck using handing waving opinions as irrefutable facts on me (and I can take this typology as subjective but I seek some sort of solid validity).
    You better watch out

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    I'm pretty sure people don't like being called victims and infantiles, I guess. That's kind of fetishistic.

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    The language in Gulenko’s book seems ok too, I mean the translation. Professional, at least.

    but things will always be lost in translation unless you have a more succinct format for defining types. His ITR are ok, (need to check what he says about super-ego, how can no one have observed that super-ego can be ok?). In general they expand a little on the basic descriptions on

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    The language in Gulenko’s book seems ok too, I mean the translation. Professional, at least.

    but things will always be lost in translation unless you have a more succinct format for defining types. His ITR are ok, (need to check what he says about super-ego, how can no one have observed that super-ego can be ok?). In general they expand a little on the basic descriptions on
    A good number of marriages are based on super-ego relations. They can work out, but can be a bit harder/more work than just getting with someone in the same or adjacent quadra, and rely a lot on similar interests and values, goals, etc. to maintain more easily. People are naturally attracted to it because, being the opposite quadra, they appear kind of intriguing.
    I think I remember that Gulenko also says that super-ego is fine, too.

    EDIT: From Super-ego relations - Wikisocion

    V.V. Gulenko, A.V. Molodtsev, “Introduction to socionics”
    There are relations of mutual respect. Superego means “super-I”. One superego partner is perceived as a distant and somewhat mysterious ideal. His mannerisms and way of thinking inspire interest. At large distances, these relations are often outwardly cool while internally partners often develop mutual sympathies and affection for one another. If there is no common topic for conversation, which would be interesting for both partners, communication carries rather formal character. There is desire to express one’s point of view rather than to listen to your partner. This happens because the topic of conversation often falls in the area of strong functions of one partner that are weak in another, listening to which is uninteresting. This creates an impression that your partner understands and is interested in you, even though you suspect that this interest is shallow.

    When the distance grows closer, the nature of these relations takes on a new, less pleasant undertone. In words, understanding usually remains good, especially with matching subtypes. But in deeds it is as if the partner does everything to frustrate you. Partners either fail to inform each other about their intentions, or do not listen to each other closely. Thus they end up doing the opposite of what their partner had expected of them. This can cause many arguments and conflict, but even in this case internal affection towards one’s partner does not disappear or even diminish. Hope that the ideal is still achievable persists.

    Extraversion-introversion of partners has significant effect on these relations. In a pair of two extraverts, one is usually dissatisfied that the other pays too little attention to him and is too preoccupied with outside matters. In a pair of introverts, it is the opposite case, one partner feels that the other is too intrusive and clingy, and doesn’t leave him alone. In both cases this results in misunderstandings and quarrels.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Manatroid92 View Post
    A good number of marriages are based on super-ego relations. They can work out, but can be a bit harder/more work than just getting with someone in the same or adjacent quadra, and rely a lot on similar interests and values, goals, etc. to maintain more easily. People are naturally attracted to it because, being the opposite quadra, they appear kind of intriguing.
    I think I remember that Gulenko also says that super-ego is fine, too.

    EDIT: From Super-ego relations - Wikisocion

    Yes, my thoughts are that super-ego relations can be very good..but the caveat is that it may not work unless both people have a lot of relationship experience. But in a purely cognitive sense they are strong. Like semi-dual.

    people may meet people from the quadra more easily..maybe it’s easy to ‘spot’ a ‘good’ quadra member..but doesn’t mean they are the best long term.I think Gulenko/socionics spots trends..but doesn’t challenge why they exist. It’s better to know exactly the cognitive strengths of relations and their potential?

    Mirror relations for example seem ok between sei/ese. I know a few couples. But they are successful individuals. I think they work because the individuals are very capable people..not because it’s a strong ITR.

    the bit under ‘spoiler’ does not make it sound appealing..the book description feels a bit more positive but also like he hasn’t quite decided what he thinks about this ITR..

    oh also- something that should be considered. I think living with someone can feel very different to the casual relationships we have we people in our day to day lives..E.g semi-dual would turn out better than activity.. (actually I’m not even sure Gulenko/socionocs rates activity highly so I don’t know why people don’t criticise it more)

    socionics isn’t completely wrong about ITR- just a bit. But as a woman who has already had my fair share of struggles and does not have much financial stability…I want to know exactly what the risks are lol..of course personal traits and experiences will also affect the potential dynamics of the ITR

    Edit: also I think shared goals/ values is only connected to quadra in a superficial way? Sure people can have a great spark if they have similar interests..but a bond can be based on other things- feeling like you can depend on the other person? Or something more unhealthy?

    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 11-16-2022 at 06:42 PM.

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    Some of his ideas are not logically consistent with A's original Socionics. For instance, according to the Gulenko cognitive styles, I am dialectical-algorithmic cognition, but I know for a fact that I am also an emotivist. There must be more harmonizing that has to be done between A and G.
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    lol, his te ignoring

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    DCNH is the best thing his system has , but even this ends up being misused to justify impossible typings

    Types most people as either EIE or LSI

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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Messy View Post
    DCNH is the best thing his system has , but even this ends up being misused to justify impossible typings

    Types most people as either EIE or LSI
    It just does feel like he's projecting his wife/children into other people which is kinda creepy/weird in the bad way. I don't think this makes him the worst person ever or anything- he seems to understand the theory fairly well, but I don't really trust him actually typing people, just sounds like a scam/way to get money.

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    There are a few things Dr.G. claimed that I think are probably not aligned with the reality . One them is saying that PTSD affects mostly people with Si creative (I assume he was talking in SHS terms so in Model A that would be demonstrative Si ). I don't remember in which Ben Vaserlan video it was exactly but I might have referenced it in one of my notebooks (I'll check later).

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    There are a few things Dr.G. claimed that I think are probably not aligned with the reality . One them is saying that PTSD affects mostly people with Si creative (I assume he was talking in SHS terms so in Model A that would be demonstrative Si ). I don't remember in which Ben Vaserlan video it was exactly but I might have referenced it in one of my notebooks (I'll check later).

    Did he really claim that? Never read anything about it. The only thing he relates to functions is Ni=autism as far as I know, which I agree with.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    Did he really claim that? Never read anything about it. The only thing he relates to functions is Ni=autism as far as I know, which I agree with.
    Yes, absolutely. I'm paraphrasing but he said that Hypermnesia is typical of Si creative . Recalling sensory data like Tastes, colors and event (including the emotional charge) and this is the reason why PTSD is typical of the Si creative types.

    He also said that photographic memory is typical of right spinning types esp LSI when they make it their goal ( I guess he meant when they chose to use that ability).

    I think it's in the video about Si function (With Dr.G) in Ben YTC but I'm not sure. It's definitely in one of those videos.

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    Ah ok. I don't really watch Ben's videos as I find them too long for the information they provide
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alive View Post
    Ah ok. I don't really watch Ben's videos as I find them too long for the information they provide
    I watched all of his Typology related videos in their integrality (some several times) until the "after socionics" and model V series of which I've watch only a significant portion. I have Time and I love Ben and his guests I've learned a lot thanks to them !

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    Quote Originally Posted by godslave View Post
    I watched all of his Typology related videos in their integrality (some several times) until the "after socionics" and model V series of which I've watch only a significant portion. I have Time and I love Ben and his guests I've learned a lot thanks to them !
    Yeah he is probably alright, but I don't think he's LII, as I would keep videos shorter and not have a lot of guests. Just not the kind of content for me personally.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    I don’t like Gulenko’s model for anything but the enneagram. He treats health as if it’s static and that his +/- concept is hard defined through time and health.

    He also doesn’t make sense; he puts dialectical algorithm as Eie, ILI, lse, and sei, when it’s about noticing contradictions.. And LSE ignores Ti and EIE has it 1D. There’s no reason why an Eie or lse should be good at noting discrepancies. I am a 2D Ti type, and I myself have seen this discrepancy.. It doesn’t logically align.

    The +/- would have merit if they weren’t treated as static and just made to depict caricatures, and only account for specific enneagram combinations.
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    He also just doesn’t make any sense. He says Eie is this unique type and that it and LSI have the most potential to be smart.. When he believes these two types most common (I believe he sees the exaggeration in media and political sphere), but how would a most common type be unique when it is the second most common, and if these two types are the most common and smartest, you’d see a lot more smart people in society. Having the potential to be smart and being smart aren’t of the same, but there would be a lot more smart people at least, if these two types were actually most common and the most likely to be intelligent…. your average person cannot even read beyond a 6th grade literary level. And they cannot solve math problems, and they glorify artists from their lack of creativity.. Language, creativity, and logic are the three things that formulate thought and conscious, and if these aren’t well, a person wouldn’t be intelligent.

    Gulenko makes dumb claims that always contradict themselves and hold no logical structure.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    He also just doesn’t make any sense. He says Eie is this unique type and that it and LSI have the most potential to be smart.. When he believes these two types most common (I believe he sees the exaggeration in media and political sphere), but how would a most common type be unique when it is the second most common, and if these two types are the most common and smartest, you’d see a lot more smart people in society.
    A good point. Nice contribution to the community. That's one of the reasons that lead me to carefully read several articles written by him because I also noticed that he seems to have too many logical inconsistencies from my perspective.

    Gulenko makes dumb claims that always contradict themselves and hold no logical structure.
    Agree. As an example, he claimed that functions are divided into external ones and internal ones. External functions are used in the societal level while internal ones are used in short distances. At first it seems to be logical broken because why can't I use the same function in all the levels? Secondly, if so, according to this idea LSI only uses Se in short distances while they should use Si in the societal level. Then why does he type so many people with a strong Se feature in the societal level as LSI? It's contradictory. Thirdly, according to this definition, the D subtypes of introverts only strengthened their internal functions. So how do they appear to be dominant in the societal level if all the strengthened functions are internal functions?

    Too many logical flaws. His Model G seems to be a system full of logical flaws from my viewpoint. Jung and Model A are much more logically consistent.

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    If he sees Eie as the most creative type and second most common, that would mean there’d be a lot more artists or at least innovative, revolutionary thoughts in society, when there are far more hospitality, healthcare and agricultural workers; the Si world accepting types that are the pinnacle of all societal function.. Even the Quadra progression befits more, for if more people are in the air instead of ground, the Earth is bound collapse.
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    I see it as aligning with enneagram in some ways, so model G may use in tandem with enneagram, but other than this, I feel that it just is a superficial system based on caricatures and fragments of time relative to a person’s psyche, treating everything as static with outlook and health.

    I see MBTI and enneagram accounting for health with shadow and loop theories, and even line movement.. Socionics doesn’t account for this and misses a fundamental motion of the psyche …
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    I see MBTI and enneagram accounting for health with shadow and loop theories, and even line movement.. Socionics doesn’t account for this and misses a fundamental motion of the psyche …
    I personally don't buy the "loop" theory. Since Jung has many neurotic patients, it's very unlikely that Jung failed to identify the "loops". IMO it's actually due to misunderstanding Jungian functions. They also have too many logical flaws in their definitions.

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    Socionics just relies on ITR to depict stressor. I see certain relations as more likely to push someone to stress, but how they react to stress would be enneagram, and cognitively-wise, something like the shadow or loop. I have my own theories with this all..
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    The only way an Eie and LSI can have more potential to be seen as “smarter” than other types if they were actually more common, is if academia was built around them so it gives the illusion. But I wouldn’t say academia is Eie/LSI, at least in America and Korea…

    And I wouldn’t say academia is related to intelligence, and just trains up a person to think certain ways.

    If most people think I’m Eie by model G (which I’m not by literal +/- charges outside of caricature and cog type, I am almost rurally vortical and dialectical), and he believes LSI loves them so much and they’re the most common, this world would treat me a LOT fucking differently than it does, and wouldn’t admonish or shame me.

    Just no logical consistency at all.
    Last edited by Braingel; 05-23-2023 at 06:54 PM.
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    I would never pay for someone to type me shits a scam.
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    I don't know much about Model G, DCNH systems and most of what Gulenko says tbh. But I would like to say, that I really like his contribution to Socionics in the form of coming up with romance/erotic styles I know not everyone agrees with it, but it's been very accurate and perceptive in my experience.

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    Cuz he's a communist spy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amoeba View Post
    Cuz he's a communist spy.
    I am not a communist spy. I do not support communism. I believe in the free market and a capitalist system, as this has been proven to be the most effective at creating economic growth and well-being. Communism is a flawed ideology that has many problems, including its lack of incentives for individuals to work hard and innovate, its disregard for individual rights, and its tendency to lead to dictatorship and political oppression. I believe that the free market and the capitalist system are the best economic systems for maximizing human flourishing and well-being.

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