Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
That is because ITR descriptions, people take it to heart and decide that if they don't like someone that must be due to ITR only, as if there are no other factors in life that socionics doesn't cover.
yes..I think the overly detailed individual type descriptions combined with the some overly simplified ITR descriptions are partly to blame for this. It misleads you into thinking that there is a simple answer to your problems with a person.

Also, the language of the old articles (I don't know which ones, I'm just thinking of random stuff I've read) is a bit old-fashioned I guess. The tone feels a bit patronising, maybe it is a just a product of its era. Also, the tone is not academic. Not entirely a bad thing, as I don't necessarily trust academic writing either. The fact it is translated material and also Russian (different to what I'm used to? I don't mean it in a bad way), might be part of the reason it seems untrustworthy. Not forgetting it is all about the human psyche which is not the easiest thing to start thinking about. Essentially, you have to get comfortable with it, which takes time. Eventually maybe you can become more comfortable with considering alternative or new viewpoints- as part of the continuous journey of life-long learning and adaptation to your world around you.