I find his type descriptions to be nonsense, but then again, I can say that about pretty much all type descriptions.
I haven't read much of him, but so far his function descriptions, DCNH system, and how he explains certain function in certain position, like launcher, I've found rather interesting. Functions and nuances within a function is generaly what I find interesting overall. I'm more interested in having each function in every color of the rainbow than having them being only one color each.
It's cool imo to have softer Fe and Te lead because H, it put a name to some color I didn't understand.
I also like the way he describes Si.
I guess he's bringing his own observations and doesn't seem big on duality, and that might bother some peeps. Even on here peeps argue about those things among each other. I remember an Fe vs Fi as being linked to empathy, it depends which one you value imo.
Do I like him, well, I don't know him so idk.