Quote Originally Posted by chocolatte View Post
What do you guys think of his type descriptions? I think they're overall good, but I'm not sure about how good.
The way I understand socionics is that it's an information metabolism thing, therefore invisible. Since type descriptions are about observed behavior a lot of the time, I think it's wise to take them with a grain of salt. Also, to remember an ESE doesn't look the same to an LIE and an LII. And that that an ESE from Canada won't act the same way as an ESE from China. In Canada, the ESE will be encouraged to be demonstrative and friendly because of culture, China has a more introverted, intuitive, and dutifull kind of culture, so that makes more reseved ESE.
I'm gonna skip the personal life part, it plays a huge role too but requires time and trust.
Overall, there's so many things to consider, it's a nightmare.

The best attitude imo is keeping an open mind and not fret too much about it, no one is gonna die from a mistype.