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Thread: Why don’t people like Gulenko?

  1. #121
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    I do trust his objective knowledge on certain topics but not all. It's not so much about like or dislike. I do think it's annoying how he seems to have this weird fetish for typing so many people as Betas. I don't really think that's the case- I'm not trying to be a special snowflake or anything ((nor am I trying to 'play a victim' even if that's how it comes off to narcissistic str8 people)), but if the world really did have so many Betas and we supposedly get along cuz of shared quadra values I think I would feel a lot more included in the real world then I really do. But I don't, I always felt like an outsider really even when things were going well for me. Then people fanwank things to mean what they want so they say things like 'well that's cuz Betas fight amongst themselves more than other quadras' or something ^_^' - which I personally think is nonsense and a dumb way to try and prove your point.

    It's a weird hero worship/sychophant thing when I see people overly value what he says just because he's incredibly logical or professional or something. He's definitely a thinker type. But I feel that way about anybody who treats somebody like that. It's like some people don't have much confidence and get easily gaslighted/manipulated by somebody saying things in an overly rational/logical/professional way even if it's not necessarily true. I suppose in a way it has to with my Te polr but a benefit of that I think is also a skill to see through bullshit when there is some to a point. He's a ILI right? He comes off soooo ILI-like in his demeanor and viewpoints.

  2. #122
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    He's a ILI right? He comes off soooo ILI-like in his demeanor and viewpoints.
    LII. His self-typing, at least.
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  3. #123
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    They answered me last evening so they're still alive and kicking ^^.
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  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    First email was back in January iirc. The second was in March. I sent it through a form on the website.
    That's weird. People have gotten typed since then, so maybe your emails are going into their spam box or theirs into your spam box?

    I don't see another reason why they wouldn't answer in that long lol.
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    My book arrived. A few pages in and I like it. I think he seems like a good role model for me lol.

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    @BandD I personally think he comes across as quite open-minded and relaxed. He’s LII but he’s C subtype so maybe that’s why I like him. (I am H) C types seem like very independent thinkers with a humanistic touch.

    Also, I think maybe the reason people get typed as well..everyone has a bit of Beta in them, (like we have a bit of all the quadras in us) and I think it’s the most raw, earthy part of them. Maybe for a psychologist, they just notice this part the most. Maybe he just goes with Beta if he’s not sure. Maybe he’s just a person who has off days with typing. Maybe he’s better at the DCNH part. Sorry so many maybes, I don’t mean to sound sassy I’m just half asleep and thinking lol.

    Eventually I’d like to read up on what other writers have to say as well as Gulenko. I think it’s taken me a while to properly read stuff because I felt like it was all a bit brain-washy for me and there was something I didn’t trust about it. I feel like maybe I can also see through the bs now I’m not sure it bothers me with Gulenko though. (Again maybe coz he’s C type which matches with my H type).
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 05-07-2021 at 09:23 AM.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I do trust his objective knowledge on certain topics but not all. It's not so much about like or dislike. I do think it's annoying how he seems to have this weird fetish for typing so many people as Betas. I don't really think that's the case- I'm not trying to be a special snowflake or anything ((nor am I trying to 'play a victim' even if that's how it comes off to narcissistic str8 people)), but if the world really did have so many Betas and we supposedly get along cuz of shared quadra values I think I would feel a lot more included in the real world then I really do. But I don't, I always felt like an outsider really even when things were going well for me. Then people fanwank things to mean what they want so they say things like 'well that's cuz Betas fight amongst themselves more than other quadras' or something ^_^' - which I personally think is nonsense and a dumb way to try and prove your point.

    It's a weird hero worship/sychophant thing when I see people overly value what he says just because he's incredibly logical or professional or something. He's definitely a thinker type. But I feel that way about anybody who treats somebody like that. It's like some people don't have much confidence and get easily gaslighted/manipulated by somebody saying things in an overly rational/logical/professional way even if it's not necessarily true. I suppose in a way it has to with my Te polr but a benefit of that I think is also a skill to see through bullshit when there is some to a point. He's a ILI right? He comes off soooo ILI-like in his demeanor and viewpoints.
    loll yeah he types himself LII-C, BandD, get with it

    not to be like..bitchy or anything lol, but your argument is really personal and seems to be influenced by how you are treated by people and not feeling accepted by society, which I think a lot of people that get into typology fall into the trap of. if a lot of your perception is influenced by this, the foundation is going to be a bit wonky. I mean maybe he’s right, maybe there are more betas. Maybe it’s a supply and demand thing and that’s what our species calls for ? Why does it have to be equally divided. I’ve seen other people say that on here, but why and where did they read that? Where’s the proof?

    anyway, I have to admit that I have fallen/tend to fall into the trap of listening to people who sound to me like they know their shit. It’s hard to decide sometimes whose full of it. I think lately I’ve realized a few people I’ve listened to in the past are (kind of full of it) People almost always see through it eventually when people are, but I think sometimes it can be a little bit more difficult maybe for ethical types about these things , especially when we aren’t stuck in our own Ti theories and try to ride on the coat tails of others Ti, and then maybe you realize somethings not right here Sometimes I go by peoples
    reputation (and yes I like to decide for myself, but I do think there is some importance there, something telling), and usually if they have a bad one, there’s a reason. He seems to have a good one.
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    Reading bits and pieces of the book and also taking a look at the descriptions on for the two subtype descriptions of each type (which includes Gulenko).

    I’m thinking of a couple of people I have been attracted to in the past (didn’t go out with them but felt a strong connection with them) and I have typed them as C subtypes but NOT matching subtype using the 2 subtype system. Found this interesting. Maybe both subtype systems can be used together for measuring compatibility?

  9. #129
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    I feel like my understanding on socionics has been in a state of constant flux over time. The way I understand and look at things at one time, isn't the way I will another. Sometimes I'm completely focused on one thing - like information elements, and another time I'll focus on something else, like reinin dichotomies. Sometimes I'll read a lot by one author and decide to try their approach, other times someone else even though I've had my favorites throughout the process. What this ends up doing is mixing a ton of concepts and ideas and it's a rather weird disjointed picture. (Partially why I tell people not to take my typings and what I say overly seriously) Even though I said just a couple posts ago that it's a good idea to choose one school and stick with that, it's actually hard for me to do in practice, because I have a tendency to want to look at everything. But I intend to try anyway, at least for awhile. As it is right now, I could argue with myself indefinitely if I wanted to by using different authors and concepts against each other.

  10. #130
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    I would never be typed by him. He might be a better socionist than me, but I don't think he knows me as well as I do, so I don't think he can accurately type me. In other words, I already know what functions I value. I also just looked at one of his tests, and it reminded me of the MBTI. He types a whole bunch of people as LSI and EIE - it makes no sense. Learn to type yourself. You don't need someone in a position of authority to tell you what to think. Develop your own ideas please...
    Last edited by jason_m; 05-21-2021 at 11:29 AM.

  11. #131
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    How much money has he made already? Assuming 1000 typings so far, that's $120 x 1000 = $120 000 USD. And that's over the Internet, where it can be hidden from the Ukrainian tax agency. @Socionics Is Not A Cult @Santa Claus

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    How much money has he made already? Assuming 1000 typings so far, that's $120 x 1000 = $120 000 USD. And that's over the Internet, where it can be hidden from the Ukrainian tax agency. @Socionics Is Not A Cult @Santa Claus
    People are not going to get typed again and again, hence it is not sustainable. That is not much considering this.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    People are not going to get typed again and again, hence it is not sustainable. That is not much considering this.
    When I asked an SLE how many waitresses he'd hired and fired, and if he wasn't afraid of running out of people at some point, he said, "There's always another."

  14. #134
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    The early adopters (already interested in socionics) aren't likely to get typed again, but he needs to expand to the MBTI market, westerners who in general are into typology. That's why he has published his book, but really his youtube channel should be in english..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    When I asked an SLE how many waitresses he'd hired and fired, and if he wasn't afraid of running out of people at some point, he said, "There's always another."
    Sure, there will be other customers, but it is not a solid business plan that promise growth, hence not the best to invest or rely on.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    How much money has he made already? Assuming 1000 typings so far, that's $120 x 1000 = $120 000 USD. And that's over the Internet, where it can be hidden from the Ukrainian tax agency. @Socionics Is Not A Cult @Santa Claus
    @xerx, where did the 1000 number come from? And over what time frame?

    My impression is that he's been doing this for several years, maybe eight, and that the forum had a burst of activity in the past year where perhaps fifteen or twenty people were typed in a six-month span.
    I'd assume that he might type one or two people per week, maybe three if he doesn't have anything else to do. That's $240 to $360 per week. This may be good in the Ukraine, but if you assume that he's spending ten to fifteen hours a week typing people, then he's working for somewhere between $16 to $36 dollars per hour, and makes less than a person on welfare in the States.

    People are willing to pay for entertainment, and I don't begrudge him the money that he makes.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    Sure, there will be other customers, but it is not a solid business plan that promise growth, hence not the best to invest or rely on.
    Yes, investing in an obscure Ukrainian who reads the psychological profiles of people over the internet does not seem like it would be the road to fame and fortune.

    After the Soviet Union collapsed, I was traveling around the world and I would sometimes meet highly educated people from formerly communist countries and the question they always asked me was, "How do we become Capitalists?"

    I always felt inadequate to answer them. I mean, that's like a person who has been raised on a desert island asking how they can be a concert pianist. Immerse yourself in the culture and practice for your entire life. Pay particular attention to what doesn’t work.

  18. #138
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    I have happened to come across one soviet economist. That's something...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @xerx, where did the 1000 number come from? And over what time frame?

    My impression is that he's been doing this for several years, maybe eight, and that the forum had a burst of activity in the past year where perhaps fifteen or twenty people were typed in a six-month span.
    I'd assume that he might type one or two people per week, maybe three if he doesn't have anything else to do. That's $240 to $360 per week. This may be good in the Ukraine, but if you assume that he's spending ten to fifteen hours a week typing people, then he's working for somewhere between $16 to $36 dollars per hour, and makes less than a person on welfare in the States.

    People are willing to pay for entertainment, and I don't begrudge him the money that he makes.
    Nice use of Adam, well played. I don't know where I got the number from, probably from looking at his recent popularity and extrapolating back a few years: 20 per month x 12 months x 4 years = 960. I basically eyeballed it. But, you're right that his typing rate probably isn't constant.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    How much money has he made already? Assuming 1000 typings so far, that's $120 x 1000 = $120 000 USD. And that's over the Internet, where it can be hidden from the Ukrainian tax agency. @Socionics Is Not A Cult @Santa Claus
    On my advice he accepts payment in dollars to his account in Zurich ("Never bet against the almighty Dollar!").

    He also has a cache of Krugerrands in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone although I tried to persuade him against it. He may have been joking - you never know with the Prof.

  21. #141
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    I think his main market are in former USSR countries. I think the primary reason why he is holding a different view from other socionists is due to his academic background. From what I know most early socionists have a science background. For instance Aushra studies economics, Filatova and Reinin studied physics. If I remember correctly, he studied linguistics and he once work as a German translator. So he is less interested in the mathematical aspects of socionics.

    Classical socionics is more mathematical and holds a perspective that human psyche is like a computer program which process different types of information. Gulenko's perspective are more in line with the libido perspective.

    But anyway I find the Aushra's typing of famous people are in general the best. Aushra typed Jung and Robespierre as LII, Einstein and Marx as ILE. This is similar to the perspective I currently hold.

  22. #142
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    My issue with Gulenko is that he tries to make things that naturally mobilize in a human psyche stationary.
    Someone’s outlook and focus will oscillate between positive and negative, depending upon their health. To say every person is a “positivist” or “negativist” is myopic.. Of course it implies more than just focusing on what is positive or negative, but many trained Model G typists abuse this dichotomy, which makes me believe Gulenko teaches it in this way.

    He overtypes EIE..
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    I’m not that impressed with his school, though his wanting rectify the system was commendable.
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    He’s an older man set in his ways.. People tend to worship authority figures. And just because he has done research doesn’t mean much, if what he believes and has take on is not worthwhile…
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    Main issue for me is that he's no longer a classical socionist, and his non-classical introductions are incoherent.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    He’s an older man set in his ways
    This is also a problem I have in relation to Gulenko. However, I don't agree with how you phrase it. For me, it becomes a recursive battle of questioning premises.

    After all, you might be the one "stuck in your ways," or Gulenko might be "stuck in his ways," or "you might be stuck in your ways thinking Gulenko is stuck in his ways," or "Gulenko might be stuck in his ways thinking you're stuck in your ways thinking that he is stuck in his ways," and so on and so fourth.

    I think I most relate to what people were saying earlier in the thread in relation to his authority over typing people, or his diagnostic becoming a "trump card."

    In my experiences after receiving LSI-CN; I feel a sense of guilt if I waver and question his conclusion, almost like how a child might feel guilty if they disobey dad. I don't think Gulenko realizes this quasai "father-figure" dynamic he has in the realm of Socionics.

    Dad sets the rules, the laws, the symbolic domain to interpret the world through, and we really want to listen to dad, to believe him; but at the same time, dad doesn't necessarily understand our needs, our desires, our wants, we feel castrated (forced to give up something) by dad and guilty if we do not abide to his set (of rules, laws, etc.).

    In the grand-scheme of things, though Dad has provided a sort of baseline, we also need to trod forward and forge our own symbolic domain, to experience and create our own rules and schematics to live our "fullest but within reason," lives.
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    It seems to me that like in all diagnostics there is a need for a reference standard. I think for the first time I can see the reference material while still incomplete. This viewpoint directly reflects to my specific scientific education.

    Funny thing is that now with specific examples subtype + type I can see the area of personality socionics may try to capture.

    So validation is important.

    To further elaborate this extensively extroverted viewpoint: socionics has to prove itself to me before I can really buy it. Gulenko so far has shown the best potential.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 07-05-2022 at 07:56 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by wesleh00 View Post
    This is also a problem I have in relation to Gulenko. However, I don't agree with how you phrase it. For me, it becomes a recursive battle of questioning premises.

    After all, you might be the one "stuck in your ways," or Gulenko might be "stuck in his ways," or "you might be stuck in your ways thinking Gulenko is stuck in his ways," or "Gulenko might be stuck in his ways thinking you're stuck in your ways thinking that he is stuck in his ways," and so on and so fourth.

    I think I most relate to what people were saying earlier in the thread in relation to his authority over typing people, or his diagnostic becoming a "trump card."

    In my experiences after receiving LSI-CN; I feel a sense of guilt if I waver and question his conclusion, almost like how a child might feel guilty if they disobey dad. I don't think Gulenko realizes this quasai "father-figure" dynamic he has in the realm of Socionics.

    Dad sets the rules, the laws, the symbolic domain to interpret the world through, and we really want to listen to dad, to believe him; but at the same time, dad doesn't necessarily understand our needs, our desires, our wants, we feel castrated (forced to give up something) by dad and guilty if we do not abide to his set (of rules, laws, etc.).

    In the grand-scheme of things, though Dad has provided a sort of baseline, we also need to trod forward and forge our own symbolic domain, to experience and create our own rules and schematics to live our "fullest but within reason," lives.
    Well it’s just a sloppy system. It has gone far away from real Socionics, and is a now bordering pop psychology like MBTI. As I critiqued already, he tries force mobile things to be stationary, and this is the primary issue. It’s just become MBTI Socionics, really. But more “sophisticated”..

    I say he is set in ways in how he types myopically and largely projects beta.

    I also see contradictions; he believes EIE and ILI can be the smartest of types, and yet believes them as most common. Your average person doesn’t have potential to be that bright..
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    There are many contradictions.. This isn’t my time to write about it.. But you do have to be stuck in a certain mindset to project almost everyone you type as beta rational…
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    He’s just a reductionist.. If some people like his school, fine. But a human mind is far too abstract to be able to fit into the proposed stationary mindsets he tries pin a psyche into..

    He tries seem broad with all his DCNH tacked on.. But again, to make a naturally mobile element stationary, is pretty much a reduction.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    At the very least, he can be intellectually honest and say what he is doing isn’t Socionics..

    It’s not how Ashura intended, and has way more added into it… One may try call it “evolved Socionics”.. But as things evolve, they change and are no longer their original form.. A butterfly can no longer call as a caterpillar..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    At the very least, he can be intellectually honest and say what he is doing isn’t Socionics..

    It’s not how Ashura intended, and has way more added into it… One may try call it “evolved Socionics”.. But as things evolve, they change and are no longer their original form.. A butterfly can no longer call as a caterpillar..
    Aushra admitted on her deathbed that she made mistakes about Socionics. She admitted that to Gulenko, on her deathbed. So no, model A is not not how she intended it, it wasn’t even finished and she was always trying to improve it. Again you are grossly misinformed. And all theories evolve with time, even in the butterfly are still remnants of a caterpillar in spirit.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

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  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pirouette View Post
    Aushra admitted on her deathbed that she made mistakes about Socionics. She admitted that to Gulenko, on her deathbed. So no, model A is not not how she intended it, it wasn’t even finished and she was always trying to improve it. Again you are grossly misinformed. And all theories evolve with time, even in the butterfly are still remnants of a caterpillar in spirit.
    Aushra and Gulenko may have been alone together when she was on her deathbed. Or so people say...

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Aushra and Gulenko may have been alone together when she was on her deathbed. Or so people say...
    IDK if they were alone or not, but he talks about the exchange in his classes. Probably on his site too but I'm not navigating that.
    Socionics is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have, but I have it.

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    If I were on my deathbed, I'd remove all friends and family from my will. That way, they'd have an incentive to keep me alive for as long as it took to change my mind. Aushra should have read less Carl Jung and more Agatha Christie.

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    I would just say that Gulenko isn’t a God either.. Things can always improve upon, but once you take to it far and add in new concepts, it no longer is this concept. Sometime, there will be someone who will eradicate Gulenko’s work, and he no longer will as much matter.. And Ashura probably didn’t admit to Gulenko what the mistakes were, and so it’s his own subjective take.. Things evolve, but it never will be the original work.

    And at least Ashura didn’t try make a psyche try and fit into a stationary outlook, when the label needs account for mobility…

    Even if Ashura admitted mistake on deathbed, there is no which way to know what had limitation in her own view, nor is there of a say that Gulenko is right. If his concepts don’t support her original conception, it isn’t Socionics anymore.. And I would say trying act as if a psyche is stationary in its outlook is wrong.
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    If I were on my deathbed, I'd remove all friends and family from my will. That way, they'd have an incentive to keep me alive for as long as it took to change my mind. Aushra should have read less Carl Jung and more Agatha Christie.
    What if they used unpleasant methods to make you change your mind?

    You should read less Agatha Christie and more “Annals of the Shah’s Torturers”.

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    If a metric cannot account for how something naturally is, it is an incorrect measurement…
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    If Gulenko rectifies his shortcomings (his incorrect metrics, incorrect because they don’t measure the natural direction of a mind), I will reconsider my opinion of him. I will not redact what I’ve said until then, and what I’ve said will always remain valid on his current presentation, and be a past criticism that was valid whilst the system failed as a metric..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Model A be like
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