What is the mystery of Rayquaza?

There have been a lot of number codes that say that I'm the reincarnation of Bruce Lee. But this disaster was averted by stronger codes yet that said I was Lewis Carroll, Lugia, and Bunny. Clearly, I'm just Lugia. So what could this super strong rebel yell be that I'm Rayquaza. Well, Rayquaza seems to be the best of all Pokemon at achieving his destiny. If You're Kobe you work, you believe, you envision, and you will your endless and infinite Imagination. Perhaps Revan in Star Wars KotOR is also Rayquaza, searching relentlessly for star maps leading to the Star Forge. So a serpent is filled with guile, trickery, sneakiness, tools, devices, plans, impulse, desire, and so forth. So this snake configuration is really unique and original. The martial arts adventure game Jade Empire is also a lot like Rayquaza. Even Nascour in Pokemon Colosseum could be Rayquaza. It just seems that having a dark and idiosyncratic twist on perception and valor, on aim, on maximization could be a Rayquaza principle. Rayquaza is my lowest nature. Ever since 4th grade in the fall of 2003, I always clearly, obviously, without any hesitation or doubt was Rayquaza. It was crushing. But the crowd and creative production in general surged me on and gave me new life, helped me to recapture My Lugia championship formula with the release of Pokemon Colosseum in the spring of 2004, where I recovered my place at the center of the universe as Lugia 001 in late summer August 2005, just before the tremendously worse darkness of middle school started. For me to open the door to my heart and no longer be Rayquaza may be the hardest thing that I ever do yet, despite how my soul weakened, 2010-2021 may be my ultimate achievement, so I remembered the truest nature of My Pokemon Loving Heart, and returned to Bunny/the Light!!

However, we still have the question of what is Rayquaza? Maybe he is an under goer and seeker of mischief and trouble, or perhaps he takes great thrills in doing dangerous activities, or roams the countryside in a free RPG adventure. I think that Rayquaza is the ultimate weapon, the most extreme poison, and admirable adversary. Rayquazas launch at full hyperspace breaking speed to unleash total destruction at the highest stage. They masquerade with enchanting polarities