What will the highest society look like?

The most evolved version of how life should be starts with how man should be, with our conjectures and fables surging us forward to meet that enhanced replica or jewel of our own inner change and breaking point to bridge into masterpiece clockwork and stadiums of enterprise. I think that finding out more lore of the time-gates in the simulation of the magical city is great and momentous. The city is in another dimension obviously, but maybe it's also in white space, a less obvious concept, that we can fissure the blueprint of life interaction to discover courses and pathways of time that could unfold to reveal mysterious and secret futures. But society is master of fate, master of transpiring, master of the superposition of all quantum potential. Science wants us to leave earth, to leave behind the familiar, and set our sights and sails for the unknown, the forbidden, the esoteric. The game is remodeled, revamped, redesigned. Our wish and frontier is universal, but also higher than that. Ultimately, countless and impossible to imagine years into the future (or maybe even right now), it's also millennial, omniversal, macroversal, hyperversal, you get the picture. That we seize these treasured moments for hijacking aerospace at its full and maximum complete vision of how it could be or should be, then we see our tales and windows to the higher putting into the picture frames that we jump into elongated strata. That the highest city is in heaven, yet somehow even beyond heaven, into time machines, and nexus connected zones of the chasms of chaos, that new colors to the rainbow are discovered, that maybe we even fight and battle all the time in something like Pokemon, uncover more powers in the Force, reach into destiny, bind with Bunny, imagine things in entirely detached/separated worlds, that might be at least part of the scenario/picture of what really opens of existence/experience. And experience could be the 1 thing higher than God, what allows us to live out all of his possibilities, and come to the knowledge of all things by untangling his mind, and seeing that we're all pieces of God, since he knows everything, we can know everything simply by examining our own minds. Knowing everything also makes love infinite, as we can appreciate more of the qualities of our object of love.