Galactic Civilizations and STAR WARS: The Kardashev Scale

All of this speculation on advanced paradigms that grab big council chambers for ruling and advancing Gandalf primed habitats of lore and swirling modesty crunches gamble for edges of combined blankets of the road to ecstasy and marksmanship cheat the sentence of communication with a fractal coastline fissuring earie fences to the so called barrier or limit of what's possible as hazards are broken and skyrockets of the NASA chariot gaze into forces of unrelenting magnitudes dropping accolades and science fiction nerd rage!! That the numbers of awesome spoonful sages of the chemical canvas shimmer and glow with the stardust of empire sized scenes of crucifixion on a deeper yearning enters the enormities of Last Supper combat. That smart roles are taken for smashing the roof of progress and timelines seeks an alternative to death and disease. These outliers of creation mix a chapter book of crude to dollhouse millennia!!